Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1893, p. 7

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- ~ - ceipt as manager. Dean disconn ~iV Temperance. a kept the money. Judge Dean."- ta gt it- 8ettled,, and 1afigtr ý o 9-The yàrywaste-in .he itdsta st Cure. for. tooki:ave of :bsene with hiÎe eopi8 and tes tbronghdrink is at least $500,001 1 disordeýs of the T-hioat and kept quiet long.enough teý enable. )ean hbave béeen tires wsst1ci. This is equal Lungs is AywrsCherry Pcolt a slp away, and lest hie case by .aêdo- to the wholé' savings i tlýe peaple frotri t has no equal as a ýogh ig.173 e 85. 'On Tuesday evenin of last ,ýÉk, rcialy h e on -of science 's muabout 10:30,, as a heavy west-bound that svery mani who drinks rum, inevi- Bronc ituS - freight train ini charge of Conductor F tably poisons hireseif, says the Toledo. <'he Iwa abo, haçl banhil Russell ad driverSandy Laidlaw -Bae h rosa maybesl, t truben If s a bpersist ben nda*l- achôd' Reabero crossing, about f i."injeabsolïtelysure. .1'le Who drinks, tbe f character tent e dtpr-'miles froin tow~n, a team 'of -horàes t may anot in tend suicidie, but al the bon uced racrable ith ordîapr--.tachéid to the front bob of A sleigh ' same te evidently kiLIs ii self ditect- reniedies, but recommended -me tae1t-y'tptdacrsth takan w-j ly or iudiroctly;, forw'heL runm o Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did se, and strnck and carried a cousiderable the direct cause of deatb it has opened onie battie cured me., For the last ffe tance before the train could.be bro' rt h aa isàe n fiftee9 the door atefaa ieseNn a years, 1 have used this preparatiori with toa atand. .A few m.tinutes latter blie - sortened the full terni of years whîch gcleffect whenever 1I take a bad cold, OWner of the teamn,-Mr. Matlie*wil-. natur .e had intended the vicim ta livé.. c aridI know of numnbçrs cf people who son, who lives near the crossing, dcame Alf e 'perience tell on .e storysy h -kpitnthbouse althe Urne, net nppaud.amisted.the train bands in as- igsi mrunkenesi utwath ca!sideringit safe ta be without it.'- certai- i he,,extent- of the damiageEnmessjs-hate J. C. Woodsan, P-.M., Forest Hill, W Va. donlie. ncf the heres d been kill NwTsaen elrs tt es ed otrihtandtheoheras-o Ldlyagainst God and mari, andthe sure de- - e ouribtandth oter asse adl tsuction of the drunkards ewn, soul, . Cough' it4uied that the poor, beait had to be as well as the source -of - unspeakable 1 put ont of pain. >.Mr. W ilson itappears oetohesT sethe nation freinm -41rmore than twenty-fiver yeas, wasen*his way home from Omemee, dgnrto.ttak samn~pa was a sufferer frein lung trou eat- and. whîle walking bebind, the herses pe bet i nalte.cmeiin -tended with caughirig se severe at timçs started ferward briskly te reach stable pflie, tbe t win n ari the & pttOf as te cause hernsrrhage, the paroxysms close y, ndthougl he erdtecý 1ft stn .frar itepali-o *frequeritly lasting three or four hours. ianapocin i el o catch intelligence and virtue, -we must con- 1 was induced ta try Ayer's Cherry Pec- u ntm aaetdsse.Te oequer this dernori, and the *cenqnest eau - torai,an fe aigfu ots was corne only througb moral agencies and aftl cue taki n ur'Httes ig a serions, ans ta hiri. through the Gose1 theraugacyidured. - Frariz HofKian Clay Centre, Karis. -Asdacie t àppnd t i aLlier curions- experiment was -mou nton Sunday last whieh terminat- aii.Blimteote àýA ee fatally te a Young ma..n w-ho -hasmnfctrr eu -ain-ghs wr La GW lpp bc-en in the e et ' "Mr.