Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1891, p. 6

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tue office bêy,ý, 1 nouxmed---,hst thuie A ceisof 4ng'tyt, or!à DE wu-à,lady to tee about the. place, the of the eyeaw;huch, the. Jûdgo violently, eihàled bis býreth ioted. "-While either 't wiih 0 tentelilloas nasal Ioreecend oi ôe1rXIonversation, theéther prèe#ng "nboun&ed nontempt for he olinous thougI èeeu oieio~;tpdeqacyof ozn.nsudor- 6heWrjuxtapositio n.- dered ber shôowq" * ritbht nMtion ..Bromley, Sr*,, irâa of quelling ber, tions cen ruof cge; UIc ha"ii .udlia Severi W vu ""> héhadwsgenerowuy on iaé o be irtî ii -- it 1--à c thaùfie nified mixed. auumptionof oinisienýiad Râ , a cyc shone keti but ki ed the vaoanoy, was a peiliàffsfr*4 wrinkles hic countenanoý fretful yellow bangs aeqktndiù,g, '- character 'rather than tant soothing, abniormally expa ive moustache van usually d bine eyos and extensive mental require. One day when Decemba mente. After a trial of two hours, dur._ week of being twenty-1 i4gwjieh oe.perpetrated, various, or.- Bromley, Jr., diecovered thographieai Misdemeauors, evince& er as'moustache had nota the wmidesi-eyd surprise as.beug ' dont oUrtailment, sud w ed by Brorie1ày, jr., that "eiiûbtogaîon,," j. ny, pward tondeno] whiob &be had written with ýb1Q5ahig Re ondéred at this and besitation, 'vas a perfeotly polite word, pooudabstraction. and that -et ai." was not thre name of io=ynt.d 'Mrs. Gure an individual, ée h is patrooziugiy yar-dhbe father, ana- . depatod.nothing ta alarm hum., Thebeat ai ai tente .4-a 8au Cam fiw hImrnanyhIow," nounoed herseif aé Mrs. Gilrèr. 8h. commenéit, ;and -in the differed externally fiom ber .p, edeoes- structure of which ho e sor, being a brunette who had seeming. tedt, has fatber's sole ck ly attained ber twenty-fifth year. tion was the pateinal loi After a hasty mental inventory of irife et BroIûIey, Jr. ber cfuiet, beoommng attire, and grâcetal 1Hoqdecide&,that on boaring, her refined, interesting face, wenld, eaU upe'n Mis. Gi with its, dark ecruet eyeesud Êtrong, matters.Re. feit . convii yet sensi*tive mouth, tlrowley. , enoeessry ho hîshapp oiîdod thet se. as something unique in poNiseed that buoyai the. lino desired; -but tuis did no&. pre-. which youth bliÈdly we lad.e ompeency. ana memorîps,,cf carity ôf Purposo. ti. neflinbt blonde -tingzed hebis Ïeve - On the . me'day Br . with black pessimism. H e addreesed aSIen ÃŽb ie muer effic4 ber in the most impreesive voico, rarely long, an unopened volai evoked except by a&jury cf bis ,peers.en the Domeetie Belalio "Ha )àorÀMrsiglg beU$4Ciently only visabwI gu ofhic thorongli, Madam,, te' enable'yen.ho Ho'wa a methedical ze perforrn with acouraoy and ceJerity thie cd the. situation logicau work wbich s. vared practice eýuch s Mn. GiIner,'and ha de, ours rendOrs necpsry Christms 115 vold as& Âpparently. Sh. wss