Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1892, p. 2

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ThtAYER*SSarsapaàl*îa Cut"-s OTHIERS ef . trOftlUs # ' eas Eruptinse BoilspEczema, I:ver and Kîdney Diseases, Dyspepsia Fheumatistfl, and Catarrhstiould, b.e convincing thatthe samne course of treatmeflt %ILL CURE YOU. ,Ail.' that has been said of the wonder- fui cures effected by the use of Sarsapoaril la during the past fifty years, truth- fully applies to-day. It is, ir cvery sense, The Supprior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the samne; and for whatever blood ciseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yieid to this treatment. When you ask fof AYVER S Sarsa.parillia don't be induced to purchase an' of the worthless subÈtitutes,7h are mostly mixtures of the.cicap-. est ingredients, contain i~'.~rsa- parilla, have no uniforuy.'standerd of appearance, flavoK, or effcc « are blo'od-puriflers Xn name only, anid are offeredo you becaui c thr'is more proft ii e1tr, them. -Take, 12(arsapari i la bSd jZý.lý& Lowell, Mas,~ yW izSxbtts . Cures others, wili cure you, QORREBPONDINOE. Dr. Spohn aud a few of the léading Reformera held a littie cancus here Op ¶uedaybutthe. rosuit of-thiier meet- ba nt eo made public, W. under. stand iiowever, that it is their intention to enter a proteat at an eariy date against Mr. Bennett's returu, sud they dm to bave &bundant proouf 10 unsest hM. This romainî't. be seen, but slrouid tii.y prove suocestul asat Sim- co. vil b. treatod to another elteciot about a year from nov. W, have recoived a communioatioz asking viralamount ià now atour credi towards the eoection of -a nev post office building. Thore la $10,000, ro- vided the. vork ru atarted before'JIZl lut, otherwise laut year's grant of 85,000 vil have lapsed by tiat date. t ih likely the. work wiilbe comrnenced be- fore that dite, word having roached towu lest Friday tint 1Mr. J. R. Estot hma -been awarded the. contraçl Wc undehtand hue figures vere about 8P. 000 lover thau tiie next tender sud the 'highoat being nearly 10,000 afiove bis. His tender vas in ti! e nighbonhood ol $1.1,000. Lt ra ~tfdying 1se. thE work go te a tova man as it iaure more work for our local mechanics. Iy ab6J' tit sU masr ,6nan t.eth extracte0 diawsa skuns, ana tb*r ; yorZ, and BÃ"atoiA, Qlxý end Moutreil vho have i Io.day the tethuli o oU kilied in holongaço..r r idered eïcellent imitai ready sale at'high priow waa =y he.kW, or.'" Ina~ i -on A short tiine go >,genteel spécimen of the. tramp fratri4y4 Viaitod. "vendl rural localities in the. vioimly of Alloua -end th o tu"& oMt for the. ninth Of.t Msrkham'about amile sud a qu Mer south of towu. It seem hhat à$ ba&, more than l'ho a, .aou fce wiien in Pikering hovnabàiW ~and by i. daàring, sqLeoedomj ftheav weigitsnear Ato*i Çusie tbemto upply h ihh ý n ldgg, but Wiien - eho M& thle hlghhveighý, 1Mr. Holden 0? Mark"h é rtn, hè~~fd that moreO,;hauohesk ad Ibret ver.. ý , A_ _"t g înanenlrauoejute 1fr. bidmw Whenho disoovred gù ainemison h. fout disoom ff -Ma fgnominousI 'rêtir.d 10 flnd 'orne Leea vie", Bo. Inolu diviuasboud bae igorona appi- cation ofhoect sdmnilteSdhOhf land -they87 onld thon penhsp ohoo hté earn an honest livélihood. NO Senible Manaboula get angry because a novaper "duns" hlm for moncy. A dun is not an mpe huen of a subsoriburs intogrity, but i.s iaply, an outeropp'ng Of a publisheronecenu-' ties For instance, tvo or Ibres han., dred mes ove us from, oDO ho liv. dollars, W. havehtodunthem aulia order 10 gel enougli MOnUytopaYour epne.Tii.suberiber a htank the. publi asfor vilng tIo PallntY, and pay up like a. man. *W-Ve do Dot 1k. to dan any susbme wm at t sec thom aul prompt Msu Iib a4d assisl a good Caus ïlong- W.-am. atrving thard ho $?Imm our reîtders sa" t. give them saisfaction, and vo have go j fansd ifs.our intention toido 110 right aloug, but vo uiesd assitancefor thua, ud vslook ho ouiruedrs for 9h lp, ssaapaper canol b. *un vithout' c otl.. And agan it looke b"d 10 b. a u ninsd v hope neott 1o buio *t. do se, agin. Be pro~t hOMe vbo bave '91 yel onu udr label and pay up suad oblige -1he publi$Ohar. W. MI"t br ave money: 10 mu the Lutne.. b' i k' ) i i i I s LasIThusda Oost.ba Dreyer e-2 cei'ved a, teiqgraifrom Lindayto auss s young mam named Herbert Ingrani, aOeqd 18, for, attemptlng t. procure an Aorion Th -constable -t tack of tote rain bfoeho -oouMIb o ai- rested. -Ho ýreturned on Tnud&y, hov- &;nsu ave himeeli up,. sayig lis iahote omara -,»girl vioni hs ira got ilu troubl, -a lae ht'r vanmteul ho iuary her inth intrI but t athisufârthrvwho ru a hOél 3 or in -Foeno-Falls, objeotte itê1"d sud envthlur$150 to 90. the, nom A couple of veeks g hiz vif., sud IbiS- . y came ho Richoeond Hi froux teli. ndusùijl4 na market, en thoir Iwsy home lu eerbor*. ",bt voemia scooefçu> by thi eai"steve. 1<.: atarhed. sou*liard, the 1 thieyouniteelcbild.t'aiNW M a push rarl. Some they SPPIW &for sb.1t stonês iqttui et a whe»o, liaIiiugihti h died. A post-mortem: i Drq. Noes su Langàs therille croup. Reovi htook chelufl i 1h. cas. fortunse ehmi' mMid BuréIy tho inémrwil. vore Dot aarme iat' symplom o f dljbt taken -svay, Matesm have been ýil wbiOftbo* ItwoeswIfl,ra~O bLlring 9.&" erb the motof a aq Tiras. cora, Pb~ aia, l arot n~be, ailsof Ayet ane u1 V«- the~ Ma Poulo "ils Mbi' if ondor Out., ymte- Ai misisf jladiou-a, J en riost unlD-Ilfp* ab.d lJ<7oesd e««tu good humeS,. sii oda 24, wkcb Itoqk or general debIliy. i~giit up, and gave me an excel *ti 1<ft me-a Md I titaick'a;n4 MIs. I 00i lime, so bal I1couidhardIy eMY biuunes. - 1 -" one batU e. itsatinll4 aud It cured mne. The," m, Bellevlfe, MeLcb a 8arsaIal1 stedm ogw rl'lI. 1oe efeeligtlredandvou ùM eamnestly me.aiàiend a:tulcil rf ,If roia4àe*O to taský Hcod's 8Ri »nt be kdOwed ho buy aatin-, ' lmt Imm baving io« one. Dollar laud.sbot my .vsbSc mnd eIm - j i I { IL rab zdmm

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