*<Row)isori auatrr eor aiili ok ppe wh sù employBth.stv feo n mon,,marked 700 fiee franc pieces with "Last spring 1 was ta;ken down with waopsucerntande îlestave facorv ifl unb, audidi the village. The fasuily and il - aP rbue te onsi la grippe. At timnes 1 was comnpletely atAdame Woodoôj, wvIa boarded -equal n#m.ber amon i. ad~ t' prostrated-, and s0 difficult was ni .-9 .t n, 'ibesame tume he requested the keepers cia fwitb the, family, were"ibekate breathirig that in>'breast seempe ena are ryngstvesbofuner the grog shopK adjacent te bhis works -confined in an- iron cage rcrda ..obncvr ahmtefr franc bottle cf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and Wnîdb a-buggy and trwrwsPieces.marked in the way des,;ribed. no soorier had 1 began taking it tha:u noticed-ta be givinie way gradu' ,lyTwody fe h ae eepi relief follawed. 4 1coulilnot believethat :ewîng te the *weight of snow t'a the thse effect-would be se rapid and the. r0ef. P. F. -Rowlison and Adam. more.tban 300 of the silver coins were cure se ceniplete."-W. H. Williams, Weodcock rau ouita the- shed, andreivdbtemporTh sai- Cook City, S. -Dak. --- tried ta gsi îharigs-ont. They gaithe oredet here ) - utter ont and were ai the -ug when i eeta--oasal 1ugg workman had i;pent more ihali liaif isi A Y R h roay. ad"av s alary 'at the public bouse. IRowlison rau crie way and barely e-* Be CH R Y-PE T R L caped, but poor Woodcock .was caught Do you know what>,"influen2ce"th PerebyDr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lwell Ma îs. crus.hed about the -body and bis face Liquar bealer .can Manipulate the c SoLdby ailDruggiets. Price$ sIx ttlIn, E $ was ruised ahuest eyndrconiin.pblic servants. ilseau make.sud un-; Dr.; Frost vas seau in.,attendance, and imaiespolicemnen. be eau set crimixis Pro pttoaC5 S?' t Cre did aU that could be doueéfrhi bu t- free, lie can Riej laborers te work, le bu -all ta ne ,purpse-the poar fellew waiï lcan ride over railroads fres -lie caui -- EWAVL -tCoabadly crushcd for' human skill ta bhave anyi-hiug lie. wants. Tic'-is but a or avail, and he passed away aI about 8 sipectie ieyaurselftibowsvsr, -Tihe townspeople, -gave Warden' Vocleck Mondaay mornxng... The sad 'but lie-las bougbi.ihe right 6f. perbaps, APrower a grand tarchlight procession, event east quite a gleoin avier the vil-. 