Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1893, p. 4

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I ' - Hard Rubber, Trussos, Will mlucessfully retain the Moait diffi- cult iforma of flornia or IRupture willh oomfort. andeaae. -Under patronage ýof the worl d's mont eminent lurgeona4. SOLE AGRNTI JE.W1L LIS, Chemist if Druggist, .Medieal Hall, Brook Street, Whftby. 1 t las evident from Uthe high. prces being paid at' auction sales for good milk towâ, that the farmerés Uà itcL ýr.ai-gluwing county of Ontario are- fast turning their at- tention, in the direction of dairyinig., A few yasago bbe class of cattle sought'was good beefers, and the, mosî of the, talk. centred . upon thal idea, but now a strain of ricli and free.milltenr -is fasbionahle, and ai conibination of feeder and mlicer. will be the resuit. Unden t he hammer there is nul so very mnuch différence in the price bidden for a bigh grade and a good MilIter, and the thoro'bred. must have proof of its, milking qualities before it'can demand fancy prices; Féeding and dairy- ing have the run, 'and du .,-ipg,.jale ycars have proven highly satisfa' yd profit- ableý As the. scientific aspî t oT ,ýcheese and butter - making develops-and -irn- provement lias been rapid iately-îthe pro- fit froni the creamnery -and cheese factory twill increase. ,Looking, akead .with.admir- able sagacity, lion. John Drydcn has car-. ied bi portable dairy- a veitable frec show' of dairyiing in botlitis scicntific and praclical aspects r ound the country to. give. peopie.an insight into thec case and facility, as well, as pleasure of- occupti.ýn, with wbich ulk may be mnanipulated. .By means of this traveling- scbool of practical science In dairying tbe kinister of Agri- culture has opened 10 the vie* of agricul- turisUa alastîi and pleasant anner' to farming, bearîng grand nesults. A nd the more our people learn of dairying the- higher the price of -the cow. goes. Singu lariy but natural1-4 enougb the advance in kno "'edge of tl' diry bas broiiet the- fan e_-corres * 'nding increk in bbe price of dairy prL' pcts, -and thus a valu- able: and 'nlimite&Sld for: produce and profit bas been developed. It is no won"- ,der, the cow sellsa well. Towil Cotndil, MEETING MONDAY NIGHT. - LIVELY 'MEETING AND PLENTY 0F WORK TO DO,--THE LADIES IN FORCE.-STRONG. PETITION FOR A. PERMANENT CON- STABLE.-SOME 0f, THEEYEÂR'S WORK LAID OUT. The lowti council met Monday nigbt, and assumed ant air, of business from the be ,innt. THE, CHIEF CONST'eLE ~PRDA., EB.10 Àlellen was read froîn bef Consable PoIltifl Points. Mr, Mercier bias taken bis seat in the Quebec legisiature. Wben be last sat there he was a live figuire, no'w he is'a dead duck. While many correspo)ndents of Amen-ý can newspapers now in Canada-find near- ly everybody in favor. of afnnexation, -the special of the, 'hicago Heraid admits he vantlndvery littie ofît., Lord Aberdeen is to be. the next Gover- nor General of Canada. He, and bis wife. have spent a good deal of time in, Canada during recent years, and are claimed by tbhe people of Hamiton as citizens of that *City. The way the Amerîcans are. acting at present, Canadians need not look for the Washington treaty to last long before be- ing abrogated. If they cannot see any other metbod of causîng a rupture they will burst the treaty or any other agree-. ment.