Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1892, p. 8

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BeantlfU ice la bcbng hre~~t bay. Nqo better weather could b asakedi for &nring electIon week. Re membet'the speilenté amliet tot be given by the cpllege ladies iÎthce musc ba4l1 on-Fiiday Pcb 26th, ,Ceep track of our auction sale reglater. There arc somie desilràble articles 'to .be ofiered. Electiofl contests may cause businC5s stagn ation in other Uines of business, but the printer b as to keep a.bustling. Thre Oshawa papers have an argument every election au to whether or not th"y bave any factorlecs in that-lown. The election conteat bas CaRsèd thie curling and skating rink to -be almost de- aerted this week, even the children PÉre1 ferrlng to listes 10 political speeches. The CHRONIcLE neyer took »ew tub- scribers (aster 'than at present This la one of the inost pleasurable partî of an, editers dutims There areàagreît many la toWn su&fr- igfrose la grippe. We cannot give ali !rc naines, so we refrain frosnt estioning any. A pleasing enterta1nqaent, wlU be giren to night (Friday) in Ryéë'mw ball, at the Ontario Ladies' College, by thre H. and G. club. The public are çordialyInyiteti. Admission 25C. bir. J. B. Powell la assissor -for the town for i42. No appelument ilor constable 'was madie at the uhiooting Monýday 'nlgbt, asibe compnittce is bounti if possible to unite thc offices cf constable, assessor and collector, andi have not reccivcd applica- tions tW suit. Peôple along the Grand Trunk are long- ing for tie Urne when that tallway' witr mail arrangeents, will end. It Is, a shame to have to wait, until z0o'ctlock for thcernorning mail., at a distance of only thirty miles from - Toronto.' If wc had a stage arrangement the servce would b. As gooti as that. The GrandTjunkr must have a mîghty poor syrn.emn if tbis la Uthe bout service they can give. A new and speclally attractive style of entertalament is bWleti by the ladiesol the colkege to corne off In Uicermusic hall on tIe 2et. ,It is o bcfirst of at an elocution recital, but not or tb. usual description, Pantomime and other diversion bclng ln- terwoven wth the other 'parts. It pro- mises to be grand, es spécial costumes are being made for the representations to, be given. Sec the plan of the hall at Howse's Dirthe i,= you se h pendid display of nortbeu ligbs S ytuday ght. Notbing likeiîthas been seen-for many yeam.It is generally concedeti that there is a close consection- between such electrical dis turbances on or about our carth andi sun- spot activity. There are at prement two tretuendous ieltis of sun àports or'storms. Tbey inay be pWaily observedt Urougb a smokedl or coloreti glass without Uic aid of a telescope, tbol Uic latter adds grcatly to Uic satisfaction of opserving tiiose solar disturbances.1 At ihe annual meeting lfonday of Uic Toronto Industrial Exihibition a resolution was adopteti declarlug that special effort aboulti be put forth in î8c. to make the ex- hbWbtos here a couster atractkinto ïthat of Chicago. The continuons prôsperty of the Association waasbown by a full state- tuent of the annual receipts and. expea>di- turcs since 879, tiche*a«r of, î ' organisa- tion. 1Mr. J .Withrow'- wusge-éecied. presitient Cp.Mbatf irat vice asnd Wm. Chatie second vice-prwIdent. WVe congratulate ont brothier editor Hughes, of the Victoria Wàrde*, upon hie ,election 10 thé Dominion parliament. I la about time somc of thc hardworking party organites wcre helping themselvçs 10 a little of il, anti wc rcjoice te scec that during Uic present year one of the Lindlsay editors has been appointed Wcunty regis- trar while the other- bas, been sent te Ottawa. Most of Uic party editors spendi ail their lUves seccug offices aifat Uhilgs for inca lwhoedesere theni far lesu, andti de wtb-, iaches ou their pants. Viefeet nure liaI 1Mr. Hughes ' etnac of fairues anad the - proper equili- bnium of.things wiU trot show hlm le ride on thec rwilwaya w ith'.a froc pais until hc bas sereto teeacb of ihe reAt of us. Uic sane courtesy, anti it. wouid, 'b. mighty pleasant if be can Me. bis vay clear 10 bave a lawpasseti making it laTeumbent npcn tic governinent wbe a agooti fa office le opeü 1te raioffié- it tote nearest editor. W. ccId -mentiopn everai f e'uïrable bredimnoFre i quill !Vho would gladiF ac- cept a'permncy wortb $5,ooo or 'bss Per ýanapsi. WC ow look coeuidesitl- forward for eveuta te taie a tutu, siacê- tIreprei lie b seably "*u&oecurageous. precéding-; e that flot ail of tbe two pounds coulti.well be attributedto te c operon of ieborning. It would seesi Uien in stWdying the milk. yicld in-alils! relatiosIat 1h.