Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1892, p. 2

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Mr.' A. -Tait ýieç4 dword froiu Ottawa yestoulay 14i the'4effoct that, ý tender of M5Obe f0È'Ith& Lo»ngf quarry- ha4,- .W- WWr. tendoxed ooneilf, Érm 1ý t lleath< & Turnbuti, of Huntsville T quarry is ewod by 4ýhe RaMa7 kdiau being controllo d by thé Governmeût, and à aeituated close to Mr. Scadding'as quarry near Longford, and is conesider- ed ône of i. finÎst i na. Albert Tgdhopé's condition ham ju- proved stesdily since onr last ieue aud the chances for his recovory are favor- able. 151. takosas.good dealot-nouris- ment and at tinies is quit. talkative in hi- f unny etrain. IL will, howovor, ho a couple of wooke before hoe an ho moved f rom the Queen'e ,with safeby. Wm. Hood, the prisoner, îs confined in the lockup and givos littie trouble. When he sobered up and learned what he had done, he feit vory badly and for a couple cf days wept inceeantly. Ho camne up for trial Saturday but wae re- manded tilt 7 e'clook to-night. The charge against him i je hooting' with in- tent to do grevioue bodilYr han aand ho pleaded flot guilty, gayîj»g he remeln- bered nothing cf the affair. J. A. Mc- Donald is acting fer the defonce. Hood's brother hmu been to riait hlm the put week. I.. An interetlng case ame- up for trial in- the police court before Mayer Hanvs on Tuesday afternoon, vbea Eflen V4ansickler chas-geci Frank Snldes- with aasault. The wornan is about 40 aund the man ton eoara ber junior sud thoy have been living together for soins years altliough net mars-led, hein pro. sent place cf residence boing Mountt Slavon. Of ste mattesshave net gene amoothly with theni sud during a quarrel nu Tuesday mcrning Saider ,'hrew a knife at the votman, the blade cntering hen breast sud iuflicting a light wounci. The Mayor adjounoc the case tili 7:30 to-night. The wcunu also asserta that Snidex- heu been cireu- lating a report around towu that "She tried to kill himn by placing poison' in his food andi that b. can bring four ducturs to prove it." Sho vants thie Iooked into after the other case is settled. Sizucoe county council appointed a' depu tation te go W' Toronto and pus-- chase a flag for th.e cunt bouse, Barrie. The Telograin wculd fain poko fun at thein and in speaking cf thels- viait- heu -this to say: "The Yor-k Oou -ity Coun- cil chamber, vhich is genorally con- sidered awesome and inipoeiug in its grandeur, tailed te improis the visiitors. mnueh tte .housekeepene chagnin- "Oh, "- aici one cf ibetu, "cun hall la much larger and fluer than thie, sud v. bave 54 membeni lu our council." "'Perhaps you fellove up there are more liberal," veutuned an onlookon. &&"No,"' replied one whose knoecge of "liberal' vas confineci te the political application cf the vos-c, I"vo have a good unany Cunservatives, too." Thon the deputation flled out sud wandes-ed a'ong th.e treets cf the. fair city gaLber. ing inspiration sud iuforuu.ttion ton home consumption. Thnee ex-Onilliaus baci an unpleasant expenience in Toronto laek Tbunsday. Thbe eeG. E. Lawreuce, sewing mcneaent, Thos. Watson, jevoler, and J. W.- Cunran, sud4h Gobe re- ports the affair thualy :-Some viole- sais thief or thieves- outereci a higb. toneci boas-ding bouse at 137 Chus-ch etreet s few nights ago sud atole alucet the entire wandrobes cf soi-oralyoung men among wbom were Geo. E. Law- ronce, Jeu. W. Ours-su sud Tho&. Wateon, (thre x-Oiiians.) 