Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1893, p. 5

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>TCHES* ,xceptionally good valué n Ladies' Solid Qýxold, ;old Filled and Silver Watches. .-WELRY )l the Newest and most ttractive kinds,, and- at urprisingly low prices. - [AMONDS- et in various styles, alone. ýr with other. Goms. Al mail, but well selected tock of unmounted stones OCKS- Sainlut, Oak, Onyx, En-, melled Iron and Fancy ityles, ail suitable )R XMAS. 1. S. BARNA'RD,. WIIITBY. ROI .DROOM SUITES Pca AND SIDEBOA3D$b and i, Oak, Cherry, Ami, Blrci anS Elrà. OLOB SUITES, dur B ASY CHAIRS. the »Fine PiCture Pra*ming. > Ofy 380P FURNITURE éOOY., Arr NOTT, M'gr. -POT ERY terboro in-- l se Business W ti ter ihorougi , Business ana.d Shorhi .lad Dol.- Tie besl rexl Ilooka - tee . The best'staff. Gold andd'Sia f is waded. Inendiug stude m aldfsend direclly for thre 70-page Il ani S. BAs; B.A.L.B;àts &NCOIAED, Charters Account i FtrbrIÂuY,1892. 10t1he f rel t; - - - gi Fook Y o Fe-our nc 0,n sae 98dertfe- i pysepleae o keîug -bous n es look baae of M. Ctoneadvtstok- ofi bot rndsal egie ca. tc [mcd ofor some wck sdwas takPen Iey 11 nSedy a.,eirsno r rhu obtlance.o . olis-tok-o.j ýtoes uns,Co etc~ .,lwibas mad ar igo eesfreatfuilsupl. o Ca t iE ,ql Fie, writby sHa b Dliveor d jýr Y ashi. E.r. L. Sbe - cr- P tie o er ose wboee ad arearavd enlu svi noter ck eoe on bsil nger tntsailorsayfcl sud settfe or ra eit al sotheos, dc itb ren e, eS-d. LinSl own rook for monisheagor. D.n [ -theidcsto piad o John BltiraI be irat Wt whv sent sud gea encuage- ft out HI tock la ,whoar làwfat casand si d eta l a closet arodis Give ir a ci.-9, lievef yothiswnt freigoods ance rlsc b aofnsed ire dnrtlixofseveralh i.bin mcaon trfour onersa aIeMra-D* .nlder tipe edo fte telegrapira c et.r wit poes abiletnoure i- ;erte tiraI trofies.wolie h=uacaled 40 kmnd1lI)u woo t tic laody ade ArldS-drhir eat appause.airte4' orsy anneusl headtirca tooeveal ir en' ourn tire nof oi onr eMua ail" ti ie calsherscaterd erthw ie ,etight Tic leswof etc-fewpupstheacrn io kpromeut 5ro01 buspready Uc otier iv ibos.w*ith suonh detitirepagrouuda plne e a ,alfhtxredjvemnl e otre B s"tnieiic cop écastolsin ligthé ,lt dingthe oonAlhou~r every l ,oor. T, aaàYofwltb -fw suppos ta e lu orea tieso l nd oethaveoneori ivsqn -oodUi througheu tveifly Uicgod nd oiier a alf hrd jtic boys turnheS ri otnof e, fopspdigtclUic loor jadby gv lis oltHerySt.los a (air ca nce ei in, ftlates Alth I0 h t Ir oe t r1it rabds of alf buciotleruchaet >ew*o' meiroon at thesc oe sore oneyo 1I - 9an e0ectllppredendthe ram unis' ..ê- tnm*- from al raî oir heIa- to Newbery's and have a feed o f ýr5. iierber the W. C. T. U. spcial1 at Martiin's residence next Wenesday, isth. às Florence McGillîiàry bas. charfge edepartment of drawing and painting :kering college. V. M4essrs. Drummond, P resbyterian, Gee, Methodist; b hof, Newcastle, lead. The fort.ner bas been* once or emoderator of the Whitby Presby- -veral Wbitbiy people attended the.bal îby the Williamâi Piano 'Co. at, Osh- on Friday night last.- Some.siï hun- took part lhe dance. he weather is -cold eno *ugh- here, dear vs, but Port.