Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1893, p. 1

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Wth cala printod: words, g»&t tholughItsMud untiiag i~dhtv~, WOadvocate Peace, »Progruse, Knowiedge, Biotherhooc. VOLS.rWIITBY, ONTARJO. F~D EBRTJARY 10, 1893. tt in operatlon either Fridayr and .Rev. J. -B, McLaren has entertýd on the KNAE OsmiMon Lino M Stoamships LOCAL N EW S LETTEÉ, vW.1I ilo adcagof third year ofr bis pastorateof the Brooklin and MSS arAmMcre, gi eMedfthe eyesof thosewhoenee A petitio>- to the'leisiýture asking that a ButtHyelhahenv 'TEROOL ERYLJiE..JERIUCL~~ (orrepondliee ingdepatmen, atbotheastand lebicit? be akenon -hé lqnor trahe ws paentsdurig lat weknd LI~~~~~ - V m~~~~~~rits, of the bail roomu pleasant re-sneb.threeadcero behait of the welothct. SAILINO ~~~~wréconstructed and, fitted with n nMonda # eno.- r. hs cre a e W ITER AIt.IN S. -OBÉAWA. .s1holstered chairs and card tbe. A roklin ladies, willplase nonice that 1rs. ber &agtr rs e Hare was home from ~ tà represetiting Capital and -Labor Osborne is prepared to take in general sewingDvsjl, oot Fum Portland. sr From Halifax. I . D. Arthur itHcarsedhans mb0,ihedteeat-or knitting. Childrén's clathing a specialty. , .j otp u oa !hu., au. g6h.,.TsOOUGr. S,~.~ ~ J~~V onSnday. î'~ en. Buning, Union jacks and ever- Carpe.t weaving conîinud susaM rt ee opanhr Thu, Fe. 9t . aris.....Ba. 1t ,ý, ý,r h àl;.adi gn 1~.M 91I)I Vaneouv Fb. 25th JMr. F. Neil, Of Toroto, paid acas~ ri~rs in profusion coered h al'.ad R . .W. Savage o olmus reached M m, Far lU I' vî..t.. bis num er.us fienda ast week t ý ngs, Glionna's O rchestra furnished ta O C l m uv e o Mr. Chadburn, ôftVeGaenanoque Car. Fat. Mamusîc tq.the. ttrancîng straîns he annual misaionary, sermon in, the. Metho-reosbuiesoo. .eel amUaifrmPortland andHaia c hmr sibot 1p. m. of ailJng date after *rrival of 9 nrage Co., formerly'a «traveller for the 300w i'hoer~ couples dncdaway tepli rteÇlmu hîh \rJfnLwo smk LaghinC.,ha een townri afw )ltsnt evening. -There were abou.t Mr 101w, y oossnecin. are as 1$Y WB a .. ,5prt--,ent altogether and. the, comintee1Misi AnnieGilrtoywas married onWe the po-ning s :niendt .tolav aoo ltogether. .MrY - esd vening ýtoMr. HUenry Brown', o repinsdtn 1170R PORTLAËD. There seened to beanu isua ' r A Agt. asth atre admagdPrînçe Albert.'_The veremnony took place snasdantin oh n A..-T. eu, fro waWh the aterer' and mS.lgea.son B . rm hty eredy .5a .for bread last Saturday, and after * seven biermpran1ar f h-arngzatithe residence of Mr. Jas. Routley. hroghycredntefcta .from Montrgal, Wednesday, 10.15 arn ' o'clock inthe evening it was a very difth h nlvr% tri prn a rtgh ofenarranger- r.W.Wlsmtw. anulac-n ob e~ecpit T'oit HALIBÂX. cult;matter to proccri l, sthe bakere 0.