- The frlendly and neighborly -attitude, of 4the United §taes towarÈd> Canada bas bern onc niru i, ld by the passing of an order to have ail Canadian Cattke en- Calverley stating that under Uthc present arrangementg betwen hiruseif and the town he finds -thal elîher bis duty 10 the town -7 10 bis famuly must be slighîed, and asltîng to be placed upon- a permanent footing. A petition *ith thesanie object in vicw was presented by Mn. J. Hamer, Green- wood,. signted by Judge Burnham, Jgdge Dartneil, - Surmogate registrar *Barclay, Couaby Treasurer McKay, G.7. Y. Smith, J. B. Powell, W. R. Howse, Gross & Granig- c, D. Ormiston, EF- D. Warren, Haîcli Bros., E. Stephenson, and 30 others. - Mr. Grtenwood said.a.few words about the malter, He believes the chief con- stable can, empioy bis, whole tume 10 tbe bigbcst, advantagc 10 tbc town as -con- stable, as health inspector, and Wnassisît- ing, chainman- of committees.' Did - ol wish 10 diclale t1, the' council1, but hoped tbey wouid appoint Mn. Calverlcy as chief constable a a.faim emuneration, and fel that tbc intcrestîs of thc town wouid -be furîhèred thereby.- - On:motion of' Deputy RKing the pelition spd trwedlt rc mfenned lu the cotumilîe on*pplications t0 office, Coun. Smith hav- ini, objected 10 bbc finance commiilîe be- ing, allowed to share in the defiberations on týbe malter. W. C I. otes A large number of pupils are preparing to.try tbe art sebool exams. whicb come off on the 24 inst. Elsie Lawler la again back te ber oid position in the fourth.for'm. The school. loFt somùelittie*ga«iety whilehMiss LawIer was absent. Chas. Mackey Wîg in town on MondaY, but di.i flot. attend'scbool. He -is sîil quite wc-ak He expects to be able 10 te back by Mondair. Ramn or shîne, bail- or 5110w, sitili the boys' rollOu't- the foot-bail and whoop-hler- Up! W e have brigIt, prospecêts of a corking beami for the spri.ng. Oik Wednesdày next, St.Valentine,'s day, a prog ramnme of unusual menit is 10 be given.by the Liteiary Society. The pni n- cipal item will be' a dialogueý by. seversi of thc risîng elocutionists .0f the schoot' Ail in ail, we venture'. b write that that. meeting will be most intcaisting and enî,--c Iaining.- AIl are invited. Come and.bing your friends.. If'one judged froni the intcrest taken -in the programme'of bhec Literary ýSociety, one would be forced 10 say that the fut farm was.the besl formi in the school. We feel warnanted i n taking thie Literany So- cicty's progra mmes as' a citerion. Ini the .words ofsome immtrai philogopher, What'sthe ffiatter.with the other forms?"l The third used to be Ibe best forni, but il. isn-'t in it " now. Thé school was neyer in a more.flounish- ing çonidition. The difierent fonnis. wre well.filled with'eniergetîic, indusîrious and enthusigstic pupils. There senîs îo. be a spirit of work abroad. Tim e was whcn the boys snd the girls sought foolery . just ags soon as th>e teachiers' nyes was taken off Ihen., but now, during thc interval be- tween recitations, the books are the dear- est friends of thc pupils.. We place our school second të none in the Province for. solid work. The followîng programme-was rendered. atIlast.Wednesday's meeting of the W.C.i. literary sociely, Mr. Hogarth-; B. A., being in the chair: Critic's -rpobt N. R.' D. Sinclair ; chairmmaî's -addless, ,Mr. Hqg- -érth; instrumental duet, Mlessrs. Dabe and *McTaggakt ; recitation, Miss Pearson reading, Launie Bog6ar * vocal solo,. MiF1 ..Lick ;- recitation, Miiss VYates ;ý readin, Waity Thonmpson chorus, girls' octet add~e MM"qii ýuints,' Mr.J W. b d. l tOr4g1i«a U, , V teig United Statbes froni Canada, THE -LICENSE QUEST 10,etn loe iî h atd.If they jannot see how ta 'u-----+ e lyn vonaîid, a-f ~teî*ways front ilisig any gooda , eu.rinforUi oessCns h fineOunr miserable cous* ains eup-rne Union bad aîrived by A çtreaigomthnhenen know osome ays inwbîchbrade ay bethio lime, consising of Mrs. G. T. Martin, etrrsigno hnIeoei retarded. . . - psietMed esHr, 'linJ cecion wiîb Ibis. sehool- it >would be MaàtÙuson, ý Linlon, Gunu, "sud 'aitcrson bard 1e find, sud difâcult te imagine. The The nage for public scaudals during re- and, Misses Gîbson, Montgomery, Cade, lts n ngîs eoiasadppm cent years bas had the elc of turnlng. IrvÎn, Starr, and others whose naines oua re on file, and, he wo fe afhu' our people's mindi from tbp business of nepre i ntcth isit ttis noomi lanot bcnefitted, mnust the ouse 10~he erfrmin ofscens. Mmi. Hane read Ibeir, mémorial, the indeed be a nionentity.Wcncpesd1 m i eain part as follows: .- ste such a- lange number of the pupils Ndbody appears to IboIt towards Ottawa. The mnemfbers of bbhe Womnen's. Chris- bskiug advantage of Ibis means of inforni- for any otlen purpose except te sniff fer a- han Tempernuce Union being deeply _mi. ing their minds upon curnent topics. Iî is. recunrence of the degrading sensations prèsscd by bbc niumerous sud aggigvatcd gospel lnutb that the man whed doci not which beld the public car f>r'notbs. in evils'arising froni the liquor Inafflu, sud keep up witb the limes must b 'ut. down' 1î891. No onl~y- do. our pe ople'look for believing, as they do, thal, by -nisiÏg the hy lthe tumes. We expect -to5 see fifty nqore, but they in many cases appear te *ainount of icensei fées and'neducing the naines aclded 10 the now le1 Lt wes -for it. Second only to titis desire îf nube f avmsatagetmut fth the people's minds la lte carnest Ilongi'ig 'niuning now prevailing, woàld reccîe Toeo sVwoaesmtie ean to stir up religious discord.. That Smi 10. « uch.a check as would soon tel! upon, the ed by extra wonk after school, on -wbo an- Thunipson or Mm. Laurier shoulc.. as ýcicumstances of mall1y who, bbnough the rive at scitool befome ninie, have been fonc- Caîliolic leaders ot the two..partiri-'.do influence -of liquor, are binging tem 'fama- cd te notice thée finm adhéence te duty s.>nething t-i sàtrengthen te bai X.a of ililes te, misery sud waut. sud-titeielves sbhown -by oui indefatigable janiton,. Hon- Roinaials in political afiai ras, is a fear to degnadation. Thé undcnsigned, liai- est John, Baker. We neyer saw a sçhool- which causes more coticern 10 a niajority lng semiously considened.the ques tion in n ooni kept ' neaten sud cieaner. On 'a .of-peuple titan any prospect there' may be ils varlous; aspects, feel it- te be their im- aorning iaftr a beavy snow-storm, be may of misgovern ment on any otiten point. perative duty te ask your honiorable body be seen, as early as four o'clock,' shovell- te -takt Iis mnatter, which se closcly effects îug off Uic snow. No ueed 10 bell him.td Th 'n. ty Abbc best iuiteres tf the, towu, imb your rcmedly snybbing, as soon as 1 anything be- considération, an as your wisdom maey cornes broken it is fixed witbôout confusion, Reacit township pays ils -aisessor $roo, i, direct, lessen -the number of ta vernessudý by John. Weý