-Arthur takes a good deal ýfrigidity, havîng 4n ~average mrini- teprlr ince Feb. Ist of 25 be- zero. OAL. COal, Nro better quality itn the -Let, Scranton, delivered $6,00, atyard- ,.Lackawanna delîvered $6.oo,' at 1 15.6_-,. Now is the time to get your ply. H. B. Taylor, office Yuie's Block. obourt A£ cônsidering the advisability lng witbout a chief constable, and yet county rffgistra as'nearly hamnered leith in the str ets of that town last r, an~d the -clerk nd - treasurer came r beýig assaulted in the cierk's office. parioôr social und7erthle auspices of the- .. U. wiil be h eld aU Mr. G. V. Mar- 9residence où the evening of Wednes- rFeb. îi5th., A good -programme wili provided.. Admission 1,5 cents, two'fior A cordial- invitation ecjtended to ail. k sure and hav-e. a slice of "The last f," to' be -given in* the 'music hall to- ht (Friday,) byý the Pickering- Dramatic ib, tînder tIhe auspices of the Sons of mperance. Donh't lose .so good atreat any account. pAdmiissibn .oniy i5cts., rwo rinks of yhitby> junior c.urlers t like contingent fro . Oshawa.at the itby rink -on Tuesda' night and woni 18- shots. Wlbîtb curiers. agaÃŽn-,en- nced their reput'atioon Wedniesday ini [ating Oshawa and Bowmanviile coin ied, by 2 shots, Oshawa being 13 b'ehîic d Bowmnanville il ahead ,of Whitby- 15s makes Wbltby and, Osbawa even-or ,score of win.s, - The annual- meeting of the Clydesdale oeders oftne Province met àt the Aibioxi tel,. Toronto. pnWednesday. Ontariu anty wa .s rep resented by 1Wmn. Smithý .P., presîdent : James 1. Davidson,'ex. .1 P., Balsam; A., E. Major,- Whitevaie abert and J. Grabain, Claremo6nt;i johr avidson and gobt. .Heroni,. Ashburn ter Christie, 'Manchiester; 'A. johuisto1 reenwood ;James Leask,' Greenibank. id James Leask, Taunton. *On Thursday .next àt i io'clock p.nl.- irling bolispiel will commence to, decidg ifuture owiiers hip* of a handsome pai .tones placed in the bands- of the Wht yclub by Mr. Van ýB. Woodruff, of th, rmstrong Hou!;e,'Whitby. -It is expect 1that Oshawa, Bowmaniviile, Port Per xbridge, Stouffville, Ma9rrha, twoclut Scarboro's, and Richmond Hili wrilljoI the matches. Splenidid ice la assure, nd if the weather is favorable there wi e-a noisy time here for a cou~ple.,of day.- We regret very mucb. to, have to retof ie sudden death- from- congestion of th ings of the wlfe of Mr. Win. Milne, Sca' oro; Deceased wastheyonng est dau 'gi cr of the Tweedie famniiy, a very'amiabl tdy, and bas carried-the very hightst eý es of hr maniyacquaintances both bt )re and since br marriage. She was ti iother of a ver fine family of childrec id we join -with the community -in e. essing heartfelt symapathy with Mi uine and familyii tbeir, great. a.flhictioi Bowmanville bhas g few cýndidates fk e position of meaneatiman on earth. rchii ht procession and banquet w2 seivlig the wardlenship of Durham a: orihumberlanti, and now some.person ebIishing letters in thé 'Bowmanvil ýtatesmian: insîiuating that Mr. Prow ot u the whoieé thîng himseélf and pa r, it. la'I a foot note. to the letter ti cditor gives sanction' to the slur. Ti [ews very properly -remarks: "W:ilei ght-thinking citizen. gives such dirt icoiid tbought, -one câanot belp regic ng that we 'have critters of'sncb calib à our !midat. If, tbey lhad lmi scope, f bout six montbs, they would have tl ýwn. boarcled #p and advertis.ed for sale once and save expense and prosecuti Woodstock Sentine1 Review " often some:.unexpectcd circumstanCe cnrs whicb opens. afresb an unhe2 .wound or wrings--a moan of anguish. fi a bereaved, beart, which under other cumistances wvould -bring the, greatest and bon» .r. .Sucb an incident came to kno*ledge of M&rsr Houston' few C ago, in a letter addressed to, "Profe W. H. Hout4t Woodstock Colleg The letter was fr6m, the Hon. W.