Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1892, p. 4

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One bottie Of WILLIS' Oelebrated PULAfONlO SYRUP WILL DO IT. 25 ots. per Bottie.0 --IAŽUFAOTURED BY J.E. W ILLI81 Chemist à Druggist,. Medical Hall, »rock Street, Whitbye I FRIDAY, &p-Riýil' 82 ToeSubsolitra This week we send out tbe last of oui subscription accounts.' The total amount of unpaid suliscriptions at ibis date surns up $500 more than at ibis turne isat year, which shows how vain have beeu our appeals to patrons to pay us. There aremany cases where we bave paid ac- countants fouir or five, tures to malte out accouais, and have had no response. We are loathe to offend good taea, and they know 'e i, so they rua ibe risk of having their accouaIs placed in suit. Witu an in - ,crease in the aggregate of $500 iu ont year, surely no thinking business man wil1 any langer feel that ibere is virine ia patience in tIis matter. Bath safety and necessity nrge ns to inimediate action, and we hope such a hint will lie sulffcient. If any suliscriber thinks we do not eýntirlly earn his dollar, lgt hum disconinue lis pa'per: if he feel otherwise let hum beri mind that the CHRONICLE la an expeasive paper mun as besi we know how in the public interesis, and then lei hirn-remit at once. We ask this not -only as a favor but also as a rigbt. IPoittl Notes. Mr. Prouix, Liberal, was on Wednei3day elected M.-P. for Prescoti by about 25o majorlty. Mr. H. E. Clarke, M. P. P., dropped ia bis seat dead whilst speaking in tbe On- tario Assembly on Fridyy ist. , Deceased and Mr. E. FP. Clarke represenited the Conserytilve element ç>fTornto', Mr. Jos. Tait being elected by tie Liberals under the plan adopted -by parianaent of repre- sentîig the miority iný tht city. A vote will have to bu laiton over tue wbole city to secure a success o Mr. Clarke. He vas s goodbusinessman snd a represen- tative politiclan. on )Moudy in tue Couinons Mr. Lister, M. P., lmpeacbed Judge Elliott, ofZLodont charging that lievas Viobty partizan in handliag matters connected with thle London voters' lista recently, liaI he. tallk- ed toc muci outaide tue cout, sud tbaI te wrote articles on the case for the London Free Press, usilng an assumed'1pme Ow¶ag to su inforniaUitylthe petlto -tad to lie droppd, but suoter lias bee pre- pared forprosontation to-day. If, Mr. Lister makes godbIsa case nss matedlu tht petition, Judge ElktiotIviiibelplaSd lu an awlrward predicamueI. la lie Houe.of Commous, os.Ifonday. Col. Amyeon oUt cfthe Frencli Canadians who bolled bliothe Liberals viien Riel vas hinged, -aunounced bis decion ~t-, urn hack t» the 1Toxis. bis irst love. Duriez ort tey Shian- pUbI1 thgi os"I documents i more'tit =ýoneIuge 8e Qulteasurpise bas been uput jpon thepoltilïnsby tlb bu oztbont Globel a M ànsu ip rti-ngthe measùre, which Is iuidbubtedly a gSoe w a very ukulà ,e move on the- part of the. Dominion pliaaent Ïwhea - p mbe Territorles Acttto baye Inaerted a*las compelling tbe ploneers of tbe -West to havethei reords printed in two longues, when theybad flot baif money enougli Wo nublish hernl n one. The mkonéy'_ýoud U ued o vrymucbbetter ndvantage in developing ltaI outhtan 'Iprpt =tiirce nd=a ,'let us b au, ad eoécia go,90as It will cmso se uch ;more tW cutivatediionf sentiment. Sh N Ites. Thos.WIlaUsown,who reoently served as reeve of MaxithaintowaSbip, w»scou)&on- day at Toroto s.ntenced to sm yeu .