Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1894, p. 8

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M Umd th uticiether ybbor ýbokwas uOtd onMoaday tew beIt *ad la esld to hve ost abâut twice w~ Potatots arm Ln& sold to'ntmerchants wý her-fiar soc4 per bushel. Thias a afair w pcewIhen the cheapacas et ottier articles sf Mir. A. F.. Campbetl, M. P. 'P. for in Algoina, addresed -a, big. Conservative di meeting hbe.ontFrnday night, on Pro- Hi vinci.politics,. and leâaaid te have made a strong speech. -ta The mild seag;onp toeteher with the newly i acquired ià111 lu handhing hens so as to keep nt theni cacliag all wlnter, bias kept the marke4 tr SuPppled with eggs, aud it is stated that Mr. 1. Mi W. Cuats bas fomnd -the fruit of ;ho hen a poor investment titis yens. Cold storage eggs have dot sotd for as i»ich as they cgul last stMwter, ai Swblle pickled eggs wl have Lu be held citr St with poor prospect of an advance. Jt looks aG if in f(ture eggs wiII oly be purchased for im- 00 miediate shipping. and that tbe winter eeg will1 ilU flot bcoeuch more oSâtly thar.,in sur.nter. C Fishingise the* business cf the day here, 1 flot the pastime. Everybody who can get the aivaY is Out on the ice daily, bobbing a S hlue up and clown through a hole in the ice. t ,ilke the whole surface cf the lake and %herê âre b*nmirds at it. Thecatchis bass and bley bit uwl. The fish are ,,old to T, to1ihepfr Who ships to ToFonto.A ISipOuiMee woer prps3, iq. ¶ 1t .*g- hal L -uin~4ue'.&ta.,s, but îh -Çd an Pel ag.iige one to stop fish- hk an ep hlm ont. Some of lte ex- frt Port fishera Maate front $* to $350 a day. 01 'Tiire were two ires on Thursday tilght1ý thus making up fur the long sepei cfH a mo~nth or so since the lait buru-out. ar ba)ring 'the. cas-W part cf th"'en*gMrs Deshane, who ltved lu the ôd l PiIlpo bouse on &ngog street, found that berw bouse was all ablaze, and had barely tinte w te get bier chilidren and a couple of chairs & ot. Ilib. house was Weill xnsured, but et s-t.&t>esbane liad noue. A subscription %vas tak'en tn foshe benefit,anda geod E tthe fne stlpg of ue ivisonactanr. onr Fvrldythe foslleing ae ethin o $3iw f Ortant9. ose disoundof isuHonor Ju00tge teinagist ttc iste aotn twr at inîf- ie potd i su-See l eosr theful.f 50 u Frdes- théfoowng cses e teMost Wa- t lac bisn bo s dow d ef Hîoorw r byP. O. tinMest et & oI rotmtrae Home e 'te bis tfiet weore hovrger esum f $0 a letacetainig be m"ed o rwTis wes tP.c0.d dro eWer d tout uof- door ; et tasu'ned. This was shown to have been Ie custoIn for ma"y years and while Coumty Trea. surer UcKay was P. M. lb.e builing was1 used as a P.O. and store, the latter bingc vacat~t un tc defî. living a huist distance off, Duritue 'ntght the cilice was broee open and Lhe money stolen. Ris honer re-c fused te "receive any evIdence casdag sus-j picaa apos any cf tecpartisadsi t bis..5 duey was te consider -whether Stovin ---.. a-b neg , hd is instructions whécb were *1o lceep thrteffeistered letters. und 'r hOck and ltey and in &'afk place" Hewas et opinionthbat. surroung circumatance. be suggested. and thata tepout ofc officiaIs were aware of the custam and madie no objection. the defen- dants were flot hiable. and disumissed the ac- tions. F. E. Hotigins. Q C for the pIff.. H. L. ]Ebbels Wordedt. Taylor vs. Bateman. Action forthe ps-meo f apples. botight from Taylor by Bateman. wbe was buying for one Henry. Batenan subsequently deliver'ed the apples tojackson &_Ce.. who failed wihot A lot of poui4 rola cf butter were seized in Port Hope