Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1892, p. 6

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j ~ I ".The. sre buasèe, Bîré hh_ re' a widow lives boes, _nd-ghe'. got a' boy, and ho'il dV.e ycMover. Bei 5a1nies l'tde f.llov, "aobeco Baillots hMn have bis team fot as ti., sud wý 11k. te gel hlm job wfien we car., It w.. a hot day in july. Âway up smong the bille that maire the. lowe- BlOpe of the. Monadoock Mountain, a friond Iay ve ry ill. In order tô reseh hie teinpotary home one muet take an' early train to the,'nearest station, -and trust te the lumbering o d1 coach that made a dsily trip to K-_ The train vas late ; the stage, after waiti-ng orne âime, waB gene. The landlord of the litlie white hotel appeared in bis shirt- sleevea, and leauing his elbow on the balcony rail dropped dowu on the hot and tbirsty traveler what comfort could be extracted froin the opening sentence of my sketch. "Would we flot corne in and have somne dinner ?- "Yes." "Would we &end for the descon's teara ?" "Yes." -And the boy ? '"Y.." And the dinner was eatou sud the. tearn carne rounid-an- open buggy enud an old white hqpfie, aud just as we wero seated.tbe>-door of & little browu house acrose the way opened and ont ruabod the i"widow's-boy." In bisernouth was the hast morsel of bis dinner, holiitd evidently loarned how to "est sud run." Hlie foot were elai nla sat winter's rnnch-wonIl boots, whoso winkled legs refucd 'to stay within the liitie of bis narrow snd faded trouions. As bis legs lew fer- ward bis arma flew hackward te an in- effectuai struggle Le get hirneoif inside of a jacket much too short in the Aleeves. "Thero hoe is," - said the hestior, "tbst's the- Widow Beebe's boy. I told hirn I'd hold the horse while ire vent home to get a- bite." The hors. did flot look ais if b.e need- did to be held, but the hosther geL hie -dime, andthie boy approached in time, te rolieve my mîud as te whethor ho would cenquer the jacket or the jacket vould conquer him n sd' turn him wrongside eut. He was son burned and frecklod, large-mrouthed sud red-haired-a homo- iy, plain, wretcbed littho Yankee buy ; and jot, as we rode through the deep sumiber blioif5 and trgrause of the asded <road, wiuding up the long bille in the glow of tiie afternoon sun, 1 loarned snob a lesson from thle littho foflow sa I shail not soon forget. He danot look much -11h. à proach- or as hoes t stoepiug forward a lithoe, Whila th. flies from the desoo's hos, ut hte sermon was ou. whiob I wish might bave been heard by ail the boys in theo'land. As it vas I ha&é t. sapur hlm on n110Wand thon byquostions te gel hlm ,tell.about h#mief. "Mây fathen dled,, yen see, and left mny mothon the littho brown houe. o1PPOSIte ue vern. You Saw il4 didt you, ah-tii. one vllh the . Ils. bushes ider the wvmdow ? Father weïes slk along limne, aud viien hW. coula ue erkhohad le rase money *on, the hoas' e. toon Bilet1 hm hav e il, t a a lme, aZI4 von fahther wagene mothon fbqnd 1h. mqnoy oWed vas almaost dthnee udred "AÀt fret se hbought. e. voùld 'have le gave up the, houe., but ti deaeon Said, -Let il vaUt avhile,' s'ftd hotunl-1 sd and patted me on ti.he sd, suad Mid: 'Whoii J'n)wy gela big euough t esopay il." ti wâly n'nt hbu L' hiyol u Y teezhnIl u 'a pity, my, 4y, tht yen 1 hba4don," 1he salA gent«y, "but se. AieA ; aliA à se.hàd -liveA, I ehouldn't