500 ýignorant men-ýbought tlheir con- aud banquet, oen hies retturr frein the lage, aud rmnch sympathy is felt for hie science, their liberty, and made slaves sessions of thecouceilty. council at parents and brethers 'and sisters.. De-, of Ib*m. EIow long mon will swallow CJobourg. ceased was a.few montîs aver 21 years the flattring titIs of honest workiug Tiiore - la Borne p respect:cf 'a chair of ago. The funeral was a very -large -Man - anid-surrendler their' rîghts, of --factary being establishied in this tewn., one sud took place frein Mr. Rowli- citizensbip and.manhoed iu return be- - Saine tire agi> Mr. fteachie'U cleihes son s house on Tuesday laut. The pâll fore remoustratiugiz i marvellous- lin. wae robbed.- The other day u ersrawere six of lis cemain, clothes were feund hidden under a bex wba sadly perfemmed- the lasi sad dnty - benatltheolehee~,.r.ta the ir, ,comradsa hows lay t 'aseMr. Emierson Who said "the tirst beneth te.clthesýeer e wo wa alwys, wealth is a -altbý," aud ihwa&a a iser than - Mr T~Il.Spr ba ben eecid t - heerful and pleasant - wjien lie:- met îlermodempioohrwosi ~t"h ~l ti -acuy orcunilo i îewîth thelm.-Posi. .blond -istîele f e."lThe systein, ikesthe - aouthe acd anc oýcrituTWhLIE,- ock, ruas dovri. t needs wiriding up- (bb, liecf la49ssu.) The blood gets peor and scores a-oifae -- Miz. Jonathan Porter, OshaWa, lahs ("cliefrls ise)esuit. t needs-a tari e taenrichit. - sôld hie fari ta -Mr. 1H. Adamns, of- Subject for discussion in tle Readingý A certain vise doctor, afier years af pati- Circle,' next Tutesdayevening,-"Light -ent-study, diseovered a medicine which.purs- Newcatle. - asd Heat." fieS -he blond, gave tarie ta the system,,'end Mr. Harry Robinson 'lof last week Mr. Frank Brown' loft haine aset made. men:- tireS, nerv ous,. braàin-waàtinieg -ta talc, a situation witl Mr.ŽDobson, in esfoGrawn, Michigan, wherc le men-feel like neýv. Heo- asleS it bi s "GaIS- ' xico. rscies hisposit ion a perator. en Medcal Diicovery." -I has been solS- reuics i f5or yeare,solS bvthe illion of Iottles, and Tuu - - tk& tmmpbuS q - y T-hevain onou U5y11gpOiWO wne und ti tzTU-naffàDr .. -uauyl rtends ber.; W "y t1 freet f urniàle he, leyautl lere ~jcwadsvrdtn;el r stricen with paralysie lasi week. îl hon vr edseets of,' ice, fer ranted ini selirig, it under a- positive guaran- Mr. 1). W._ Camnpbell las bougiitth ktag. eoftsdn go i»1ces stock aud goad will cf the Big 20.'M.-j Mr. Franke DeHart left for île Ontar-, Perbaps it's ils medicine for yau. 'Your's Dubson geata Mexico. Agrricultnral.Calege Guelph, -ths wouldn'i le île 8ai case af icrofula or ssli- goce - o xocsteateddu-rhenin, skin disease, or .lurig disase, i liais The. fight, started by Mr. Percy te . k ît eep cis atend-dur- cure5 vben rothiig-es*ould. The tria's driveWrhou ftedeputy reeve- îgacus flcurs-u"ari". ortl makirig, aridcosts noihing. Money s- p stl . oWthieuesf theWe undereîand -that: Mr. Thomras refundsifEdntoyo od sZlp, sii aynings.' î3o«ci, ef -vunnarton, las leased Mr. -A colorel prizefighter kuovrias 1Goadrich OsFidyevnng ol rd,*th' Jas. Michael'a. farin snd ulat lhis was kîlled in a ring. ai Now Orleans an Sai. msny frieuds cf Mr. .sud Mrs. AÀ bohe M.George Rodd& fSabr'~dy -Younie gatlered at -tercefrs lias lcàscd tle Watson f arm,- lately "vIAGzs ULCBsrr"Tee haine te assist in celebrating - heir werked by, Mr. Geo. Davoiy.. « sigiiA tvG dive e e ed - lstid godnw»£tdingr- There