Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1892, p. 6

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.&DOUti depatture drove .upý took tiob thé à&ný ABS COXflpAl ~htim~ Le" ed ticket for their portmntean i zéthé 23raziilHotel, Paris. Tho,-men mat esoli on a corner on ýoP- posite ides of the canage. JaollSon 1 ' 'keýàud'~loôodméditatively in1h r.-LaMtmuokeda e ýhorê <erman pipe, and a fadmildly through bhis. spectacles at the Colonel. Irhc train had cleared the 0/(pital-4 and .wmi boundixig forward ou hli eagerjôreybfreeth M sôe "Mous alt, " arisa idthe -colonel, witli a perfectly ioood French "4No understohd ? Deutich, Ger men," S&l hClelii "&h r, siclalmed te-wnlhl alond. "é.a erman ýis .ie -? I wonder il e hinabnses 1 Might make something out of him. Do you spi'uk leetie Anglish? Moi Fxenoh- mnail,"l "P'rom America 1'> sxclaimed Lant, beneaili bis breath. And aloud- uYsh Ila lboUe. Englapid a fine' conn- tree 1 Good for beesuesa.", "11Voug tes-you are in b.ns als. ous2"continued Jackson. "4Yah 1 -1erne -toEngland vor. de shares iu the companees. How ryou eaUllat? 'De Angl-Amrcan ivory anad-oh .company-eh, Colonel 2 suddenly _cried Lent, removing bis fais. bea~d a$ pectacles.. ",It's a' raTher round about wýay to Brighton$" bc continued- The Colonel had given a sudden start, and a look of fercity came for a' moment into his eyes. Thon he setti-] down <uitsomoniedly &sud observed. "«Weil,-Lait off bo Paris? I'm going te Dover myse1f~, 1i was tc, muet Lord Pinkerton, who - is stopping at thét Oate Iotel,- The affaire of ,the com-, yany nee&$to ibe ssously s.nsitlred. e. à our mout empectable direetor. --I vautt b esure hlm for Weda.mdayii "In Amerlos, Colonel, they -cat >at, sot of speech .bunkam;'ia EnÈland kdybnr luggags throngh, ôruhv taken a ticket te la.savsd the hairof yon have pali your t étel. a ar e fas. it you wsaitý9à" i he A hareivie.'Mpiw Parie, or, for thé . nausr 0f your prico2 mmad ipouada."' ueud pence 1 - nndsP" ou vimiryoai may Re t lt ws.p Iegstne. Laant deemed it advisable, 4 ssp ~tO 4imself as oona tx>ssi »bâàfed American, s hé, go on othe ustrain ber. and travel- octo?ô s1r ui ote arly Doit àa ieonvrte4. tbe draft into cash a13e Pl - o4.AIn hbis w'lfe and. 4fàmly-Mt &Ulogune; -ff4lad met the Coloeloncin t h~ao ourtyard of thé Grand Ilotel. The. latter atoppéd for, an instant, tlhon advanoc& a ,pace, as i to s trike Laut, and, altering his ini- tentioir, liepasedinothée treet witb- onut futher recOguition. Twenty.four houre after lant met bhis houaehold they *ere on board an Atlantic liner bonud for South Amerîca. . I Guatemala lie Énbae9uently became a prominent ýelitici&U and Miniat of Finance. 1Col. Jackson modestly retired froih *je isearclilugaof an inquisitive public. As for thie siioreholders, tihefow suspiciou&.8pnritsamong 'them imet,tas e.roupon the -Wédnesday. 1The tiuth, then came out. Thre chairman and mauaging directors had fied.- The èoupe of nobleman -and the halfpay General w-home names ýwere'on thre directorate knew,-w othing wbatever abon -the affaeof tre cotpany. They were sizuply guinea pigs:-mon wlio lenit theh r nms as doccyduoks -tea eredulous publiec commercial Pro- curera, abasing uliémasîvea suddeoeiv- ing the -public for thssakée of - ie or two guineas, Whicb they woers Pàld for attending oaci lbeard meeting. Thiey discovered, wbeu the truth tran*sp that tire tate cf thei' heati impera- tively necessîtatéd a proiogetm stay ai a foreigu watring-place. - A week - later the whole body of shaz'eholdersaasssmàbled to, consid et situation. The ucene w-au pitiful. Net a1 