ail appreciate bis kindness, te collector $120. Whitchurch pays -sîro , raise tbc liceuse-féee at leastt bline limes sund-gentlenestoward us, an d we hope and $115, Uxbridge tp. $90 sud $5t*he present amn t and by se 'doiiug that. a kind Pr'ovidence may lengtben ouf show te the peopl of Whilb y. tliaî you bis days se that lie- may long enjoy the A youug mani in Cannington bought up 'have a real inlenest iW their moral sud success of bis charge. aIl tbc prime butber he couid, iaàt Ikil, te spiritual' weifanc. *, The undemsigncd, The, Art Sctool, Dnawing examinations the amnount of tfiree topis, and sent il te I would in conclusion most.ncspecîfully sug- begin on te 241h il. The following is Bermuda. He bas neceived bis - neturus .gest Ihatlte gwing of a license-10 a'stop aadmad a ond tg ohe ~ o tr o ealo liquots, furnisbes the order at thc collegiate examinations. au additional temptabion* te indulge in bbc Friday aftcnnkoou, -Fnecbaud and- Modêl lJxbridge had ils towiù hall burned- oitIeajghbt eie eu ten Drawing. Satunday foenoon, -Çveometri- Wednesday niglit of isst.week, just as thej opinion enlimly uneceasary. Signed on cal sud Perspective.suad Biackboand on. youtg eole cr prpaingtohol abehaif of the W.C.T.U.. -Miii. G. V.. MAR1Memony, Drawing. In the aftemnoon, bal, Port. Hope's went,. up in smoke on TiN, président. . Drawing from Flowers, Sbading 'from lte round sud Sbading fronifiat examples Fe'day .nigýht. -His Worship Mayor Long ncceived the sdOnmna u nuîii-einn A .newly married couple wenl te Ux- -plaisnfe ve n gnciosiy, ltaningit win îb tknxteconvenience of the lades or he nleesttb~y nanieitlupuplîs sometîim during the examinations, bridge on Weduesday of.last wèek, in- p ublic afiairs. He was much pleased te -ounlte B. coum e. As ttc Department us- tending 1e tare a,tip. A derailed. car th t r eset10 ind fItem cprt ouncl 10 ally sendi a fcw, additiouail papers ilu foi-ced theni t0 take iodgiogs 'for ,the do al luneisloers-dtfo bist art wngOutd ach itsbect auy ex-pupils . of the Colle. nigitt.- At four in the monning tem ispwc 1 sssti cmrlg u giate who may désire te try any on ail the bos und lws ld-their-wishes. He could, not sec wty itotels bvma. seniftérans*he ing huebre.I aadepressiug cannol funnish public accotumodation ntbv "e ay do 5 .0 eve fIexminameois -.a nul ben set lu.The eaminaio-sanc atart in life.-. wthouî lite necessily of scln hs e hld several weeks canlien titan usuai Th'xrdeJournal writes qm -,,ry sen- He wisited there were. more temperance as the departmeut wse umle C.lec Theùxbnldge ~~~women of suffic»ient public spirit sud losfMeA xiitlt ouba sibe 'dilnia i faQn f Uc c ;grant' courage 10 emulàte the example of Ihose, Exibn isg $So eccite1 mechanics' instftb ; as ad- present.. He wouid nudet-take to say _________________ vocated by Mn. May&of Canninglon. Our taI Item memorial - would.neçcive duc -7 côteni. maires te practical suggestion titat considération froinilte body- oven whict j o fn - le per cent. of te grant shouid be laid out- lie itad the Isonor 10 preside. . CiCw lu uflo -Transit - -o- in buylng books on lte subject of gnicnlii The ladies thanked ttc maýyol- and wilh- ._ turc. - . - t d~n.w motion ofâCoun. -Rois'liete itio.n B IN ." The ount ofYorkhas n-Idustialof lte license commilîce with instructions Rememiter that commncmg inwithn open- lioe, adlte report of Inspector Lundy te report upon il. . iig of