- T. > ris, Commis siner of:Education of, United Statîes, announcinigthat a Woi Educationiai Congresa, will' be beld Chicago next 'July, -and asking Mr. H ton to, accept.,a reqponsible positio'n th at; la the foilowing complimeritary wo: "In. consideration of your distiiiguiE services in the field of education. I ber extend to ion, ln tbe name of the Nat al - Educational1 Assciation of the lUn St.ates, an- invitation. to attend tihe greas and take part in -the deliberat 1 furtber request that you wil cousez accep t .ap lace on tbe* list of jiona Vie-rSiets of tie flepattesent( gress of H-igbherEd1catioa. '"Tis_ grai compiment, and lntended .-honor, cor. 'oit te firt aaniversary of the death o beoved..h 'band, deep!y affectc. Houston li ber cbanged circumstail and, sire wld indeed Ire -more human if-hr heart did not suggesi *thought, "O ,h! wbat might- tave be Yet, ber Chrristian loynlty to, the Disl of i events prevents, ber from -g utterance t? tire tbougirt ' We, are Mrs Hýouston and. ber twvo ýatberlIess wullcontinue 10 receiye tire esteces, patby and. courtesy of the many ýfrieni her late hu>band, wirose deatir w -~ a' We are booking orders now for roses for tire.Christmas holidays.. W. H. Newbery.j The weekly tbaw on Monday last came at an opportune time to. setie the snoW wirich the re.cenit storm, bad piled up.. . The railway trains onth .e Whitby-.Lind- say ,ulne were not delayed by Frxday's blizzard. -it was -a whistier al tire saine. rThe Baptists bere, and at Brooklin. have extended an invitation to, Mr. ýSycamnore, of McMaster. Hall,- to beconie tireir pastor. TeSouth Ontario Contervative as- soci..tion is cailed together at the couincil, chamber here on Satnrday_ of next '-week, Feb. . h, Choice cnt flowers, plants and, roses. Designs and bouqu *ets maàde up on short notice., Plants loaned for decoration, at W. . Newbery>s green bouse, Wbitby.. A. great deai of ice is p iling up along thée northern shore of Lake Ontario.. At times tbe Lake bas been froxen as far out as tire eye can see, a thing no person around. here remembers seeing before. Our genial and highly succesaful, auc-, tioneer, Mr. L.* Fairbanks, bringa in tid- ings of another sale wbere good prices were realized,, that of_,Messrs. Kerr, Brook-lin. Horses' sold yery well, and cattie went away up. See our: sale regis- ter for the sale announçements of the -near future. Theannuai soiree -of the ài. Andrew's church was a success in every way, and e éeill h work of the ladies la. cater- ing to tire-wants and tastes of the guests. The other portions of the eývening's. pro-, rgramme were well received. RE h UCTI ON SA LE T s ronth weae ffrgth Greatest Bargains in Wintr Dry- Goods ever given the' Town of,-W hitby.- To reduce_ our stock of Dreus:. Goods w e have made the price in, Many .tbases ONE-HAJLF i MILLINEItY AND) MAN TLES.. Less than -Ã"NE-H.ALtF in. GENEýRA.LDRY GxOODS. SPECIAL: BARGAIlNS- Are given in- any une to effect a clearance -before our SPRING STOCK arrives. :0: Giv., us an early eau andwe wl e plcea'e oso u Goods al at reducti.on., This issue of the CHRONicLE gives lu- terestiug news items from Bowmavll AIUC N SALEI - Bslsam,Lindsay; ouUe siuu Y ON- W A NT D 1 ME A T L Y Wiritevale, Markbam, -Raglan, Columbus, -F Cýobourg,orililia, Uxbridge, Cannington,Vaab1 Osirawa, Port Perry, Broughm ikr-l am Pptv ing, Brooklin, Kinsale,- Manêhester, be- sie 1 eea su tmarY of county and-T. n 1 sidesa geera he ude signed bas received instruc'-. couty ow nes.Every item. is ,of t ons îro i> amiit.osof the est changes beingmewsl ewrle. dt d y ublic rAto, ateN~N . 