Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1894, p. 2

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]KNOWJ1DQE ]Brîng comfort and improvemeut a" tends te peraonal enjoymnent vheP rightly used. The mitny, who live beL' ter thaný others and enijoy lite more, with lest expenditure, by more proinpiy. adaptig tho-verld's beet products Vo the neede cf physieulI being, viii attett lthe value te, healtb cf the pure liquid laxativé principles embraosd in tue remedy, Syrup of Fige.6 - ts excellence la due Vo its presenting in tlhe form -mroet acceptab'.e and pleas- tint, te the taste, the refreshing and truly * enefliiil Pronete cfaprfect lax- ative ; effoctually cleanuing the system, dispelling coldu, headaches andl feveru and perrnanelitly curitig constipation. - t bas given satisfaction te milions and met witji the approval cf the. medical professi-on, bera-use iii acta on the Kid. neye, Liver and Bowels witheut weak- eîing.tlisui and iV ie perfectly free froma *every objectionable substn e. Syrup of Fugs la, for sale by ail d1rng- giste lu <?5o. 1bôtties, but it i8 mianu- factuIred bY the (Yliforxîia Fig Syrup. Co. ouly, whose »aml*e is pripted on every 4 kge,Ã" aise the nixm-e, Syrup-.cf Fige, su bin eIl inforrned, you wMi net aSoeptp.py aitituto if offered. B, . WIL.LIS AGENT AT WHITBY Y' m14 CaL, writes:. et schoci, la Itoadi ng, seveiro attack of braie perfectlt balul, and7T'r a long tim, 1 f eared sbould be permancntly- se. Erlendsurgedi me. ta ueo_Ayer»s Rnir Vigur, alud, on doingo, my "aIr Began to (3row, aud I.now have a fine a bead of usî ns eue could wish for, belng changed, bow. C'vert fren Iblonde-Wo dark brovri.» »Aiter a fit cf sieknese, =y haît camne eut in oombinUlls 1 used twc boutles cf Ayeir's Hai r V igorf aud new xay hair In' ever a yard, long andv-ery full aud bea'ry. -J ha"e reconi- mneuded this preparation te othcsvlith lib-e good effeut."-Mrs. Sidney Cmr, 1460 Rtegina st., Harrlsburgt Pa. -"yI have naed Ayor's D4Ir Vigor foi seve ral years and always oiitainedsal. factory results. I kn.OW IL lu the beet >prepamtlou for the ir - tlint ls inad.î -.C. T., Amnett, Mammoth Spring, Art. wuîen the - nouseou*-ot .uèm waa: plAYffly chewed off by hie cannliwis. t4obrother.,,, The complainant je a. mani cof. rxx ,gIlappeàrance, whieh .wa»a.$ot imýprved by the huge patebes of stick. ing plaster whieh adorined hie ptrobsia wheu ho -"tokthe * inege bor. The brother wlio Jdthe-chewin g waa. Sent to, goal for three montbe. Our aiotei town.., .2orb op., some te. b. iinabaa,-way-flancially, with- no rosy prospeot 'aho&d.' Soveral inouthe Yg a large amnoun t of delentures -came àue, and the town vau unable to flont a blan to take thew up. Now ^tlie, hold'- çrs of the debenturea have demandait paynicnt by Jannary lot, anda fiili the- money is not fortlicoang. Applica- tion is being made Wô parliament .for a change in the net igoverning the town. of Port -Hope'@ financial affaire, after which is paeeed, the counoil hope te float new debenture&- The sale of the Cobourg 4j% debentures St par et pre. cisely the sanie ime the Port' Hope- funde wei; pu*->n the market, shows the -relative fin ancial standing of b. two towns. Lt shows, tGa, the course adopted by Cobourg to b. -the right oe viz ., assessing for the sinking fundà even mille. Pt Hopve ca seraati loe though Pot Hnolped seal baddiof-al taxation than Cobourg, but iL seeras tW be at the riek of financial disaster.