voe g ueste r a. ae udfiiy eoe i fiatHors' wee uszdzIo Oî, - a genie- - presnt frin Lonen, S. Mar's sudfreincur miet-îl-w-eA they lve -ariwha aS Lomouhyteseê s É emiei Appropriate speocue, IMUsseaaa'. -quusoinents vere iudulgod in. Mre.. 3c. Roebettar ef oUand dii loeated her wrist whilst in Cobourg last, veek. ---- Dr. Buler'.s Golden '?illeare the mast sientific medical blcod builder and nerve tanic yeý offered île public; -Give tiioriastrial aud le cauvinced. - Too late for 'last iSSUe.) , Missa(Jiommie Peari las returned' te be -h home lu the iti. Mr. S.. Disney'e b..i foi drawing the brick for lis tva bouses wva asucooe- Tiie neighbar.s turneda oftiUce men sud have brought the grter paiof the bziktaBalsam frcm Wbitby.,- About 50 youn people geMherei et, ---Mr. J -ifeÂvoy's fer s ptïrty suda hai a very énjoyable urne. Mr. Wrn. Wilson sud danghier froba -Greeweod vote visiting at5. ienoy's -bi ib week. -1-'-4 -- Miess heon, of tle Glen, vas united- in Wedleck to A. Pichetand, have molvOd to Mr. Piekette herme in BJuÎk- The singing scbcol at Zian is welI ai- tended. The. meetings lasi we*k *veto wellattended- sud-good ,succoss jea -1k@- in..,.tepbens died on tle 3oth cf Lc f congestion of tle lunge Ir. Eliza J.ues eld s fine yonng se for a. good figure île oier.dey. Dingmsu aa ssld. a valuable. eue., lev. RoIt. Johnatop, B.. A., les de-, id the oeil of tic Parkdalo Pvesly-. anc te accept tlq pastarate cf, hiis Leh. Ho prefeviremainugin Line- mauig is bgggoestâ lu oin-esi auht rire papers wr destioyed, Umpotafloe ot Allen vs. Dominion Torquto lust veekt thle qven for tle benk. Allenl oudi with M"igei Dean, on benk sud teok buie v- -Areyus married man or a fariner -Saldsemr uva ri as ab, talc. yeur famuly ta hear îleh -r-.fior NovYork,.lias arriveS ai.Soqtit-- Pickýring Drarnatie Club in theiz- em- ~-~ perance drama &&ThcLast Loaf ,a Whitby, on 'tlo eveuiing of Feb. I Mme. -Cèleste Cacri,-Syraense, N. Y.,ý Are en sigle gtma - writes': "For years I cariS net est many Are jou.. a, snude geiiridsn?,aiftood vîtboài producing s burning, eqader 15c. en yu-ls grl xcrucatirg pain lu my tomacl. I took early seo as ta secure a good'seat.Ai% - ?armeloe's Pille according ta directions un- yen a emali bey i If Bse go ianS se tho I am île hbaS ofi Dysbepsia on Indigestion.~ sauisage machine. -JOne box entimely cureS. me.h can nov oct TIc ystr-sppe su cntrtanmctt crything I chaos vithout Sistressirig me ini The'çyste-superandentrtanmet. hle bu"To~Pille rdoi ocause pain o in tle hall leva lut' Tisursday cveniug rii91a sîîlod e useS vben a cathar- wua a grand succeeis; Netvithstaudirig tic.is requirod. îlesqvoiy f -oyter, r. anten -Ai a. meeting in Chicagoon-Fiday atops sud. hie- shooters furnished an alun- vers takeri Le conslidale îlte Amomrican viii dance e àîlevery est qualityand île pprtut ladies set o ut.a spread whiçh vas in - keeping ith t icrveputian. .Other CoUCHs AND Cois.