Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1893, p. 6

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--i r Crizwline. Bumor whi.persm .0vs loan Front the papora,' thore,'have boon Tboinghta of btinging. on tho maous Titis.mad, montrous, intal scr',on, Uiding woman'S gracef nimien. Botter Jewish'garbardino Than, thua uwelled out, *atin'a eheni Viloot grmnt ovor Mon1 -I Forta nknwn- iD*- thinga terrons; Evon ,monstoeru pliocone Wore mot so ill.ahaped, 1Iveon. Women woarinz. thia machine, Worm thoy fat or were thby 1ban- amU as Wordsworth's e andino, Largo ausail that'a called latee- Siwnply %wept tho pavement dlean.; llapleuamani vas crushed between, Flat mu any -tinned sardine. r Thing ,to Irouso a bisbop's spleen, Make a canon or a dean Speak_ýr lânguage Dot sqerons, Wo muet aUlbe very green,1 Andaur sonses not. too, keen, If vo. can't say- what wo moan, Sond jtetitions to theý Queen. let. the Rouse ta interveno. * Paris f abion's treastarine.4- Her Bimdnesa. The dining car wau in a shimmer of * light. ý ho dosad white of heavy inen, the opalescent* glare of glassgwarç) and : thé quietgloam of silver trembi(d te- *ether in tho swift motion of the xraiù. Mies Barter,-who had but r0eontly- left hor berth, droppedl into a seat andlloan * . back a moment, dazede by the lavish wast6.of color. Meanwhile,, the itisi8t ent sunlight -took liborties.with tbopduUl brown of ler severely brumhod hair', ra bnrning flugere throuigh it and edged if with coquettieli gold.. hnsho hast- ened to draw the aurtaîný and, throw a bine- square cf shade over her corner of thoetable, sighirig as she settled down * again. and. ail the painfnl sceneo f the evenxng b6éore came eurging back. 1 Sheoiet haîf -a notion to lay lier head on the table.- ýand cry ontight. >. 5he giancoad dwn inetead and fingsùed her- ring-hie ring- whifl her glasses grsw mi~.She 'wondered whether olite Mseoldhae aettering, now that il no'longer moaut an:ythiugà.,Tùueos- * tion vas yet 3indecided viten tepll 6d hersai! 'together 'with a visible tremor ana'tnrned to thte menu card. Tining car breakfasts * vere not timoc to wait on the settlieet of snbleties in ethias, particularly after the stowara has made lis "last eall." In the few minutes Miss Baxte 1 rhai beau in the caarshe had not notié a hor companione. As the raisod, her-hoad se as tartled to, see a -famiir face dimnly toking shape acrose the !table. She had removed"ber glasses and 'waS abpnt to prose her handkerchief;to bho eyea, but ohe put themn resolutoly on agrain and looked flzedly tîrougi thteir iaty crystals.: "Mr. Woodso n, vléeodidyou corn from s" ae demanded* at length, aE hie well known features gradus.lly'. bol shape belorelier, Wood son did not spcak at -once. RH was uoticinglbow1er hair would tumble do-vu lu waywarxd ringlete in spite cf lier iffortt keep it staidly back, and boy lier aheeke perqisted in dimplixil - -riiwever resolntely ah. sînut her lips to- gether. Thoen lie said: 11From Xèw-. York, o f course. Doe my dresà enit, look as-thoughlI'a board. ed the traîn in. these rural preainats1 1 thouglt you know the- cut bo.tter."' "Do yon mean ta, say that1 yonv beon on thii train ail titis whie-aftej -%fter last*niglïit2" Mis B rrak * with lightly *heigltened solor. ",GUnessed it the firat time,"' Woodson exclaimoed, .brighen . tell yon, Grace; yon shoiild have w ont into bli law instead of art. Yo'd:have base aeewill nover ee me again, but in ofresponsirBilitY -onds tùil 1'ç seon hersaielyw