ý loma in inilk yicld *when 1 'ows. in milk arc deborped la inslgnificant., The person:who Itoila large folng érop key wiI lind t W > enquirlng -aI this office and paying a quarter.- Thre resldenceo9f Mr. Langmaid, in the o61d Dr. Loweflarm posite Mt. J. Lick's was burùed oenMudaymsing. Ouly a few ýarticles of lotbing were saveti. Mr. Lick èxtended bis bospîitality to the famuily for thc present. The loua was sot beavy but thceInsu ance wuas"aal.1. To tii questo. -Whioh in your favorite poem ? th.è. aytb. a grest varluky of amivru;butwbeémakiti,, Whie isyjour farote ablood-pqarlfib h.eeoab. ouly one reply-Ayer!aSarsaprfl, becauseit la the. pureat, safeat, and ti m nomioL Sle, .*s uer FRIDày, Fa». a6tz, x82.-Credit Sale of Horses, Cattie, lifiplements, &c., Uic property Of Mr. - J. E£. AlUin, Lot 23~, B. F. Con. Township of Whitby, aI ose o'lcp. pi. L. ýFmiRBNKs, Auctioner. Wanxasn&, VEB. L24th, 1892.-Credît- saleof Herses Milcli Cows etc., thc property éf ML Sam. Rice, lot 2, ini Uic matcon. eof Whithy Township, .at euen olock P.. . 1-FAIaawIs, Auc. Tnasotv, Fa». 251h :892.-AUCtion Sale of Fartu Stock, Isiplements, &c., tic property of James Hegzlewood, Lot j, u 'IiiSt. Con. of Easst Whitby. At mne o'clock p. in;. sharp, L. FAtRaa*is, Aùctloncr. -Ob, Wbat a Ceugbl Winl you hesdtihie waraing. Tuie signal verbaps ot tb. sue approach of tiiet more terrble diseam Onsuipuiou. Aok yonr- selvesif yon cm aflerd for the makeo ar- uig -94. tu ruate lie ra atido aotiiingfor t.W. know frotu exporienos tliat 8huloha Cure wiîl care your cougi. It eyer feus 'Pro. Gusta once with a mesmerlc glance orcrpdweeda frauticinanlac.'Inîbe lonego. ing seatenceàs hititie i name of a *oéecbrat- edtner'andthe succesifil tiscprcem of it unay maie money. For the fout correct ans- wer Tits FrassaWzuic offers $zoo in cash, secoud $75. ibird $So. next two $a, aem ire Oro,anaugte thau a buntireti aZhandi other raluale prises ; hesdes whlch *S awlnt $10 acofrt 1r the <irst andi second (rou each province. Fifty cents for a thrmoomtha trial subtcriptbco to the Filasina mulst accota. pany cach soution. Thirteen numbers of the haést (almas p'er.nCanada for PMy Cent&. &niP .o9rd whee -possible anduentila, early. Address, FmsDa WuticLx,9 Ad4e- aiW, TrciSto, Ont.-9-3in mius dtê b om eu AU ar euetîtled -10 ihe beet lisaIth money Will uy,aou evry hfysiieyw Jdhae, ut oitce, a hottU. ut tii. beât fami y remd' 8rp ut iga, t e lean.tii.syai4x'wb 90 ~ eorbilious. For sae ln 7U b ottU.. by a#MI edin dglta It ià,believ*idthe tm ".a eectica la imumd!iiaelyimuilpeut in Gret ta.. hla, n oteoemoaej to Iby O=ru CuXres.Mm, andwomn.ihoud iemebertbMPutuam'a Paint....Coni Ettraoter is the. oaly mte, aum ëff- V'r ex&ntIV doeës awcrk nature N. C. 4sa Qp. ou s bottlie Biobws tasOC I E.5J siid INSOQN, HQUSE TO a EN-T. nhe oueandi remyesreetyocptet bIoehstone, on Byron S i et aa 9ot tbeat bard ,n"d sofi watercr n the 1' v .G.-ruta Wintêr SALE SATUR D AY' F WB WILL .PLACE ON Reninantis of Dreiss- Goodi9, Remnants ofSiks Remnants -of Ve1vetâ R«emuants'o'f'] Remnants of Flannels. 1ýmnR Remnants of Tow"ellings. Remnan -tis of Table Lý Remnants of Rmiq J. E. &FAREWELL ,ilbesl Htb C=louse, whitby.1 Ail remuants wi e oaon baturi -or vluue. We have alsio placed on our table Ladies' .Fu.i AT IML VAJT ÂS FIC Shâwls, Clouds, Faseinatore,.Knitted Skirts, etc. Âsk', Tra boe KAir80.lch nChildrens' Ready-Made Suits and Ovôrcoats at'ae aSd8lW,,TronWo'ol Tweed Overcoats at From $S.5Oto $12OO,'i- NUXON BRUOS, COI LDe JNGE1LSOLL, OTa H4~ ~AVT 'v Q tÉ 1

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