Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1892, p. 2

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'Ile eponn I&t mAfiâ,in zié bur' o - #ayevlù by the &Uno=o~o.rneat that Oyeiy Oft WOUld IsoVt -a Wi&. itwaa a "fake' of te0 dtm Lsiito7wihwi Lindsaymo esripoltio vili hio NOt oe f te oared __II tofarliar -"jrofae e or'swi eiQti9n, -andi ail were stale. At the. end morne' numbers8 were thakeni in a liat sud a el greenbank was awarded the holder-cf the luoky number. Not for mnanY Years bas a "muaid". company been obliged to diaband in Lindsay-- they manage to reacli here somehow, -Imd go away witli a pooketful of aeels. We are pleased to record thie win . -ning of a fine schielarship by Mr. Fred. J. SinaJle, son of Mr. 1. Smale, of Opa now a student in hie final yaat Tor,- onto university. The. scholasip la valued at £150 stg. and le founded fron a balance from the. colonial ex- hibiion in London in 1861. It îe awarded on meit cf original work in natural. science. Two soholarmhips were given to Canada thie year ; one te McGill and one to Toronto univer- sity. The Toronto Telegrarn refers te tho matter in the foilowing terme:- "Something over a year aga the .n nounceinent was muade t4iie acholamhip, would be- given. Sînce Liien the. sp- paratus of tho différent departmnenta of natural science at the unnverity have been vigorously plied by graduatea and uiidenizraduâtees trivi ng te discover soine law of nature or nnearth some sonie valuable scientific- trutli. Only tiiree . ere suflicieut.ly' succSeful te warrantL thoirýcompetingr for the acholar- ship. Thre. theesa were written. A board of examiner.s uclceen îîo ex- aine the. theses, with tb. result that Mr. Fred. J. Stnale wae Lthe succesaful -competitor. Re chose as hài subjeot "1>hoephinea." Mr. Sinale la in hie final year in natural -science. He xnatiulated frorn Lindsay collegiate in 1888 and at the samne institution took his firat year'e work. Thie la the firat scbolarship cf tbe kind that lias ever been given in Canada, and may per-. hapa,. b. helest. IL le worth £150, and àe-tenable for two yeare.Tii. winner can apply it any way lie vialios in scientific research. If he je succeas- fui in hie work the cholarship may be extended over Lliree or even four yearm. ,Mr. 5ma. vili likely go t. Germany and labor in sonie cf the great German laboratories in onnection viLli morne cf Lii. great universities." Mr. Stnale in to be warmly congratulated on hie sue- cess, and the Lindsay collegiate on the distinction won by one of-its studenta. A large number of tb. business mon cf Lindsay maLtuhs veek and elected Lb. officers for the. .nsuing year cf the -Lindsay braneh of Lb. Mercianta' Re- t.ail Commercî*l Agency cf Chicago, Ili., vhose Canada cffice le lecated ln the. Canadia» Bankýof Commerce build- ing, Toronto, Ont,. 'Tii. system linrase by this agency bas for lta purpose tue protection cf merchanta This agency uses ne dishonorabie meana' te force collections or aettlements, but the mer- chanta propose Le exercise their legal rigiit t., refuse credit te a person vho gains the. reputation cf nett rating a member cf th. agency honorably. There iane lav ceinpellixig morcliante te se» gooda on credit. mr, la isne ,Iav forbidding merchanite rfusin credit t z toypeenh.aueefit, muId wien a me rchant mela gooda on credit iL la au"acommôdatiou te the custonuer, mand if ach - «stomer ha. ne appreciation of thé favor ext.nded and vilfully aa¶eota te maake a reaon- able sud. honorabe ad justnsen t cf Lb. ind.btodese, tien he should ^ b. oem- Mpe o, ep*y àwhoýbuys. IL iehbetthr for lÉiM- and much me