eh. wvants1 to g No' ve made Nov York uninhabital] for you, andal shail rake wbat amenc 1 eau by chaperonmngyon ta Colorad or Kamchatka or wÎherever it is yo are gong. Nôw, wbat shal .I.ordi for breakfast ?" - "lHarry, you'ixe cruel. You kil1 Mr, Fleming vas going ont' thore fi the color, aud I thougît it vwo Id be good ahanas .ta ýcontinue =y ontdcl work." "'Fleming!1, That prig 1 Well, did't kuoôw befare ttsat hovaàs gai! 1 see there is stili more reason , why should go now-and ea. "But I forbid yonu doing any suc foolisih ing." "To tell the truth, Grace, I thou91 of stayinç eathti iEe-'of going in sBome bueme8a there."l "Why, you nover talal me of!Alb fore."- "Well, I nover thouglit ef it bll left you lest nigît. That it occnrred me that l might ao into, sheep or caft or aomiething like4,aat." &4t Manitou 2 "WMy noet 1lb's a summer resort," "So mueh tbe btter. I14 only'vi te te ter. in the summner, anybov.,' "Ham, yynre sa rlfie.' "Woll, 1 a ola orange, ai how-f roi'l1 llow me," Woodim exlietakring'fom lier baud t] on.e he vas saking a smd mess of. "Hary, I nover con forgive yon &ting t"i," Mise, Baxber coueludi ils ha esat as ho epeke of Flemingf. Wfhen A c otte er an da e eal. -$ I de-~~ leood pGrace*vs everal fo do avay tram i burryi-ng dovu îlehbil - on it ul ber head-bovoti. - er "I'm a brute --a miserable 'bruie; - -Woodseu remarkod ta hinteel! vil )cou- -w iderable forcas seewalched ber slnd- C. .C. IU10HÀUDS Ca. fer ing tavard île bal! dry creel "But ,GENT5- I have uaed Your MINARO'S *a sotseoAe ougitt ta have tald.Ylier art LINIMENT in my f amily for -a *eumber »r>, ie, ah feolisînese. Look -ai Fleming,? cfyearà for -varions -cases af iekness, sed oven.. 11P'a 40, and î'd lke ta knov mo re par*ttcnlatly in. g soyons allack cf la I yhero ite'd hé ifit wvasn't fer bis teacA- grippe waih Icontracteti lest vînler, sud I iug. But I'm.s brute, j nt theainme-fn ybhee ia lvsih eu !av 'g. 9 inr -my ile.. I terlesbrute 1" -1c . LAGUE. There vas -a plumt lihket àloug lte Syny, GC.B- ch creek,-sud sIter w«alc4iug Graêe dieap- -- pear vif-lin il Waadseu et about phck. - ,litb ing Up ber sketoiig kit. Titis doue, ato il occurred to, it t, hàt ifveuld le -aà preper penance ou hie part te vasithbe- be- brueneas - le lhad a'vayýs hzteddirly Inu-a serîaus riat at Reogela. iasling tva brushéasa, G -athering ltentUp ho daygl, 100 moWn were.kiiled and 500 vondt. I stârted bowardlthe ocs.Wheu ho o odadASr het te gaI thora ho could see ne -sig..ne' of C'IW e usoieagya Br' ellow ou biseý Gracs. (Jonld il le tha t auything lad, S M euB'ayr' 'lo üi bappeuod te ber ? The tiougt made -' famiyfor coldsand soesthroai sud hmcatch his breahh for- a moment. childhood,, but a trying. YeLlow OiU feil .He knew site vas impulsivfe- capabl e îl acn vas cured.- of!.auy rash move. lu -samoment a! ax- -- -Mise Lîzzxz CHAlùPELLE, ant citement i. T hh.heard s stirriug lu Baliin,, ont. -the plin athieket, sudlho camefoace ta Win Haye, an-M. 0CPt. sylleman, aged face upon bier in a uttle opeuiug, crying -28, vsun over adkiledaI oirat ny- sofihy ta herself. 'DR'-LOW'S SULPHRXS-OAP itasde- on "4Graae,"h le called, 6"wity, vt's ttclgîu hmpoet-la-eteclai the malter?1 I kniew l'ma brute, but Id1kes phai. didu'i îhink youd take lb s." for O> can'i yen hcipme?7" site pl.ad- desd began groping about sud feel-Ch drnCvf!P -after a mnomsnt'a contemplation of te ing aimlea8iy vith herjando,.. whirhing blur of green blrougli tlecar Hoeaw hbr hr vas- looseuod. windov. and that her vis udfae vr "Woll, I nover oould have - trgivan ecratched and bleoding in' a dozen myseli if i han't- sud tniro it vas,",places.