-driig -the immiense, throtig present.,'dent tait Thbursda d(etonSeLilo .Rbt Binl tl r Oh . R...froix Wtby,, Thursday, i.57 !p rn. and dealers Were, alt. ai'rz. bit 'of ice at the door and s-verei hutb rjbatbndwtrseerlg ...rom . I -el rdl,75 T e'sstr o t oh aley uthr lc Th sstrs*ooS. oh, u uî.iît . ICERNG rm. A sinaU bone was broken 'jùÈt abovejabétgeonamgslsia ob"a it row ÜôntieI ArMstrNG.bas -ecure "do Hlfa.churcb auxiliary from Torotito, 'haq-5 )r- t . he wnsî n ae i'pae nemr ~oIa1 allwayraisuéromaT.onaoa ont- usai, ad~ sU polniB t Porti~fld or HsU6~ ~cured Bisbop Bethunte cllege and lioxi "R.M.A stoPi a eCOurueaywiafn a, d' uhoiems oeut uiesmno Winter Rites of Paissage. stalled .theniselves thereini: Thie sist- houWilai iaoC.a Ohw.1s a f~ ike Mry. J. E. sneyd Wh*h osiioMosta Wear a garb'sinsilar .to - hat of -Cath(. ic v. Jeflcott -of Oshawa visited- a few of 'pr. hoetopeet e uoadwt PIRT CBIN ~ ... ~ uns, whom tbey niuch resèmblei. Tlî<: 3 many friends bere*on, Friday. -a young agriculturist. This is the third"gomn Halfaxte ivepOO o in- O ~5(.A~ expect obv bu.5 r'0.td~~ Mr. Wm. Richie W as the guest of' Mr. 'oyinrotation. .A w av nl ixo sv ?»4èri;ta $0ret 95t 13,acod hen the next term commences. Âin going order in our littieilbu jas. HtHotorWhitby, ou Su-nday.ia. DIED.-At .1Geiboro, aioa nJn.sucity n ytetteo q o steamer and bonI'..MaioonJ. GhIdrei vertw yera ndundr wele j ~ Jau Ht Hetrr'i c thoe Canadia ThenOshaa vtriaryfficMr. Vauzant, .28.tb Georgiusa, th-ird daughter of 'Ben- is talke fbigognzd yosirs, haMit ae nfante under 2z yearl Ires. tmerne1rto1letrd1nth>ince a-pee abanbofiehere.uuder the j1nT -1Mor, late-of Whitby towshpSoudaymutoceesb EnelalBais or leryme sxd hen - - St. Methiodist7churcb Wednesday evenitig;,.supervision of Mr. Menagh. andwa geeedby l areadenetTsrman o'hylt.r.Wi cks, of 'death was -caused by an. attal fpe-twometnsote'aueu -SZCONDfrom slîavery in the United States- and.' .-.ater, were brought here .on Frîday,i monta..hl an loquent advocate, of prohilËiin. n',,. i terred in th e Methodisti bturial î r'ap rte..b wspeene y ?l.H .MBinhtbe eo uîvorpGaso 3, dnryQuitwfàrn $60fn.Ppeoga cnt td at the i - .illneýss robeine preseut tu deýliver an ad- otrscr flt »lîu gifait or Glasgow $30, returti $60. ' ~Williams piano factory was' sbipped at 4.T' -scrnent of the Lords supper wasS dreis at the Sunday school convention, s h osnn.I âpas~hi li 8?EEBÂ.U. .. W ~~~~~~~~~o'clock Tbursday imorning to Bnantfor' i* oeiised l iethodiat- Church Un Sun- waàadertiied todo, wasepce opec n nts bs erci Y.Tbe firm.bave alneady onders for five c1-îy tmorning. There were several- new in the Biptisi chnrch lait Sunday. .'Not hav>- scrathro'aimofare - Q other'instrunl-ndiltits. of tbp sam.e style, igandv ëd r . is-îtiwmbers.jcewa cl bodon, e1fastior Glasgow, 80, r tu nt z Aén e s S p ~ c i J R a i w a y R t e s t a n d ' o n g n b u i d i n g t l l p o b a b