profitable for their marchant. Kany a poer vorthy mn aha. beeaurefused cei e neceesties of liebecaume aifLthe mer. chmute unplesamt expernce vith bail debtens, but thia syetem vill tend t1<t obviate mau-iatbec.iuse tue -mm vit dom. respect -hIie ozdit viii b. kmv)n. and hav, a standin among meonbaate, vUil ie "demdlt" and otiiý et hlie kînd wvil mWis. aowi tû thet M tembers cf Liihi. ageno mand be aboo- ltey rfue.crei;no M mjrif h moves te anotiier ýtwn,' province or uaL.t bis reputation mi peor ayvIlI feflov bue, mcd Lthe merchant, ,an soit new -place of residence viii mio remai. hlm aredfit..Tihis apucy lu asavai- lar anid hogal abstract ef unmeed. as- turxied ail the. pamr "n- hYývj- horrors. By. the prefait of thue inurigibll:Üt aided by thedrvm, i b wa Hall, by th. eternat fitnew ofet hiff, asumlung -a licrîtotal - îtoiuhctl Lhrough the. air with suci veloeity that he resembI.d-an rro in iideadiJ. per- suit cf the. flyix>g hors. just v#au- iehing on tii. horzon'. 1Had iL not been for this triendly .arth it la bard Lt07.el juist viere he Wculd have Iand- ed, but as itl'a W n the Ianding piso. ,na b. seen oba expiâsve brcv »a uner hie ae . ye to theoriglit. »M for Mr. Willians hie pedal extremetiée becanie so entangled in tie revolvîng' wheel that iL vwas ordy vith grât.dl&OP ouity h. cculd b. uavelled. The hors., mter, a.prolonged jourueys Me turned, delighted to fiud that îtm drivers ver. not mc badly hurt as vaa intended, vile to ue vho liurried to the. acen. o"frthe disaster, the. buggy lccked as aman wonld ie iio b.d broken log. Âiter surveying the *rock and contemplating long upon the- reoklessness pi thet hors., vo offer it cur congrtulations upon ita fortunate A ytrnng lAdy of Jeffrmon, Weat Virgini,, dediaq that mivsheawl&U rn dou a belote takin* Ayor's Sarsaparilla; but that n»W l*0i n ing trnge e"yday. Âyer)s saparilla inmcsrWaly a vonderfnlly effec.- tivo tonie for the. feeble mod delicat.. STOUITTILL A clause cof tie nov liquor act makos iL a crime punleliable only by imprioù ment to sali or give liquor te lhabituai- drunkards mter having been warned not te do se. John Kirscpp, of Aurura, vil, on a visit te Toronto recently, feu lut. an open drain on one-of tfii streeta, bruis- ing humeel! oueider4b1y. Prompt ac- tien vas taken againstet ii.cty for damnagea, wiiich vas settled by the. ait, autliorities paylng hlm oee8100 end Farmers are likely tô b. freed frein Lb. binding Lwiîae Imposition horeatter. The Ontario Ge6vermerat are ereot*n a buildîng at the Central- Priso;, lute vhich t. put 4ai h. requît" acin Mr, viicii they have puroiiasd, a vi» at once begin iLs manufacture, and expeot Le mupply iL et nearly cost, pria. te dealers Lliroughoùt -tue province. WMC L.edý fa Wint Gvllliînbury farmer, lia, ahrugh lis Bsotsle sued a urit c-;--n fro_ SUansd Martha Roberts, of ,Aurora, 810,00, dama"e for alionation, ot hie vif,' ai. fectione. The.defendants are Lb.ý parents of Mms. odeaif, and the trouble in saïd te bave arleen tirough the, toctoqen tsaof tiie mothor- in-iaw. MW. Medahf a sMort tinte mgo left her humbmnd and returmMte ber father's house, "4 -gvuithher their John Hubiard sud' left Uxbridge for thée] Lime &go lied ïa ui on ,tii. journ.y. .At, covered *tIsai *» oi th dovu wht.i hie foot eu garons position and tin tue herme. Thia vwu tuent, hbât ti.y auma gettîng $the Mosinait for. 1 mdladiva effliry 4thetuwo*..j dlad on gIoudlay ii T&wnto, wàbr resided mf i hpateê. ý o,ý4ï whcitb ne hoewuaunUi -and gret*al i .