Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1891, p. 5

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JEWELLÉ.R, Holiday Pre8ont8 Jmsyn.Fny hains, Padr Suite, -sdCouhsl U 11tI mi,>.* poi,SkaMbiuh nhT- ~t17~MO~Utand.4 81k Brocaffle m FÂNOT »-ADn w&L in Walnut, sOak- :b M ~aniboo We do the, but Ptctunýrt7am~- in- xiontaro. AU Amen- PRICES ae slow as ta co nistflt w*th Sn HONEST OFT Cali as» ueo sbete buylnjour JESSOP FINRIITUK OY W-J. NOTT. Mgr. PORT imuar. FRIDÂY, DEC. 259 189L LOçPÂL LÂOONIOS. tNomllatIOafl MoUdaY next. Elections Flacecar naixet! candies zo cents per g> s >ewbrrt's. CaU-atR. n'.owsandseehisselec.tion of Christmas Candis. Choice gooda. AlIke clover, & pork, Pringle G o. are hay*ng hghest cash price. Twoý-D4" f choîce can*iqa f& Re.;- et k. S ko*'s, Dumdas St Wbltby. 4 The cqunty authorities bave prlated and forwarded to the diflerent municafialitie 1 ballots to bo nsed ini voting on the poor bouse <cornern Christmaàs ITbo e w cre é> is )m openiug au immense stock of the hieut frits muta ant! candis ever Jshowu for Xmas choor. Cffldyc ys. nixod- canidies, choice conîr±lonry, ake, ad kiads of bkradconioctioner, Wbtby. Mr. John lHoward lasbotmd to ce u with all competition, and la nôw slUng botiap (woD {ot cu1#e4 beech> aI $ pet cord. ' Én*o & hardwood steits as cheap as the dicapeat... Luber &*l»hng- les- et pricos that viHIi ndutceyou to buy. Parties ln ueed ofiwood or sials luçpr lots willcsuk ttheir own L teub - - *vln hioi ecaW .t In a letter filfing a colunitiof t he Gazette Fariner joha Snmith pue as the. -4rsMer's Moued, yet ln the town vu"xc5b 4 1wzu that gravel tnpiksatço.ro _O th.ohrfurmera to valk 1 loo toW, vbile ho insista on havi * 'o~J~ w4lk. The fermnî ey er haýdte ibn t muytbing as bad, 'as thiâ frogn those-wbé, Mr. Smith vouit! have us beli.y srcjbe1r votIenemies... The newly ý-elected officers oDr Sius=, Iodge, Ný ýS.. E., -are as foUc>ows- R~. Blow poupreszidcnt- -P. B. Wean pnoddent ;. BorchaîiUn, ice-pregslt,; Ir. Dizons scretary -Wn,.Noble ga - - sre-;M. Cold, clzapLen; commiît=.e ,-. a. Rovianti. I. Betemna.4 W. C smi1, ,A Ierry Christmas. - Oysters 4ocents perý,quart, or served oIîý short notice et Newbefy's.' The xiew gM>eery this week beetsit oWn re-cord In Sugar aëndtas.-> EvetrPbody telle'.hie uegbbor of te barge ns, at Pringlesgrocery, se new CuS' tomera are conîtan tly.comninge. Thos. G. coIwill wiIl pay - the highest marketr>cefior any quenlityý of Alike-. 'The differepîýt nuni*cil*t clerks arere- scfulreqéésited to favor the CHROWý CLE iti cbpies of -their finapcial stâte' eAtPurs was found in front of the mdfslè ball on' Tuesday ight- afterÈ the gradua- tigexerchses of thé colleglate .insétitute. tcontained a small sum éf moneY.Apy to Mrt. joha Hopper. irlW . Newbery is back lna Whity again aid wiil 1* found ait, is old- stànd wiha first class new stock of confectioni- ery, oysters, oranges, lemons and 'dates, whlch he will seiL for the nezt 30o<laysaiat city prices. .At public meetings it would only take people one- minute longer to stayr sud, partiéipate in slnging '<God Save the Qen"Just nc>w mu bosh ,out of meetings as! soon as they ttt the national antbem are stainped down, as èither Ivant- lng iu manners* or loyalty.' jlmmy Sadier of tbia towu, vas suro- moned befrore Magistratees Rutledge and Gunn on Tuesday,. charged witb bving furnihed Aif. ThdinpsoiWwith lq iuor wIbe tle latter was on th lac'st. Sadler and bis mother demied the' charge, and the magiatrate preferrcd th éi14 evidence to that of Thomsn, so the caseî felIthrough. Marshall Turner, Green,-Riveéta summoned before Magistrates Rutledgc and Guna bore on Friday last, for selling bard cider. The witnesses were a tougf-1 < ookin~ lot, and one Prould wonder îhal sncb a gang could be picked u n - this i county., Theyail denîed having paldf4ot the cider,andthecase had to bc dis>nissa ed. A QÂARTER OF A MILLION DoLLAR PLANT.