l S O r i b e c o t i r 1 1 n . S o r b y c a l l d o n b i s s o u i n - l a w ko b t . t a k e n ' b y , M . , S y c a m o e , a f l lo w s t u d e t a t s r o s a i e t e a t l - as mpotat a idustny as piano matn-- gentlelitmank. heoidgeaster hall. The congregatioits here sud of bi 'ig osdraî et fr-omPurtlafl and Hlfx facturing and be tbe. means of bringîng o, quietly.entî-red- into the matrimonial at Whitby hv aldtelvrgnlmnt !b aooaaêlag.a yad~ mis'P ; ~ ~ Jadditional skilled workmen to the, towu . f ine lait be visited h ere. ' . be thuirpair. INVhetlier hi will coreo1 t ~dies'.o~ufl. and S n~~~ ~Quite à number fnom ti onatende ueda venin- the ladies of the -hbs .. îp t itr b a.oa~uz. r J 'am eveningare, i wasn g spens t iby t se o w ereai u e hoe o r . Se rî i~ bt F dyg~a hsp.dct a e e bekiaBoomsha-rethe bachelors bal given a btyI .ht of Engiausld couigregatuon helda a s bren ee i Sed -that' bhehad oreparnu Mosda noin tteheines'wa' e ure'ontoth tac. it ahue uai ayno nt xpctrv pausengen.tceta e, ons-5 ,k favoured as to beable to be present The 'i n. )rthe Base lhue. -Sedgeworth made a newuse. of our n ilwày d 1' jaudaeeintao, ene abn, and of that of ceshawa scb ccrenebeîg d throuigtout the' villa:ge, tbat the ~js hr tlae tevlage, Street, 1weateadgtrrdta Noof tbroogh Iie androve on-ever cattle'gutards. culverti. etc.:, rfg sA dsle I _otna o*n o rte iS 1ORT -EJ ofrr curec ee .Dne ee fNwa tlldbi he reachedth eehcoesin-1 e B-STEPHEFNSON. IuwnTiciket, ExpesDme eo Nwatë idbdsr an olgah oïeWhitby (opposite Mn. Wnî. White bas céased Io. arry ou -e cwell to the -orid of trotfl u ii- tesvnacneso hnh u udy vnn ex leurTndlegrap cIls onScet t K(v-gimtem' agaîn resujiyd the, regulatiotu hîghwsy. He uce yorpso e ZatcI'Bros) (ITT ~ theflour nd fee busiesso ite i i t l rutht tIei i -ow th 0te was noîîced going on sud.woid. wai sent to Owduc otebdraiavr Uit South,*and lhencefonth w111 devt si' ' ~,eaou hs arts, being abohrii' ttoScio ôna otlywsdî dîvidua1 att iotoitethe troller îl 'O red and John, of thia towfl ~ ce ihalueut c htîee-geainasm e u ti ll Ln Malwhere patrons' may obtain feed the samnt .e Pickering DramtcCoot' Whit- i és driverwas ont of danger before C kni belieî hi'vcnt fw AUan Lino Mail Steanisbips -.as at bshtoe Te.mi0u frmbvc jî-,ight (Fiday)t to sctthe draina ci- tor Whits train came up. bt did' lot catch with t vnn hemsofan very successful ulit teu. e . -d "The L t Loaf." Thsis iso teu to binfi ilîl he'came toth conce'ssiouhuein.wodbefedltutayd 8AILING~, ' mpny have WhexsSedgeao,.th-gthbeed e_ dut f thsargeet atite BUMMER 189A. .NN A 1892. tune and will doubtless coniu tSu t eîe ~ gvn the- ' wl stsy.usevs y Hahîfax ~~ Il I I ID ti~~- efore there îîeed be no féar of it knowi what.he had doue, no o adi t ferousric u hi rtnland , .. vancm eer îi alr. " ~de ttersdueo clstok Sorte fifteen,.new