Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1893, p. 2

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- -1-i.- (CU-T PLUGU8) NO te brand of Tobacco has ever en= joyed such an, immense sale and popularity in the same'perlod as this' Ibrand of Cut Plugand- Plug Tobaceo. Oldest L'ut Tabaceo manufac. - turedin Ca3iadai Cut PSig, loc. j b Plug, îOc.ý j 1~ b Plug, 20c. The agricuiltural, seciety cof the the townwiip cf Scott is likely'te collapse for- tho waut cf effort te maintaun if. - - hos. Paisley. Of'Ballantrae rWas -in fewvu.i1lat Thursday èaquiring about a herse 4ueiicter -thaf had been stelen frein ha stable tino ni*htà befôre. Dr. W'.- A. Sanýgatier,, cf Steuffville, lias located ini Uxbrîde lua iwecok. His office wnu be fthce oe occupicd un- tii recently by Dr. Starr, tf corner of Brock St. aud Firaf Avre. An old> pupilof Umbridge HigI] Scliool, hli l net qutile a *tranger liere, being already favors.bly kuownutic ,mau'ycf our citi- zens. (We uuderstaud fliati Dr. Spoon- or, cf Midiand, in net ècomingte ýUx- bridge.) Ou Monday of last week K.1H. Cook- ras chlarged before Magistratê,,Clias. Gouid witil having vielated the iaw by procuring 1iqut«r fer Wm. Fralick nIe was "shut off."' The muae nas adjoun-i id te Wed Leadi',,when theý balanîce- of. the eviq4 e W44 taken sund- ju¶ýpnehît, >-vnt shtrate oiosideted fliat- the. oh&rg liad býen pèbvcd'and inflict- ed a iffuc f 50.4Ïad coos, and, stated that al imilar cases' nould -be dealti - 'with rigorously. - Hloward Walkcr, son cf J. D. WaIk- er, ras hanging on M. iN. Dafe'uà aleigh Tucsday nifli a lot of boys rIen,, at fIe turm at flic Mesien Ho'ccou er, hoceiippsd te flie ground asud. cie b onuf0evr h' leg or foot. Thc- leg ras fotu nately net breken, but muet -- have gota severe wrecc. - We, sup-! pose if is uselesu te repeaft -- 'old narnumg about boys Iaugiug- on ulîgîs,, - theg.f lldo if, and occasionally tliey mutg hurt. -At t] - instance cf Thos.*Gallonay a credife n Mouday, Robent Hogg of Quakec 111 ras chiargçd befors Mayeor'- Hamil -' iflidsfraudiug credifona.- I Mr. Hl.,g made asu.asigninufa-.short j',me agoankd fIe çharge in, thaf lic did 5 1slo tlie crediters kuon tihat ho- liad -~ - -mon-sy coming for lumber.,a8oîd - :e the aasigument, and fliaf li tr. î -te collecti if ance. Tlieevideuce ras cousidered sufficieufte o warrant -a commiittal for trial. Bail ras ncceptied snd tlie trial ruf1 corne off- probabiy af tii. spriug assises, where it is cf -course hav i te 1say what, flic 6judgo will decide. in the case.-Journal.-- Mr. Oiaytdn, cf Liatoell, la lu ten The mixcd train comiuug soufli, due af Markham àtf 4:16 p. in., broke.a whecel nearGocdrood yesterday after- - - ' noon sud rau off the tracli. -A,, rreok-. itig trainwu se* dfrchn Little 'Yorki te rpir damnage., but if ras miduight afre the mxxod aud Express tan reqclied Markliai station,, wlicre smre neveuty-five reary liigli sohool soholara rwere *aiting to go home. 'e Poultry thieves are trouýbjiig flic (armera of flic ltI concesson. Que night lat W'euk tîey broke into Capti. Rmor's poultry house sud took five out ofsix of bis witLe bre.diuig Lur- keys- t From the. tradu , found nnxt JA RepresentativE f s Speaks. Mpnn el i ra surinth ardfsfre.