Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1892, p. 6

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Thle Facta Ahu~ t teWlFOalY 00: &lMed-Ititffe wWith lesading Physicihns lio Tres.itd Quant- Tii. hou ,,Mrvel.ou ae in The History of Medical science. l"à feW weeka, aço an article anpeared in tis pAper egpîed from the . bani N. Y. Journal, giving the particulars of the nmeat reumable cures of the. l9th century. The article was under tii. heangA Saratoga Go. Miracle," aud exctduc widespread comment that another Albany paper-the Express- detaaled a reporter te make a tborougb investigation cf the statemnuts appear- ing in the Journals article. The facta as elicited by the. Express reporter are given in the following article, wbich appeared in thât paper on April l6th, and makes oeeof the most interesting atones efV? related -A few weeks mgo tiiere was publh- ed in thc Aobâny Evening Journal tii. story of a tnost remarkable-ideed s0 reina&rkable as to well just.ify the terni 'm4raculous"-cfre cit a severe case cf locomotor ataxia, or creepiflg paral- ysis ; imply by the use of Ptnk Pib s for Pale People, and, in compliance witb instructions, an Express reporter bas been devoting some tisse in a critical investigation of the. real facts of the cage. Thc story cf the wondcrfnl cure cf Chare A. Quant cf (Galway, Saratoga couaty, N. 'Y., as firsL told in "The Journal," bas been copied into inn- drede if flot thousands-of otier daily and weckly ncwspapers and has creat- cd sncb a sensation theougiont -tiie entire country that iL waB deemed a duty due ail the people and especially thse thousands of' sirnilarby affieted, that the 8tatements cf ticecase as made in "Tii. Albany Journal" and copied into s0 many other newspapers, aiould, if truc, ýbe t~erified ; or, if false, exposed as an inýpositien upon public credulity. Thc resnît cf the Express reporters investigations autborize uiain saying that the. story cf (Charles A. Quant's cure cf locomotor ataxia by the use of Pink Pille for Pale People, a popular remedy prepared and put up by the Dr. Williams Medicine Comnpany, Morris- town,. N. Y.., and Brockville, -Ontario, IS TRUE, and thRt &i iLs statements are not oniy justified but vcrified by the fiiller developemeut of the. furtier facr.s cf tie case, Perbape tth. readers cf thse Express -are not al cf tiem fully famiiar witlh the details cf tuag miraculous reetora- tien to health cf a man who-after weeks and montbe cf treatment by the mosi ekilîful doctors in two cf the best hospi. tale ini tbe tate cf New York - the Roosevelt hospital in New York city and Sit. Petens boapital in lbany-wa4 dismissed from each as incurable andi because the case was deemed irqcurabie, the man wus denied admission intc several others te which application was made in hie behalL Thse @tory as told by Mfr. Quant himiself and published hx the Albany Journal, i. as foliows : 4'My niame is Charles A Quant.I am 837 years old. I wau bon in thei village cf Galway and exceptiug whil4 travellingz on business and a little . while in 'Àmeterdani, have speut rny whole life here. Up te about ighi yearu ago I bad nêeer been sick and was- then in prfect healtii. I wai fnlly six feet LaU, weighed 180 pouudî and wap very strong. For 12 yers1 wus travelling adeszau for a piano anê organ conipauy, and iiad Wo do, or ai bout did do, a artes deal et heavy lift that I waa constnlygowiug voee tien, poidve, ean the ume i eletri elpiansd aite - mm differetk Oa f electric appliances could hear of.-snepsuqt hundreda4 dollar forthem, but they dia me n £moa. (Her.bi. Qnant ,howed à 3o=lreporte 1r an electilo uit of ui derwaar, fo, which ho, paid 124t) -J thecfall ef 1888 the doctoe. sdvised. changecf ôli ite o I venlt tO AtImi tsazdoted Ua. ent for the Eu* ne beelt U tI Th. painlwaMt«rIÃŽ1 r "*a î though they were é an stomaeh wéuld not' retim,, Ï)a feul away to 120 omuh el,'-" àlbany hosFpatalth.Y iPut 17- blg,:irI on myback onledaYwith 'd bot--,14 and after a few day@ tUwY Put 14 * j burne on and treatid -me witi elostil dg oity, but I got wora rathèt than aA better; lost ccotrolOf 'nO jbowels and - a water, and, Uj>Oipd dýJâ aootxt Ic who gaid there B8 lno hope for me, 1 was brought home wh» it wu' v thought that death would SOOD corne to j relieve me Of MY stiffringa. -Lut Sep- in tember, while in thia he1lesq and- ti suffering condition, éa fr'iexd Of M =*e.