botl, of Celebrauted WILL DO IT. Chemi8st dDruggist, M edical Hall, Erook Street, WhItby. .FRIA.,FEB. 5, 1892. Slckness prevented us (rom beîsag able to report the coust - council pruceeditigs fully tis w e l o u U eeu. d- [ sac! vYiU appear i tasur nestldoe Iof a lut of Refuge, a*frai nhin, are MndaivForm Brock M Uxbddgc tP. a8 Est whltby- 187 WbytOWfl 341 Beeveilos '37 Picketlug 320 j' ' Totale 184 365- 117, 178' 3171 rmj. for. . a. '99 " £9 49S Thiere ws u electio n uWbitby tp. and -"annettly nu vote'; the to#nstlp cf Scott imd Rama, ýrefused 1tatke a ,vote; au«tere amreno ,ret unefrocs, Rcact> Port Perryogand Uxbrldge tows. 'In future ttc cou ty cout chambr, cout Of arums bung . l-ovt' judgcs p P it Ttc connc naeditself 10 an a. e<Wv d hso"oiO a tUtc closing on Saturdayi, bY sh os slngh*g " Goar!bave the Qucen." Ttere tmatrici amr sotmany auetoflsnin tts1876. *'R ttc Coul cDusty,. goo he Tereme of Casuinglos telle a ieh ntr,'sin Iuutaisg ca onu f Uuiversil eynipathy nome clectors felu juttir heatt He vas for iepour- 'uhîn votlng foru ios iPce1 refuge. Adcha ICaningolut before one y7W cserngth îpé,iug bootetcnar c a1embe "Inoer ida ything for te poras yet; efhr but 1 shah mateR OMa cr-usjtq deu 10 day." tiu, Ont Lots of people ussu0 a cr or te - re4lst that day wtt nsltltlg biatta- uo' od aec mcea pour mnt aarve tefore they would aS taise a boise awaY Irontheir cuis doga to !801 Thse nt'eu in lucouscil were likése aeh m outofwatr. TheY cae dowaes trto Ad1 once lier i theé. OEDOLLAJR. wbo 19 0 nçthi the b.i thiteg for autotent they , would ethe'f advubiItýof uumngtte roadway in iUm of thé iunty Unei re omk Iturhaan sd Nortteumberlnnd. do the mou. Mo fthe advauta*c ra on e the !e ofthlscaunty. As tw> tt lega aspect ottc case,a à cry judge has rved decided that that-porton .ou the mars1 ttroug wh tb tc oadway rune ia sot- navigable wrater, or in other wurds that it. ls land.JTihis r-oadwy'beisg lu lien of the county line andd mucitbetter sltuated, wc do flot doubi that the two coustiet are in for i. ThIs counry htasonly laid out 6oon' that roadwaf' ne fa, so the ex- 'penne need be no bjzgbear, If the other $400o werc now laid -out to umakete om' toow e have no doubttte roadway would godfor year Itwas.wtht eing cf the deepest seo, row I that ttec reuidents, of Whitliy heard the'sud intelligen4c that ont of iti brigt*- est -and must hýlhonoed onsl Principal Huston, of Wqodstock College, died-on. Ttursday, Jan. aStit, t Wood- stock1Mr. Huston hati becs alliug isinve ttc collège clused, and at thce ing on Jan. 4 wan unfit for duty, thogi h. ý ept on trylng-tou work for two or ttrce days. Tnc luntt ime e was out wan on Saturday, jauuary 9. On Sunday te rinaed Wu dgors and on Mo5day ht 0k toths bed' lu hie ftallless AIthoughtBt die Bp. pearing quite topeful, ttepins spectre of death."â scttd ovet dcceased su long ago. aslaSunday. -Principal fHuston's deat le a Severe blow to ýWodstok as weli as -to the--cducatkioa nstituton, lu i'. a4vanoeme4 cf whlct te epet tt ,heet energies Of his lhfé.. Re.Wasan honored citizen, and when ttc news of hie deat *as made ksuum, the grefws universel. -People could ' not-iagine Principal Ifuntos was deýd. Hr- as; everycues fi«e; te vas generous and obligng toa feauIL. He tad thSe rarc <qualites of tead and heart w1hct won for tin, the esteeni and godwlLfttce u nia. Whllc tc stà cts, ewhober _inte both~adyert1sI 'i Tt t2liunet the ,tarse - smong the pupilsby IA Grppe wDtlle h puplls doubt, bemanm fromm. 9tç te gfimm unter aoeoag eh.teadbers. orbe urgnà r meetig ai theInstituts Liter. M7ySociety wus titI on Wcdnesdy aftetnopu loit . ML reenwood la lte chair. After di3e minutes amd aitlc's port had bsa roed the logiung programme wus redered. Ruad. ings,-Chas. Connor. Cha&s. Smtib,- Henry Hogarth sud Thmo.King* Redclt(=l&s- leukArmu(m mdLau Yi« ;Voca- Caniear n ud Cha. Mad"y iano oo,- UtilemWand pkCh u es,- ols'o.,t nd ieh WOoe k,ClbormsLÃŽi ee aD-RoGmK -.ou 1'ns4y Pcb. sud, at Toronto, by the.RiWv. fater Coyle, -P. R. Bird, Eeq- of th1s.tows, ta 3MeNelIU FOR 1892. 'Alus0 gl eil OloulTion*haM a Foula Dïo e ip.p. lm . ckciauon merii Ã"coa - éwTe- OTIT -OUTI AND BRING iT Wl 21 yds. 154 inoch' Tirkey Ta bling for -, & . 58iîoh& BorerTable -Linon for U MV " eayShaker lne ifor 5 "ctory Bheaýting, 2 yds. i*ide for 26 Good Faotny Cotton for 6 40 inch" Pd*kow Cotton for IQ"XX Lybster M-ils Sheeting for 12. Linen UuckabackToweling for- 10 " Wide'liùssian Crash Toweling for 20' B tipelà nen ToWeling for - Il Oieck Glâas:Ioweling for 2Gente' Shaker %Fl- l Sirts for 2 Mens' Woven Flinnel Top Shirts for 1 emair mensa' "Everlaing" ý-OveralIs for 8 Mens' H eavy Ribbed Lnderahints for ldMens' 0. _K. Shirts or-,rawere for i Xene gSotéh L~. W Shir or Drawers for 6 Pairs Extra Heavy Wooleï .S*oks for.' 20 Pairs Mens' Balbniggan Sooka for 18. Ladies' Linen Qollarsfor 7 Infants" Li 'inen Feeder Pibs for 8 Infats Quilted Bibe for 24,*Whità Drawn-Thresd .inen Handkfs. -for 12 Col'd. Border Linon Han#dkerchiofs for iî Yards goodHReary Waist Lining for -à Pairs .Wnau' eroy Wool,11o». for i i i i 1 i i i i I i i 1 i 1 i i i i i i i ~1 1 i 00 00 (0 o 00 00 00-1 00. 00 00 00 0 00 ~00, 0 7 " 8 7 A 4" * idoz. D 2Dado1 -2 Pair L'Imen' 20Colone 4 Genta I Gent: iGentà 2 Pairs 4 Pairs. 1 pair~ 2 Pairs 2.Pairs 4Par 300-- -LMN ANTSOF Foi thià ifate will be found > all the ueful ends of - Goos, .yery e ,ndt iseft ofà a 'ig "aonsInn-E - - sùa pO iii llnot b. î ENTIRE )ne