navigation (May 1,- 1893,) is cors- sho"tha ý terewer 96 nmaés a th, PPy wRil y4ace iu comrinssion exclnsively ahow tht - her wee 96Itiatesat iteREPORT5 G(ALORE. bew:e close of lte yean and oue stipported aIic Coup. Robadun e ad lte first reporf of- .1n -ti Blind tostitute. Altrlgethèr 15z differeut ',the sfreets commilîce, -askiug powern 1 Cle ve/anda anad.uBaîo pçrsons geoived shiéter duniug ite-yean,,ltoe.tenders for 53,oofeet of cedar, pie DalLioflteniiMgniet out of vilich t tere were 24 deati, leaving - and hemiock 6o.ooo feet was. pumcitased âSrde ofl the woStars on A average 0-4 89. Thtis showrisi graduai last year. 41Étaethie average for lte pein Coun Scott enquired why lte commit- the(Iet1 Lakes.- da beïng ovér zoo.. -The total expendi- tee itad net asked: power t6 leceive tend-1 Steamers wi l ave- .either ciiy evezy : ers for stone. evexuing (Sunnday inelude)arvn ids ture orthe year was $673 24. Towards i Rs re itIltecmmt'taasn is olwim rig ilimesfo tN*=$22. was receîjred from nt - - Coup. Rbon rcpiedt bh omt into»tefloùg.mrm-i i o matesfrbor, $5i.î . l 1waes cnd - tee bad dccided net te buy any stone titis- usines.sud anl train connections. byl Inates, $î545o front sale, of stcka spring. There are teni cords -oef brokenQukTme t72-39 (i-on sale of fart produce, plants,j stene on baud now, 'and pleut>' more at c&~, and $8 for articles marIe 1h Uic Home lte jail.- Besides, titi-e yards of gravel Unexcefled -Service - #ig*ê,5vrwepatd fer permanent improve- on eah auled for lte same mouey ýas0l..owonte, ,=antii, leauing a balaceof $916 35rcceiv-e tn a oli on ed llymu County Tr trera-rte sup be hérport past,- o flprtolans ee later issues of 4 ats' epr a iy,, hed help, Coun sinitb .reada report fron theb coin- ii aeo ddOU B OES à4a«, tc, binganaverasw exp.ise mte-o >aplctinet ffc,'Io M. .ý B)aneR . Geu'i user Agi Ne* eah inateof I.20. Thte mendingj. B., PaWell for assesser at à' eq aae. GWPuegrAt eexpense for 1891 WU $1.2. aalary ef $100. -Clovë"ad' 0 -,4-Y. The reotpassed, and Coun Smith in- troducdan carricd through its varlous stag-es a bvlaw. toD that ecfféct.f Coun. Willis read a- report- from the ~ .r . I printing com mittee giving the Whitby Gazette the printing conitract for the year at $42..; It passed. Coun.. Ross reported'for,, the -tow n pro- perty cominittee, in favor ot payment of the following accounts R. Ramnes $î.6; Jno.ý Bell, $2.a.o;Geo. Cormackr, wood, $,5o; F. Harbrýon, wood, $47.50; Gross & Grang- er, coal, $89.95, und for relief $6. io. Pass- e<Li The reeve read a report from the finance committee recommending payment of the expenses of the laIe municipal election, as follows:- $7 to Fred Mudge, who b ad the council chamber free, and $Ër-each 10 J. - K. Gojrdon, G. T. Hall, .Jos.- Whi.te and Alani Cameron. Pa9sèd. c The reeve introduced and carried. through a bylaw bo raise money by teni- porary bôan until taxation lime; one t10 co!lcct, poli tax at the rate of $z *eàch faç bachelôrs between 21 and 6o years of age- and a motion to appoint Dr. Adams, .____________ Hart and Wm. 'Morcombe members i the board of healtbh for '93 ; Wmf.,Calverle<é being appointed heaith inspector and Dr. k- Bogart physician, _ail without saiary. 1 5 M The cenmmittpetna i', iounrned. ~ U E * CUT IN TW IM M E ~ S E IRINO - si REMANT~ -AT'- 0 N2 -SATUIRILUL ONSAURDAYN EXT, We wlhave' another: large ple of Rema nants: onour north coounter ýwhih e II clear out at- EXACTLY hAL-Iich e. -.