- îi Onenern n i CnNIGON thiees emc ngaed u flc cse.One .WhUIWLh) U IWWL ~ii~ile &eaer bas adopied a four page M fayd rlfh fIeh erýs eaù d leig li a fe r yad 'e fiaodsu efrfe ~~îDi--~nand is al lîhome mnade, instead ef a down t -if nith a pateû n mele printed lu r hil lcoiit ro eufred ficpr-e ITc l'tuo. If l0ooks Mucl -.more raad-. miessd eurdflc oi.Sin ay iHA FIE OdRA Ths patentinsides -are an.abomi- shortly ,ne.-expectite re.port another' - I tieu, trslgcdyalilar te the Pickeriug àffair lco ffleu fr'L ttosPtenàt e é Gée.Johuason fIe popular peu t 1mas 1t., as n kuo ofseveal armea nh Datnlo e!Canada, under tise Cer- m r t havecounote elefnicalama ntil auls Ad" -effelaw, lias in his pes-sesàlion a '-'ttter which was- mailed tihere- over tiei on ise, udoli. aan li AP At f-wety-five yoars.ago and 'w.hich, Iy have set frapa ,or spring guu.-Econo- at000 mia, - -i omelimiechance, siippod iutc a crevio,>L Mi- L)s4'-.theuisad (90,100) fiares o s eand ras neât discoverel until the lo -. - - ORLLI. -hunidred dollars «ch.) -] as removedto;ifs prosènt,,*quatr. The Nena-Leffer claiinwat lif anlan! -»mvw s, - e the enveélopeis soiled an2d'faded,- lias W'eakened-lu makiug- fIe sculliug $oz.mA'. MB&n, az.P., Hawraï, Pe '1n.tli dregs-is 4uif e legible, and- the match nitI Jake (Ilaudaur,- sud if calta'.W.MRI. ... Mnra, ie tamp used a e ne cf'tho - auti-Confdr- hlmi a bluffeiï.-président. - iticu five cent issues- whioh are go rare- ýEDWARD M.- FULTON, Monti. l seen now. Trioly I the letter fliat D. W. Leach', an inlsurance agent, Treasurer. received an application'- for life aaî-elg~ TIS Halli. lilo edornercm" ancecfrosu Mn. A. Han,. of flutei on. 3Am~. WATEBURYI'Ncw ,Yv 'A roman. neitliirough*liens last èA note r'as gyiven for tIe firuf prnmitm, .- CHAUSOBY XABSHALL, lier y<>ô, -. _ek ooilectiug money for herseif. Shié bu th flcapplication ras -nef used by thIe,, WLL&RD ÉP w H1TLOCK, nzabetr - a bock nitI nbati purporteçi te be comipany. It waà found, fIat ln fIe B<ET& a tietîmenal frcm.Dr. Glpin-, cf Brech- meantime ýLeach lad discouufed fLîe B MRI, otea.A.I tae h ho 9agh a > note, sud lad fIe, mcuey. -Leech i hen foot laken off sud th.at-flie.,case dlaims tIat Han'a note nil lie redéemi-BEU - nas a deuerviug eue, - sud nas eigued. ed al igît, but Han 'insiste upoýn ifs THE CA,ýNAD)IANILNK OF COMMERCL Dr. Gilpin. Muakeka. A fnieud cf Dr.. immediafe redemptiion sud lias arrestel H NO AK0 AIA Gilpin, inthis tomV, rotie te hlmi, and Leach for obtaininz mency'-iiuden fausi SLWTO .-'eceived a ireply sting thât she îe a -prefences. - If la a difficult Maftte -MA CMABTnER .MOGIBBON, Moe -plt rùd sh nvý av e sette. éationil. Wy dn'tthëauthonities' Pefifions aeb ü,cireuilafed sskiug 1 'The Diree*Ors. riscare non tise onnerfof Itake, hcld -cf tiia attier. 'Honest peo- tIc enu ounil t refse le ngîf ,Ue tr-e Caital a -tok, av.e deideù 5 t Jpie are continiually defrauded. by sucli urat saloon licenses. Cmau'1soghuoCnda e uls -- ra i à.p s t. ehre nn aycof stopping 'rh yuniCoseratves Co 4n- the prepsietoashlp of!it stock, sud teo o the-tiramnusce fIeyeug Cnserafiesof Clîg for asie, aspar. lfs tisousaand shares. <of m usne odha ecd reselutions repudiat- hnde dourseah,- uilyr paid sud non- The fellowing-are a fe* ef these _who ing Mm. Difon McCartly. ' -iameî r t .m-t stiertstand ini thc way cf -the 'advadlcemeut D. Tlimpsen as bee arrese Payment. iare e e mdas iou; Izteepoftihe tewn audare a detrimei ein charge cf defnsudîug lia crediem itioe, . thsee -and Jour cnts fro -omnt Toewrgoou c beug llge tht e isced oamcUs the efallotit. Applitauts havýe thl, mJsesr cru tenu te do their fra.diug, cfin lpepenthaffcn lspe d oa e ni!lht topa>' In fuil ou aliotment.