- Star. Lt jsestated that éà deputy returning officer at a recent civie election allowed a- personator te vote, kncwing that the man was a personator ; but believing that'he (the-returning officer) bad noth- ing te do in the maLter unleas b is atten- tion was drawn te the frand by ïa 9cm- tineer 1ILt ie 'about âmne that sotne body opened a echool for the instruc- tion of returnng officer. in their dutios. They are upposed to de aomething siie than ait like êtoughton bottes ue i low fraude W .b. ppWuat9d un1e~r -tboir very nosus. Thie returnwg oflr whô,-nIowa a personator te depiart from a poànboo&,,u es in eargeof a conâbe, il Dot d04u what h. . e i About three o'cloek Tuemdbeorin ii was discovred tlisthei oprt sehool boildiug vas bu ire. Tii. fre.> mon ver. soon o0han1 bt ihe 4M,. had toc qreat -a hold outhe.buildingt nnù&dedopît their leffortheb.building ,VaS gûuted. Tii,48le. Of L.fris unkujtovu, ýbut it la suppoftd to bofroni ýhestores. 'The tbeoky ÃŽ>nt b bul. img wus set on fireis diserediqd' by &W rýgiittIinking people, for it i.s hafly possible that anyotio would stobop se-î Iov,, -Tibu Wiima as value ataboUt man, Who struck _tewiv on the tràini4 M ond&yl, sd-spent the. nlght as a gueut. of the tovu, unùdef- the protection of Chief Wright.stâato hat io-ne of the stores neit day and sold 1V lu. nother store' for ton contai Ho probably did it Vu geV a terni in goal,-'as ho thinkiî the winter bore iîs very long and cola. neH vas talion dowri yesterday. Hie breatli indicated that ho drank as mucb #hîs key as ho cculd geL mcney Vo pay for, buti lu ph weathor as w. have been hnving it'la easy teaunderstand that aû man without an overceat' would feel like putting something w9rm inaide. -Whiskey, howover, sa genomliy what makes tramups. We nover heard cf a sobor man taklng Wo the road. About two menthes ago, says the Tô- rente News, John'Tomniuino, etopecd W4th A.nnie Gerow, his wife'a nieco, leaiîng hic -wlfe and tweemnl chld - mon lin desitute cirournstanoos. Luat Wcek o as arrested in tUic-township ofCott, and brougit back te Toronto. Miss Gorow wasnot with hini. It je eupposed se. in Buffalo. Tombinson je a mari of very dark complexion and formcrely'residod ln Uxbridge, hie la# place cf resideuce we think being on Toronto. street in Lh. vîciity of the clectric liglit mili. bis vifo -wua Mise Gerow, siater cf Mrs. Tom Ehi.. The nicces parents live at Whitorale, Tounlinson vas Laiton before a magis._ trate lu Toronto, and rmuaded tin XMonday,, vhen bh.wua amaigned bofore the magistrate.The Noeiies the fllowirig extended account -of the "Huile dero, papa." The voice.wat that of a little fire-yenm-old girl. 8h. w«sstadiug at t. qutranoe te Bquim. Wiugffld's offb, iu thé Court 9HoU. Mt Dn, uteà-dayheà John Tomiluson te-Nortb Tomote run *ho deseteil bis vif.esud tvo ebilâren Ltue ontls su ad Who wvas sbsequeuly intt- ein Ontario Oontiy by bonst1Ife. Uvwan, vas bang tOa inlubyt-on ?olmnenaknjlqd tit.esiata H.o vas rva -î-l bliteou.. Re w îrr .bêo» ý e quure en 4 ,£ o e b ng e c o t S u p p rt i o is Ga L b es ue H.pb.ad. net" guilty. Ms. o insi batd tléh whih ppo 'ein the Jnn y ber of thié Review eof Reviewtz.. Tii.artkie is n which wM l h interesting in-Nerth America onboth sides e t- eouri4y. Uine and interesting alse in -Great Brît- ain. The articleaà profusely and at.- traotively ilustrated. It'is followed by a, summairized report 'of tIi. nddreus given by Mr. Stead in Tororito upon the mission and dèstiiy 0cf Canada, in which Mv. Stead dwvellis espeeînlly upen the position et Canada nas a connectîng link between the Britihand Amarican halves of the Engliah-Spea4king race. me. WOUld either P*It n-or Powder- "1I pouitively wil sot use euetics," said à lady tie the. writer, "yet my pomnplexion is nc bad tint iL occasieus me constant moitifi* cation. Wbnt onu 1 do te geL rid ci these droadful blotches ?" "Take