1N ~ H T Y special interest; the items called front x ftielt FACSWAIG eeas- k ecen tiy t'No very-boid daylight robber- IWbOORUFI'4S HOTEI4, in thre town of iesîwere perpetrated in Toronto, one be- Wbitby,,on ---- igajewellery store front hc ,- orbof goods was taAe.t t ofmîtSATU&6DAY, i B.2th 89 .1000 bushels Mik ad .00bushels Red Clover, and tire. revolver. The -second attempt> 1 .Attie ilour c4 two. o'clocl i-n-thre afi i inso rin o l o hc h.s eardt a mdby four men 0. eatrîonls ei- noon, th(- fo-i',6wiug valuable fari. prope at theoffices of the Honie Savinga Society. I ty, viz the,.soutii haif of Lot No.- 31, i the higliest ýCASH- MAIRKET PIRICE. Also wanted- Eacb of the robbcrs was masked and ares- ft Co. fýie Tp. of'Whitby, luth ed, but -fouud the resistance of tire manag- Conyofgtario. - good Dried..Apples andFrhEgs ei aud" bis clerks 506 strg tirat nothing This propeLrty la uiceIy situated on a - but murder would succeed,-and.tbey dare wç1taelled road- and bas mauy recom- feo sho. hy rce edabi neitrvaiso offers to, the pulea ulaso d-stock o n tsotýTé,rce ed-b*kadmendationis to. farmers ; there being on it asre f irtir with revolvers for a time and Jheu an orchard of firat-ciasa fruit, a streaes-of choie famniiy gave it up. No dlue existed as 17o wboifl good 'Water, two wells aud a- ittie wood- they were, and ail sorts of j okes were go- lad;shi-a few roda front tirebouse GRoQERIES, T y C F E P ing in the papers, at-ýtire expense of tire To- and pot:ofie about two muiles ; buildings TACFES ronto, detectives. 'The: roirbers became. j e fair. There is about 12 acres of, it FUIS ORNE, T. bolder stili sud returned a portion .o! the sO e ofl'ha, ti bu ie FEH FUTY'RNE, c jeweîry to its owner, encîosîng a lette r toi sro Wdt aba It la aibrout 7il sý 'i wsnthngbutbrss Te etet-seh!ongivex îst. of April,, 1893. IIdso- a large stoQk of choice Crockery, ChnGlass and ives' meanwirilc had been ýalive, and on Saturday night Detective Duncan procu.Lr- TERMS,--One-teutir cash at time of. - F-aàcY'-Ware' cd a searcb warrant sud pr:oceedèd to tire -salei, enougir witin tbirty 'days tbereafter bous ofBeuettwbo ir susectd.itoesakte rp one-tirird of the purcirase Bennett confessed: sud.-named two other tr rut.wt h us ualcoeartit uu dee cslled Archer sud. another . talled fereat aI 6 per-cent. Fofuterptî- Norris- 'They were ail locked up, and in lars applY to joseph Waring, Broookin ____________________________________ the sesîcirof the detectîvea nearly ailtire 1Ont.; J. f. GriersoiÏ, Solicitor, Oshawa or&.1 eeliezîy was'ieveaied. __lu the meantime t1L0 - BA. N i iingT a -1i5-sd < 1 ,{ nilivig. Ë=mst 'every -banket sund broker in theé.L AIBAin n~~. outr hd rîe bs leks ir rvqv--Auctioneer, -Whitby, Ont and ammunitioIl business neyer havîng Dated at Ostiawa, Jan. 31str 1893- Vilen sncb a boom lu CaFada. --_____________ saot ioes RXzduTORS' SALE& O? - 'HELLO l HELLO! -ok ont'for.fodsansd big ice jams in. IA ~ FA M b pîing. dCold winters, makre ice and~ go ropa. - f-'W H-Gladeope will touetr rs ~î htY. N4e rryr (r-ias t ooX u* ke .nie Bill.on Monday nexît. be el tio - have reduced bis majority by Tieudrgn-Jlarceediîtc f -r vte. .- -- ions from - '--utors, of the estate- o " h'th "; Santa Clau's Well-I wont have time - uH4àwaligseekinrto ire annexerl, 10 the leltI I~k-~,dç- ascd, te1 Ù à dStates, sud it isn't b aîf È50 k een for offe e-fùr sal'- b y P ub i e A uction, a t, W O O D - _ o c l e e y w e e t is y a,3u o cailo to m ît'as the Americans aie. RUFF'S, HOTEL, WfflTBY, on- It la believed tire American governesent 0?t A I ' IdrIt bl of tire Panama canal ahd Stray1-. 