as-week becaxse they were under weight. There wili be an inspecter in Whitby soon. Tht Pediar Roofing Company has an adv. in another columni. Teymake a spiendid article, which la good for a lite'. -tinte cf service. Tii. last hahf et Mas-ch set lu yesterday -witi a display cf tactics which shows that 0a -fostnlght of spring weathes- has net kil- jled the winter if it bas broken its bnck. litalwayss-equtlres a fetmarsestsinuthe sps-ing te thin tic tcwn tentera. Six stsm- tnmonm's bave been issucd dariug tic paut *'week, nearly ait et the dcfertdants' buing - rir. Titose whehaven't gotintotrouble itatibtter levant and bunt up boftetecm- -Ployanent uomewberc. Titere is a petltiomt going round towu, .,or, signatures',aklugfthc mayos- te cati n wceUn¶to Potoit agn*net tccnisac- don n ipoug alicemnseet met setiers, but ifIs lniot dmawing muchaupport,, thé general pimtlof atno .gthtosewho under-' stand -tbè'qu-eslÃ"fl beng fiaît teoaly es-sor tbg,, councIl madewas iu placing tg'e lee to hiOJ4. The OsÉ,W*a Vlmdcstor bas glvemi up the bothinsUnIhe te the Iake as nbadjob$ wtmre.L uMa~ y Armstrw , I'bue Hu>~ bardandM-?ary Walters b -,lwite-u every, word arety A seconld.seletion of frywords ' wàs given to decde tie,, which resuIted luü favor of May Aioetrçng Who had only two errera. Soute excellent 3pelling -was done. The wlnner received' afree ticket of admission to, the éotiegiat Istitute entertainmnent of next Wednes- jay. ilghland Club The annual meeting of titis Clitb- wilt tke p lace Monday eveni.g1next. Etect- on of officers and other imprtant busi- ess. A full attendance oft members is -quested. qilllnery. The Misses Mclntyre are now sbowingi new assortment of spring novelties. traw, leghorn, and feit hats cleaned, lyed and altered te the latest styles. ),Ysg and mantde making department is 'ppiLed with ail the latest leading styles. irrectii In our report jW&$be county meeting cf e Young peppies;' hrL8tîan Endeavor Kicery, imeld gt Port Peri" last week, it Lted that Rev. me Abraaias'"" elecîe resident, when itslmould bave >biees Re- '2000 yds. Dress Goods, regular prices werp 20c., 25c., 30c., 35e., reduced now bo 1 i oc. onîy. 1000 ydg. double wvidth Dress Goods, m~larp~s-we40c., 45e., 50e., 60c., ~~25c.Only. Think of -400 prs. of Women's Plain Black Cashmere 11059, regular price 25e leduced naow to 121c. Pair. Think of best six eord 200 yd. Spools, 'eduoed to 2e Each. Think of 75 different Styles of New ,Spring Jackets and Capes; going at what they eost* us 25 per cent less than the regular prices. Iterhapsý you do not need these now. but -you'1l neyer get sncb an opportunity againi Thik of 30 different styles of .English Waterproof Mantles, at a reduction of 1 25 Per Cent. Off. Thmnk of bout Hats, Men's Navy Blue Knook regulax price- 75c.. redueed Thi.nk of Boys' 2 -pieoe ekits, regular oe $2.25, reduoed nowte $150 Trhink of Colored Veilings, regular r<ioles -wera 14ç., '15c, 20c.,, 25c., re- a ed uew te o" e ad LARE-ST 'A ÉNO y to aorudy.suffoei fbonut cbNêjq'rý. MIL NERVOUS DtISEAsES, as . raiyu ~ Locomotor AtéXM ia, EUspy o I .&Vitus's Dance, lpmoes, e- ou Prostrs±INervous Debility, Neurak,, I lampls, Rfeencsand Partcuars,en 1cents, instamPe for postage. A&Âddes, WoiWds DIWSPENAiTMIDICAL jASsOOI&TiON, Buffalo, N. Y. The repuration f t he B. McLarecn, ef Coiumbus. 'm troý ~ t o a good proÀfqgaýe f~ The S f (t ôofiTnd trN aÇ 'n."ce and Royal treca l 11.6.ouJ 1 tempe-atc eete-r, u .&I tteis- roots oe-G .Sit aw office, tdxt Tuesday eveniug, 2oth Our h nst, i hoorof Generat Nemi Dow, o ilu goth -birthday. A good programme 're.. Conte aloug. 