ne& a bite ç1isoo»- marriage, Ho had ucig certed by tbis ponderous and resonant ber, indeed h. nover spi challenge.family mat.ters. b w'a "I thznk 1 ose do yôur wrÏk, air, both fAMter suïd soix thi th. eaià quiegy. -I bavea -fair idea wido*, -Eaiobh ad decI off what Mydtitieu vibe..'erring M"culine 'itui UReroeseu ad dotevaded his, and nSrried Uhf. had been ýe seeriee&bo aintisn a saedy vil, ber 1ràasba abrute, inglesu te disoues the matter from hieSsocial teaiku hadtiouoh. The jtdga's prejudicial, fortrese wu bro"oing persoal tý vsa tly ,atormÙed; but recent adveraity ohivairous grerd ocf li hsd etreà*#hued its ratu 1 a. le master sud servent, a dia notwawer,>Iku& d'Il, erci e fmli iuMingto.patronize h blow the awsale eruab: toeelheTsw&Y from "Do en o~esttoprfaniy r' inflx ol legs! documeni "Ne aiait' be repied, oherfu'y; vOUldtell Ier ber 4. "I know se velF b ywsiga law- Oouke tI>IiI*S, 11W -Yer a duties are;shdlit'mSt be unbeh, oebO@idl1il reie t gvevent b s buret of Profan- wud u ow Cm îty- héudtbnYgurdbe bppineus Her-novel approciation of th. irk- confident,- but- 1ho>pe ,pre 'nature of bis duties, aud of tlb. mnraling bas t*î s.b benefits te b. derived frein su .iuï. holiead ,god ê gence.universaily çcondtinnod berh8C>J11SW tp.rturbedl>y sex, tartled the. Judge vs e',Ur dent ieaùeu foir Mî eontemp ation. Ber eyes mei bis àAfter watebing .the 4 t steadily, snd they vere se clear, me o o Oe«vm br fraulk xusnly madympatbotiq. tihat b. exper- rosUCer oward iim, hb ienoed à feeling of discomfort. tinigecy vbiclt coul b "Z-eynknovr, i don't do garded .1 Mcrely platx muih of ual sort of thing, sud-nb, W ýlook,_pon ber alos my -son's s member of lbhefirm!."Ai b. theigit. provoking irrtation off the larnyx bere Ho tniiicd te '1DOee obliged the.3Judge teo, ough wftb a viol. in A ernafl rnemorandon ouce of ozertion that seeeoeeW o amper b. deckgted bis meet il with hie memory, for b. did not revorti and mnade ontry: I$rom bis veaknese. H.e sid : 6W% shahl be As ohly àa malport very gld togive yon -à al;* ifjyonr is n tilzd, thero J work lu satisfactory voeau srraugtnfflthe Pîctukwg boe., h " term .1 bin. Wba dd yo vi b zWOmri~ey of Obrielmnas of unvemreei S, nweo aoddei The nov stenographer speedily tran- caugit a efflpe of b. aBcrbed.,lier notes- with sa. eulythe VmdôO#iruId v feminino dezherity, aud viti aocuracy -(lu heari beatI3 ;. jiit higbly gratîfying te both membexa of tWiàe, -befou Oe WAS a& the firm. Bromley, Jr., (Columbui Sherec l»i bm ç '86) et oly aproved bis father'usptltnduhr eelootiocl or reaasencf ber in e~i.t latefllfurnîsmiibed litti Mbihty!, but h. aise ýdîlatea ah lnth whiera-hï;ubharmomizedý -ace M îtn uig iBWahr tnty.sedate in coor and ,¶uzx mesnlqrlril.tatire, aud ho wol Affaire in the* - Mlie. proèýressed mhd naver appeared ab tl smoothly from tire irst day côf 1Mris.