- lIoee ho 1opp .ose im preveons --ý .sîuef Appleatisa.fer ubarcea nu ibere- . "?hose rho -perIfer a quiet tom tic one âssiguent elved suntiîl *.brtmary lS1th, I189- f push adbusiness. .Thoso who me. Mm. Frank Gaudaur, faflen cf the may of the orne..o ef a.cainas. :e îhey an a tewu. Those- nho. dis, cansman, says lie* nevcm before - saa thc, *mak <of Commeree, ma thie slices .rust pubic-spirited mou. 1hose who narrera frezen eerseo.eaniy, sud otic isin Bank or mllfsx, amo reialuciocd e aeadiy s tc peacf ~bCS sue c tie ornpaz', N oppose every movement wihich doos rnoti sasen., TIce hanuel lias. been frozen LIfe Rildlng, Moatrema. - orgateihtemevs 'oowh *vr bot i. eesForma o! -application for shares may b put on a long face when ia strànger erabuiixnkanon. He saar'u btsineci at sur' 0f tise above placesi-tdsol3,ignth.Iw. 'oe fIe reaso n fIat se many rcéafher pj- thev nu lhp s-ut bY' mail on requeèÏL: I o~~e-abi neprs hc plots are- misled by fhe'"musknat --does ne r p-sýl ehftt asigu"unaas l- thaftIchepoti-hunt-er - huineaomutcsok be madie I- - fapa fproiibùft C. noadaylicsutfeèr sisarestise amocunt r- -tbomselves. Thotie whoè peak- bo in- his off tIc poor animais or figlitens - i 1 be returned in fnil, ÃŽsud -lutise eastIjure the eredit cf iudividiïiàls. Those flein awar' befere flic 'muiter lieuses z1hie Directers nindiug lb impossible iialt Lise"fulilnumber of ahares applied for, i- who thiuk business can be doue siyiy are completed. - surplus of tise deposit i nl hocredite . d-i nithot a riig Gen Wtn. Meticaîf, cf Wcsf ard tise amenùt'payable on sîlotmeni. tadefig-Gour - W .MtaofWs-Gnîllîmbung, Thee nlght le rueevedôo! ittsdrsning îb - UDE suaed lis .father-in-lar for -uufiucncsng - ofei hniole osaa su' ttme ;befr> elyPeknMorfed , .; . iBvehi. udeallotimentsu- alttug eany spp14 Wlasy'P Mefeaif's W:!te n- leave him.rkns" -MoJudge1d catt sur '1.5number o! shares tissu I ilbe en visîtiug liene. - Faicoubridge held, fIat fIe' fatîem;s-inunmber applied'for. e . ian's fîneats te fake-lien home sud tflic As tise.dividende o! tise Company' Mn. Sme1Ba a enilbt ~Ysie1 uarterybegîuining nias tise . Sme yla eniibti fact fIat ohé enufhomte eatablislied acs r3fr 0! 'aptecs f - s - smproved. Likenise Mr. Davey, our -Caseý sud gave $250 sud cosaa itl fiche beentitled te recelvaproportion e f 'achar. - /advice. te Mme. Metcalf te returu te lier qun otey dvlden as dclare.Ã"errsp< whi st Iauli g ay amount pald Ypon their aubso-le ' husbaud.Lloii- -to Toronto, mas tîroru, off fIe loa-b - - h a popecto ppytetie f.o~ Iaccident and badiy luit,. somâe cf -lis Pelple nbo useaneenipal preparations for ehbauges o!ontreal sud Toronto fèàý, r iba beuug brokeun, Ho m.iii be laid up their complexion, do se at tih e isk of their cisi uots±icn of tise, ahares cf tise (C ifcr- see tîrne -P lives. - Ar'er'a Sarsaparilla la guarauteed free T.-- - Ir remodeled lis lieuse last from any injurions drug,.sud ,is, therefodru, TiseConsumera Cordage Compaun 0s uin.r, sud -las lied ii paiuted. Hie thesafatsu elIasthemet p>nefu blodgsnzed lu Juse, 1890. nwitis a Capital o! ou, i fniend4 froM al parte cf fIe county as- M st Podollars,, teoperate neyered 0f t-b!