Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1892, p. 4

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Celebrate4 WILL DO IT. 26 ota.per Bottie'. MANUFÂCTÎJRED BY J.E. WIL- IS C hem/st iDru ggi8t, ,Medical Hall, Brook 8Street, Whftby. 1~i~b~z ~L~ronîcIe. FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1892.1 thc woods a huucled y à'- *g he - '-o PeraoW -kucè visatyes of tuent v'as ýte prevail dtrlng' ftue ,sisouki b. presèrved as diiting nes for aîltinte. We hati not Wfrte -heard of Hon:,Mr. Drytien'a bill, -but we hope'It w iii b. a rçforni, not au atteupr <tomke tie béât of dite mighty- pourogra*hica a r r a u g e i n e t W ,n oe ogzl s ti n g . Tlchera*lsof -WetNorthuntueranc! -miet Wedd *Y-lu Coburg and -nomin. ari H. arg rafthe comlng election. r.. P- Davia, M. P., and! Senatorl Pcrley, who have not beeti frlendly' for some tine pas have btuied tihatchet la Winipeg. Hon. J, C. ratterson, Secretnry ofstatc, vas electeci la West Huron on Tuesday over Mr.- M. C. Canteron by a majority of 30 votes. The parlianeut buildings at Toronto, are to cma between a million and a -qtlarter ' be u'.ll laid out-. Thse hottest cf the. serica cf bye-elections1 came Off iu West' Huron on Tuestiay,ý wheu MHon. J. C- Patterbon, Secretary of State * cirviedth at conhtituency by a n.ajority cf 2o againar Mr. id. C. Camerou, JeLibera! candidate. Sir Jolln Thornpson ia to, occupy thse seat in thse Iouse of Commons fonnerly uscd I qY Sir John Macdonald. Sir HectorC Langevin bas sclected a seat bc-aide Mr. Iuiock on the Opposition aide cf the, Messrs. Harty, for Kingston, anti Barr, fo r Renfrew, -botis Liberals, weree b elecned to the Ontari Assernbly on Tues- day. Two Couservatives occupicd tise< same seaus since the lait local genera election.b The Dominion elections yet to -corne off are London and West Quebec todlay ; Tvo Mountains tonsorrow, Feb. 27; Vandrevil, Monday, Fcb. 29 ; Montcalm, Wednestiay, si Mar.?2; South- Perths and Moncis, -Tues day, Mar, ro; Mcntmorence, fflda', r.ý h i ; W. Northumberlaud andBrej Monday, Mar. 15. i On Saturday last, East Hastings, 4aslu weil as South Ontarjo, heI4 su electionte o the Dominion, parliameti. Mr. W. V. Northrup waa elected by 422. These àct et was heid up till receuriy by S . P. BUr- di dette, Liberal, wlio -cieti. Mr.. Northrup ~ wiI move thse addre.ln<rtply te tise Speech from the Throue vitu w!fbich the. Governor.-General vil! OpMen .DouSusion parliamnt.- Includiug to-day'. election in Lo"n i there are four yet to corne off iu Ontario .. London, Souths Perth#, Monck and Wc.t Northumberland. There are tcnorrvely, in Quebec. 27 evrcions have,,.ecu heit - Out cf 43 vacancica vreated bytue courts and by deah.» 5 cf the i6yent to come off were held by Tories dursng lait session ' and i i by Liberais.J What la tthe matter w musc! strict hav..t au ing a senator wben a vacaqçy may Oc=u Mr. J. H. Long's abiîtita, succesin busi.j nes, and full kisowietige cf publicmatr point hlm Out as eue whooe benes in the.- Sonate wuuid be moar valuab#c e t t Dominion ailarge. l tiseScursecf a few.-.-,SI years in necd mot surprise is niany ftdecw4p' un this vicinity te learn of lbis promothmop-,-tu the upper house.. 0f tie 2z5 menibers of Otue HOUs-I< e Commons 2o3 viii be ahI-tý. tetam 1 seuls viz., 123 Ccsservativcs azii 8. tue Liberals. Tise z2 vacat sea am_: to Brome, Moncks, Montcalmi, onrunorency0 ROI West Norhumsberland, Londion: - North fon Perth, Preacort Qiebc .WS Et ast Siicce, Tvo-blountils anti .Verleres. G Fui- more seatithan 4-2 hÉve. 'é-dpcarl- bi e0 racaut by the. courra,- bt.MttlI-uchn t'esteudgelà rp'sn tb s cs r afetd ilb. able ro,,OSupy, Telegrams Qui cCity' #titteiteý Hon. Ede"d e asbetà, retalp4dto defeind Hou. Tho. cGrevy jSn ýp- 1W of criminaf ýcba , ,aurain.t-Mu In an that muchd=auýbù -ai pý4 " not' Abat mn hardly suppose su mu>t desert ,their tutY 'bécause the Gazette joied. its ranC. 