meribens Wier *canuhaanîali...POb. iBré. Peb 1tI' - scbool have PL hiison lun the village koX Min isîng. ite A ge t e tofsc nei' caurc....st:_ndar even....Mare pa8tn' k vravîng 't the top of -a .sýxty Baflrrie, on S '--ilay, Jan, 29ub, M lu tt-egtv rox'o cas-W w BAP,..ndiionG -01? u eththyearl.t bis. -'age. - 1-fore ic unionc r0 adtcrt'ntuc ..mdlf .Va 6 Mrc.... AlztvI'C. thT 'usroniat. Fln sti ýlai l U ilg . ss-.gn 2myort.vI y was an Episc'_ alMeihod at pres-1reay, q" hclthh.sl t eÃ" -n oas~~~~~l' v; U '~ fcw t e VT xuy p as~ iS a t s-e'à-(à',. . 0' . . s ' conceliig the latter tha ee ruitisis Z- ihlu tfDat -ir. oir ; es nt0nvr Trains conneot vitI' tI'e as.s es 1owfi sernuously couside 'rg the advisa -Jn *ri* egae1ad cggileta ..e o n' uur aait blred un, o Porian-trea, W hs 0.5pIby Wenlar0ingthe body of the cue . asdawn toues for bis ineary1fbefore -he niered the înistrj iccolra îcbàauo Vo r Ha Montreal, W 1015 hur 9.57The acholans of the .Christiari Sabbatb < ri, wâcihdneust aeblî uMry, sio tebstdAy, was dhe oe by 'bu.of t~ oqne' rcur ionlfaxGB nt Wlb, Inr MARKED achoo6l.presented thein aunual' programme iecminînuie.Jo lr'el-od ehaa hein ~heisi iu aidfor a>bou'ht a, eon aigasgo by . BPa&islan,, f50, 80sd oanbTuesday eveuiug toa vry large audi- adhns ile fteso.SH epe mnhs prbecn g hllebnais d fer Up out fix- asctibv'oud 6M.,110 and Wretnrn. By BSardinan onr *r- ence. The programme was lengthy 'and aebun obaescCs.tnthspe d alwas euodg.Up odbstatAeocf ) single; $95,15ad-fvclsls.brss ilnm 34.8 rt r . By Mongolian or Numidian USc«5tdo oa ols hrss iln A fmw.wfeels ago I waa agreeably startl- wss rintrkahiy vigorousi..lu the sommer.of Thyun asan g0nan 0 ÉO oos ut ui eiatos l o hced ai a Ictier in-'the Pickering- News,, dis- 1890 e walked..frointUxbnîdge tà. Brooklin: aftrstwweksouu au 5 15 & 00reur. ecnd Swerm rendered -in aàpraisèwortby. manner,.go! ~ uIn~le 1StOep r, eflecting great credit on tbm îittîèes ~'cussing ibm advisibilîty of constructiitg an la distance of about sixter e in, lua lile Wii i oemtrpoe teachers and parents. Mr. Hilyadba.eleac.tncailway brtwien hère sud Cuàre-. over fiive hours. Mira. T. H. 'Wilson is one kiusJonastls.wtb 1 K gN I RNZE-ETE S aIyr mh& ont. Wr would like to kuow_ if ibere, cf bis daughters. e luddta i it wî NEW YRK ÂD GLAGOW flU ITUCR eCWIIUI Te lai tha sud olloving ain as beM n. Pter n eonrerlyouit . luBrcktousipdid rr sddclat tir Piuibasausn almot hppasabe. n snteplaes he leass u somuc asto re he ld oys.Rle d onlîdy mouig 1as. . :Mniced uatann.s nituire compriàlpg - Par/or &Otee, -~ D . DEAN'S M. P..fi. Punhon, presidmut, offiçIalrd absurd, aI thepices paid- wcrr good. sal feeling, of sympsthy vith the breNeduua mseitu: gn ave the menîbers sont pacicl'i r ih'eard sevmnal men ýsay, wbo 6iowsd 'famulv. -She bias threr;cbild-fiisowge'Intu 8uites, Building iran