> medicine ii the wrnd. -It makes the akin, iarg«t Codage sudB Iler Tni»eilact ýrît s-sted îinflie house-% armiug lest neek.ý lear. - - ises, but lis opratties-s laving beeu ut. .._* thaul ie capital stock was subaeq-enuy- -- COBOURG lucreased te Thre Million, Dolars, sud thi - Theie Tsloli COOUG.I eied properU«ws ere purchaued.,eioal TIc trotting dog',"Doc.," of Bnigli- -a.'e ~snay b M o *r<- 1iPublîshe'lon bebaif cf iloodu Sarapai tcfot. is net dead as repofd uebans a, eour , are. au reliable sund as rorthy r'our confidence: tovement islaoun-foot,.te -depese 1mw vanisa nbl4 ltsi "sauqpeo as -if ther' cami frnm yeur bout and mogtý ChlefConsableRankn ws t ii truted neigib~ They state culy- the ai- Ch~c Cestale ankn d make lin *i, U*5 C.a b.fe . lbSt~rofacta in ro d te nhat HoodasSarsapa- nig t vwaticîmau, !Ho matie149 aresta *"%' ýnusý on , Ïays nii1iin tr th sud re- L'asti~~S V.- sudý '-. r" een -lit u~r~ti~uWL lassotenogli e t1 IConstipation« sud ah troubles nith the di- doJ - -"s;»"yhsas-pisced lu tue nancutf- geutive organe sund thbe, liver, -are, cured by* The Worid la non lasued frc a" i -: Hood's Pilla. Unequalled as a dinner pini, weekità i-wèkly o beig-a ,-r.1-.oCldiee i Tait,5M iMagistrats Bartiet.t, cf Windsor, bas coin- I.') I lie lull',w: g letter trom itited Leplent for trial iu connection nith - COLUMBUS. -AtL'bc Irs, 'npe îeredtis, advocates, j h iusig $%500 of Merehanta Biank fundu. MissE. yemlasnetrne frin em 4ùireusl. ntise legalitr' of incorpor. Mn. Jchun-McCartby, -Tàroute, nrites: II atie, ad -ie isueci ts sock- Icen uubesitatingly aay that Northrop & Ly- vsfte Meaferd. NRÂ. January 5, 1891- man's Vegetable Discverr' la the boutmei Mn. Thos. Cook, jr. la rejoicing oven !Consumera Cordage Col. L4 oura iei te wonld. It cured me cf Heart-, *Lhey h1ve ulsO becn cqrc.d. It-%viIll ôoyongo?ý4 HoD'8PlLL'S Cure ai lver .111s, jaundico,' ijck headachu, biousiuess, sojur A.omnach, ni-,usea "Buoekac h e. tlie scavengers mneans the kid- o the system.j« n eysare i n Detla y Ila trouble. Dodd's danger 1ous.. Neg-'- ýKidney PISe itre lected !kIdney prompt relief.' troubles resuit "76 per cent. int Bad Beloôd, of disuase is I Dyspepsîa, Livar .,first caused bq*--ompa i n!t, -a nd disordered id-the Most dan- neye. eos fal/, "Might as well B rights Drsase, try to haue a Diabetes and healthy city Dr-opsy."1 withquït aewer- MTh e a b oue. agetas- od: diseases cannot ia!t when the exist w'her e kidneys- are Dodd's'Kidney clogged, they are Plaare, used.' Sold by all deaiers ôr sent by mail cn receçpt of pra e so cents. per box or six for $2. o1 Dr. L. A. Sinith & Co. Toronto. Write*~r book called Kidney TaIk. A N. TRIAL FOR 90- DAY., Tise finStatopleteat sud iaýest lins of Elsec. trical apuliences lu tise. wrd. Tis'Ëeyý have n Peyer !ailed te cure. . We are se -positive cf it that- ne nul isack our belief sud send yen any Electricai &PPliance non ui tise suarket sud you eau t-y it forThreeMontis. Largestistcf testimonials ou. esrtis. Sd for--*ook ,alidtjourualiFree. ,W. Tr.]Bar & Co.f Windsor,On. ASK YU~~t~- the~~~~~~~~~~~~~ adet. ougsn >orsLMN-!hveeaie h During that time I tried agreat many différý Mr. D. Hepburn of the Domninion1bok and documents connected with -the etmdcna u iswnefimdcn eun peotor McBribntpaid our eerool a, Li Iu- bitnk, Oasawa, 'spent Sunday at home. OgantzatiOn