-'AI tiissasori vîsu associations il the ceuuty vote r.pt5- cougîs ar e so prevalent, an effectuai remsdy anS gee asily obtained, i. - PitîR DAvis' senied',as ,- folove: Kinsale,*Mr. S. VZGBTABLIE 'TAI-KILLBCR." -h ýisn novn Mackey snd Bro. Gardner ; Thoritons,' nostrui , vendeS by - uuknovri agents, but Messrs-Pasco. and Benineti; Audley, bas stood, île test- of aver fif ty. years : anrd .Mr.:Jas. McBva4y. - hhse vho use tbe article, internlly or ex- tomnally, vili corirect yuili gratetul rocol- ASEEUN. -leciions oa ls vruîy inventer. - Too t a4e for lasi issue.) ,At tle Betlauy social last Tues" ay Lan a cah mine near Zanevillo, O., four night au enjayabler turne vas spena , y î:Sivuraial maldb fala sseo a.Tcprogramme vas vl edr cd 1te a lar ge sud ap)preciative audience. Wheri thoý kid'neyà areclaggeS, gi'-"'* sith WlieMv. . - elma sudMv.is an- imposibility ; lut vhen vo. pr per th îe reverse la île, cae. Th-, dull Casic f ttisvilag voe cttig wedbac b-acbe je the kidrieyis cry for relief.i' If ii Joues' bush,' ucaàr Balsam, , luti -Dadd"s Kidney3'ils are used tbe resuit vill day, ' their herse gat loose sund'.came- ho marveilous.-.'We, emphatically tate tils -hamie, eaviug sthein- te, alk. -Tlg - vobave nover 1kuqwn-a case ai iidney de- hersa, havever, Idatt us bianket au île sas ttapersistent use a D SKire: wsy, sud it las nt-'yct beau vceovered..Plev a ue The finder vll cunfer 'a- favor .- îy te- -MHn. Geolrge Stanley, second san.ioaitil tunig a r.Hdifan.Gove rnar-goueral, in flU yul brain lever im ýurnùg'o ýMr. Ro an.Landan, England. Wo - re plaased te le able ta state Muol diettees anS sickneee in childràn i ing l&e. usual lealtI. Exî.îminator gives relief by removizig ti af tle ]Rayai Templar S ociety, vont te Pickering te theDitrict Coùihi. We beliove ml vwaeo veIIplcamed witl île meetings. Mv. jas. Davidon* of. aur lodgo -vas elected: District Herald. Tii. funoval ef Mr. Fred Hill, af Steuffviile, passed througl a ur village list Mon-day, -on ie vway tte île cerne- tery ee mlevesatofColurabus,- P.eomle the lecture on Foreig Jamiess4y. f iEverybody knows îà most pepaaiosof Cod Liver 01 ae disagre-e-able to the sense of, smfelland Laste. Almost everyboôdy knows that Scoifs mulsionz (ofPure. Norwegianýl Cod- Liver.Ou anid Hypophosphites of Li-me and-Soda) sis not lketh rest,. It is -a -wond'erfuil curative age 1nt . Cur.es a chrônic, rasp . n' ,cough, hea1s and strengtheisý. the lungs, checks any wasting disease anrd produc es flesh.., colas, Coneumptian .Scrofula, .and an! A;aeinc.and Wasting Disoases. Prevente waeting ln cbilcdreu. AI- meat as pisiatable as lk. Get onIy the genýdsie.- Prepared by Scoti- Býowne, Belle-vfIle. SolS by ail Druggists. 50 cents anS $1.0O. N4owîthstaudîng the .reports circulated hecontrary,- he Mn~t Mn'fi cnm*, Olt Whitby eg to informn the farmer and pbic that heir Foundry is stili running a nd tha t ,ey re making the CELEBRATED CENTRE-1 UT MOWER, TURNýBULL~ BINDER, V}UHTBY TWIN PLOWS, SULKY MORSE RAKES, and other Imâpleinents as sual, and also carryin.g on a general repairing_ business. Points f 7-r -i pop4lar piows kept conalantly n hand. Whitby, lune 23, 1892. il AND THE INo other ,Emulsioni IS So easy to take. Tdo-s ihot separate nor The nost sniýeSOlc cail retain it CURES Il Scrofulous and j~ WatigDiseaseS. .Lossof Appetite.