8 o'ciock.sharp. y .. WI for U&Watola. p ublic, - Cati on or wrlte StephenntoppositeT [atch Bs-os.) Whitby, fors througi tickets re cô nd fult information abomit dates. colonhat r train%, and otites- speciai service te Mani- Lba. Stepthenson can ticket you any- - r ;itere, eîveywhe, by beaàt-routes, rs-,, way or ocean. Rates guaranteed iight See Stephenson for <.'Easter" retus- tk- eta at single fis-st class tare. Iarly =ains altos-APrl& It is understood tttat the Teoo damesm vere negotiating wîth the. Grand Tsmntk railway to have the mos-usug papers sent east as tas- as Cobourgo i6. thtoui freight wiicli passes Osbawa at aune="Y hour. -As the 1papes- bave pot couse cas-ier than issual the effort mmhuae proyed utsuccesful. Comoenug Mouaday, April 2ncl,lte monu acmodto train out cf Toronto wfi b. put on again wben the old tinte table wi .Il-te s-estored. Seool Notes The laut lite-=y meeting efthUre society o-b. held lu the asaembly s-oma this ter-u wras held on Wedmtesday Iast, Ms-. Hamil- ton in the chais-, vien the fotlowiug pro. -gramme was rendes-ed ---C-ii*c's report, H. E. Abrahara; instrsumental- duet, Misses Mos-rows, vocal solo, Blanche Nich- olson ; essay, Agnes McAs-deli:- musical selectitins, iGeorge Gi; -and Mesura. Guil and Holliday; chorus, Boys' Octeute; remas, prscident Sinclair; readings, Bertha Tamnblyn. Ber-tha King, H. A Snow- don, Ethel Holliday and Byron Davey; recitations, Hary Smith and W. H. 'Greenwood. Next meeting ln town hall, on Wednesday eve. next. Admission r5c. A resolution cf thanks te lte officers cf the society for services rendered during the. term was moved by Mr. Guthrie and secnnded by Mr Coolidge, anmd carried un- animousiy. President SiÏnclair seconded- by W. H. Greenwood moved a vote of tianks to the friencis qf the. .chcoh who donated bocks te the s-eading roont. The Canaâian Magazine for Marci. The Canadian Magazine fer March is throughout entertaining, and il contaimts several striking articles equal iu interest to any in current magazine iterature. lu faci it may be said that the magazine, which begîtas ils second years with the curm ent number, has attained a position anongst the very best published, a tact which receives ready recogniltion by for- eîgn joarnals. Amongst tht contributions in the current number is a remarkabie article by Mr. Arhur Harvey on "~A Phy- sical Catastrophe te Arnerica." Tht writer ingenuously brings the- caîadlysmic theory to bis aid in picturing a change b.- ginning in184, wtmch culmînates lu the raising of the Atlantic seaboard, lte des- truction of Chicaga and the permanent submergence cf the Mississippi, Red and Nelson vahîtys in ocean waters. The in- dustrial, social and political changes con- sequent on tht cataclysm are net less in- terestingiy described than tue physicat convulsions preceding thetu. Dr. John Fergusen conilibutes a strong and inter- estiug article lu favor cf the abolition cf the "L.eath penalty." Amonng tht hluas- trsled articles la Mrs. E. Maison Spraggecs "Tht Garden cf Brtish Colutmbia," Dr. Bryce's exceedingly entertaining and welt wsitteu article on "Mexicoeand Its People, aud Faith Fento's ebarming description cf "~The Winter Carnival at Quebec." Amongst other contributions as-e "Van- couver and Hawaii,"' by- Rev. H. H. Gowen - *"Canadian Art achoots, " by J. A. Radios-cl "' Bsummag,,m' ewelry, " by by Bernardc McEvoy; ,,The Canadian Premier and the United States Preidet' byjohn A. Cooper ,"Leuten, . st Observanes." b y Thos E. Champion;- ,,Miiestone