ýin i Hamilton, -ont., Called My attention to W the. statement Of one Johfn Marabal!, :« whose cuse md been similar to may ir ownm, aud who had been cureciby then use of Dr. 2Williamse Pink Pille for Pale is People, lin this case Mfr. MarshaR% Who is a prorinent member 10f the i Royal Tenplara of Temperance,. had, b after four y'ears of constant treaktment by the. most eninent Canadian physi- cians, been pronopnned incuranle, and paid t . 61,000 total disabiity CIdaim allowed by the order in auci cases Some montheafater Mfr. Marshall began a course of treatwent witii Dr. j Williams'Pink Pille, and sfter taking some 15 boxes was fully restoed Wt health. I thought I would try tiiem and my wile sent for two boxes of thee pillsa, aud I teok tbem acoording t tei directions on the wrapper on oach box.1 For the. firet fsw days tiieCOUd bathe were pretty severe as I wft8 80 veryt weak, but î continued ta follow instruc-C tions as to taking the. pilla and the z treatment, and even before I iiad used1 up the two boxes of the pilla I begin to feel beneficial rosulta irom. tiiem. MY pains were not se bad. I feitvarmer;i my head feit better ; ry foôd began« toW relish and agree with me ; I couldC straigbteu up ;,the feeling bogan .toie corne back intie my limbs ; I began to ' be able to get about on crutches ; myi eye came back "gin as good as ever,i and now, after the use of eight boxesi cf the Pille, at a cout of only 84.00-1 see 1-I caui with the help of a cane, only, walk all about the bouse andi yard, cau saw* wood, and on pleasant days I walk down town. My ntomachi trouble is gene ; I bave' gained 101 poundg ; I feel like a new man, ana *wheu the spriug opeus I expeot to be able to renew my organ aud piano tagency. Iennot speak in too higii . terme of Dr Williams' Pink Pilla for ePale People, as I know tbey saved my F ife after ail the doctors bil gven me n> as incurable." Such is the wonder4nl story which the Express reporter buas uoceeded iii securing verification of in ail ita details, 8frem tiie heapital records 'where Mr. i Quant was treated and f rom thie doctors Pwho had the case ini hand and who prononced bim incuable. Lot it b. remembered that all ths hospital treat- ment was two and uhre years. 8go, while bis cure, by the. use. of !Dr. eWillams' Pnk Pilla for Pale Peope Y bau been affected msince lut Beptember, t1891. Bo it is beyondcla douUtevident Itint his recovery is wholly due- te the *use of these faMoSub il which have »B been found, tW have made such r.msrk- 1 able curessinthis "à othersasea&. -ý7 d Mr. Quànt plad i the had fthe t reporter hie card of amWisin té os r ethospital, whieh in here rproduced o#duras sai, ,ty richest s. -Also, Our repoâeir fond Dr., Edvard wamr.aSt W office, No. 182 West Niuety third sMtree eVork. R Uons cf ii. uanî cas. I a mery prououin*edcase. I treatede himj &bout s*iit m nths. tuis vas inthe esrly sommelof 1890. 1 demed hiur incurable, an thgt hi m déadbifoire u1ô*. 6nagueým srie 4ei ré- ecived à lette# from , h ab out Ivo wocks ao @'tollng rme that he vas alie, Wu, Retting .1.1 and expeted sm oont is dly recovOred ï"What do $eu tuink, doctor, vas the isuse of bis ricovery." "«That la na4re, than I know. Quant mayaii ha.bubison takingsme asert cf ýpilla and that tbcy iiave cured 'them. it il eveGtsj I arn glad the poor rellow ia eettirig veil, fer his vas a bad ee sud h.o'ç'a agreat sufferer." -Dr. Tiieoldore R. Tnttbe, of 819 West Eighteentli etýeet, tW whom eur report- er ia iudebted for asssating courtes"e, ssid cf locetuotor arauis:" have hala several casof this disease in tue course of myipractice. 