- MentW and -N1ervous' SColt's Eý 1 Wha twiI ba imy Chrhstmase 1,WMILL GO TO E. *-J'4 J'OIINSON; FOR As' SKEMY SPONGE A WOLFF'S ONCE AWEEK~ Other days wash them SPONGE ARqD WATERS EVERY hlousewife * £VERY Cou ntinq pg CEVEIY Carriage 0Owqrer EVERY Thriftý LMeclanc E VE RY Body able fo hold a ýbr 8EIOULD USE ct WL CAi TNARi -V IM - WU. LLSTAIi TvOUR OLNL,.'SKT1S for Canlia, .138 KngSt. W., Torona. 4Ont. if a pe Wehvetie inatSeerion hav th f Fihst elet BEAUTIFLiAERIA WA LL PA PERSI, -WIT]4-' -Borders to Mc AT -~ -- - LOWEST PR N%? ~Corne early and letfirstch - Bryane oül -BrocieSi AST~ADR. TAFT'S SH y6iir addross ndC [J BED We vilmailfi tria l batte DBL.TT BtS ot [LL vS~ o i new aide ti-., Tootwnda-8e are prepared te e nend tl business. Ail work psrtaîiuLg -ness-ipaking ad isaddlery busix WM. GALVE 2 doors wsst et o i9stablished, 1856. )nde - pet auum inadvan , dvs 11.50. Suhescriptiôionsalwa-ys payable ai theo olico etpublicationi. The publishers do not undertake te d4eliver'the paper. ai -any post -offca but Whitby. Âny papor vhich failt6 e oach ie destination- ylbe ropedupon. notificatioýnsai mateor o! conrteey.  dvertisîig rates unlees by con- i:tract, 10 cents pet lino, -noupariel, firsi in- sertion, and 5 cents pýet lino esel guIse- queritinsertion. Locale, 10 cents pet lino. 15a Stand, it.,,Wbîtby 'y, ï promises, The subsriber legs ta in lie le prepared to condiet Mm tioneer on reasonsble terme. ales viii be - found ai Foy -Hotel) Whitly, vh2en ternis obe fixedq 1 . É. FAIB wvrnIs, GRAHA- I Prostration.--- - - ____-_-_1_1_.1_1___._ _-_ 'n 1_ > varmar, OiTABIo. - - enealDblllY3&.It LIr INS RA CE. - - THOMS-DOW, Mon Bwe f ail imita±imis. Asic for Tho>undorsigiiod lasIsu-pine TTNS tefIV1O 00 "the DM & L." Emnulsion and refub,- .1 agent %ai Whitby of. île Canada Lie Assur- ailuc aui.-aCo C. liks'solicited. COUNTY OFeNTAR1eY 1893 W. Il. ROLLAND,- PIIEGC N 1PRÈ*TF.Dominion Bank' WIB-.O iccOfei btY PRCE50.AN $ PRBaTtE Whitby, Jin. 13, 1892-tf. Jn , ~~hean iT i i j.:i J 'b;a Lt.i~~Juilt Ai -iDNov.lo *3. 1. MACHLNL ST, WHITBY, PoUr ?aPB16--J. W. 13uri.aIi, P - ~~cieriî-nJln. ýi :- lacJI; .'~e OYSTEB; -Has opened aà Repair -Shop ini connectian -Sept.7 ; Bar il. - Corner grocery importe direct from v yth the Cooper Shop hately .carnieS en by Mrdt;Myii Jy-li 'tle ocean., hi. ls father, opposite Ail Saints' Clurcl, sud 5. SAUSAGE; - v~~iii dciail-kindz -af Repairing.: Sewing Ma- Sit,-aif chines a epeeialiy. Lava *MoynB cy- ConitJax.2 Mri l a The very lest atlav price. e loes, Fireairîs, Lookes, Scahes,, Choithes ;,tpa. 2 rbe (j.r: Bruce, BeavOtJL, BAOT A B; -- Wingerj Waslsiug Machines, &c. Saw 1 ,& May18; j -bept. 21 : DecX.0 ,BAONP'S ili-ng.Skates, Siesors, Kuives, Clipr, UPTiG 1'. ,J-. GL,IibijiOle1>îOr Cannai-be surp-assed.*,:' &c., sharpened a6nS repaireiS. Ail. Icinds of citeri-c~ihi 7; àMay Di; bePt-2; c P, Cooper Wonk macle sud repaireS. Shop.. -~ aniî - E-;-opposite Ail, Saints' Chiurcli, Punas Q ulansd pricesbriug customoèrs Street, Whitby. J.0.1AB tVLt frein long distances.