Âpmt o*e~aa nainbj T<oiontph.ymiciax,àrevsI tii.tactth~ d.sii as nad by ihnes: ithe',basin* t DaeW w dents of 4hla tovu whore 1ho resided1 noe ta grebt many friende,' who w mynpt itvi athe, orroful vi4, Mr. a~d Mm .' N. Suton, Eroohl N.Y., arrivedain tovi g ~afûrdy vennglut, . Kmi,8ext Pt Monaymeàin. ul~lit.s. &o maUiacà a fnov Psoand ?mlài Fre Ro~sson OfiÀ&. Ros%, of tà place'. lsl partneraîpith hùn. TI "oP lea iL eexSleut article f cleaning anse sd partakes of t nature Of cepli" admcd eoaed '"I Sunahine. 1nkemkt vil soon- fully anpphed vatl i i, as they s busil7 engage mnufactuaing iLou large alele,. & ceraaip commercialtravoer veU. kn-u n " tLovas attended tue foyer siowb laiteengviltex- peoatin tat or nikah.w<uld beé ahi t Lkelutue show a»d, b. given a good a ~oas vell. Re-aani ly faated e rtrpart et Li. ar mand came thorougliy prop.a-ed for a, fM84,ami uit a1pod part c théeven-, Ii agntly ud longWqly awaiting for, that Put c01Lth# proeodange. Iruag thé poor teilov'a feeling v magne înformned ât ia lvisions etfcake, Md Pi. and .*0 hindi 01 goed dupngavu oul ai dresilimd -vould fbotnmtial- ee.- Thpe &ock wvas a"out mort tisai ho oould b.ur andId&ienoms WaY undir the a"Da. W, aue uaria Ishoi hé mb fshM seVlecuLt eb n ou- Mmeslasoditas. Tour W E migdt n ofd ll, wh" 1. fîtabuwd ot ail ateWp na«ieftki nd mfhitea tisutbe gItiat lqbth. - " teu * a iosm 1iedata *l -, vb tead t.ahmumptaou.. eumuibï, mlwolu' timplathe omtel and asylum detthse outy teva irbile hero -- i UT.tier. ta trop., 1ahe pur- chadabottle of Mlrsa ixmvj.iou cf Ccd IÀver OiL Frm n tb. first doam taken the ý&gent looked forvard viWtih ep. vlieu t *" found that li$a ayet.m eouldretdù, aan dtg"eet-r.orgne lied beena,*. wak hlva U"Oblt& rotain eu9icicniê tod t6 ors bis body. rmuLoss iIab .vùe svay as te veiglh cny 12 Pound&. Ihs. .-theo coumpton.e mmu. vth addedfla, Aloxader Newns -a memnIudm&d.W. Prement a eopy iem hlm ua *d»m Caon.that date l45,^pudma an D#w, mf. of te.n.. aca&Y for s't-six daya frOur Lb. Li.. ho beffl o X»user tairnntt;on .of Cod IÀvo ROL. %e ft "uevry sinige- ler r.co'i«.Y vii ot have Li theeOf rus- -traiuing the IsaMicf moer n th. releaue of uick presnFar bett: r ii this re8ult- ed& thaiattne case --fAlexatider Newman were not Iceovu publiely, but it il, too valu- '&bie v40ite,'est Of Publie Irelth te b. O"ook-f -)venify ah. .1>.ve jactse- certificate 0:the istientia appeaded. E~poeor. Ianar 2d,16-I taerelvy oeorty te thse above eiug corrfflu v-ery -~1icnat.iler' Eralao.et (M Uvo saz M d-e: ari otuer uerangemenrts or U tiaroat and lungs. T1he., knownfcough-cure iii the wj it is- recom mnended - by enali e> physïciansî and is -the favc preparation- with sîngers, act preachers-and teachers. Itsooc thé, inflied imembraie, Ica the phlegmn, stops lco-ugh'ig, -induces rcpoge. AYER-'8 sherry.Peotori taken for conmpotion, i itse stages,. ch-cks further'pr-ogrem the disease, and even- ~the 1 stagesi, it eases the distrés cough -and promnotesi refresý Sleep. It is ag:reeableto the t« needs but small, doses, aria. fot inteffere withe digestion or ot' thje -reguar oËganicfuncti As.an emergency medicine,-e household.should7be.provided A4yer's -Cherry Pèctoral. *I Hav'ig used, Ayer's Cherry toral in- my family for maoiy ye. ca-n confidently recdnimend it fi teco-mpla-ints it- is élainèd> ti lIts'sale is increasing ye_>tly _wil =nd mncstomers think thisF rainbsno èquaiaàs a cçough cw S. W.'-Pairent, Queensbury, N.B. AL* , . - --Y m i "Poru tagfr~ I iailed -modical lunuLE D.athu overtakeme. 1iu.tmiwta En pr~ limt Marta Mmooe. a ey a r~baq, kîcked to damlâ by a boes at Iotbot ont. W. ote tqsn boala , ontuI c.-. ý=m42 ABÂNl UmmDv. $800 1 *o *'m -4t

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