Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1892, p. 8

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~1t~SRMELV. Aitawht I*HouMB»$j 1VEdwrl on erwe 4;wtwingthe. »th aià.l Io fg'bcoussece ai 8 o'clock. Baye -MR. LAiPIG4 MANAGERS. Windsor, Demr. 'Us4.' The invita3hun, yoiti W'111 rsave, in pliiited 11>Ofla age 4%~x3 inhes-4bat secUs» sled note paper being le co - ldbere-d the properly polite ~l o '<Bai Tickets," or "Assembly Invitasun Csdsý>ssni ofthe (tbený young ladies tGOd bc with them 1) more ufoniously af- feckted to describe theni. On the back, along the full widtl of the sheet, you wiIl see written: "TERMS.» <'One forth cash-the remainder "in yearly instalments to suit purchaser- "itie perfect. - Apply to, "B.- FREY BALI.. j F 'f t 't wo~& Selyor emaliOL *proippa tris> Iip onaom K m u sea - e, MOosÇ4lxR9 MammnV';A ~t aut fo«its i gdmsmb ITle Myef fIU , HUWepoito f faets fihea .Wtemporm~ -c«&, 4by Eugene XwzeSae*. ad *SM Talk aboust Enlish Publie Sobl. 'by man Englisb wmiter «eeciaflyfmilw i* ulhthe edutonal lnsttudmiO nbitS*eouqy.AB toy the Ancient Lna m is conffibuted b mnJtbrmI h fcton of the numbetIndh1dea themeOdbJ ter cf Sur. Howdls' UOW n6te.'"The u of Chance'>; a, ebaractexistle short story Richard HardingDavil, entltled "tleinof Cuyier," ilimtratedI byC. D ibson; Su, another Frs"c-Canjaian teh, "LU Cabane," by Wilam MOLenn0au, illusttatd by C.. a Rinbart. SpoartilMgot"S. At tht Walker House, Toronto, on Mlon- day nigbt a litige and representAtive meet- ing 'cf cricketers was beld Se form -a Dominion asso~ciation. Everytbiiig work- ed har moniously, and the objects of the meeting were fully carried out. Mr. John Wrigbt was elected president, sud Judge Dart=ellof this ;own vice.president for met Ontario association. Thet Empire says: "Judge Dartnell, cf Wbitby, firstpbresident of 'tht' Ontario association, 'and a long> seasongd veteran, took su active interest in tht proceedfings. I The judge was sec- *ond president of the Ontario Associtoei, being successor te tht marquis cf Lonut, who whLs flrst. SeSosi Noe& Public Scbool InsPectOn McBrlen is av ing bis atte'ntion to the town schools this week. Higb Scbool Inspecter Hodgsdil 'isited the collegiste lest week sud spent twO days iu looking into thingi in geneal. Hr erport wiUi be looked for with un-. sieal ntèrest. The literary scciety cf the collegiat in- stitute heîd Its regular meeting on Wed" nesday last, Principal Tamblyn in the chair. Allen tht minutes of fermer meet- ing bad bees conflnmitd tht foilowing Pro- gramme was- rendetd:* Addrtss. Ur- Tamblyn ; reading. Miss es o Miss Rowe ; che6rus, gîte club ; quartete, Misses Dale and Tamblyn, 'and Memmra Leech andI Mackey ; readîng, MisSn Ow soug, Willie Nicholson ; readillg,. Miss. Goodwin. Tht following are tht names cof thàe pupils cf -the model achool wbobtainedil aS least 50 pet cent. of tht total . umber of marks given on tht weekcly eannsiu .beld during tht, month of FebrunysMd March, thé naines benlutaom lu ndesMt of menit :-.ýSenlor cla-s-DavidFrsr Robt. Holden, attie Pigit, Chas- Stew-1 art, Carrie j%4nstoan,GQte;t Fylç3e" Bea- trice TambIMy Bertha no., S. Thomson, jas. Bitton. juir.cIas- Maud Phillipo> Mary Watm trAumliLaw-: der. Jas. Kean, Belle Smfth, -jan«t Mc-, i ay wne s on berWJIUr Kay, Edna Johtou'WaleWser 1 tweuld be a grate miistake te be aftber concludin> that thet "terms" referred to the assembly, or the dancin, or the ladies, or the gintlerin, or tht supper-which was ushually plintifuily sarved up, bhot an> warm ; or if cowld, widh something bot, stbrong an sweet, to wash down the cowld -chickins, goose,-an' hain, an' turkey, an' roast beef spread eut upon the festive boord. The remains of two waters, to be seen upon each of the p~e corners of' the sheet, go to shew that lthis bit o> ritin, on the back av this partikler assemibly in;- vitashun card, had reference te the sale cf sum town lots,, and that it was stuck on té the