havo 'vlbed hor to lift, sud bring woodý sud water,, auê ýsçub as poor motiier dia. SoýMetlmes I wi8h 1 coulA -bave sprung alithre way from ,a, baby to- s man. It'gsnob a low, woWk growîug up, and it vas whi e nothor was waiting for us Ita grow Up, that she .worked op bard." "8But my boy yen osunot oxpeet te be sou aud daughhor and Imother sIl in eune. You canet do the werk for a viiole famuly." . "Yeu, I cari ; il isn't mnuch, sud I ami going te do Il sud tire work my fathor left undone. I'm going te psy that inortgage, if 1 live." "lHeavon grant you may," I sid, torvently, undor my breath, for net msny mothers have snob a son." "Mother dou't kuov I mean te do iL, snd ah. je very aniujos I should go te echool, and I mean te some tim&e; but I know juet wbere 1th. boys lu my class are atudyiug, and I get the lesseus at home. Mothor reads thom te me out et the book while I arn waehing lbe dishes or doing ber work, sud ve haro greal fun. I try i0 remeimbOr sud ropeat il, aud if we corne te any thing we csn't make ont 1 take it ovor .to the teàcher in tbe evening ; sho je very kind, sho telle me." Very kînd!1 Who wo'dn't 1 e kind te suob a boy ? I feit the teas coin ing te -My e'es t sncb ssuddeu vision of thie son doiug girl s wôrk wbile hie. poor old mether held the - book in ber twisted bauds and tnied te belp hlm te learu. "But ail thia dose not earn moey, my boy. How do you expeot te save if yen speud your lime indoore-?" "Oh, 1 dont -do gizi's werk ail day; ne, iudeed I , I have woprked eut our taxos on, the road. Il waan'I muoli, but I helped lb. mon build s atone va 1 down by the river; sud Deseon Ball let's mo do a grest deal ef work for hlm, sud whon I gel a chance te. take auybody from the hotel ho rnde, ha lel's nme bave hIeteam for simoat uotblag, snd I psy te hlm wbatler I make. And I werk ou lb.fanm foi' tho mou lnanieuor ; sud I bayvea ow ef myowu asude the milk, -Atthe taveru ; sud vo have somo bons , too, and selltheogew. And in the faill cul sud pile the viuter'a wood lu the. sheds for the. people who haveWtn'ty boys-sund tbone's a goed mauy pole about hon. wh ' havon't any boh sdded, brushing a ily frern e oéld herse wlth the tip et hà whîp. Afler Ibis ve feU luMt. sileoe ma rode tbroç-oh the. aeet New Eigad ever nearor -sud mom ma.jue.-I t i- preued mevilh a .é.e4ý,o- b, Nugg sud snce tas thii. a"; >buVI glaàôed> from th. mountaku to hlzre d headed moreel of bhumity sit my.- ede, ý*ùh s sort et recognition of tliritkin. ship. 'Somehov the nImed. o& .b. sturdy siticil ve i. lthéra bôtb. Il- vas onIyly i' a&nobt1 a o- finmed h1 Mm.frvhrI 5e back le o a alter alàiug v frnouA, I ca!led on >Desoon Bill,> I touud hlm wbiW.aired sud kiidly tUe& neo kept.the 'Vinage stpr* sand owned a pretty Irouj nd _»arsvAdent,. ly very veil te do. N1tauMtal'1 elsiJk'. ed cf John, and tho Deséoeniard -W me neth teainhiold g teq '*akou do yo 1?-T.e 17y sô *4i - 0et"Y" The. opalmisor U-aeMosssteSt epm ore te îe"abishod in lUMoatoi. at e Tb s ' 8aprfmor-DeIodieaioon ismrngth &bou DfL Touflss ' LUIYEI u.. The nigrediesis-of tbis incomparable iti-rbeumatie andt lroslsund lug remudy ,e cot voLatle, but 1used'pui.o andimperish- "Il. Pain aees aniui eurm t- Jén tstruaAma4etrsly às cnudhod to death by s -rollilg log oui Ut Boneit, Oouty eT oMOU L Uung> îhnugou tel ong wnes'diinn wvhicli s> muoli vitiated air le breathhed lu cnowded places' ot business snd, iii.