- -~:~ Don't Fa/I rVHITBYÀ 1, EXTENSIV.E CREDIT -SALE -0F- fiGrade Catie, Hav loasçoitaw.old ,Sheep, S'w: Implemnta, etc. 1 4bsci as rcei.vcd le ' N . MAkT4iNta, P»ic auction at .is premises, lot 17 1 ir-. coincession of\thc bowpshiýp1of._1 on - T"tRSDAY, FEB. l-6th,: The.fol1owing.yaqtîablepr operti 'HOR'SES. tI. ~Brood Marc, heavy' draught, regis IIn years old, in foal. I Bro.od, Mare, general purpose, in f, I yHanse,7eàd. ld i--General Purpose Mare, 4 ye-ars olè 2 Fillies, 3- yeans old, general purpos i Filly, 2 years old, heavy draught., 1 FiIly, 2 years old, 'heavy draugh regisker. i fiIly, xyear old, _heavy.'draughi, register. i Horse *Colt 1892, heavy draught. i~Filly i8g?, general purpose. CATTLE. - i Heifer, thoraugh b4red, in calf, *3 1 Spig Caîf, I892, thoroughbred.. 4 Higb Grade Cows, suppos-ed -té CRI£. i Farrow Cow. 1 Heifer, Iwo yearts old.. I Fat steen, 2 years. old. 2 Steers, i jean old. 2 Heifers, r yean old. I Spring Caîf, 1492. 1 Fail Caîf, 1892. SHEEP. 14 Well Bred Cotswold ew es; in lanil i Cotswoid Rani Lamb. 6 Cotswold Ewe Lambs. SWINE. 1 -Tbo-iougbbred'Berkshire .Sow, fà in March. 5 Tlzorqughbred Berkshire pigs., iBne,-IMPLEMENTS. -iBne, Patterson malte. 1 Mower, Young, Canada. i Iand Rouler. I Hbràe Rakè, Masscey makei 1 Horse RaIne, Masson malte. 4 General Pu" rpose ploughs. i Tbnee.furrow pbough. i Two-furro-w plfugh. i. Set Duck Feel -harrows. i Set Iron barrows. j Bukeyc sceden. 1 Wisner & Son combincd sepdér. i Turnip Scuffier. - -i Turnip -DrilI. Il Cutling Box. IeWe. 1 Fannig Mill, King-ofth Ve. I TurnifSlicer.. 2 Lumber.Wagons. J Light Wagon. I Buggy. i CuIter. 2 -Sets -Sleigbs.- i Far-mers' Furntice, 45 gallons. 3- Sets Double Harness. l Set Single Hamness.- Il Grind Stone.- i WheelBarrow.- Aid a lot of other articles too num 1en mention Mn. Martin's other duties are such require bis whole lime, and thi s to:ý Seo'ure Some of the Bargain8. DRY_0 00,08 EM0R TheOn /Y ?elialeshoe 'Hous6 une, ,,ý.C'EVERY.O.NE WANTSTQSAVEMONEY Rea.ch, W Ii> plae n sale -for ew - c0 balance of month at WHOL]j 1893. SALE PRICE S, MKinds, of Seasonable Foot-wear. A GRIRAT -VARIETY IN' TRUNKS AND -VALISES. e.wC0ALL AND. NOTE OUR PRICES. e. -Custo-M Wr nï epairing done by~ w ) I GRANBY RUBBER Honestly Madle. Bçautifnuly Finished. Perfect Fit., -Latest Styles., - -Evrerybody Wears Them. 'Ail Dealers Sell Them. !rXýy.WEA.R LIKE IRONO TH-E LEADING TAILI - At -ýPr.i-ngle'L Old Stand. JA.UE#RJ, iMerchant TaiI< We have -mucli pleasure in informiug. ourrnany friendsitad cu-sto that we have now.on hand -a very. choice selection 'of Fallaand W Bnuitings, corn*rsingBoýsotoh, *FnglishI hish, anud Canadiani Tweeds,i th *e lateàt patterns. Aiso a fine assortmlent of Fancy- Trouserîngs. early and get your choiceè.- - Eall and Winter Overéoatlngs, secondto noune in the' ta,.ri+ t,- itisto vite iGPction.befoi bnying ,elsewhere.. By leavingyonr 0 practical man yen will Save, nonoy, - avoid cdissatisfaction as to -dresa in an a.rtistie .in anner. ae ia fm- We miean -business. Corne early and secure yu un atwi lrniù à nai chances in securing en'tire satisfactinfonte Over Remember the,-Pl[ace,-J. R. Pringleéi, Old stand, -. JoAMvBs rder"b - and a The1 Leading zOJalu:uOr, Pl uD1IB.Itze.et, Whitby - ~ i s First-iclass Workman at 4. B U R'~ Eat Side of Brook St., Whitby.(" ES 1 r

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