- àbeomiuùg costumz~e. J Giler' iucunibenoy'. Iu many ways marked by a radianmil00 sie proved bergeif s rcmaàrkarkable Pew5ý-flw te o .Itc womn. <, fotire firet time thbat a* 8he. spellèd corrootty, suýd actmually .te bout advs4aee luhibel deferred, to the beot s-uthorit*ie"jo e.hiiieobriéhtegt, nol vidr ov fit [corne woll-set nbellished vith 4ray;hie bine lmdl, sdthe. oe bore dénotod Lyeam . Hii îlosey crpped. er sti l aoked s -five days o1d, )d iht hie fati- ursuffered auy re- ras aseuming s yat ,ihheri-end. id bis frequeut ei s tud. r'u mariner te- inpcedluit "68Sh. docunt vas bis hepeful a rnate serial w 1as -tic archi- Atm te recogni. ve he bore -the. Christmas ,lie fuer asudasttle inced se. as )ineu, ad ire, unt confdence- 'eaves wihsin- -orly, 8 st ce, sud mneed mne cf"ilBrowne ins " being the. ~a" sud review-' aiiy. n. loved mcided that -on à-ber bau nl ver callod upon poke to ber of w underetloçd by. bat ebe Wvas a -ided; viii un-, ition, trtber i. Théir brief bdonly upon ab. e, refrapd from WpioE, frna ité, snd tieu b. M iuhe baa4 li e,- aucait grestê Mal 'if &ifSh rly dui. Aftr eïk îe deolded thar He had l"e r. ý lbner ;'but wo keenly, sud k, uneousciona te fit- ibis sacon-; me e"afely dimr., tonîe; he'll ere aas a 'mother," emberthe 25h m bock in vhie Mley . (*iluer."l won of tb. da'y ne_ excuse for adu" onal oty laden wl*th iu- ~tlstmuald ~3'li' ts, l4by- lb.é fact thai hhey weire $ehoï !l a nove! atmosPlieme.-.- 8 ' ddenIy ney, notice8 sa tender hight -eml frein2 thie dark eyes. of Mrs.9Qitxuer,, rëvëaig undreamod of'vista, ù54 tminaliuuý vith: - 1 aut yynoo mtrràeh to meet Mn buebana ; he le su' ýiar 1 ,yoa kuow, an4 rarely gots a haste -oflthe"outaider venld ; sud il wiIi b. sueh a treat for hlm" SIDpe'igbted," saîd Broom'ey,. Sr. "In faet. my o]e au a patly 'about' yonr 4 sads-t e fsouiethin9 couldu t be denne foru2m,Ë yen know; sud hiei ngeuicusB face glowed vith diginterestedl benevolenea. Brornley, sr, had priacised lav o iet-eix yemrs. Bromoýy, Sr. vasilug painful 'statê He seemed undoculed whlitiier,72to de. mand aà explanation, or, rasWy t-Ù avov adibelief luinbheexigtencée c Ibis linsbând. Also, -for ;ÉÃ"8 o ccull reason, ho appoared te deteel sud ne sent a latent ambiguityinluihi, fathee enucidatien of bis motive in catlin#'. Bromley, Jr. had qnly graed 14e pro.- feesion two ye'ans. Mra. Gi ;W oxcused berseif sud fluttered eut. 8h. appeared &gain iu a moment, by dra'wing aside two od ing doors ; sud lbere h. sav, half'ie cliulug on a low conch, s bie fellov, with a-pale, smoootb,, almosî, boylab face, with frétfuQ17M' hes 5about te-eyes' tiaI constantiy sppeaied te bera.