>hi the tlugmto peuitentiazy for Îo«K«Yl e', ýdMI ad been- brouglt about'lby thé nWof Btd8P;ý B u opium. Lordm Saisborys decidely firm attitude in regard W Ibhe Bebring SeaS cmpelledthbe Americau goverament to ratlf'y theBhra Ses Treaîy, whicb leaveS tii he le mat to arbitration. The yankteS bhadtoagree t»reconapense Canaduma semâfr i losses suslaine frona sezure ÀudfuM. being coMpelled to lie idie, Wa case lte case goes in Brtain's fa' ". uicli Il un- doubtedly wyul, for kit ssui4ly ImpoWile that the Americans cancdaim police juris- diction over a whole aem wben oterna- tions can oaly bossthrne miles km and, under international law. The-Hamnilton SpectalOr bas 4U along talked about war betweený Engluandu the United States as a -gaine witicit would prove highly edifing to Ca"adinstii. details of whicb woUld make tbe Specri- teresting and increase its çlrcuiteiou; but, 110w that Salisbury. bas g0t bis brtiesUP, our Hamnilton cotein. begins to feel un- easy, and says war would make thlngu be corne bot in the Niagara peninsuts. We would suggest in s brotberly way liatItI wonld lie better Wo die a patriot (rom col- lision wtb a cannon baâInl war thau tW perih by fright. Besides, if the Spec. insu ives until the Yankees nga învade the Niagara peninsula be yulMbreàsdy tWdie. Our respketa friends, the Americans, bad too big a reception the lasIt dîe liaI peninsula took thena mbe camp to agamu accept Niagaras boepitality. There is no such good luck in store for us as tû bave a few of tbe Hamilton and Dundas poets klt-, ed off. A long-bairedblackguard Calfing hlm- self "<Prince bMichael," uon f tose dip wbo go round holding religiouss meetings and proclaiming fatli cures, utw doct- rines, etc., bas beeS arrested -4n4 locked Up in Detroit, at the instanae. of isda d-: serted wife, wbo is aýX m Mvoman. It now çomes outhsof itbis religilous teachings moAs anâged tW cajole and debaitch a uumbpr pf 1Young girls (rom fifteen Wo twenty yearm of Xe, aaid that h. was assisted ini tiis business by a loase woman, aise cof strange rellg- ous tendencies. People doa't knov tbesê faith cure fellowvs welt euogh yel4 but it would be safe enougli sud entirély advis- able for thte bead of aûmffly.to smite, he with bis boot ot every occaslou'when on. appîoacbes bis door. if auny religions man can pWrormany miracles 1-e wU first start wbere h. la knowu, .ande& tli~ s hoaest fine wili go Abhsd of ida ýi rel au- thenticated. That a man shosM 1*e able to perforin these supemnatural thfl an d sluould renais unheard of tntil -lme enters your towu le impossible i thSddays of qulck transit of newa. ~RÉD and~ ledi basb .OTHING Wi TRIBD FÂOT- Weve thé finesfý inga in Wliitby for yon te"s F'OURTH FLOT, Our -prioes are loi for badly out an bd1sm oft~n pai~ you mnake use, of Urfc TSs makâ dane' an, tin à<lm Geatie Tlor spp e ma Reformer cmtantDo virtue ~hkbdO". not at ail olitiral càlparty, ka of in&opeuldentjournals a b odds te hiug hiIs"Mun- re'wt conclui"ons o éad- aises cotent. May tome tW aI id i titiscase -Ils tUnker mant t of tune. 'Thal ýmetsbouldý lét in au tbuigs lasunquéstion- &y smila man's incnaos'1 witks-apolitlcal ~~ :ict iMgodoing unay Lgrant dent ofcredil ,uponubMs 4ýTo takve a one-sidedci curs suid refuse tW lismte W mon nly dlsplay one's Ignorance te. Fortutely in a way tbis Wui" l Aninathlie Refrmer w AN D N OBBY STYLESB We aveailoui ne we have them at Uý NwBriýes, New SitNewCanibrio ýý«rything new in'th see the new styles., ponittel-thtitsing test version being not se mucht by aealto is rosm pocet. A tin via tan ûopng back atd forward w bu at$le toim . mreeasonsl psty nmmsth=an cm o Whvo on its monts sud-trus tWà( dollar a ear for expenses From absessanm dpolnt actly the sanie reassens vyl sliould ot nieddleipar titere are wvhy a muechants mix bis business hi ItTii Tht back the Kingutoi has comum malds eu 1 withoit .1 Thte higIe Remedies 1 See If yoii *5 ëtr hopitis If- t. ~of -I. Gufr Wbite- ni fàot ïme and uI~ ý7ý

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