'h bas been suggested' that out coteins.dld-wiat It coiald and Di. Woletter tte -sr Qouaervre fatuzýrî ~dthe rest. Stll;-ts" theory 'maï,be, u =Cor sd *e on:yn n it as the iesl t s i h b e e n a v ~ c d Thiere ik a greattimse hmre duilngte viiole of Friday nlgiit, between tiie local irorkers of ttc two coýmujttees. Th - Tories tbOtugI they $>t on to,a ië-che!b the. Grits to kidnap sonsp drunke'n ' ter& away, snd the -appearence in tp*n of a mysterlo».looklng: baCk (rom vBowoja. ville, which theReformers had uecttred to bring gout slck voters on Saturday, caused soane cmmotion. The drunks lwere Lt once hidden away. Whule t"s as eoln -on a wayward*Tory bac! driven a Gnit out oftowëi nd' behad lebe tra.cked:-up andi brougbit back J-r vaswu ighly entertaining and amuslng teolookers to i#atch the proceedingu, ahd there was flot an hoýr in the nîgiir wtlOen fty or one kuintred -een. could mm, be accu ouùii 'dm t'!b warda vere ail pardtby both saides, 9o far as coald, bejndged, andi men, could be sou stndng Imot~auy place ule andi tieir faces hlden. Everythiug vas portenrions o t10 hrt rr le which openeti and closweivn i.PolaSaturday.' After ahot fight there comes alui dur-- ing wbich auen-9sk thenseveW what ifit i aui about.'0f course it a0,iMPorttthat thse country slould be well, go ierneti, ;,and mien imay isonestlytiller as to, hou" it shahl' be donc ; but surelY la ù party, 'andi party only, which inakee the strife 90 fierce and uncotnpiomising. Wbatelse could nsiskc mien. rejoice ao bolsterously visen a wortisy opponett ala In thse battle, bbly never agaÎin;te enter public'- 11J Wisar else couic! combine mten vii personali enmt i anasauit upotstWer otherwise >est friends ? iti ary that niases nmen, lose their heacis afrget theïr -luteresaw. )neelector, a -ver>' clever business man and a sisrcwd thinker, atated to us t rht-is tisinmlntèersts woujl 6e far bn )t~sev ed ere he te vote tie OotaY te, vian ic tii. lii prjudice against & e lyeou".Iedis judguuenn sItehie, bread ant -tr, andthW s a amost'nece&-, %ary --and-rjibuusîm, fo-01ýWitt wiat-ha h U ..sch aluan Jubilatover uic 4r] Lad -Ma ~r es moeyihan' i 6e C ONE" DC TRI OÜT IT OUT 2gyd~ inch, TurkeyTalnfo 2 5Sooh e4'&rderTble l-in nfor 15ý "'uavy Bbakdr MAnullr 5 " -acic:8hBe<4ig, 2 ys ifor 26 "(oo P"toy0ên.o 6 :40 inoh pUoOof mfr -10 XLyb"tX ille Sheeting for ,12 "'.iàe'ü H11«kàback Toweling, for ce J"!Wide -ssinCah Toweling for 20 ' Stripe Linn Towèling for Il CÇ(heok Glas Toweling for 2 eéèaW Shaker Flannel Sirsfor, 2 M e s' W ven F~Ia nerTop Sm drs, for, 1 pair Mens' "vratn" Oeal o a Mens' Heavy Ribbed ,-Underahirta for 2 lieni' tO, K..Shirtsor Drawers for Î, Men»s' 8ootoh li. -W Shirt or Drawers for un PisExtra Eeavy Woolen Sotks fori 20 PaisMense Balbr*gg oéké for 18 Ladies' Linera Collars for .7 Iàfu1t' Lipn; FÏeder Bibit for 8 Infsapts' QuiltedBibs for: 24 Wh"e Drawn-Th readLinen H andkf. for' 12 tol - 4. Border Iuinea Handkerohiefsl for- le' Yards good HêavyWaist Lini« for 5Poirs Womens' Grey Wool He for, Pot 1, OQ 1i00 1001 100 1-00 1 00 10 1 00 1 00 1-00 1 00 1 00 10 1 00 1 00 1-00 1 O0 1I i eo REMNANTS Goods,i i hse preseur one. gue. f 4periça Fudtât b'used Silréland. -%thtbWei=.an-' lyelfrday tuat, a »(txýduced -ot tue ,e ackuoyegd_ ývepàrt - i VIf ça e r't'Ote8 a.orgmasng oayOmnu We understand t jilsueu th i n Hou. Mr. [»ryden to introcluce a éjesare ro reduce tue 'number of ntembtmo couury- couacijaý, hese LegislaUi bodies arc, unwieldl1y and slow, but the trouble has a W#Y3 libcoutô hit -pon t~plaate of dcewUur vàmài,,rtl 4 do 18go 7 i' 7 os 4 dé idos. 2S.Dadô 2 Pair'. i J-,

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