>t greeted lic Bromu.ey's villi tbe 54, comprebeniveamile-of invalids. i, e vifshia' meeodyhmon thÏeôàëht- vith an Sir eT prend o'ivnèrsbip, sand Ill be'd oeeof lier bauds e ou. le Iris wltez b. talked ; ber chier Jbaud softly ire88- ed-he Iuuoiamt bzowi bain Ibat mass- Wheu Bronmley, Sr. aaw tie look of patient eeIfsscnifing lo 1ve lu the wifosa eyes. siadnthe b.imvcld.a geÙhi. trust lu ber, 11e reaa tbeir blsi4m, and witi il lmbibedfrom someê -rcudite tenua,-if it do.. net drovu, e 82cie, amndýincuites tbe dninker tle dreaiýis cf peso. sudade.d#Oàgoï oe vii, He sald'te the' ivstid:"sbould 1k. te h ave yen demi wnAt My p'ace 71on lb, eau!, eituuuwaer, Mr. î0ilner; your ife, loo, as Caen as Ve- aopt, a tu>ere-bt the ldo yen 'aué d ýre Il blp ~gel tbrongi 1the vaation." 4id"MrsGi uer's busba"nd!a.ô 4. o ueys~haa!ony-Ma e-we 4ev viren they os ldtat day*. - Hstryispr,itera1ioà, . Wiliam, the~ OOn-qerr,é* &"mberking lu En. gland, elïppe.!' zn4 feUl,.-wlhicbbis 1Eunt he King aire ohrc4 1styeoatst p.aring te hb4e b.ë wue a good'OMem, ainc e a" an!de. shred blim r. Edvrd II sM m~1~ mauýdysu&afedmIa Jike x map>, sud thle readyint, te profil there- Coesaron Ilring u frcas ZÏàiatyonnbuW dte ,bhiebiograph IWs 'aznuu c harselenlulie luoldeit, Brein ey, Si-. had turned even a more disastraus taIt tW bis ovn glorifie. lions. I setbau begun hoy fe e eel, llai 0 sud ble&ing, bea" ilooration, sud inMont Came removg% tii umn, I druggm tïorj by nailfr5 Dr. S ye&,S&n, P: 'Heuy Kiste, ofCoaber, Ont., suicide-d- <Eow tote uÀvi bkl ta»Os..B ecee tè4, SU .eraatio'n a ou, beftce,- baus, oue &o, lavzgtbe skn claÙ,' wile audhealthy. -Ils grculheob1ing-tud eartatly powers a"re sed by nDo other remedy. &*i your drugpst for Bw.axwu'u SThanjk Youl X Imm mx Y VRAI !XWS- £0LJ-Zx, 01R " "Rf OIV FW. FLUsg HPRODfl< emend Wia JAMES IILDE Batilater, &o. Office frmerly ooope t 'by ' Frewell & RutIedge, neit Baoyal Hotel,ý AVIDORMIXITÃ"N, B, A*'- Âttorney-st.Law, Solicitor iu Ohimeery, Qeuvoyancer, >&o. Orrion-Iu the, Ofce uouih of the kJost Office 'iu moMilhius Block, Brook Street,',Whïthy. Block, Souih- of, Make4.Brook St. è Wbflby., DOW & McGILIVItAT, Barrie"r,,.,SolicitorTg lu Obaraery, à&o. Ofin rathbon&awe' ewbok BokStt, Whitbyo, eis,ofrt 0ci Otirie C. E.Mu Ae a M.E.o g, g ~ i L'REE~ F110 ~ M Ma M D ~ANK. Wèofx 8cotch, Bweedleh,À Amiaad UParlIes vishing work.ld aado weil to esUoénus buicre parohasiug. Ail vont guaranleet! and piees cf' lb. lovest.- NEW GRAIN BUYER j LL in Aàm and -OnZRUL Tcronto,,te bmýr 0F, GRAIN- Mét àà 1 "dl<, Imade m & grand o nuaon d oc 1 ead stixwberics "d .evertbeir price or cac sand 1-bave movet! vitir- ,th. meot tony society' ePoofu wbew Iif. Boome ing frpm hlm.. - mey-vill gel a ma»-, memnnuewsswitb respect ýDozld dos net toacli thal 1c respected, alni (n 1e, io -Ibis i* havu r- ena veîglit o g Iougite, -bi em; ipiratio uon hem;- coni 11ev ,hem'-eut,' d. oud aker thi. b D-e8mentis.L ignozet 1 ac ippe'. opinions, ['bore y, m by the rirai v1r 'ldy lI .mrn bx igit fer eueoi beave il eZ ý 4 -se sud so-appi -could not havie eant ôpi A J 1T nd B' i ob Ànd' the-, ne-di boome ; tan « , *oe 4, 4 r 1~ Y-

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