Of the Consummera Cordage was the oniy one that took hold and rooted- *f* Coxnpany. Limtted. and are of opinion that out the diseae."1 vI1spn tMday *tb our sh.ol a t l an, tokc 300Oo,- rne;hv idihi h atfu 1 iLçuas been prOperly l ncorporated, and nx eotdta O esn-nMrel - - A young son has.taken up its' abode ouedi, te fuiiy pad up anun-assssele, from- a disease roeembling choiera. Falatable as cream NO 0113 *the home of-Mr, Geo. i$oweorman. açcordlng *te the lprovisions of the "C=. I k Li o aselk others. t In oti êJi~ sooolwasclosd o Weneaay ~iesAcf," truîy ito y kind send at once for. a bottle Sc nd$.O in oder to give Mr. Armour the oppor- W r,711 of Dr.- J. D. X.llogg's -Dysentery Cordial'. tunity of being best man at Mr.- Rich.- t nd) jBiis pjz' M BrJ and use it according to directions,: It- actae ardHal' wddng - *(C). A report front Mesur. Macmaster with wondertul rapidity in subduing. that. romains of M. Fred H rano McSbIon, Soicitors of the tuompany, dreadful disease that weakeus ýýthesrogat ..-1 The tbeiUes fi its Miis beenduîy:man aud that detstroys the young and deli- ___ ~4 it examxued, sud tbalaid ènctmsra'ceshe iat. te, Those whe have ixsed this choera~ EG ~i~~s~ I tofviweeli te etin he Apilifent for: sba'es in" examnine thesO medicine say it acte, promntl and neyer Ms S churoh of England cemotery. on Tues- documneatsSc of wbch May be neen al;PY diLy last. The deceased. contraeted a the cmpatis office, and-at the varions laýila to ýeffeot a thorough cure. '~ ~ "-" '> heavy.cùid whiçh soon turncd to in- 00'e Of h Bans mentioned 'aoe A receiver has been appointed for the flammation, -and Mr. Hili net being -a To consumera Codae omipan la People's Mutual Life and Acicient inuu-, COUjýH-CLI 'etongman sucambd bthe drea d babiy thse seeoend ale=tMnnctrèiýr'fance àAssociation, of. Pitt4gburg.25 disease 'after an iiness cf about a Wek. adea 2>b town eryin at'ri Àfsct which even politicai economiats Are .cuire@ Vonsnm-pt scugisr uSre Mrs.. Chas. Scuîrrah cf Florence,- Ont, vahtages over Its comlpetitors. apt- to forgot is that a insnutactùrera rate. ofThot -* * 15o a Guarantee- accompanied by Mrs. Frank- Sourrali, 1 uestsv'i calpital te 'Condnct.i ta basi Profit 'a _noI the onfly essential aimment to J'-r a Lame S z<.coCesaho PPr atteudd- thefanera - cf er brther. a) To h enabes itsucces; the aggregate profit, at the end of! :1later wi Iegctstsatou2 aftedd-th anra o _ erý rthr.i () obuy ia raw material in, larger the year -is cf ftar greater iiportiance, and, * 's~¶?I"i . Mrs. Scurrah will romain fer a short qua , ntie.sd-et lowerpie.ti nma ae sgetrotc o ae 8' 1 1 Uf timelockug p oifrieds.(b) To usecuir'- tise latent. aud Mos t i- thn ot1c s1ighrat, scaaT. :cfze'0- ti'e'roiovp odfied.ed macisinerr'1 thus keepiug is mrala of profit t1n ot f %hT. S.te ljtwke z ischuttn> Icoga, Ten - socal re ow hîne thve highestatate ofcf ny -thf iucrsaed business, which the îower, price.,VLIF The soire-and sca enwt i. ucI n. Economiy Iu selllug sadd lsribuug g ie . . t a his prcsdetht 11er FOr-8bc3VTcIid!7adterdlS oÃ"f the pilet. 'Both were quite e te. l was outhis pricipie tha I * d eer Yeadr Fryse"isia1 ie r~d suca-te astatrdprdem :Tuktt o ce nitouigltobei, PiO7 fui througboût. «Rerý. Mr. Glary's iec'- fSrd. Tise business covers so *Jdea-terri-l-.hi ÃŽnwu. ou acyted N ain!todaciu oubeioieS rc15~e evrYcvItSmfzed out TIïIoo go tuacat adt hiprinciple they have sver since ad - .