- b. aseerted dispaesionabtely, laying- the ,"'Why, w*hat's the Vator1"ho pnlpy, broken epbore of- the orange bo queried agail, as e: ircmegroping9Ma fore 1r.- ardlim anti stumbled.against.hiru.- It is.quiteëa jaunt fromn Manbattan " ICau't yen1 help me et aIl V"I ta, Maitou; but one znarnirig th4y eox- -"0f ceurel can, ernali girl; yonr changed the càsïin'edIlvearinees of tIc aIl right. .-Nothing shall toucd yen," 1 train for tlat bîns hÈollov .Of! îteéhiles, hé reitprated as hie arme closed tightly, M vith isgaily colored. roofs and5 gables, around lier. - - sitovîng bersanti thora up the canyon,, "Oh, silkv, ca't yau. cee.l'y-e lest miy, Iikeo a scattered troop of, butterfiies. glasses !" 'aIe exclaimed, puîîing avay - TIen 'life -became one long breit o! from hima and fldushing red Awxong the_ wr delight. What colbr -tIers vas t The greexiery. But'ho beld ber tight. t ertI seemed hung- l somne rarorme- "You do't vaut tIeni ; yon see bot.' titi -dinm- Ihan'1ommnoný air. The yellov ter yithout thetu, bue - eyes. - Cotfees wa <cactus blossoma were like , fiakes .o! *now, you nover rea' ly-sav before. Give SI, fiarne. A scarlet fiower farrly burued up . îrustiug 1lu those wretched glasses,m mie ho igh. Gacedevlopd anovsudtryrng to e e ndudnt. -Conte, enthuiaiasipa every day, and piled ber 500, your career tîrongl my eycs." an palette vith cobalt sud chromo- Even But -stijliîle held lback at arma -ar Fleming, - vho - la- preéceded ibom lexigth, reall defiaut. Ris fixigera efi M3 sinoke a trie -f astér 'thnausul. aun .a white circle vhere they clasped- 1er SI grnnted ,aut novw and tIen, "Put iun rss She-seemned ready ta dry, theu -sel yôur.lars purd. Make ber jnnp."- - sus'iled - instead: "IYoull gét.-7ty- ai Sa thy painted- from -ouin tiil glassea if I promise 2" - in nigît, keeping 4tvaor -tîree'studios -Ho. uedded. --a under vay-at .once-putting lu blues4 - Suddeuly throwing 1ler armea bout in vhere le satv nothing but uondoscript hie eeck she said: '.I always liked a e aud, sud doing - ail the inexplicable, your oye, and pressed a kis. on thinga that shoulti be doue according ta either lid. "Mabeyn rergltca bte gospel of the luministes. about my art, she .added eseriously. t Woodsan îst by sudn cbaffod. Hie "But this needn't interfere, ueed ht!" ai could't pa:nt. - He vouldn«t emoke. Ro -. ",Interere Why, l'Il tell that man nO PFarried Grace's' occasional inquiring that Ivedecided net .te -take bis caill e TI glauces by expleining tlIa ieh"as neo- and .we'il: turn tle vhole lord-- bite m tiating ta go mua îlhe catille business- paint." -. hi a maxi -vas goiug te brixig hlmý . a brd G. MELVILE Ux4e0N. 1 Mawleho arrayed lis. hapeîy ' h ton-Ta. - fgure in ovoyimh to p boots,'*bize ~ ~~ - hirt sud slauch, bat, whichb became- - L hlm ;.mmeuisoly, sud made a. sinister The-yonng man froin tle country f impression among te blazers -sund ton- took bis green noobtie sud bis beis girl -- Snie suite of summlering Manitou. Graàce inta a restaurantadlk . o e oun vas absorbod aud Èa*tiefied.. One. day menuiviten the girls. are abentt ho -was an ides struak hlm. "11Grasee,' said diîsposed te le facetions ai the .witersÈ 1 hae, "I1 found a little bit down haro ithe. expense. oblor daythat I'd, like te have .yen "Waiter-"hl saiti," I vaut- yout c- asketai-to ueed home yen knev. Yon' ll ring me-a broiled eleplant." FI do it, van'; yon CI- - Yessir, "re pliod tle vaitor, perfect- e "Why of, course, l'Il speak- te Mr. IV unmcàved.