other prepara restoreà the cr to hair which1 or gray. [t kei and frS i&Sn ch humnors,prven -xto a silken texture 1 d Jast~ir No toilet cali , onidit without .tis most popular- of a.J1 hair-dressing-k faliou t1wà sabu eje. ,I1bave Iatety been us r nw Vigur, and it iscaus gowhof hairof the atun ci Over a year- ao li -fever, and-when 1 tecpvere b4gan tô, f4l out, and w>at R ed tumed gay. I1fr i vlot but-wMUout saccess) tillat la to US8E AyeiesHair Vigor, and-,mow growng rapid1yr and i*rest originiaicolot litMm Ana Thghton, bNass. I bave uM4 Ayer'i Haù neaiy five years, and my ho premervatdon. I1r foe1ty y* :haven;à entlio pinfor, yeara. -Wrn. Henry Ott,-l Yo-,Ay.r'-, Hait'VI sck bybrk0 e « %V. 0 U o 110W -Y aui shores coi .WhiLtier, a and &Pilmçs.e m Uthst 1 meof the eouM crowc -0!- Our Hery bave tboeu lnded h y 1are$ ai 'eamer st Rilat. powero~ ~ 0. O. Rroia & OODý powe ofbmde iU- d TLmmEI%Ttop of muy hSewu i 0"e *uatrongerorgu) ibad for sevoe miyeat 1 uod MXARD>'8 AordongLIN[IEýTad um ba"e s god powUi Of whaif a1 ZewS Wa m«nta en in-Igu 4 M h" 92-a. ÂaiT Mexât. Pivoe, P. K&tL a &body, of mon Who -* newhthihpropeo1ty I hape ue4 IMARIYB !IM lloy areappoitea býY ireey on myi';bad and uow ba've a* - iaf -of the oeInty Who bea4 of hair afterhuvfng bemu bald for »eve- 3>mimon fr m the ndyeawL It4a lae ulybair re4tom 1 h ave emcl a ,have 1 -Mnd b I reo e nova Mas O. AIa>Eu~or< Stanley rid#e, P~ K t TIRS DaTai 4etaclun.i frorn Raillas over ihe O. P. R. ~e.oheê Vanoouver ou Friday mominif. 8 or mDot No (>t« oUSsIb. o - OuiaoPro> w enablIme armpà "13utb.o h aakeHoI Lont gl#ipg year wkeù Thre. hW& boyi werowaà lathe. ree# adhiasOuMMlat liontrimslO..à tuday11 wbil 'at pIaf. Mtt~ ty bon wu iterU7 tuu of mduft tare au-i- W .0M N Ry- %W Clark Df Wrhitiby.