rîîso vcr concrrning their duties. t.owaIiu but ick, that'. *. good ruabyffenyaso gagr fPo.l ont. i It is with feeling of ther deepesi .rc gret horse w111 hning good mniya tine thintemn sud an infant son about a yean od'odrintgat bat we rcord.thedbutfibm. exactolnumben'utisôut Bero- ut nqlfl o .oacreating. Butland, daugbimr of J.. G. Butland, : -ho ted ibai ibm "'drafand'dittmy'l who acis lyears of-.age. . ficant disease waî ibm Table8, the N r 1e n an d n , passrd to ber eternal home, Suuday nor-u- as footntan for Father Gallagber, had, cause of bis deatb.To ng'"' "'a -Th dreosofecb '~~' Bede, h~~lelthftl glow t te omplexion ng. She had ouly bren 11af' ueatam nabltr tpt b ue. - .A.lsuo' giutta o boticnan thirty-six wrre anticipaird, lier deah aib ei rd io f tbm weather, bc. wss overconte sd 5105DreOY.igl-fers or¾ vr,6 atra8e, ach oh titpem n5,bta1nôei-srut ctsd hto cuof ibm f nig d - She *as a pplof ibm Oshawa higlu - '-hool 0ise rovidnce bs ame fitppoossntemnTowonTuesdy A nl 25t .~ and everything belonging ï the Pils. 25e.- per bo'x or àboxs for sudden sbock to ber nummrous frî-.d. frozen. fie ay ae'bebu the aIl- E a .Ise !.anaeene audy orveim pupil - BesidOi'Ise ProvidenceHa lsBookil fiptigtfir sent wilenb sud er achoolmates sent two vcry _sud-. ough ofJaîuary5sthaw to once more ne-. Christmas lioys and preseiAt5 now openeuUp some vwretbs aud attended the fui ni astr tity, as be. lakepi buîy the5e ai Siacdonald&. e a71 otuesntaincup ietradofcrws DÊN àtoken ofith'eir Ibhis is the sro,.<ds g.arousia ibm prasbyIl y otetoouafr ifrae adsent sud' isff e weepers andDR. DAN8 LIVER PILLS eaffliction. Mn. o4frX:stadButlandsean Svveee fSicîcen. - sd Ss»Mr. or ldiesdudbgntlemn fueaIl uItif-ther dclbera, go C a p t S re c e s V r h rttm ,ha ingba u e hs s.F.e O n Tuesday. afteruon tibm llager.sbu ., iea fls s e S vmnylhtuda. Te,.bavitlg pbis lits . er SN 0 . 1a-i ' pre lianai ntie bunîrd nà, îziesida-werr brougbt to.a sîste of excitemetover --HHreiuiknsi a-imdfeei l~~.A C rpt tethes. Fr ilounae Dzznss Had n'Sauna. bebeeve pre0 -l e hanr.t ibmfine bellrnug'iug. TIbmconfia- 1VV bp ewen huuhotel andofbmdrcrssdôlC AL ÇHEAP FOR CASEIiache and Torpid Lv F. aoh box:kthe sinceret sympathies ofîte comni,4utty grtiIws ondicvr- ohaeo - flttdu sor e Fi Chnit-isreidokcsoIatifmdt -2 0 e intheir trouble.. 1- '. . tr.Fis-ls rdrd-ok contaîno thirtysix- pulls 25. pr î uiso'b igssbosae glusird lu ibmhonte of Geo.: Gildërs..,Ihe malte tjgood leather Evory brandh Ifo!the sn artenotsc L ~ I K Thé - rS ilsb fth ighh ootiremen w firm quicklyou the. scenesud business attended té popelv. 