- b Flemng." Andi, wailer, bri-ngiil an laaî"t "Oh, bang Mfr. Fleming 1" Wood- ,".Yessir." gia -son brokeontilu.>"FIt-miug'sail rgnt Thon he stoadîlere like a statue' for ili bis vay, - but I Wvaut. y eu-youir minute-. àsketch, yeonkuov. "-.- "IWell;," said île yaung mani, "are 1 The-place -vas quite u ilistance avay, yen going ta bring it.?" -- a overthe mes. .They. set eut for il the "eSi.'- extday.-- -- "hy daxit yen, thon ? "flore it le" -Woodsan eiclaimed, i dr eÀsr II-o e a x a afterquie a tramp, paintiug aver, the adva ce for elephants, ir. Elephants, n bnrnn li aweearw Octton-- on ta ' t, air,' are $1,500.25, air. If yen a v.oode vero banked against the' sky; ltake it vwihoui -toas*t, ir, il is .,onlly e tremulaus in tle vibrant, air. -"There, 1 00- do that; eallil '"A iuDdred -in the Tho waiter diffuai amile, but te girl s sader,' or something ike thal. did, sud the. young maxi climbed dovu. r It dose't seem lao compose -very- ________ n: veil, Grâce murmnred, ,holding the--Tuise x: tipe o!flier fingures tagether a*nd indeos -- ing îlepieu- e u-arosy - tramp ibrengî Whethàer on uleasure bent ar business, Wehtuld- vhW ý ietuhegae inaifsuxghr ye take on every trip a bottle of Syrup.of Fige, as i1 acta most ploassnlly and -effectually on e it truly artistia intenine8se.the kidneva, .iver and bowels, preventîng ik Well, nover mmd nathatgot ths char- levers,' headaches anti other forma of aick- acter e! il, Yen kunow Fleming says nos%. -For sale in 75c,- bailles by ail lesding, e9 tlis claracter'a île.îhing. .The6t's vitldrùggints. [e I-at-île citaracter-the true char- The (J. S. Sonate bas refused to ce nsider* f acter of titis beaatly cuty", ' lte New Y*ork. and- New Jersey bridgebill (1 Sa Grass donued 1er - big bine apron bY 'a vote af 22 le 34. "J netso 'ta ork yul 1er higgeet - q - Irushos.. But someow sIc heff tran, le. - Tite qualhiy o! île- eky, burning yul y[AKE ne mistake vîben buying a ro- Bs igtand yet deepi heMddfltsen edy ifer'dyspepsia, ,,hoadache, ýcon-- - tareade u ceait Iaeverfreh fentstipation or.lad. blond, le aure leget the 1- torsd ncbl'hwvrfehfo*kind that cures, Burdock Blond Bîtors. "'It 2 bIstube.1 Tîs value a! tle stretel cof je an excellent reiuedy for headacîe,"-C. plein, tremulons under , île fiering BLAcKr'r ROBINsoI4, PUB. CANADA Puas- -e beavens, dieturbeti ber, teie, t an n ho PËTTZIIN, r site Carne taPut,' unîle airy Wall ofeOat- Judge C o wixig, of NeviYônk, bas disniss-Ë. îd ton Woods along the herizon-t.he wholb eàt te*indîcîmenta gaiust Ferdinand Ward.. thing ed l i ,paîty maddle. n ' "Oh, I cant de anaything 10 day," AsG seAtuiy 1', Gruces excieaimet, petutauhly, vlp'ingI Either -by acquined taixil or,- heredity, se 1er troubleti brow witb the back of ber tînse aid fees Seroa na and <onumption, n -itanti and Ieaving a'streak af bine along màuet ha faceti generation allter generation ; 1erforîes tht -ntneiiedberpuzl-but you my meet tibm yul îlte odds in yrLvrby îleeipo. Sott' Em3 sio. NÉW ýLUMBER.YARDP JOHN H-O WARD, -Whitby'l The subsoiberlhae atocked e yard aethîe corner o! Pie sud Dundas Ste. ,Ail griades of Luinber, Lath, Shiigles, Cordwood, Siabs, etc. Estimates gOiven sud Billum bbr furnisheti cx - hiirtest notice. Aent fer Giimou.'s doors. ~'} blinds, floening, siàiugý anti ail o0uer i-kin-da a!f bouse furniebinga -very cfleap. - Besidexice, cpposite luler