foot of a "sale bil," hung up, (verîr likely), in Mr. Ball's office., Mr. Bail wat a lawyer ' an',' afi.herwards, bekum, clerkt of the pace whin the ceunty was set off, He dicé, peor felow, in the summe; of i8s6-whiti my ould frind an' coemrade, Hugh J. Macdonell, <(God rest bis sowl in pace) was appeinted in bis place. William Laing, the second- named " 4manager,>' was the former County Treasurer. who was buried only tother day. He was keepin' store at Ould "No. il' in these days. Ht was a dacent an most worthy ginthemnan, Who niver got credit for hall t¶ueamount cf gc he did. He was for many years, whilst in busi- ness, in affluent sarcumst, ces. An! lI amn bethrayin' no saLycrîts, in teilin' yez that the fathers of many min, and wiîuin te.>, in the county of Ontario, wbo be!ild up their heads purty high to-day, owed their farms anW first beginnins to, the kind- ly help cf William Laing--up3f whem they ungratefully turned the cowld showlder wben lie was overtaken by re- verses an trouble.: My worthy, an' always kind, frnd, Uoctbor Gunn, is still te the fore in the fiesh,,-an' long mnay he reinain se, keep- in' himselfîtan' his patients in geod health. What changes of times and manners ceuld lie tel of, since he was oeeof the '"man- agers" at the "Huron House" 1hep, fort- seven yearsago? Think cf the iâtead - gemn'. sedate, an' dignîfled docthor trip- ping it round the bail-room cf tht "Hurcn Housel' an tossing his liglit fantasttck tole tu tht ceilin' widh the lovely lassies, tht grandmothers cf the presinit ginerabun ! The docthor was always a welcome guett -at the sochial boord as well as at ail pub- lic dinners, Ht bas, as yez know, a mê agreeable manner, au' always delighttid the cerupany upon sich ekasuns. Wun cao well imagine what bie Muet have be*,n in 184,-,0f ceerse everything wint o« will ut tht baIl, wherc he was ont of the great guns. 1lndeed, as a matther of façt, 1 believe, balls-seldem go off well withont guns cf corne kind. But tht Big Gun cf Wbitby bas cirer proved a, shure, Weil- t±mpered piece cf erduance, cf the best metal and of the highest cbaraçther. This dekyrnint that 1 intbruSt te the ould CHRONICLE iS, as 1 bave said, a kuriosity. But it is more than that to me, as> I amn shunt it wil'be te the few oul<i frinds ,tbat areý now left, te, recall theïr happy danding do", of nearly flfty yeans age. For ,nysiIf h tfilleme widb saddeff riýechtcs « th 4ie days and-tbe frmndi that are gourt- Tbat word "filse,"lmusi have hotu therong wan-for I flnd thatj muet 61iup -ais, to dbrnk.tht "Mem-'y o' the, tkad'>-whzeb 1 de, Uaiane in inmyself adly enif sud insobim silence. An, net te forget the livi'I as weU M the 4adÏ her's aotheir Wau te tis CIERONICLE, . nd tht wprity of un fine, bospitable ould toiù of Wbitby, aný ail tht dacrat peopetin i t. Fro >the on dacint grumblers, poôr ould Wbltby neye soStauytbing but il-treatetit l I bv kno*î: soue othe grad-grindbetsoff Shi kldney in-ontdaYmenWho oiWtd every thingtey adl ttwrlêt<-t tow that aoddtoansuasylunt èbthei tatered 15 pootpsud penaUS', VJhlit tbey ,g-rubbe d dthey a hcarld a ansd sooki ad Gond et soher - cane cf oWpe' 1I21 c 'd'Ir* ~w- .j~ ' ~' 1 S EED WH EAT. teh= 09 9"cd Turemb". codgate ucat OS rad TtSk soaion, mjle Maeb tas, 189.-164& WALLIA The. Chespest, Largesm u< O"x- sudOsuadiao WalPapeý7 -to seet from and at p tBARGAIN8 IN BA.BY f Lo lear 014t. Just ?t00iod e-iso fMielot LetirBgeSudV ie -i at lways on E. subsé , ptious takeu -foi, v orM at publiahe rs pnio dis- P. G. T!HE, re are eeiving iîe 'igGoodé, in DroaB tonades- , Tiokings T Cottons, Frillinga, 'w 8924 G. SF APERS. me> i 1e tok"fAmn a eveer Showu in towu. PÂTTERNSff jffl to suit the times. MRikaBES, offeing at coit. STKI whIlnt ,p~p-s Ray. STEER STRAYI laut tan,.-a sna» reg its* abqst'ont Owner =y bave smmby pwovîng sud paymg expaUnm Mari 3, x9s,17.îa Ties, 'Gents' w. Ir 14 ~ i il >1 1 Hats

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