'bed yiesoit. ibmthedepartmmnial'exainintiion'paper-, ,.e. blaze asquclyexinusbdbt not id ftrtne lritr n 1~pe en lu'dsai Ai Reosonble Rates, T H. W LON s ppae.Tsewoppaets beoealreoewabururd. tntj ough ture trames made to orde.Rpiii na Wi nii s e a n h i bn0t_ f i b o oýI b d m a g e ' w i l 1 1- b e u a r y , i s b r a n c h e s p r o mn p t 1 > a t e d e d t e . - A l r KA.DILL, ~~~~ ibte pupils abilhuies, questions oftcu yngcvre yinuac < tookoflfIns, caikeis and ail fumerai requis-.r ou o aahi gSomo itesFiven wihrltt oh_ o f , lihies coustantlyon baud. Funeral >carda prnui ilgluopstoit Bro tWib hesuei .ic orel a somebigho! w>mcb Mr. W. V. Wright and bis -brother AI- ed ou hotest istice, Brookliii Ont. on.WlIsaleth Bittera, thepstudmni 's-higoranalhub x1as bmni,,sons of -Edntud. Wright,. who weui -la ly 18, 1890. ~~~ ibmWorkatorized b ýtii NTAtO,54J OLIA.-W r BrookSi:,Wutby. ObughBalBBO, pepare ial- to ibthm.southmnu states on accoung ,of 111- ~SÂE0.T .HLIA. eaePraite ilb h leaiiti. QetoOiae enpt.,nf F.Still gvng away to outi enstumers large u% nsnn hw Ia wMeos hich-the u etios bae ren pu. t hcalib, me vry uchs better l e itle..baifndsgus-sdeeatfîlo eta an- JalylO,1890. White Oua, p upis wrbtxphccte su.oêrmoniba, and William dccidrd to remove cae.Rnenbrte osi ou nothing; LUM BER AT C T 087 ePaneAlevatr, l tre. ouibu wic ctie bfhsreme.thr sd m ptilaiclirsi 'be' raabolte> tam Tti wek' bv Godnefforts offoris ofithe examinera -e da-sdn.BtM.Wigiii.eknciedoer u e siuettb seBt we odnOinitàneüt. hta dena. .BcorrectWrsotution.aX eb.eisotedly-word ihont .William bad takmn -sasudd nhave Yet. reoesved. O me in a'sd see thein lHavin prcaadt.he ii sduok f--samtplraf what occurs very m ufiur d cl a, Wdba cngnet bmbsp-sd thon lai- your psason gettlzîg. aime u .cE te aie 0. Johtf, I wisli to inforit iejImr fthe cmi-oaf mu ta,. Mn. u.Wnih a usoayu in. --SN .A b m p.qpl he on hiband1d urrODfldhi 'ofowîuiry W R mde masoreifcuht, WMa i h mn tand Japan for, s few years but throug4u poor -'LIBA.'ouWîy'tn isugl sud»lanel luî ber~lg1 ~ard lwayssougt aftr. Wi n ~ beahh wascomplîrd a com hom. lthneboi iocomshp, bs nuohen Feb. nbor895.Rchan M ug a d la aife ixce boa , a i bo es, o stai, tC e i tD u g s , arriv s a i ibm second fo nuxi ait *igb wa an active ma ti lutempérance and John M ark;.e eo t" hp i oh paoet,. ~ acoa onhcknos uboisaschurcit work during bts stay-in ibm village, n ut d gtnweihcna ued Ma'im,~okiws anageneral tshS rcollegiate mioruing,' by a fine bhcosndM. moîs îidAasg, moulaings; doors, saui,inîuch of ibm subjeeis tangt aas avs kom> t*immlngsal o! which wM bksoldl md Iawyen wotild li ibm Uniedadcifl -d~ u ifunewsib ak eimne h i ad a ef ut thé Vey.îowesL rnes. Ail ordeu sTe t analblIo im lod fpresent ChristaiEd v> tne. 'andi lther îwo hbein ife.li attentpi;g MLNmtflad or noit èice. )Eschine work a pec'VV WHLT BY'*of ibm Willi ama Plana Campa came )ff - BOKI --to save ber, ibm bouse falling id upon tbeni.uc5bEb rne d" ilrei tF ida.vnia. h f-sbr twsî oye -dtiesi,, fu maner.Nfr. Mak a si

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