Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1892, p. 6

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j> Our atory o>ieng in the. ya-w il" Thoatii:r ng events which are- o1 narrated took place in the ti. i'é Made staio of Texas. l'us moite -a l aâbout thé close Of 1he year 1845. WÇ are' oilso aoquaixted with thei. fact wliiclx. preceded lber admission -to th stmars tripee. Be il enongh to sa, thA ast lea&tthere waî duc Mau b rofdeed te acknowl-edge -aliegiance t theh~i~ed$taes.This M *n wasA we write, an obsci;!e general o! &b Ânieri a ryhadsbeen left, in OUI m4uid f em nferir troops of infau. try e~r th~-bitnarylin. M ý«Tex.i &ail Kezkço. A bad of MoiexiSu bii ginde' had .been hsassoing the. couutry, murdering, plunderingi and rrw off captivés. Their leader, who reiudu tuphm e1 et tilo 'at hs narTrative. £wo bu ,qred men,-, deterMied.lIuke hi4weil, d Iix friàd a Ï-4all ar&iy; whiobý Dn .ed r dayà& us ai b despe*a1te m ian foted harategu. vers a'tratd- isranki."'Son th' organisation beoume very dangerous, and ,tiire>it,.ed the lmw-abidifngý citizens The.peple resolved tb&iatbuu 'aud. of bri«nds'sboudc be untbdued ý,ând aceerdiugly Yi" an e èeal vssent te exterminate Oastaitoand .wsina mpasure sncce su.lu Sshiarp couf-liee ibaudbaid = îe'nz- prised on.ý evening encamped> on the. Mountamààd6 Temeier .s:n after the fatigue of a day of watching and ambrisoades, drealnily smoking their pipes, whilst their *ives -fondled 4h. ohldpiuby the ftrckering camptfre *hioli ttrw weirds osh>" over the weary band A terrible éonflit fQfloed 'ti -chancoe-.etng. For two hura tii. figlit continueil, and in - the confusion frims d foutght agust fcind witbout lookinglto ne 'l w7ofeU bneabhis ii.a. lh i nd 'W.tdeated and Medifrmt,:vud hid ip tii tled: t~he4 4,ad briêmade er. hastily -buried. The. genaral andl bis u> * 0104lod .croseed bis brow and that vus owinit tg thoug'if ofGaatatIoý Whio atoneaurvived tii. disaster of 11j Xuen. (One hop.bi oer6l had1 anâl vtat us tht OsU z îgh&d4M frm bis woundi, 1'sthe, soldier Who bai "eM hlm esapizdg affruzéd tIýat'h. bail Phm.nmê4a'-1billet ilu bis b k.Whal camp, and the -generaI caused a notice tob. po.ted rni tngi evio on$ & nont bal ped.. ,Tb. eomctry lad b..i#fèe s, panild .e , "t«ra .ýbai taken ub«iirds luto njoyey ub eu.. olear complexion and &dkaMflaaiino aye. lievent, every eveningloWa.âIl 4MIk and eggs at thev4lage OCIf St ose homeward one è , vlîieisU i ofly te ~ ~ ~ ~~"h hi.i. e.0ueg*l.ion- tain ~ sdonaItiPlot of groni au~ TW~j- Uëda f e. " a men and in < i 'j $1 I £-boni eus, àsud iné more baiy eiipîe -1.1 Co Juan tilla, you ohm 1 have the. sonorea aI slial go to s&.IJose whU th lebigb, M everythinw savo '*ber. 'tihe-'g rec ;,MQ0h nieo ltlamhed p tii. akeep ieu 'leY$ý -tii..man siowIy >dsOeuded te the to n R'e, oon oaeme othe ,onnûr Sof the. Yankee a p.J Hlait 1Z came thei, qr'. "Iw4h ob se the.general on impor- tant business." ~ pgen e ofthel Mixions general Who NU WBff~ atti lan as a ea'i "Ilinatters fot my nume" ",Wher.mre yeo n 2 &Te e',7Ou abotê liibrigand Cal. giSe yon-know s&out bim. Iton, i. ti. reet Whi0io*ail about hum, bu t on lnvestégation msnob kuow1l w tlni w h le is," veiiem.ntly Teeat rsr!r. Ifyngvm fit7 agleshouaI ie ours trth-but,'rme0,4r yen shaih b.