- rentilated sleping saruments. Manchiug ie the'moatralionel exorcise for lhe legs, lii. manuel ar e wYB meourc e bàlthycheats aud'. we4.de-i veloped arme,, and movi.ng aI lb. double quicir Improves the brt4thlag . power o e i. ngs Uniliko lb. athietice luncelego, Ibère le bore ne ovnntraiflg# Whîob seoflon injures .the suljeols by Mousi, and ne bneaking down after tb. training hbas ceated. Tiiý. Imsrchlng sud dniilg nden compD.éeet instruetens imÈpoe lb. gall of Ct eu ih. asud -gv hlm a [firmer, eaeier stop sud s more graceful Carniage.- Miitary service bas many adraut- age&Su -eulsly. Il enltlvahes intellig- onoe amoug young mou sud dooes -mfuo t.ward lmproviug the memory. sud cning abgéont-mindeduese. Thenoces- dity ef being aient, hsteuiing fer each Word of command sud sctiug prozoptly upon il, qulokeus tbe vItesud cui-1 rates tho habit of fixüng tho attention aud coucentrsà,tin*g the-thouglhe. *Msrchiug ho the. eund ef mCIlo givos a youg =.au a btter ides et messure sud rhythm sund -le alculsted te make bim mono methodica., in al thinge. Hi s eutonlng uponthie duties et s soidier loada iu in te sudy military bistory, which euibodies the chiot bis- tory et nationse. The bardest tesson te hoé learued rulfile sthat of amenabili ty le discipline. Iu s land 1ke Ibis, vbere 1thieo 1;vory little restraint smDongeunýg or dld, wbone soif-abue- galion $btltibedof dvhe th. race et lite je pntty m*eh t "go. as yen pion.,'thier. us eoarc-ly sny school in whieb subordination and1 obedieuce sare taugU e xceptinluthe. military ssrvice.-Geu. IHersîe. Porter, in the Cosunopoitan. Sheuid adora -tii. low et lbheluventor oe- 'tho great e00M cm, Patmwea'sPanleuu COt Extesoto'. I p Yr . reok ino osth" yon ePtuiasPilsCr- ýtrctor, tho em ie f dpalm ..cm re r mdteta uasbuquett9d by.Ibie,, Dsily sud 8& Dallyeonly, -il l A OJUR IN I VI ' ÇVERY BOTTLg. ASAFE , SPEEDY SURtÉýECURE FOR.ýý NEURALCIA ~ JOHN E A E EL .C,~ Barrister, CountyOrown Âtto:uey, and Oounty SoUitor.. Offic,-BSouth Wiulg, Court flouse, Whitby. JAMES - IIJTLEDGZe, Barrîoter, &o. ,Ofteformerly .oeoupied by Parewei & Butledge, sexl Boys) Hotel Brook St., Wlutby. DAVID Ol&UISTON, B. 'A., Oouveyanoer, &o. Ornas-lU. th Offi3 south 'of 1he,-' ott U oRe,amomlllsu, Block, Brook ý Street, Whltby. 6. YOUJNG BEUIU. £L B., suer of Marrlsge Liconues. Oeble Sml .a Blook, Southof 'Market, Brook St., W)i1 DOW & NeGILLl-VRAY,'e aOeiWùot malceyou siCk wiien you také it. Gir'e ÃŽtkênk. Tht ii is three fines as ced liver cil. Ghve tkqnk.' That itissuch awonder-ýI 1 fit fleàh producer. .' Give -tMan». -Thatit le the best rexnedy sufor Couuption, Semiua aGZ#Is ogAsand Col&s. Besûre you get thiegenune in Salmon colos wrappe; sold by all Druggïsts, at 50C. and $LO SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville.. The Press (NEW YORK) FOR 1892w. Ras s lsrr Daity Circulatîon than sny other Beublican Newapaper in neo AggOSÉ-10epeblican 3ourMi Of the Metropoliu. A jEWSPAPBR FOR TUB MASSES Founded Decembor lot, 1887. cliruIatie quii 1891881 copies Mm fPRusi7t.he ergan of. no laoin; pulls ne wies;, ha no animositios te avoua.. 'Tan ftzulm À Z(orkswury £nd no 0pin&Ã",hcolumneof nTiirou., 'Tas Pauses us , Eituls spediia (Tols - Le, M.B., News>per ùt Amoim*. one -esr, -3 on1 ]Brook 8t., Wleylsot Banki.

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