~ j~j ~ nia ch approciated.' The choir wap 'ai- It <ainot ho sertotudyylujared l 'iocal trou. . This .îa * eue cf the reasons why Pee- ~rD~ bies; asd its Mauctcurtug estallshmeutg leo Can-tda are. smoking the beat tobacco dalo udeno asvoy are.T e lnse by ire aVt4mtt nsuthoee pope au uya îiîorr sl.lei rlive .i Creou P ice5 ce prgrm e s vredad el ede- 4th. Lo~wer costo! production. * rii nt-r fertcscisvîtcten prgamé*sa).d n' l ène- By maiutaining tise sharpest co article.uThishined f ree itifmeSiohE}te!f ed. ho ddres fom eva.Legot, itinbeweenlissevrai mille r' Tnbld he village -cf Maine, 1ý. Y. *has.beeu ai- are.sold on sgeateto give'stisÇzotiOfl Phalen and Savage, were very inetra[c. lu escis duce lu ail tise béut metheolda fond mnt destroyed by fire. tive Theso: were unterspersed with (b). By spreadig lis- commercial ex- oe aube hnDlmns songe by Mr. Geo. Holliday, Miss Still, rpenses over a.larger outpntMr.aual hnDimns Miss Morrison aud Mies Ketèhen cf ù;r pscsn iiieues anidtise uachas8- )Ccd -liver cil from the eod fish when corn-- Whiitby,-:and reoitation by- Mi-sa J. Rosng suppliesfoth several i lstiasl ~ined with hypoph&tphiteciof lime sud soda. The uet proceeds aimouuted te $116. cuirlng iowest prlce@. fo as lu "Miiierlas Emuision of Cod Liver Oilt'l À4) By, manufsturiu;g ifor build upthe cellâlar t1ssues sud-create Mr.ý Richard Âshton, has returned i many of their supplies. uewbod. This is just what consumnptive 2 fromt a pleasant visit lu Whitchuroh. I~ Çmn s~y ou patients need. It. has -ured thousandg o! To any suffèrer from. Nervois Debility, Lest nThrestCopavndebtse ecas onie. en te ~people wowudoheriehaebena jVigor, Faili ng Manhood a nd Self Abuse 1 wil *.Iproduction snd distribution witiste Con. tins tivae occupying uarrow spaces in the send free,1 a simple, never-faiiing maso *SAlv.AIto-MÂGJIius requires froim six samer, sud since itfs existence tise Con- gribsveyarda of our- couutry. Miiler's EÉmul- se -ure. Has cured thousands. No hu.mbug. No ttenuday te geta hoid.in the system. rhumer isas,Iupon tise average, hada better sien i ot ril ubgbottles; 50c,"aetMeiîe"No'pla c'Costs noih- article ut a i werur c atsn previ ously. a - u0, t-ilYrg toes.*ing te investigate. Address G EO. Von PLATZ, after which ita progress is eteady - t Tise Comnyr' «oea net daimý to bave.26Btus 3re Tom-60aý lias effected more mures ini îhree years any monepoIy, or t anmnpl rft; M .Bkrbsutdè tNwbr' than ail-other luug remedies have doue lu ie t Ontnrnu~oI rfts r . aerbsja ida ebr' _________________ fiation Itbasorgan blO, t., agedthe à in. twenty.. vfataestabvee ae towig ic nglish Spavin Liinment renlodver! ail bard 1H OS. P EAT reburu on its preseut. capital or no oe.st ior caloused lumps sud bleinf aaftmu - *-tissu 10 per cent. per anuum (as te- hies, blood apavins, carbsi spîjuts, ringS,0f-Bowmaaeclle, antends visitinig Whitby onc, wz~1'uv.z.>u * mentBiE ltiseir BanÃŽkers'hianda nl e) sud:tise Diréetors believe tisat these profit; e 5weystfe spraîns,_ail enolien afortnight, te collect clothiug f rom gents te A, iarger supply cf logea4r ever be-. l bermalntalued in the future, as tise cout tlwat, onghs, etc'. Save $50.by the use cf Cdeaù or dye.- Garmeuts wjhen finished will fore. have. -beon liaulid te the saw mil o! production'sud distribution shlowis ecc onee b tle. Warrauted by.