1 'gril net say- that it is incitrble, but 1 neyer knew of a asme te gýst veil ; but I V'ill "ay it la net d.emed çurable by any remedies knowu to th' medical profesusion." Alter tiis wooessul sud confima-' tory- ilVesti gation in 1N e wL'York, eur .eportèr, 8 urday Apeil nd, 1892 visîted St. Pý terls Hospital, in Albany, corner cf A~ay an& Ferry streeta- Re hial a acourteous recption byý ,SiswermarV .Philomena, tihe aiser auparior cf ter's hospital. and vhien told tho objcct of IrIs mait, said ah. remembored thue s ? or Ur.' Quant very dîstrnctly. Baid sIr: t was a very 4~tressing case sud excited* my s ptes muci. Poor fêllow lie couldn't de cerred anjd bail teo ironhoe lu a terrible condition cf helplesaness sudatiflerinÏ." Tii. bouse physiclan ou consulting the. records cf St. Pet:er"a. hospîtal, said he fonnd ouly 'that Charles A. Quanit entered the - hospital, March 14tu, 1890, vas trsated by Dr. Henry Hun, sssisted byDr.,Van 'Der- veer, who wbSe tien, 1890, at the bead of the. hospi= al, udthtis casebeing deemed not iis ofle mureoblofttheb hospital ana! was tikon ta ha home,. hoesuppesed, %0die Sncb la tho füll history cf tibia _Most rem nkpe ee f lsnceussf, reoovry frmna hretofOn. .up>pooed ittoerable disease, audiafter &Ulb ýthe îdoctOý8 had given bîm ub. by theý simple us1-cf Dr. Williams' Fýnk Pik la.for Ple Peoplà Truly it i. *n ntereuting tryc Most Mlraculons cure cfa *,edfuldis- eas by the ýiMple us. cftIi.pepular remey A uth %vestgaiu rereae b fact tirat Drý Wilîimm 1 nkI>ÃŽ110 are nota patient miIýedl 0 *0n1.sen»e im which thati Wsm i.isly understocd, but area O~nOi4cpreparation anoue- flyused itc gȔera practio for m*uy 7@5isbefore beng offeredto thepublic genenmlly. Tey coutatu in a condeî- sud formSau thbe eolaizts uecesssq 'gLv, now flan4 nehneu totbehXood,ý and re hteednri.1hoy are an unuaulng aeocl for onche die- emmses s lôoolrtsa, PsWIa paraysia, ýVigedan..c itias ,ace, 4*rOÉ eeMof la Opp. -Pitagi»n of 6h. he"r,ai omeiôion, feeàg a iu famnVOes Poshwo~ _9 fs eso depe"ding Spcn vitsah4ed 1u2nata in tuebIýà. msûh as suomla, choridol "teiig tub. and long' rh". 1is Salis to thé ,O use pon. cbeap, sud lu- Tins Soap doem away with liard RuIr. bing, Tîred Backs, Hot Steamn, and Sorm Hands. It brings cornfort te ruilions ef horfl«, aud will do so to yetir if yen wiUl Rernember the Narne vExAU . IRINGZ EVEE EBON. zTOE Chidren £nxpy Ite. G. YOUNG: si suer eMarriage Lie - TOiOSTo 1VEEEimTr. Physiels, Surgeonx s'a Aeeuebnr Lst Boldet PysilanTozonlo itilu",4 7 te 9-P. Zn. O00,"udBeosi<cnceim15 efKt aniisd .Uudas treeoWbhitby. _ P. G. NELU]M M.». Physielan,' Surgeon-, Md ÂeecuehUÃŽ' uago hours-8 tolO0 i., r2.,lu &dý 7 te 9P. MI lîe,, %,Tho ern."Iy ,8trooi, Whuitby. D. Il. BOGÂBT, ~ Li.. PhyutIar Bureon ud .Accoucéheur,e Offie sud Bosidenenou , a lame Ohurch, DimundS t., Whibir. IN. 4ý Dmel aurgory la&ai il.brumchés proimy C.R.RGGS. T Ir %*aMiütër he ý i",froc vlth a0Mý ù tu ' Do ..Boitst et f, held geod forsa short tee S XIG8,Dmngto:% Co. Ki You< BS.,ï Toronto. -Dxfflti8-ROUii rr 1ru4 Olohln Etabiinrn t- Street Witby. Omfce bon" fresi OO10 a.-m% sud trou 1.80 tÃ"S6P. NIo, Terra., Byon S0 SIIII -&it1 Kspufotanera et El, bfmm work would do veUt~ "ua d u il. f-t14. Piu1d'up, $1AOO000ý $1,350o 000 SÀYtNQg BF"ATUZNT. luterolstiUslewed st bisheaýtourent rates. - )(ansqer, --raised expresly ton the Coi is always :fresh and, of 'ti *pàùnded. _k is because it Ts always theà appeana4ce, flavor, and- and being higilýsrcoc only small doses are neeý is, therefore, the most ecor SbIood-puieier in jexistenï Cures sie SOROFULA inf -life en'joyable. It searchei imp'urities in the ýysem an them -harmlesslY by thc chantiels. AYER'S Sar- gives êlasticity to tic st -imparts to the agtd -and renewed health) streog Ir ut MbilitWftI~US ana A SOWN~, ~eIi*vIfl* To veify reporter a fi office, No, 2 Nov Yorkc

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