Monda and Memorles,ii .by David Boy-le, and two c:iccilent stories. lTe Catiac an Magazine is published by- lieOntario Pm.blishinkr Ce., Ltd., Toron- o.. fer-82,S0o pes- annunt. Personals. Rev. Jna. Wasa, of Bsampton,'sla-utewfl titis week, the guest of bis ýsiastes-,,'Mim Wass. Mesrs E. R. Blow- and P. B. Wara, are ln, Tes-ente this week attendinïg thte annuai mectmg Ã"ftbc grand lodlge Sons of Emg Miss Castwrîglt. a daughtcs- ofSir- Rich- as-c Cartwrlglit,, le speudlug a fortulgit wlth Mise a. Dartsellt Mir. Geo. Tisotupn, son of Xr. -Wu.- VLPLUCi CU1' J. B. PÂCEc Tobsoco Co., Richmond, Va., snd Montreal. Canada. pO Wn With High Prices For Electrie Beits. ?2,$.3.70 ; former prices $5, $7 * Quaity relnains the saie-i16 dii s*:ityler; dry batt>ory and acid bette - r strong current. L.ess than haff r,-qcf any other company and more * -.stiranials thari ail the s-est. to- ct. Full liet frt>e. Mentiontis W. ~ 4.ER& CG Wmdor1 Ont. Bl.eMPeiR&C. id ]B ukwheat, Red Clover, Alsike Clover. Timothy Seed. HIGHEST QUALITY. LOWEST PRICE. W.BPIIL &Co VALUABLE :-:- FARM. FOR SALM. Krnown as "MaylleId,"containn' 5 acres, bel( ig ote estate of the lte Alexander. Thoin, ln2nd concession, on. mile nortieasatofti. town of Whitby, 68 acres ltin - the- corporation. Soit a deep clay lostu in a blgh state, of cultivi- Lion; - good tencesi Mige extensive eut- buildings IluXieod 'e*rzood eaone bouse, 4 Scrcs O ýgo rng orchard"Pt6 all klnds of the, best of, fruit garden "fI amati fruirs 9sarrouaded withpns' d inapte trees. Forterins and mil partjcti- PURVZS THOMSON, on the penss Whitby, Feb. 2, 1z8:-12-3in. .WM. ,TILL, ofal $5000 wi G.- NOTE ITT w AT A %W a - i- -% % W Aa4%,% . A "XA£ i "&A% d&J W % ci teain -~the greatest money saving sales on record. Remember our brand,:oDco, GOODS ARE ALL NEWB outfre è5 reý No old stock.io or.12 years old, and everything marked down. vour t5ti ~toa money saving prices. Below we give a few of our many NiA5>T1F Bargains which w-ill convince vou that we mean ~S'I-ALI iM- $5000ý ALTE R S.' LINES REDUiCED 0F IN GOODS PRIC CES. m oe * We buy for CASH only, -hases for the coming ror them hv Anril i st. season, We' and have made very large pur, and must have m-noney-to Ipay intend makino' t-is sal1e o-ne of We are beginning to.. Wonder whefl and how we'll serve thaeat -rods to- morlrow. BUT COME! Think of English Shaker'Flannlel, 30 inches wide at, 0 \Think of 150 Pairs 811k Cashmere an" L ï.te Gloves, regular prices were 100. to 5Oc. reduced now to Think of Burmese Curtains, 'regular prices were $2:.50, $3.00, $3.50.î reduaeed now to $1.50Pa. Think of 75 di.fferent Patterus ini Table Covers at a reduction of 25 e.r Off Think Parasols t ion of of 300 différent styles in -Ladies' all new 'this season, at redue- 2,).5.Per SCent. or.~ Think of Turkish Towells, only 1,0e. Think of Buteheî wide, only 1,> Each~ r' LinaeniIfyd. 25er Yrd Think of ChIldren's, B: Velvet and Cloth, regular 1 dueed now to2 Tea- Cloths, TrayCe Bed Spreada, Gents' S- wear at a reduotion, of2 I j Nj~ j 1 Lauzetian..... Parela..... -. lotGa.bin by 1 4100.--110 and -l 55 "~d and W ai By other atssux and 100 roturn. sterage t lm IBY a.a ongol single SU5 a"d5 Specwa -h Siserage pasa bu tnaiuam ALLAI NEW Y( s0OfCa 8tate Of Cul State eof*Sil -BystateL sud Glng"w, lotGOabin pusi tus,-"a8mand i olet h,gecô eet rate. graph auj A AN I-Myem have ot aeent oït 'iven 1$ a f" iaisfted thsl y vis chargel BUSINESSr, 'j' '4 -I -t i y -k -~ - - - - --- - - J - - UU*"Pair..

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