yazd. - --JOHN--HOWARD, S8pt. 80, 1891-43-tf Whitby. Ta &Il vba are a s -aringf rom theorrars andindiscreionis cf Youtb-, nsrvouu veak- aousseirly decay, .1ou8-of man.hood, &0, Iý vili oend a- recipo that vili cure yau, FPRZBE O? 1BIeR. Theigreatredy vasu iisoovorod by a isoionary in BSeuil A.morfes. Sen a aof-84dxessed enveoepe, to tle, Bey. Joix gT. INKAi,,SIftatefDs Ne-w York cati,. -4 itcher's ~asf~'?a Âugus Mrs.,-Sarah M. Black. of -Seneca,* là., durhng 1thse past ýtwo years hlas en affected with Neýuralgia cf thse [ead, ýStoxnach ,and. Womb, and ,rites: -.1"My food. *did not seem 'tO xengîhen me at ail and my appe- te -was very .gariabe. -Myý faoe aà, yellew. my heud duil, and I had Lcmpis nmy.left Bide'.,Iii the orning when - gai up 1 would avea flow of mucus in ti muth,-' td a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes, ly breath bbcame sb., - andý I had icis- que.er, tumblin.g, palpitating :nsaiions araund the' heari.- I ached Il day ûnder tise'sho ulder -blades, 1 thse 1left side, and 'downvÉ,the -back frnyý . imbs.- It seemed to be 'worse atise -wei, c6ld weathier af Winter ud Sprin'g; and wheUever the spelîs, ameoù, -=y feet and liUands weuld uru cold, and I could, get" ne sleep ,ai. - Il tried evèry where, and got [relief befoire using Auguùst oe len thee change. came. ,h bas doneý te awonderful deal of good duriig. he time I have taken -it and is work- ag a completeý cure."Y) G.-GREEN, Soie- Maa'frWoodbury, N.J. RE NE W JUOil'N E. FkREWJLL, Q. C., Bari. U oüunty. Orowi Atteorney, and Gdounty So1icitoi. Oflôt,-South wing, iponzt flousle, Whitby. JAMES. .lUTLEDGE;' !Barristor,-,ào. Olioui ormerly oocupied by Faie*ell & Rutledge nozt Royal lotel, Brook St., Whtby. DAVID ORlUlSION, B. A., Attor4Qy-à6t-Làw, Solicitor li. Chancery, convoyacer,&o. C'rc-lu the office soàth of, the- Post ,office, l MMla' -G. 'YOUJNG SBIITI. -LL. B., B&'rri3ter, &o., &c.-Moiue3y to J,8csn; la- suer of Mârriage _LicEnoiti. O:ffico Smith'is Block,,Soulli of Market, Broek St.dWhitbT I B~rxsai~ SnIcjc~il hancery, S&c Offcelx Mtitsu &L ke'L's new iUcck, Brok t. Wit~,auh~61Oxtria C.BE. MrGILLVRA YMX.4.MB (TORONTO UXVZuRTY.) Physician, Surgeon andà Aocoufheur, Late, Reiiïdeant.Physîiiau Torontq -G eneraà 'f-LospitaL Office 1houriS 9tu Il:a. Mx., 2 to 4 inand 7-to4 9 p. m. Office and. Residence-C otniý of Keut and ±>undâB Streeta, whitiby. M.G EID RUMi M. D., L.R..P- & L. M. E DI1N. Graduate of Toronto University, Poslgraduate m ýStudent for over two yea s ol (3uys Hospital; Lonon,îngan styalînux -1y ou xu-t Alil partin ,esisg W( Cal oni us; xit-re puïch. 4h1 work guaraulteei DOM IN tOI Capital Paid ÙP, Surplus, SAVfIGS DE] Interest allove d at h No notice af vithdraval tics,- including- Speial Courses in Operativèj Surgery and Midwrifery. pO H*Office heurs, to ic, a. ni., 210 , , and 7t 9p. Mn. -0. 3,.The Terrace. Byron Street, SW hitby. - c. 1- Tellephone conniuiniction tsith the co-fficee.- D. P.* BOGART, B.D., L.D'.- 'Office andi Jleàidel)ce xiext AlilSaints' Q Chuxel,. Dundes St., UWhitby. 1. L.- E - Ix Dental surgur3, in al iLs branches pruototlý' W M, wili adminiaxer -ihe "Yit- .Lizeti.Air" fiee vîrh sos un- tii fanIon notice. BUsaisot of Teeth ou - ,c 0 ;D RubrbËj#.. Coire buin as tLii , fi wll, hold gùooti, r a short tite onily. C.. c I IIGGS, Deutiat, Car. Ring and YLnY, 1 ste., T r nt eo. U - W. A AMtS, - DEIITIST.-Itamis over John Fergusoxi's 4 M Chotbing Esteblioslmint, Dýundas street, 0 >b P Whitby. Office hourisfrom 9 tv 12 a. m., c zio'0 exdfom. -t6p. m. ResidleLce No.1, -m , TrrceBri t --, '1 Ji- J.WARIN G,- Y.S.