d Dnggiet, - - » Medical Hall, / fIrookStre.t? Whftb~ I ~I~t~iib~ "'>"4AJfl4l4& -! III EWUWT~ LU I WRTflAY gRP¶I' 2~! 189v r. mhort ifoes. - iIrelà ad Save alaffl New York bas both choiera and ona"- comne buck to HOL E. pOX. IoteMoaaO&y ne Bergn2ann, the anarchlst who shot Frick DOmS- bas been feud guilty and sentonced4 tgen twenty-one years in the peultentlary and pe one year in the workhouse. ue The -R. and 0. steamer dxinthlon which -left Toronto for Montreal ion(-pas day, was burnied ta thewater's edgeljuat; of sy below Corteau Rapids-,on Tedyngt d No lives were loat, but the-ls most of their baggage. 1: as t=ng rfo flarry Perry, aged ir9, of Mount Fores, and a son of Townl Clerk Perry, Ia company as th wth two other boys, wuou ot shootlsag con y as ver Monday. They woaanded a fox. and of U Youang Perry proceeded ta, club ît ta d4tbol with the stoc of hîs gain, whlch be ie -be diarged, and the contents entered h Sm t groin. lie died Uic nez: morning. The lî The Lindsay (ar leu ogferng$ for a an e -competition in bibies undetome year oid. 1cub This is perfectiy r1ght, ony thaï! It catch" 8W some peneu t a tisne -wletke l have aisadil none w.h-w-The Ptize shond huan- by Mr, nounoed two or thxoe yeas a alead, ia doubt order that people might have sufiduat ont. 'tinie au produce and prepare the extibits, knowl -1W other words 1: should.be a-aM t >Mai C futurlty stake. At the assises at Goderich on TiuedY, Mr. Mitchell, publisher of the Coderxich NO% Star, was found guilty of criminail Ubel di for accusing Mr. M. C. Camer6n, et-M. P., oe1nti with sedaction of o yaung girl namaed tbat t Elles Loô=Wls A ýfine af $3 anad heavy taad*r coïts was inflikted, and Mitchell was TIic forced ta aigu -an abJect aPoiogy.W. F, *Ith McLean, M. P., pubtLher aiToronto -word Wo6rtd, was released by the grand juryon' the-bo o like charge, no bill hang ond.Ilaev- iill lng court Mr. licLea ws accoeled by tua tÙ1 Dr. Wilson, a son-4n-law of- Came=ops, theUt and a %Wgh between the two occurred UOnm) Bath were marked and XeLeosizdaims ie the a 11.4 the other chap's head in chancery- ofthe. wbhea a 'bystander separated them. - hç In countries like Great Britain, Canada or the United States, Where poinh dlean habits and ive "eI. there, à * a litte to ho bmred f(roua g Iq V ca osec ail recil the outbreak of thep~I treaithreeaor four Yes r ,s ld4 w1t oniy affectedthe loy itit h*.tefo peole live. like affnais. Tii. "- f:ýhcý the mieted ards werenoDrï * -téi they drove the fibyèid o4ý eas bas been the case in the hlrsicsDw of Russe,-this year. A 1igal-k l cases tii. outgrowth of lebsaaw fiith s-la.!!t cmix thrive upn-Propr sanî iïw tory arrngemeaùts and te*xise of é I would u<=M ta bc o sufficient DPrtetBOUL'f»iý luon and,-,a what S for the. ed upo Anthoti genIcia