5 93' HEADQJARTEIR-S, CO MA KS A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~A ne omriltet a enag-.one o'oîoc,p. m., the folowing ValuabieAn etyorHolidJay, Gifts at - the RIGHTI RIES ed between. Canada.ansd Fratice, under faims, naesely Ad g pu -Sir Chas. Tuppe's diplomacy. -1 itpr o o o 6 Shrewed Buyers are .gettmg. the firist -pick from hLis v~îa ssrie Montana icattlemen; report a bas of lie 6th concession of tie Township oi suitiflg ail pookets and tanites,.young and-old.. Don't wait until Xmas Eve, twenty-five per cent.ofthéeir cattie urng Whitby, being compose nduied of-thenorti-haîf when -the best selections -have ben made, butgo to-day. Itismpsbe - tire. ins wluîr. , sudtienoierly 15 acres of te tic iairform th.great stortimS w-. s.ad soheha - ýar o to doscribe ail hé has got for yon, but there will be a'Merry Xmas- Report fromSt. PtersbrgRssoasaidt . , Soil ged clayloam, ynbuion.ÂI -godbe eport frot St Petesbur, Ruofacultivation, weill fenced, iving at -YOUR HOME if y u oe Uright, well, o be sud Marsailles, Franct:, saeta hoiera- sprmn mg lr fae w li onne, ont- - tic diseases exiat inihese places. b-ion ng, lage5ad, g91a stabiiîg for ci-, P E T E R" - à A man was killied near- St.'Thomas on bu 0ctl*ad1 hrewlnd-I - enedy in a, quande arising onit:of- iepnump ln, connectilon,--bolldr bouse and other cirasing of 'a turkev by a dog. 'con-veniencpe young orchard of standard igaln,9 -ig JJ.Cosgrove, of tire,.,custor. depart. fru'" f ao t acr e - -er ri ry _______________________________________ ment, Toronto-, has been dis , saed for derabepoei frete raao tc signing bis ne 10 Z. A. Mciin.emald'a an- faim. A MImerca nexation maulfesto. ~ -- PARci&L 2. AUl liat part of Lot N.2.li l I Mike M cConuell, %NhoIesglè liquor deai- l inte 6th concession of tesï lié ioniai id Townsipgne è ~ c, Trono, as adean ssînesatof Wiby, lying sonli of a hune 7 chaînas sud asTorontoavy maditean s sd 0 ininsut otleentre lia ofsald and I as vry hevy liconcessi àon, beîug thc divisionhUe iretweeai >t É arcels' suda2. Soil lay loam., framtej ýY dwehling biaise alld outiruil dings, haîf acre 1.eroia of orciard.. This parýcella aW good grain MisC.Arnal la sop eiga diessmnaking faim, desirabiy altualed, sud la a fair alite -TAEmRS Sirop.of cutheairionepoete recnelnl Ex-Mayo - Camprehi bs retured fro Chicsgo. Mn. F. -Howard Aunes bas, been laid up- witb qninay. - Mn. Voemasu Gibs on la sa 11111e "unde" tIreweatber, from paralysis. Gov. Decker, of tire jail bas recovered from bis second indisposition. - Messis. Tiros. Jackson sud E. R. Blow are visiting lanlire.western. States. Mn. T. . Greeawood was home frour the city *Saturday. .He la studyiflg bard. BW . Hopper, Chicago, son of John, Hopper, is heîe suffeîing from inflamma- toryý rieumatises. - Mi. Wili J. Lawrence, Kinsale,- la tire new mail.-clenk on tire Wiitby-Manilla car., Hi starta alone fÃ"r- lie iraI to-day. Mi. J. D. Wakely, Anu Arbr, Micir., was- lu 'town Monday and '77- -esday,_ visit- Ing fflends. He la stud, I aw at tire great univeisity. - Mn.'F. W. Phillipo, 'Port Per ry, was la town on Tbursday usat la atend the,.bach- celone' baîl, sud bonored .oun sndum witb s caîl. Hie is s bloaled alderman at the Pont,. althougi he. don't look xmdici lue one. los. S. Bc, of this ta is lacharged witi robbery aiof-$âansd .somne jewelry.. - - e left for*Toronlto but was ariested there on Mon- day byader of Cbiçf Constabie. Wright, Part of tic.sole goods were fouad rpou -hlm, sud belonged te otirer iroardeis at a lodging bouse wbere ho-irad' wPîked bis confidence racket.." W. G. WaIIsrS, Lôoals. .Ask 10 ae oui Englisi flancîçttes, one yard vdde, aI ty G. Watters. New stock of pnlnts, aI W G. Waltern'. Juat received, new aping stock of bard 1 anS sot hats, at W. -G. Walters,. - > New caltons. sireetings, siirtingaà towcllinigs, etc., aI W. G. Waltera,. Post office. îailwaI station, leing al within 14 mniles of Brookilu station on the-.G,'.R. Possesalôtw11 ire given on or beforeApril lat, 1894, wth privilege of fal ,plowiug. TERMS.