Cýarey Franics bas é4ciluded el oo~O*colaeand la à UI W. Overbolte Welland, Mr. Smother, and ber father: Mr. Donad !Iutone are visiting Mr. Bili-tl, week. r. H. Greenwood hau gone to the. rt, 'Toro top to brace up in bis drill for&week, previons to going unt for the annual drÛ.' i. Murpby, for -he pust two years. %p1oiy of Mes srs. Rois Brou., leIft ,day morning lat for St. Marjp's, 1188 secured a good position. Lonor' 3udge Eartnell bas been tak Chdlgeolf Uie County CÃ"Urt ,erà l sessions ut EBrantford next place o(-Jedge Jones, wbo lu sick enia. Gco. Gadsby, well- kncwn to out~ readers -lu digèerent parts of Lty, graduatd last week Iu the ýa college ofOberlin, 0111e. He ecal stand iu bis English course one of the orators selected te opc" isUblecta uat the cenvoca- Linion Illustrated for June- con- photogravare f Uic Canadian ut the Long lsland canoe meet i the centrp of thé çroup la 1the çlge DarthecU, lookîng hale and thd tkigUcbeà ïlng cf the orzon tUirough bis' spectacles. uncludes tbrce ladycanoeists. >b B. Nannlg»skoflg, the aged -ble chef of Uic Cbippewas, mshp, wà s lu town ken Tuesday. -r nluety years old, but full of ad helth aeof ycars. Re bas fiiauihoritive bearing of the redabout, -and.sedately con- tue business abouti~ land dca! uuty juç!ge, wdeiniust consent d tranactions, of the Indians.jî the old chef s4gncd hlm naine in nd to a document which had al- î slIged be' twelve Indians, only to, make his mark, or b)eing a ýas Uiec-légalcbaps terni t. ithat the red man- lu being 4 une guvrlt tTOeomt@ tudent from Whltby Coflegite #us plucked authU eceýnt exanis. r university, iithougb there was -r made, wblhien à some cf the IcIed oYer fifty per cent. Tue in il .rw<I *Black Satin De $1.80, worth $.1.60* Polka' spot Siu and 650, per yard. % -Black Pure,811U PInk, Cream, J, woôrth $1.25,per y.a colored hn Good Lace Curtains, taped:ail round, 5yari at 500. per pair. Fine quality Lace Curtain, taped fl rouu Extra Quahity Lace Ourtainst tped ýl1 rowl Beautiful Lace lurtains, taped ail rqund, .ý 2.00, 2.25; ,2.50, 3.00) 4.' 00, 5.00>, 6.00 a à Isir.. i Sixty pairs. Burmesse, Cutais in' Fa.wu $2.25, regular price$8 1 :r Art Mdusine, Madrase Mue fie, 6p1 COI"'RD DIRESS Our entire stock of Freueh, Euglisb, GOum, offering at astomshmg ow rates... Ask tà i see t1b BLACK UDREBS$ ID 42 inch Blazk AII-Wool Cashmere at 250. 45 imoh AI.-Wool Black Henrietta, Silk f 46'ineh Bl, 811k Fnahd nriettal 75e;,e 850-Y 95e., $1,00,1.25. Âsk tà e them- New Stocôk 60 mci Blaek Oloth for takn Fine Bleok AU-Wool Berges,. Bedoria Oor< Black Lustres,ý Crepe ÇkPths, etc. Our Drese G PIR NTS, MluSN 800 Piece4 New Prints to soeet fro # at fr< AJ-WYOOl D 1a t 20e., 25c., 35e',40c.~ MulnDolines et 80.1121c.,15Ã"., 170.1, Ainerican Liama Oloths, Elegaut PâtternN .10. b 75e. per yd, log,~ lrt.elssB6droom Curtalli, Jyi udg;,og, at 60é. and 75e. a pai., êt $5. 1.00 -and $I2.a--pair. rd4-log, a $_.25, 1.50, -1.60t 1.751 dCa-dinal, Pale, Bin.e and Fawn-, at wat Exeeptionally Low- Prisesï , Eiu'PA«RTMENT.' and Canadien Dress Gooda. we are RTMENT. 45o. Ask te sBe thus lime. 500. a yard, worth 650. r Jet Blaokb, af 500#j P0o., 70e., [8t, SUMMEIIL o able Pruces. Fine Shoes. A Large 8 I t $1.00-, .25, 160, 2.00 yer yd. 1.11,- Fauoy Stripeffiauey ýspots Departmeut la comaplote luinever DE YVES. ydl. Si chali-honoin l ;H.WÀU-ull11pan; ~R. Sinclar B. A. = ablsihobyisMcd- ;!dno'btffl bave Iionor5sand a schelar-sbip Mtt usVf main l cascsi mâcerstcod the programme issed Uic examu. on one ahdrdMarks off lu I . hildren's-J Mëeu'g Navy* Meu'~s Twee ~Mens Grey1 eight isAI-WoolsergeS6'ui &X Tweed Sait$ et $ eht Goats and vestw, EN '. ýREADYm