8cm. of the men were -net able to go about their daily avocations until they baci tout ottsud purcbssed a nov 'outflt', bu, the othors vent imnmediatoly t4oh detective depanîmnent and recoesdci4e occurrence. Yeeterday afterneen De tectives Davis snd Cuddy eS-oorrsil nearly al cf the clothing and'other artilelea in s secojic-hauci store. They, îsubeuntly arreseoc a young mzan narneciMartin H. Hofbenstreit on suspicion cf being the. thief. Ro stateo that his fathor ila aprominent, medioSi 1 practitioner- in. Buffab. -- Mr. Law-, renoe's nov epring overout vas fournd iu Vluborg's seconad baudpMore, viser. it ad *boen hun up f or 19,ceà ntud oee cf bis mles ttls hdbendis- peseci for à- mes-e trifle. Mr-. Oursan Mn1i a pir cf vide pants sud a ýv-est Mr. John RIL Rand, cf - PeneIop s"ha tarteci the Oinounoe Roc.d es-to replace th. Herald, dus royeci bh lr.The nex ulcto satn a' 4nev.7ehet, sud wvê vioii M-. f "ad &asuocens Mlu ii'Ventur.. Mr. JÎWKerr, tii welirkuowu Po .4hreiliued e peedy collap aince laut lent,"' h44ve6 boo oneratéd hy te,,. previling bnci Cbeen careleeay b t pr.v heavy.anew fall.--Post. It à. quite probable that yen rnay ueed the servicS ofa physiciin soins day ; but yen eau poatpoue the tirae iudefiuitel y by keep- ing your blood pure and your àystein invig ated through the une cf Âyer'a Sansaparills. Prevoutiien is netter than cure. POStT PEUTy. The sehool management committee of the Board of Education, ln wboae bande vaslbit the appointment of a substitute for Mr. tinderefl, bave eu- gagei Mv A. . Mrril, B.A.,lato Principal of Wardevfill. bsb oool Mr*. Merrili heu entered upon bis> duties sud there la no doubt but that the oommittee made 'a juicioüs ' seleca. tien, sund the sohool bas seon-ei the ser-vices of an efficient sud ale.teacher. Mr. Mes-sil! bhold a Fia-st A. profession al certificat. and othor spec ortifl-. ostos cf profloiency lu varioussnimjects, aud bas-a numbor of flatterimg teeti- meona" from dietinguished pensons. tlnfortunately v. ver. out of tovu tovwu Tuxeday evening hen oas- con- seratîve friandes nhilsutingl0v-or their groat v-lotos-y on11 =dY, 'an4 consequendly for particular we havé te depend upon th. glewlng soconuts given us by tboée wbo- vore preseut sud eheld the. ;mpealng proceseing aud the' -brllant illumination. Frein th. variens aceounta vo have beard of the magnitude of the demonstration it- muet bave been at'rand sight. The number of people-- proeut bas been. variously estimated, but a fair- approxi- mate of the figures giron vonîci mak the numnbor cf people prsscot st about nine thousaansd fve hundred. The' procession would b. about a mile snd a baif longer tlxaru the oeeil Oshawa th. niglit- before sud th. number of torches in the procession about tbro. tbousand, with about soi-on hundreci meu on horaeback. If our tovu fathers vaut tW de the ibusiness men sud the towu geuermlly a Igreat service aud vin a record that Iwill secure 1'or thecu a sea at theoeoun- cil table as long as they visi Wo qcus tionet em ing botterfthse- quoepy it, lot thm tke bolPof hti commzodatious frocm the, G.T . authonities. The manufactures-sf t h, town,. sud especially the. bas-noi malkera, as-e ontinually eomplali*gà(- the noed of a daily way freigbt.As thingi nov stand there la uo oeraity but tint fieig4t, lusteaci-of being ship- ped thé day 14 la bileci, May bave 40 le lu the fr-eigbt aheorie two or, tbs-ee dajs befor. it la put on bozat he cars, and thon instead of goiug staïsiht- te its destination it se hable to e e t Wbitby for a dajy or- ce longer. Tai Mako euseof itgap.eciydelivery frefgbt a te e osetto M1ys-t lvs-o#"a haudloci with propos- despstcby by 4h C P. B. 8uch as&tâteof affala-s tiuuld net b. allood te exist. Tiei&'. t R authos-ities eboulci b. persua4ed le seM th. benefiti that vouid ccru t be business mon bore from s daïlyfrgh servIe, sud itîse the, coucle dutql lay the grievauce befos-. tbem. Lait Saturday Mr. T. H.Datim îtê#,' propnieto-W ef h.QUeenS hoý1, Osu.- uinicton, drove into t ovn to re&dluis 1 [vote. Ps-lestoretaningluthq.,.plpg. lio os-dereci hios herpe out. XIIlib" vas accoudingly hitoewi udlt, ftana- log for a few minutes lu ,t.--uhed but ,wien Ms-. Danosates- v.uu$> ýbis boMu 14 vasegensd- ne oneý',kcwI,*hes- The tovn. mas d,*h*pnti M k.d- Sut nuo knowlaafrocý( its w1 CnI iM bull-dogeisud BOXN TEMITING àAN» BUEPEIBl#G EiGuDES ABOUT EKguLiSU WORDÉ. There are nombere cf pople ev-an among vriters sud. profeùsaJual s of V". " wo havebt it le idé*eto 4h.