penny w-a availble. acksn had gone off' with tihe w-hle aubscribsd capitul. There wua no ivory, tiers wua n cïl. '!Thêah&ooun salid beeu oooked, thereports led býeen invbnted., The, Board-oom. w-sfi.led with'tire unfortunats shareboldors. Besw-as. an uxdhappy wdov, *bite and, mute with ielf, tbinking c>,lýe suaddeu beg-- gary w-hich hsd "lin on, her»eifand oblidren. There a cIsrgymian bang his lisad dejectediy, at4iied or bis érduIity, ud ]os- in wonder a» te hou' in the f a, lu"ho hould wnaou bath ends meet. UHisaughtér vwould hsve th go out 44 a grw.ernes; iris sen would have yon-b ati 'pa.y ofw ',,-roam i out' oits nd fiýel .donounooe* the' gwrnc -vers' fors etingifg;Msct st t ing. If ilwed te' wbcl oten blesdj --So. SWAïN' On sud bleedimg, healit comesremovefi the-tei ,by mal for 50c. Dr, n8 in- Quehec are be' ici, battermUessaidz .hIag 8Pueso, - ere-bymotratoh. 1uloerate, beoming EiTâtOp e citchiiig ratin, nd lW Most' a, AU druggisfsor W'ayne &Sn ls &5r Adolphe Oaron ila looiag 'for vmore roem for thé Post Omce Départirent lu, ,tlie Goverumaeut bhojk st Otaa&. WORms CAUSE SERIGUS 1K MESS. Dr. Ljow's Worm' Syrup deaticys and expels ail kinda of wornia qUickly aud alurely. *Joseph chamberlain bas got the formal cail te lead&the Libém rUuniet forces in the Houscf Commons.- 'HEOW té Cure AU SMia Dhsess Simply apply 'SWAYN'S 01WTXET5itu" No Intenaimediia.requred. (Jure. etter, eceema*o Itol, al értuptions on the -face, lisuda, noise, &., leuiiug tbé AI*ii léar, white aud helmthy. -ILs grent h..sling aud euratiye poe 4a hsssedby no other veuiodv. Àek"yont.druggiit for 8wÂnrz'e. Mailtobs ig te bhe offliliy represented at tke World'i Fa"r. msceTrontla, fo vstour ye4as etoinsel, aud ha tuedie. wiithbutj adoud-to give M table 'Diseovewy- happynet rso ue e eI th thiad bottle, an" mucl r«eda, at tbhat 1 tau partia' »ayof tbs-uph Mr. Mflloe* 0 of the Bank of Corn- u: 'laving suffered mu Dyspepsia and wsak g tried nunerouns e- e effect, 1I -vAt ai lasL ~rp& Lymus- Vege- rial I 1didso80witha ng-<ea bneitfoa trie a seoêausi bout -ex. A. ~àa~Orlty la Priuos flhammka Piwman. Fous Thnle mno. Cheaip find no mae in pôlrnte. TEn Mc-December Imi, 1887. a hé -organ f nIflxo t on *es'- a lisneaitiee bo cas- 15 A x0xTolqA L Nzw8i'rà. ÉLwa, vulgàr sensations sud trasir mýcei the colum-ne ùf Thre Prese. ànse has the briglitest Editorial Ne-w York. It spatkles with- pses Snnday Editiion is a aplendid . Oicnterést. Ti xoe»s Weekly.Edition centaine a Il thé gooa thinge of the Daily asu Suday - editions. Furthose who cànnot afordl the'DAxz or are prleted by distance from early se-, cevi i, asWEEXLY le a splendid sub- Al; AADVEBTISING b EDIUK Tue Pas hasno superior in New York. THE PRESS WVithinIte r-cait of ail. . T/te esi ýand ýCheapest Nkwspaper ina Amerîca. Daily and Sunday, eue year, ,,, fi f 6 nrontis, ~ ,, ~ 1 mentir, Daily ouly, eue year, - - If t 4- menthe, - on~aeeyear, ~ We yPneus, one yes?,- Seqd for -T», Pis Ciiculas. wh*=e- Libéral -coiùumissioni. TEPRESS, 38, Park Bo*, Ni 85.00 .45 1.00 2.00- every- Tonk. Barrister, Con~nty Orowe Atl (Ocunty Sollciot. Offioe-S O1ourt î louse; Whitby. JAMEN au TLI)D Barriater, &o. Ofooiorme: by .Farewell & Builedge, noit1 *irock Saý.Whitby. DAVIDORlTN Altorn y-at-L";, 8olicitor hù Ooriveyanter, &o. Oiux-IÏ south oftheii-Post office,, in Block, Brook-Street, Whitby. suer of Marrlage Licenses. 'O0 Blook, Sont# o!: Market, Brook DOW& ciLV BarstrSolioftnre-' luaCh! office in Mathison & Hawkeni* Brook tý, Wh:iby, Southi ,MIIYl ý" 'w the- T Isu. 18, Som Be lý ,ý 1

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