Dr., Pleree's Favorite Prescription," was My prompt re- ply. »lYour complexion inidicate that von are suffering from functîonal d"rngernsnts. Remove the cause of tb. blotcbes and your cheeke -witre soon wear the. bue cf health. fTe "Favor<ijte Prescription àisa vonderful reoeedy for aIl disessespeculiar te your nex, Its proprictors guaantee to rosuin the moncy if h doos out givo satisfaction. But iL never fails. Try IL"~ The lady followed my advice, »ud nov ber complexion is as cloar-as a babs's, and ah. enjoye better health than she bas for inany years. To permanently cure constipation, bilieus- mu un s ick -headache talce Dr. Piercets pelleté; >f dealers. - Deepatches from a Lown in Sares. cêînty, Hungary, say -tint thousanda cf peasants tuiore ar en the. verge of starvaticu. Te preerve a youthf ni appearance as. long ms possible, it la indispensable that the bair thould retaiu ita tiaturs.leClot sud'fulinesu. There iu no prep.rtaon nc effective as Ayer*8 Hair, Vigor. It prevents baldnus, sud ksWep.i"sap c0188£4cool, and healthy. The Damiuzo linor Lake Superior, seven dayelerdu. nt Hulifa, arrired on Satu'day wth.1ue on bûau. Tint lu to j yens Q lunge. Aise aulyn br.hbsg îsbiuq.Yey wooderwulMe, ehinéry It if&. Net euay te laigesr.pna.r aigu> but the. Lheuaudof IliLletube, sd càaviltul*>ibmg Io i. Wb hoL.sel ckod snd ehokédî,,with Matter illé ougs* 1neoLeb. tho,!yens tàe oý taer In lude o*- N. A -Boston Boy's E . ih. BY Hooci'. Sarsaparifla.-Blood Pot- soned by Canker. Read the followiiiîg frein a -gratelul mother: "My little boy lid Searlatrf ever when 4 years Old, anid it Jeft hlm very Weak and vwith -blood Poirnoued wUi caunier. lis eyes berame s0 Inllarnec that lus suieigî were intense, aild for seven weeks lie Could Not Open -Hie Eyes.o I took hlm twice durÏa- that tinie te Ulice-ye and Ear Infirmary on Chai-l*s street, but thel7 rexardies falled ta du lm t îI f:inte'it sI)rdow of good. 1I elmxneneed gîiýiiiirin i BKid'a" Sarsaparilla and it seon currd lin. 1 ~pv never doubted titi-t it auvd is ,ii4ht, even if not hise cy if4. Y'Uu n;ty uS' t!i3 te-- timonFill1in any M«'ay yen ehooSe. I1 giaaYS read> to soundl thé pralse of Héocls Sarms-narIIIa-ý because of hMe wonderful go;od it did mny son." Ânrnx Y. BLÂcKmAiN, 2888 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Get HIOOD'8. 14000'S-PILLS are han4 inade, 'and are pet* fect in compoaltion, proportion nd appearauce. Fuie Resi1dence fo Lot. On Dundas St eas4t brick cottage, stable and fine fruit gairden. F ,urnaci:e,- hard and eoft water, fine shaded. lawn. Good location. - Keys at CiiRoNcLic office where application May be made,- or to G. E GMD ComrerKing andjobn Sts., Totonto. OCt. 26, I8e3tf. Fmu lfoelsu, A umbsr of- chokeft= arsfor sare. mFor Ilt DOW- & MoGILU-. el te. C= Wh4. 1 lit SrdL e-M the vacat rmn tluel. 1'west '*&d~ s,*bool for auther:til g.Bo l mbuit, wbiohwûviii t -noe.. _ W. have repoir.d au unsigiwd latter mioe toi publioa4io addromad tq the mayor - f-idb and ceuncil,.in vhloh tiio' viter coo b. vent a ~Ins of ibe insufficient rotection uea CmU-ulis- ol*&ioi a k gfor botter police supervison ef obar stieota. i».e The wsiter bas ovalooked> the",faut li on iL la noeaary, nu a gumrutee cf, goulthe. 011, faitb, ta send luiiihenaine vitit Lii.lot- proit.fo ,tto insure publication, sas nepubliai- Ton an vii mata iiamef rospoi shble for theii. g Contents cf -a cemmunliOn wWen -iLs nihfa Autiior Wii net g&ive hie ou<> veut Inu the letton 1V la copwued - tuât h, < disunkon mat innit las and urne han. redbyDr.J4~C "-ôft he 1 pany, w eet b letton 1 bouse k te eda mesnt a] Lr~ -s.,'

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