~ ~~h rhua f4.resoua tf h. Eugliah. latiguatiMost ýtalk.a get aloug with -a dily average of a thou- sauci orda or s. very comtortably. Tontan order thrée mieand a bath with -?à vorda and- etill hav, a rem"_n Ingmsurplus of-varbiage W deroteo made ont Of, a total spital M*5of conun;insd priip.---Our mino pets ild 10,«00word , aroèh *uffloienoyfor -Ibo, uanufaéturè ot balada. sud trolets for fthe tracis and moitofh em o.ol eeded in ibn hunipg dou tof el",aiv r10ns. vbat romazkable ,ta rofleot that the latest deinr fIeEgihIn guageshows -tbat oiqr total verbia wealth sumo"upoverî215900Word". T'ho philolo0ste vho epenci mue# cerebiWa matter in- devioing uuoouth vorld-lugnages -and weizd phonetie systemi, wbioh p an d puzzle both eyean s u a, viiido, veil b>rofleot on' tbe growth of th. Englhah tongu througbout the world. W heu th. pr- mut~ entury begau Prenob vas qep. by Ïboutr8l,,00000 pe.le$, German by 80,000,000 Unn y80000, 8paniah by 2?,000,ooOO Italiati by 16,- 000,00. Portffleae by 9,000,000 su Engliah by 21l000,0P. At 4h. present timeo e-r 120.000.000 poeople use the English ianguage, wl*tb Germman ud 75000,000 fums.Ta la kea-iy, the Euglish tangue, bas nasit ainong the languaqea uam.d -frointii. Bfth, pleh firat- 14 has atao gMled on lb. rest in reltive amonat ofuge,. expsndiung froin ahout oue.lht of the otal ta one-thwr. of thle bar ou pleasu;e ,boai sheons.*ery ta-ls> b $4 ltacts-uuost petu iue 4h. k-,Y&, live "Wh~ Iwp- lsas oZ ge bad a Sever lied tô oono rths yaitrsnt tu the tenu of white swefliugsappeared oz vàrions Partsof 1 MY bodýy,iand lot 41Iyeui vasaulnrlltbolug, coanjlugt. niy éle 4e .lututUmne ton oreeé o!8a POUardnd, btoke, causlng megrMat "M6 !Ia» suffariug.lFfearod 1lneyera heuldget veL. iEnlyuS6 vu toChicaigo toi-fla 98W. rbut vau ëoufld to uy bed-mostýf the tIno 1 va tluere.In JulY 1 read aboolr,-,â Day.vlth a !ch el'n vlhvr tirot ,Of cS by Éod'siapai-_Ia. vislu pnessed>wtb-tbe aoucse. t h15ieslloe:hi Idecided totry4ý,tomý y VgregaI~a tie-sores soon decreaîe d dI e1 4 e botter and ln a s'hort turne * vs u 'u eut o! dos. I eontIuued te take Ilood'3S ar. sapaMilforffbeut a, yens-, vien, luiIg used six botties, 1Ld becornme llYreleased frem the disease that 1 vent te work for the FlInt & WallilugMfg. Co., and since thon en *Meout of 'lênes&7.' 1bal(ove.tlie dlsas la expened fd mn y systern, I aiways beel vel, arn lu good spirite and have a good appetut. 1 as» Dow 27 yeans of ago and eu walk as voll a auy coe 'except tbat eue 11mb la. a _littie sherter tiian the other, ewlug te the lmOfo boue, snd-thie spres fcrr nouMY riglit leg. To rny frtenda my recovery sece. abuost uulracu1ous, and I tluk ood's Bai-parrna la the king ef mediffines." Wu.ux j.. LXHE4 9 X Eailread 8L. Keudallville, bd. aýIoodàpl'sIl "d1 CO NSIFUTION CU-RE. AU dniggistsarauhrd eslItup ced* itiaxgaraTaest*ita.becmieDD In MhLntd~ueid Coaas IyShbu ktwmlc ee.If -yomchildha the Crot or Wboapiug Cougb, uSip-<tI7 isdi is sure.- If yon dmed -that lusidieus 1dise IConsumoti.s, us it k yr Drigge 1 SflLORS CURE, Prlý Iods cts Suse -ShiIoh's Pa"roPate r Puce 25 C - "I -P frlad ceosa min Lunegsila -It hg$: no.eqij lien 1I nounc~ 4 renieq ut, goodëffect whmï - î and 1.,now-of - ~keep ýinthe consi. eru9I. si4 J. C. -Woodson,,] Frmore th 'w, as a sufferer- tended-twith eouM as to.cause"heni 4firequéë-ntly Lastir Iwas làduced to thorcplghly 'cure "LastSpning * la. g'ppe. At i * pros4ated, ndl breaghinthati îbot IçjcfAWer' 'I * ?~.~'i«.;*J» *-. ?~-. le s Cr-bS OW *a -in 85o, b Al PX1. R. tram-in ,vd in, OU*"vas-- sa-ay itout esuduetnr orp-.aiue 1'by,2wm I&. 1.4bied a Cluetz BSadock BloociBitture as bouÎehold m mtbllios ag«e t s tommb4hIver sud evwels, sntaguuizsbond iio,> budsup ad revitalisasthbbodyfutedos u d 211 tomu sa,ýuuilitb a tir. sytem A oiagav#lry cf àMkse sto beastabllsli No othé It doie The mnou can ret cufqEB * Io rýe-t;w ciemL *-4vetomaI éhoiela-l railtay b1te0 ho osabl

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