>- Ot25 1892. - -- RAI831X8_& OtIRRANTS, Coices nov goods for Xmas. o e oL ar Ora nges, Lemnons anid Gra6pes;U N s A V I Rosi lcius 1Estate. Private ]tuids Ca.ll and inspet qualitýy -and- Apply ta learnprices -béfJune 10, 1891-27-t. J ilAl) W. iBf. PINOL E c O. Nf, OTICE h .homeby given. ihat. application at N witi le made ta. the Ontario Lekislature. Ç-ai the next meeting themoof for an Acite in-. 3Y corpot4te- a company witl power te cansttiiet, equp, .irnaîntain'anS operate. a* hue çm linos of r ailwa frtra a point in ai noix a the City o! Ta- - in let, oterly, ,keeping ta the epasi aiLakte . Shucot a apoint in' or near the 1tavu eto Gravenhursi. thence - stihi nonîhemly f0 a point isin etrineurthe îown of Parny Sound, .,hsence- ti etU northerly ta French Rivet, 'anS thence li vesterly ta cernect vsth tle Canadian Pacifie n..m.,.,. à. or ,.ea- S,-.5,,khRiver:; aise front Mùiss Shoefskal sud lae graridmathes', Mrs.- -mun e ofa the Carisdian Pacific. Railway, ai: Clark, veto hileS lby a naturelga explosion or ne&r the tawn 'of Sudbury, _vith al the ai frbana, Ohio. -peversconferted by île Raitvav Act-of On- f. Dadruftariot-. daise ta - cristuct. maintairi an'd Ti topèrate.telegraph anS tetephane. inos, .do cks, A disese ai îlte scalp ibai causes f alling ai vharves. piers. lamIons, stotebouses and lova- tle hit, faseng of îth ait, in fsci, decil af tor s, ais >pvitb paver te cauneet or amnalga- île hait.. Il irritatàea b.sca su aes mate ihl base tao,r malte sucb unang anS socls -sud ose0»9ti, etnptiane-prodles. aibet arrangemients with auy ather - railvay baidriewe. Bear lu mind that 4ati-Daudtuff compauv et comparues as mav ho found caon- tOIiOOSDanruf itb brs th iton-veulient*sud necessaryta effecr'the purposes of stos ihlig sd estresfadnghai teiithie eompany. DateS aiTarante thîs -31St aniina clot Sld y vugiss a 7 cetsday of Decmbte,, 1842. WM. G.. MCWIL- pet boi. --LIAMS, hoictot fator liaus.&ini POWDER THECOOK' SBEST FRIEND LAFIGEST SALE, IN CANADA. Faymers i àteuding bu ldling barnne on stalles î the-19Q>flilgsason, en le supplieS yult Black Ail anS -Cedan suitabliefor sieers anS pois, by applying ta the uIn- Sesgned, Lot 9,ý Con. 10'Reacl, Green- bank P.O.0 JOS0. WATSON. Jan. 17. 1893-7-4-lu. Shorthorn Bull For Sale. A yearling, colon. red. Tôokie- si prize. sud s.weepstake ai Ontario & Durhams En-. hilition as fea sudlet prize s ayear- Jiug 'Aieô ta t.iNri uano show -ai Uxbridgeinu 1891 sud '92 - - J. I. -BALDSON, near Balsam. Jan.,18, 1898--7-4in.- -Railway Time Table .GRAND TRUIR A1NDMuL TRAINS Gesss vESTWARD. o.3, Express, Mail:-----------...55. No. 7, Local, PaBseeer..... . : No. 18, MixeS 4... ........ : N a.4, Express .................. : TRAINS 50150 EASTWAD No. 6, Local, Paosenger-------.... . Noa. 16, Express-------------....2'.: No. 10, MIxeS .................6: -Na. 2 Express, Mai.... 91 MIDLAND DIVISION SOING NtRTIE-XIDLAND 5TÂTIOb ail.----------- 7 MixeS--------------. M a i . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .U . .. 1 .. I -- JOHN STAN TU N 1 lrilaw WESTERN BSNK OF

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