-Thë Fanily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, la now comfortably settled in a fIne new building,' which witb its mnagnificent equipinent cost a _4tIater of a million dollars, and the, best of it, ii that it le paid for ftee from any: ort of lu- cumbrancé. The FaMily Herald and Weekly Star îa in an, undoubly atrong financwalposition. Rev. Dr. Stafford, one of the most> cloquent and forcible preichers of the Methodist church died suddenly at Hamil- ton on Monday, ofhýet, aîlure. He wus M cars of age and tÎ4 pireached in the ei ng cliurchesofûbntarlo, and hed beon PtresIdeut oftb theantÏbe, Montrelansd Toronto Conference. -lTe noe of ti death eeau!ed veoty-gr"at ,regret througbout The îWlors wh came heme (rom Toronto 1 t raielue tU $eor Co-a. schooner g't Wu t o à aneswith eome otber maloèrs, at Je b on Monday nigbt and a snoe nu No -xeptih aces- stocks 01 goods. The music ens-tu<dmuacers of the .High- tland club pald a visit to Claretnont on Mônday -nlght'and gave the peopeof that locality a Scotc proine. Th e- port bavlng met a g=o reception andwill probably acet swe pressing invitations lo visit other loýnities., On Saturday e-&stan front B1fokiuev uuderstand la tlbe mploy- of > i. Wm. KCerr, cime to.Wbitby for aload of coal, ,sudgotîso drunk he upset it lutothie ditcb, nort fteto*u., ,&-other froin Picéker- ig, bugbt bis coal îIt tbeý rates alloweê- Patrons of lnfdust4"*to- save ro cents iper t on, then spent >a' dollar or 1*o to ý ge t drunk, and droye ail round u.spillig-a stream of it out of his wagon, tti ,he.bad not half of li when hie got home. li . would pay hlm better to joîn a temperance lodge thàn the PatWuos. Oh for England, lrelttd,, Scotl&d, at, home, anywhere, everywhere. Cholce of 8 bist steamship lines;- Dominion, White Star, Luman, Conard, >Anchor,.-ïamburg A nThingov ansd the éterad uines. Ais6 cbeptickets 1' * ritlshCol- um=le, Mardioba, Celifornia, Florida, Ca nor write E. Stepbeison, t'tansd tel. officé, Wbltby, for tbrongb ti--.ckebts 1 al points, sing1e, roumd t r >aid, et raesXarantccd right. Spe cal p ry. tickets fgr Xmas aud New Ymr-,holidays tb ail points. ;îýBM. RfilItt founder of the Uxbsldge Times, but now of the illbroo.ký Reporter, tulenkyqiing. Réai bita,:- lor-- dot that there May eyno -tir ls anad- lng in- the matter, sud tb meet Ibhe large trade hick le uUally dom. #tnslie byp rintiug offices during the winter, 'we vlsh o sey btiweesalcontinue tarM- ceive-orders for rM c tickets. Dur, facili- ties for turnlng ce, wo f titis descri- tion-are»ttnsurpssod.Ozuiy $27 viii Z; chsred or i-.of these tickets, la et- rivîng ut tht igua we have lacluded $=o foç the fluelguposby law, $5 for case Sirou imn ¶latendng court sud Si for nutig he tckes. henthe parties éwh bod te rffl, ad.tose wo attend &M, sdthe mm in uviose boeue i le hld «capy $25totuteoaglsûtefortheirpt lu It, they viii no doubt ho ready to adit thet ont charge ïs aresnable nc. Only $2a,,thercfore, for ibissesasoa. Miss Meud Mason' eiecutlon -recitel ta the music hal bore onW Monday uigtpf lmi week wu mot so wUllattende& 'expected onacouanof the very ba ,er 'buit ýwu a ue.. hi, aihee 4reif.In -X1<eery- th," sto cdf Hts, Boz e 4 Tmminafs -iïtant1y, -$s0orted by W-OkIy prcIO às of r~h~eNovelities i th ark wihwe &e, ~Il~jatthe v Cy m-wet, nces p-ibe. ur hosfiriishing,,department le 'full-y ~oo~d iti th aioieetfofLin~yowelsÇTowelliragsNapkins, D'OylaTry' Çoves1 i'4ai4 coyersme Oà<$oe'T, Oovérs, Blanketa, Oomfortçrs, . I Taiei4~~tmfrHwllbefoundià hie-BloinofOo ,Worsteds~osrns coehand GanadiatsTeds. In Meùs'F-1Purnuish w ar jly Up l4inaýs in hirts, Collars, CuifsTdGoesinCthndI ed' efflinéd, a = . &aslendid stock of Mens' UnderwDar. eoAdstbeNek üln SIi-l --"' but1ton - - - ~LADES'ÂNDGENTS' FURS-,A ILîL ST . AlILthis mont SeoiaBargiswieb gvninaldepartments. Winter Gooda leued'out regérdi«esofces...- -MI F.STFWâRT LAKIETRA VýALUE o Pair Ai DWolS8or for':25,ceit xGri':3 ber Çrolars for 75cent.s. Tad&-is' RubberOirciilars for $lr, O~UT 4 3-- iek Six or sevený. getfor à "a Worth 225b Mr., Minà Chii vays expeceffl has kepît-apsèe dlace, ble fau or two ago Cook Awarratva HlgCostbl Cook vsloa alma n treci : Conne locate N -4 i VI ril a el

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