îpuoel yon prove a traitor. ôI*kno '*elÎ" saiui the.straugor a Wiibre le a éPý For answer; the straiger iield ont bie iiaud for the gold. They could Bond a' body <of soldiegi i i w hit he veni tolbide $febor «91, and aftêr-thathbe, vouirturM te hiïû ai- dli*er tii, brignd.'TiisgoierJ e trsatil, x- vosttilatg, butiau lwin4Ti oe îZ pî,ii. seliers and the. trager ent away, the camp va on ct m r strner Prouehed the.oam and vas met bhe ipi 'geeaf44WeU '3UdaS yen ibave iiid yoer gol - haýve yen net 111 said h. "But Casal Ir$, The. stranger stope short aud ans- .44I arn he."» Thoroughly astonisiied the, general kneiv not vhat ta eay, bûtî bursting inu,- te laugiiter hoe sud: " Yon mock me and oharg mefor l Th..i*»agr vioel ,blinsef Cas, talthoui .s$Md:1 "Tu o ot , wd. but took ut the proof, look atmmii desori*ption. Res on my bwacklatb.eur; on my=7 i1iue ld4 buU.i veunil. whlat*ubDfl ucriIpaper owodng ai eiedneiDu1i*eenqdsteis aegolai bat iai h4, aud if ie have sot'> a bat that lunet' yo~~no doubt they are thi.epepant àanrilway: "Kore<fter whentrain nte inl 4 jpost. diretio àae£pra1u *aoh oheronaprate lin.es Cniuctord <d Ïoneers wvii é reqoired t. W- Dg their respe ive trains to a dead hait belote lb. point e t meeting, and be very caerefl o teproceoi util esCh Ttai aW asdtéohr"Lno Tit *l b Bi a - h . t e .ý L à o , SYieVOi-Mistre;intnseithing sud wlé tWbleèd and ulcete~ éôén qua malfor!io(4Dr.Svsyn. SnPuisà- We bâdLd a tboiisad dollar blase Sun- NES D.Loy'.iWorm Syrup destroyu' sud expehs aU kinda of vorma quickly and Arsounhasbom dmaadinluLenuo. Utard't Un mout tî 0Boulet It vrs 10 IbeIov zeroin matal San- -- PR"TUB MASS»E8 led December' lot, 1887., flAX~~.~cennet tbe<j Sevei,ë-umbgo Tu5.pïisja thé. rganfiiefactiou; P ulls n & vfre ; bas n o 4Ams ti s t &venge. ch'eap n,Ueveu"loxgarsnsaticttï sud trael finil~ he nepaeh i.columns of ThePo. ~s8 ~ t JOH -e Pi.èEùa i N'Ov r It spao kles with, points. P&RWELL, lei. T-P us Sunday Edition is a splendi a tr lnty 1revuAt t' ,coverxug evFy curren nt y iidr Ofesouth¶V1ng theb.godthngs f thm- D aiy s dSunday e ; t4 e1eý eru o > nps editao*, . go, Bc alaWhute ý. amrey~eented b 'distance freinearly re -_______________ ceiriu it T~u ~uuLyis a splendid mub- DVDOtJ8OÇ ;. A~ ~ ~Atternsey-at.LaBolicit or in Ojuanc"r, AS ANaoer &o WPmc-In, lt.eO,ée AS7 4N ouhioSdi-8. Osae, in-MoMiIIns TIMa Pauseasmne "mror i novwyork. 'B1ôok, rook Sttict, Witby.. THÉ PRESS .Y I G MT .L .B. IVIW. er.iih "Of aU 7te LBât aiBus4r e. o-oo êLoau.s --nom' . RSJ0~ M IC 2.d- h grealy eeltti.dby tc w s a p r m a n u t î y C U r e c ? i t c.L e~ -R.I.'-PRIE, 1Taber, 0-, > my writv. C.ae9Pi N lewPaPer in America. -D aly ad unday, o u. eér,» -5. t, t, 'a months, 25 t, s, s, l onth, DWly only, oeep'ar, - 3u n4 nmenths,- -10 Snnd»,ueyea, - - - 20 fýû -eifor TMa Pas Ciiulai. Office 4a IMat ILL E-, PRESS"~ 88 Park Roi,, Newv-York. teiii ITOm "gWhy i 'ity àli tuy ubiah0 «Mr of mi rAM he ï dre ameal biadIW!ei~ also? ~ vie SYn m 44

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