- I ---veteîîbn - Surgeon. - Honor ' G redueteloýf Ontr Ver. Col., Toi- 4 i enita. Ofmee et thteresi-denco eltie- jm. 0 ly oucupieb by R-. Hickixigbottcxn, Brook lin. Cleprottlgttenadeti night or day. M I C. CRAWNFORTII, I lbendti .Office opposite -Newpcrt"E ,Cnr- risse Works, Deuilas Streot, Wib. - - - -New Liveîy Appraisor îci the Caànadu Lotiranti Savie - -- 1 o., ag.&4ent for tle. Western Assuranýce -- a' >. Ca.Moi_-oyta LoaD an1 Rosi E stato Mort-j- -~ gageatIhow r aIef itre.- iteOe Gerrie'ls BbockWhtbY. t- - * W. E.- YAUNOLD, D- L- s ' lýCauxity Su rvoyer sud.Drainage Eiîneel I und Port-erry., Ont...-JT N W - A. A FOSJ. TCoNEW]iif ifts A eyu OLxile,ý omril rais, LsnwgleLanl& Teaming done -Buie; Tranote. Deaigus for Oburcbes. Freight snd VilleP. axiti Cott ageüêsia pecîal1ty. 1.raw eable pnices. A luge propare -ilfor remodelinig exitîug structure, O,,xict-Fiit' fisi aven HovEee s~~z'fsR .iwlIe0C ansd dealùrfnl BShixifeaO-ar se Siabe anti Hardwcot. i1311 tufi, YFil! ('andi__ j emoc k cnt teo rdor on sbont notice. iOffice opoite Milhsid. tatioin, ) 3 .f. Wliitly. - -uia 1 NOTICE TO CREDI TORS IWILLIAM COWIE, Ueceasd Thereý1's .- I Like 1UI DO ES AWAY WITýH BOILINO H R R B1a- BACKACH ES SORE HANDS LET1 U ,LANOTIIERt *jUI-LVDAY S b GO>BGO TRYiNG i:EFUSE OHEAýP IMITATIONS -- .TlateH lpetoCGureI - ThéCod -The-disagreealile ,taste of the COD LIVEk GIL is dissipated in OlPure Vod iver Sl wit hecpat#ent suffering from CONSIUMPTION,# EJIRO-NEIlITIS, COUGNI, COLIS, Olt WASTI!G DIgE-ASffl,' -takes the re edeh would tske milk. -Aà per-. fetemulsion,-snd as venderrfttl feshproducer. -TIe suba criber ta h îhle adtandxl patronage slicitt Wbitby, Nov. 26, A .,PIn -Owing ta pniotor, a]l t] "Homo -Nux by, wii le" t ,-hase., AI ,The formula Ion maakiug anti the nîght to Maypning. îxi -ssii- Dr. Cronk's Sarsàpan-ýilhl- UEWr fr he-ofrigta îSE Counfy oI Onteria;- aise eue hundreti dazenstc stane Ioutles -for t e sente.' Wiil lie solti cbssp for cas. Atpi1 o 0, Whitby P. - O.- Whty aCh 3xsl 19 2. -Home Nurser Moi SOUTH OF -Whiiby k Marbie Monui Ontùarlo,188,"thapter 10,oie tjueshere Onayo. gi8en 7ha Cap cedt1ors-andotes herper- so ins hang aims aain8a th stae cf Willia vie, laie cf gint the tnip f I, Whityinthe oont of ntarie, -yeomani, dece#ée, ho.died on or abou h s a Janarv, -193 r equired to send or deliver ta, Messrs. 1)0wý & MeGillivray, Brook Street, Whitby, Solicitors for Adam Wbîitscn, cf the city cf Toronto, g entleman, and. Robert Whitson, of the toWnshil) cf P icleringg, yoma, 'the E xKecutors f the lest vîliand testament cf the said Williamin Cowie, d eceased; full particnlara cf their dlaIms'and cf the nature cf the securities (if any),held by thent, on or befoie the llth day cf MercI, A. D). 1893. And notice is bereby given that after- the said 1ast men- tioned date- the: sald Executors wull. pro- çeed to distribute the assets..cf*te sàidde- ceesed. amongîle pe rsons entitied thereto, heving reg&ýad only ta the Wais cf whieh -notice Ishall have been given as above re- quired , and îhe said Exe 1cutors nil not be liable. for the said assete or a6ny. part- there- cf to eny ]5erscn cr4erisons of whose dcaim 1or dlaims notice shahl not have been recelv- ea by them or th'eir Solicitors at time- Deted-et Wbitby, Jan. 26th, A, D. 1893. -1)0.W & McGILLIVR4Y, Selicitors. for Adam& Robt. Whitson- Executors. 1,

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