VOL.SXXI Ioi ~URI.ei ti f OlI LIVEPOO SEVIC. ,W ILL P.ftfAY ffl..Lsr gl.y 7.unl#eT .undeztignedhjuat opeuaeu t w6**a, z 8 oletsto-tVNDAqand E.h. l.bra4oe, aadS.S. Tornto have no AXRIOA.N MèOonsiCabinor 8s gaaommdion. BATES OP -PASSAGE XWALL PAPERS-, P~R8T IÂBIN.whichwM lb. sold st resonbi.re> P«r. 2.E V.nOOuver,-Sm ,70 Onti 80 Bl~ge; Mthçnwatdaga eeo r "d10180 zol8reura. nwtdiut di,ù -P". &I.L abredr-«45Q, 60 and 70 smge * 'Uit bordera W mat". ~8.8 Oegon.-d8 ~ ~200 patterna eto ehos(om Par .s. 1rnt o- 045m ingle;y*1 CUldr&overt Mevusd =ditr twolStOOk n«dilto be, seen to be . appreciatedsý.. Tc frpoz L«eroolQueaaswG. To or froiuBrstlorOrItU ?orfo PaI 80 .C WiL"SONs ou 0V Y plyjfu 0 sfiL anddtrpo RiBICYCLES, E. Sen R.P8Y01108. ROVER8 bont Englishmakem. h pSy. 4o mor a Ibl dito - la aImost lii Who bas j~tr vç!ry II 1 -a. à -ÇA L 3 tIrozbei kypt mtheeAfwdo BIG 8TL QOAUTýION.- n .w.>uy vas mrn.1 loir-haverî at AudIèey g-u ls w uerever our chrise lrlin Public and render'sevie ifc hr s oervices arè haùd.>,y appreciat- thi à iI (oaesdof* u5- , $ we boast ofde d<adJust a littie bit'better) ch d an y Of our- adjining towns. AI- sq, 'h few lu flaMber, yet ail parts sin we 3ni>slytogthe, gvi9 a splendid e Of >-rd-to-beat music. Mn haveýpase an4 gqe s ncePr -0auz~ this onej but uothiag th mnar the p,&eace' and harn B asalways ested in, this boy of a s, xcept the removal Of diffeeuf Si1 ers, occasIonQ yto forezgn parts. re1retting' the reserve of heat kept blacsmith aud the schOOimaserim FY lonesome ineaflwa-a'9 ' u ]Kerr ba jgn ;;n istto bler and Mrs iso a alledway F iddenlytoaen a sick sister.. 1110 6 are lookin fine around this sec-~Br if try We do not have too Wk ramu prospects are for a good bar. !y pathtnaster ini the township at- u to bis'dutYs' outrs bas doue e-. e have better roads, and travelling jt bemore of -a comfort Howeverd la in tbs setOf country are far seond son of Mr. James Roult ley a tace'is very sick wth gome disease- . ~em to baiqe the ocor. et, am mie to the conclusion that there is y ard abcess and- that7an op lioeCais le~atOSave the cbild)è ife. av t ýeY wil be able to have eun I N B O~ N z.~ L U I Prom j pony was