-W., R. Howe.- look as good ý-. new. If they fail te be-se Il for the neit ieasou's cattiug'. rear a manked decrease. * *4 5-iy. I * nl net char&,lor my trouble, If they suit Tb. Dlvldend fer thb' year eudlag Imycareis$ ,2 e cleauing and nicely The 1odge of Oddfellors here àl ain-.zaima tobe. ,189%, nas at thera" t. f Cnasiipeal l uub fS.préssaing asuit of cloîhiing;'for * dylug a -suit ing aatlu umbrs.SII-percent.per.ausaum. lbThe etei r.-$.5.Oecs -leaued and pressed for.75e. Mr. . C Reeor ias spsed f recerduaf h. Compsn u mis » RE. ~ ~DEA.-A persan oured ef dyed for $r. Foi' cleauièg or. dyingget ~e erdcf ersy ctt , sd iteua ~~~stluJt5Ufyais iiaee.rs 1afues sudnoises lu thé head of 28 bats 25C. Ail orders leftat R. Snow's bakery la ir o esydato itr nbelle"mlagl. quaterly divit- ye&Tlg s.an nug by a simple remedyn) u eneneey hty iI epopi residhûi iuGuelphi te fit himaself for se~bt.~u.Cg gnd s seription cf it wmm te any porion -1atten<1" te. - ruuuing. a creainêry. - *ss ab.pd1miaouli lb. whO asil Oes te NcH ouy, 80 st. John - THOS -AT - dytgeiisptosspld ihare-te.takp.s. bThe grisf miilliere runis night sud. pasits for' lbe pleeumt rear b. e 8 un ~ res Bonmanvle uyai 82-f fler. - j ' <~~'<lili* -hildren Cry for Pitch'es Castoria, - bair t the bM»mauoen Mowe Ma . . 1 _. , . 1ree À" - . ýà 0- M P M. C.C. MAU TbefoIlôoningremarkabIe fidte as bcing unudenia et-iyparticular. -Mr.-Haun mn tise vicinity,hlaviug.resi( L-fît yyears. aud lu liighlyr ni cof the sfnictesislior, ob s hie bond. ill ho sein frora i p ys(iiaus had, atfended h:i onlýy 9Jter le lied given ls} Lec decided to fr-y U B.,ters on the recorn:nît. Whohbr IeLad been euu d;'sese by ifs use. > Mr. E IluSir.s,-I thixik 1I h of f li e noraf - sufferers yen .îiaviug been six years in sof or beàt doctors mitl rient relief, but coui se, until almost beyon e2ry, 1 tnied. your'Bitters a fÈkw days. Eve.ry erg2 qderanged, fIe liver èulsi ,--d forpid, thse hean-t and di seriously derauged, a large ko.lowed by paralysfi in giiact the lonor hait ci fitreIy useless. Atter uî Âo1Bitters fer a few (de. ourst-, dscharging .fully fivý ii, two loürs. 1 folt as if]1 ri .ock fron a powerful ba --%ery aftcýter flue as etead permanepnf, soeing that for sînce 1have lad as geetil 1ii.Istf11 ake auoccasic lt I need if but becausê) in emluperfect wme ui i ink cf ine more rei f hànn-what1. Ihave myself ý and ne nords cari express mn .o-SucI perfect recovery- In tflue cc-anoctien fIe fî ftom T. Cumines, Esq., a lei cf Wellanid, Ont., speeks foi srs T. Milburn & Ce., T V w -oman. Top- 1 1ilc- :Ienca i rn syl ire-P'-ik ~u o fb-t if ras m Lie l3r Dc, lood Bitters 1 and. t' i nc nou' -ct fa s abît quite wellhe etil fakes s( Your- tmruly, tcpc ' Le tact tfia obloodpw --r, tome sand RICORD'S -E - '.AEi MARK NEC BCHoIELD, S hO«el;d's I ToBoi4mo. The only Resnî mnanentlycure G-ouoryloa, fisaene natterion bn sndsWjcossfoily nsed-in isospitait. Two botities gui noürutcasa. erbottie. ~ottle is .f4 I sssture o n CIVJ yannin O. vise have L:itriî>xfedÏes nitisout anà uoînted in tiE. SOLD- BY W. -R. HOWSE FORII From lier lOtis G vie.eyear, causins '4O Years wnalk tVo bleeks withont faînitrng -Sho tes k And is 110w fre fioin it il. eule h s turged m2 ,ohers to, -ike HTtnvi'. a rssnpn ila a i 1- Y . f

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