- Ten per cent.ofci e purciase money to be paid atth ti ie'of sale,. aud enougi vIithisuci deposit-to aie one-baîf of ie pu xcise money withimu tiirly days ereafteansudtle -balafice b ire secnred ir orgie of tie p'remiseis, bcarlng inte r- est ut 6 pr cent'. per annumý, with bar of dower, Ifneccssary, sud covensut.b - m sure le u1l-ngs b -he amnounl of-tliu insuriblé valuable. Thejpuruîhaser tb iave tie ô ption of paylng lie -wioie purchase' moneyMincasi. Tic sale is'subject t0-a re- serveS - bld, *sud lie - vendor? willl not ire -bounuSle produce iny aisresc of tille, depdas. or evideuces of tille cther than tiqe lu lhi» vosaeàsîon. Ilu -ail olier respects Ic conditioxis of sale sihl ie tliestanuding conditilis of tie ~ Court of Justice. Furtier particularssudè conditions will bp made known aI lié lime of sale, or may Db b id on application- tb J. R. Mtiewson, Eéqg.. Brookij; John. Thison, Esq-, Wiitby ; lhe- Solicilors.,for tic Vendors; or bo the Aublioner. Dow &.lIcGn.nràxvI .Fnss Ventaons' Solictors. - Anclioneer. ~WzbJan. 251h, 18983-. -directfiom tire Scanton Mines. voAM we are the only Firm'-iý WHO HAS A, STOCK 0F PURE SCRANTON 'COAL Iu Ibis .emarket, we wîii (weatbeî permît- tiug) every Saturday leave a wagon load opposite oui Store foi- public inspection. Bear ir mid there is as grea. t a difference ira Coal as there isiii Wod-. - LTRY A SAMPLE ORDÇR Sireda atEnglue yard, G.T. R. Price $6.25 per ton delîvered Up town. Gros &.Granger, Coal Mngrs, WhitY' J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Bnooklu. --Whitby. C~~~~.G 1IE1. 1 ?I 73SOfc ours 9..a. m. Ofîehounsilam I ta lam t pm Cor. MAg& og9StToronto. For tirs nalihise montis Iamn giving sPCial.-attoention -tô patients from n :a- -tance. Ama .1111 makiug plates lunrer q8ý, oelluloi& jo. Qold sud. silver fMling work erownlng-by flrsl-claSs opexrs ita lie. Ïmoal reasonable rates in the city. Whea ite city cail ln -and lot me eixam-. i- yOur Iceti. I ie ne extra charge- C.e H. RIGOGS, Dentist, seti easalCorner Ringma Yonge Sti., TaronlO, Nov. Bih, -1892. FARM'ýTO RENT. 100 -acres, sontir hall of lot 17lu inre 9th con. of Whitby îownshipý-witmn:a mile of tire G T. Rsd C p R stations, gooS build- inigs, lange -oiclrard, extra Mouse,, wehl adapteS snd well situated . for dairying. Dcc 28 '92 MUNN & CO-. 361 BRtOADWAY. NEW YOaK. Oldeat bureau for secnring patent8 in Âmneriea. Every patent taken out by us ta brought bel ore the public by a notice given free of charge in the- Larst circulation of any aicienti fie paper ia thi, Wr.Splendid» illuistrated. No. intelligent mmshould be-uithout ItL Weekly; 3.OO a IF"; $31.50mix months. ÂddrésMUN &k 0. UBsaxxa. 61 Broadway, New York Cit. - Farm ers, Atte ntionI T11he Mowat Manufacturing Coxnany hiag completed its arrangements for clroppir; coarse grains for the public. Macbmnjt_ý runs every day. Customu solicited. . .MOWAT MANF'G CO., Dec. 51892-ti. - Wiiby. GOAL! GOA L H. B. TAYLOR1 Iiiiporter and dealer'in Best qualities of> HA/RD andSOF T-COA L STORAGfl - ýH arb o r tco0S., Sheds. Watson & Co's., Sheds. -,TE.RMS CASHI. - H. B. TAYLOR. Whitby, Sept. lot, 1892. 1- - f j JAMES MCIJKIMý, Prmce AWert.

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