INSEOT J E.1 WILL18, Chem i8tdtfDflIggi8t, M edical Hall, Brock Street, Whftby.1 1ob x~ume FRIDAY, JULY 229 1892. Political Pointu. Hon. Edward Blake vas elected for South Longford, Ircland, hast week by 22oo majority. The vote vas almost unanimous. In the United States Congress the vote to close the World's fait at Chicago on Sun. day was carried by 78 to 74 votes, but the niove to prohibit the sale of liquor on the ,fair grounds failed by î814 to 41. They dont mnd keepmg Sunday, but can't give up their wiiiskey. Mr. Boyd, Con., vas elected on Friday last to the. House of Commons for the. vaicaucy iu Marquette, Man., caused by the resignation of Mr. Watson, Lib., vho bas joined thc Manitoba. cabinet. Tii. only -vacant seat uow assin Chicoutimni, where Mr. Savard, Imd., vas unseateti, and nominations in that county vill take place on Aug 9th. In Uic British elections the. Conserva-' tives and Llberal-.Unionists4, their allies, have secured 314 scats as against 356 by ail the other factions couubined,, týw Gov- crnment bcing thus in a mluority of 42 votes l ic e(ull house. A rMany probable moves by Lord Sal ury at Mr. Gladtône to ouý-seneral onc another are suggested, the- lest being to meet par. Rament on Aug 4Ui, and allow the nïvly' elected chaos. between thern after debating their respective announce- ments of policy; nve u , ètz e tL wbm"m 7 peuaityof tbe cty is 4Iud i. of -webrcsà nilb Ct o -hé'ss, viie. u e ea lkeu mdéthe ex- eciptlon 0f plant, mciIiey aýd - bus niae Luz a erebcýetbat bable that at least 40 sonulty aussmeut set away the exemption by-law. AIMost awtr«tIý reduction. viii b. madin luthe iurome iê seesment by thi.e «Mqtin ofaul iOCOwý Up to $700. The. Uxbrldgcti'mcs sys Joh~n Gilpin resides ini uffalo, but Ik does n report anytbing 'about , himn by- wbith we eaw identify hum wlth the John (qiplu o 4'fà monsLuontv. Wm. C1emcuts, residing -1u lOa»oa cast of Cannington, tast veek laIi in- formation before Reeve Camuéron, of WVoodville, and Ccunty Magisbx, Deacon of Victoria couaty, charging lia c- Iutosb <th having corne to bis çmdn in the. night and vith brimeauç .door' open when bis demancfor admittnew refuised.- Having galicd- admula ceb force McIntosh ssaulted Geunen4 .The tae1 app eto etertaltýavery sup t ,pprc ion of a citizýen', r4i anai only fiud ti.prisoner $Po andt4OM sor two months. Robt andi John à Mclntosh veut w ithe ssne bouse lu dayI*band conducted theiselves lun adi*ordely manner and got- $5 andi «am or tétdan Ail tluree are worthless anti veut ýo udi sa owork it out ou the toepile~ Thcyi mhtas well have bee ai sent wo Toron- to r Ciguonto nae cepbinder~ twine. For a popuWa drive the. roada s tve Uxbrldgc and Port Perry are vc~peer, andi cvçry year about this tume ncà l Our conty roatiu arm nade vreby plougbiugand . 6caffld 'adig. Ther Î.01 cally ~vogv the try. Wé oitgtti ls an frh work expen tietb i be not 'mu~ v r expended i beproe 4ifon rsswer. once put m good ebpet voulti cms--no aaore 'o khep Ibc*ug th tiwrwthenaevery yra i. nov donc. Cosl rugthe là ,ot ue gooti roads, ttitmeubtei .svt, andtheii vear ofthe boises andrua couiti b. prevenieti, ier. is npu ex- peudîtUre, couuiy or prtna~ hat voulti le more Smn tndbl ian befor ,the ingprovemneMtsofour roads.-Jpul The. foilowlug dispaich i isuliï ela ycsterday's Toronto .papersà aetfà Orillia : josephi Badgmr, a 1ayarot boy, wasfo4intlanglug lu bis à bç' stable at R.atbbuonMay x5. T~ o was buriedt to days laier, Ru O f foui play vere lu circulationaisthturne, but no action was takeui nmil ye~uay, ivh.n an inquest wu, belt under aa« oder [rom the Autoruey-geueraL. A ai Obef witnesses vere Oxarined. byC»uMyty4tor- ncy Farevreil of Wbitby and the eeýidence Proved ubati t vas 1ba ry psa4fr 20Yt. iin heigleix> -bang nif w feci long;a anthe b,bodyIacked 41hpý pearauceS of death fro 5ua angu0ain. The post unortenu on thi.exb-1- 4bo faileti to shov Uic cause fdeeth, 4MboY being badly decomuPost4 Tli Jury came bsti edt vileeat the Cab-ero bs da vrth -'ieai teih ean of a peruon or permionï un - - 1 u. ie develounienitaare iokailfor .1..wei ver. taxeci.' Ne* to direct taxation tbis ~~rofthe true anti uatorai system of Met Monday nigbt. Coun. a rpotfri ibeý prltln coumkcpaoming *amia .for statoncry froua R.. Cormack A EUNGLSD lEYLAW4. -The reeve introduceti and ctarrled à bog bylaw to appoint,t. ehief con- stable for the town, to deflue bis dutlcs andi fEz, bi s alaryï,. Wm. Calverley Wau appoinited, andi an boni andi a haffapn wrangfiug ove-rbis dutles andiuJry h byla* recites that he.4d"ahbave 1oto over ti.he br coustblesapluted b the counci4 thatlie Shanita,» abeautbZcerp tbatbeabauko, j ace wihi the towu, ~luureardaigdefecfive reaidborwalks, etc. AS remuneration he la -to, récïive ft5Peran»UaUnupali >ntbv $Wstick vices abal be glv9mk.0 ima.O Hundreds of E Remnants and at Prices »that-i (m.Coua. urrný mn,, throagb bis beati Cojun. 'Roema read -ilovard onlumbeac ubisuie odiie setret Scoti cowlaied ubi cuitiug bay oni the rom andi ase hat ibistm thougit lu voulti cm rnoney tw cnt ikauf l why vas this vork i fua uhaa. et Ri En. The OriUia Packet1 newspaper lu serviq oten emlar-as tcannot expr eius l whltpolesaW tq4 audits sph fl rovetidom theepitorIet -or- POWI