Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1891, p. 3

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on the tmawear in t5or of W%.-H.LuAw for thei.mn i f$W6, being payinent Mn fuit for, Greeniwoo&,bridge. Â, byt-aw$ o provf4o for tii. ,paymout of the aaisriee of the. township 1 41hcon and e tingent eipenae. for 1891 vasj read the, thr6. several times and pois- od. Mr. Gerow, seoonded by Mr Boyer, moveatlatthe* tôwihall, ;Broughani, b. the place foý reS*tViung -nomInations Sfer 'tlii.counili îof',1892, sud ýths.t thp - r poing, places and deputy returignq .. f- fcrsfor-thoe etiot, of suid conhoili b.' the sameasnaxe ne id ststdM.ithe. by-law ré, xL OtIoi and tha6u"dm seal of tla, cOrporMýon W. at4etachdto this'resolution .. ý11i '" Mr. Geomw, sëended by >Mr. Mow- bray, tmoves thut the. report cf'ithIi. ro- coipla And diibursementà, ausots and i'ubilitiés and unncelected taxes for this muitipality ,for, thae portion, c f tii yoar 1891 ending DoCombýr__l5tà, in theosaid- year mpreparo<, by tho coun- cil. be andd t' hero'hy aclopted and that 100 copies ýb. foïtlwith ý.printed in pamphlet. ferr. Mr. tilt., seconded by Geo., Gero*,' movea that the clerk ho aii-d is hereby ins'tructod to adrortise for tendonere-fr cedar timber for the. Usêof the tcwuship e as follows :-6,000 foot 5x6,-- 14 foot, .long ; 6,00<> foot 6x6, 16 foot long,- 8,- * 000 fot 5x6: 18 foot long; 6M' oo lOIO, 1.8 feot long ;- 100 pieces-round, timber, 10 inches at amnil end.." Your Standing Comiittee ond Roada and Bridges, ,beg leave to report and -reccinmend as follows :-Pajyient -b treamuror, J. F. Mooreo of tbheTow-mhip 1 cf Whitky,, for repairs o ýn esateru town- lino in 2ad, 7th sud 8 co, 3617 e above boing PicJtering's shaie.of ex- pense -; Mtthew 8*albowo-mutorial fors culverta on Brook road, aouth of Kin"e ton road. Culvort a djoiniug G. T. R., and 24 -five inchi tli., CuIve south ,of RLange lino, and plank, .4-O ; Bryu Linton, #tor raising -ànd Coéverig dulvert on Oth con, opp lot 6-1.75 ; A.,. E Mdajor for 224 f"otof, luibr suppl W to roSd . %iison No 49 oasa, 8e668 George 'Waltoefor iron - bobo. auds4l w- tu-n on bridges, on 3rd sand 41Icou. -GeorgeLing for M09yards,, vol, L\supplied as follovo : Ou 2ud <à r'bt -ý \et 15 snd 16, opp to Pickerig brkdé., -n2nd con bot lots 11and 12# OU iýago- rgad froinilot 6 tfoU, t2jý-:0; ut $ï, $80.. o. -Phiiip aid te 'mn". -Pamer additionatl0 wooks at 50 cent@, $6mSldrommeud-papmeocf the. account cof Dr. Fe.rrier f or. medIca a t' I'endsiwêon Mr. n.iue, 1 il wt ad Modicine, $17 ; Dr . .J. ProeI'mic ,-tteudaiiee o tr kyau and iuttig" fracture, two vista, 18. _That on potition of W. G., Ham and lourteený eothers "the account of 'Ri ta & il- h"iam frthe buiiaof Z T inionsa (Indian), coffin, diggixig grave convoy- ing'corps. $10 'That ýth Ouelof .4 fer one côrd cf wood furnishId'to -Mns. Stepiiensen by W W.2Rbbrd lie paid. Ail of, which i' moot respectully re *48 a aoptýd. -r. Rts soode<lby Mr,.,I3oyer moves thit the %Reve grant hlm o crdeY- on the, treseureèr iii farcir, cf the.parties rocom m 0 tereport't thie varionS R. R Mcwbray'seconuded by"0e ~row, mores ht u oucl oler.- by tender its sincor.and lhearty tiianks te George Parke;, Esq , beve, for the. very officient services. rendered tuis municialty' during the. pat yes.r, and ais fo hi curtsey and genaral de- moanor' towadïevery meraber cf the. Board durieg that tira.. Ge&.Gèrow secoudea by Jas. iIts movup tat " aCou.iiclo hereby tend- er their sincere sud h'ourtelt thanka te, W. J'Clsrk , it p roeut editor o the Ilicken eoa W14sevie rendered te thcoumncit und the.gener-: ai publinrepofting th. prececedings. cf tuis czetni' dUrig taie pment year. Mr-.Rifts .one yMGerov,ý rame t liaI tiit COùi~i do net ajoürt 1albe. db -Ne.ws. Ou FrIdsylet the.ira bridge whii liasbeen oreot.dby the.towu tii. COU#tiwes' sun OIolIs wa.1erni- I haveusid y Our IÂD8LN 'MENT sccafnt. D, A,,sê u ~5 croup iniy family. Ioùldri ael ne houe should be wtboüt. Cape Iianb. J. iF. trnGAI That string ouny~grmw Bi homeboitti N'SItM Rumor huit th.L Paod viii ho ýptose cuted for 4.franding Qnebeo c o 1600 It i. th.ught tha theA Dominoo Pari' men vl ot itunilMatch. la BrteiAndTThe Point. Dyspepsie Làdzeadini. Dlaordoeod tir larnusery., -ludistiQnu s -ae e egoF Mhiauan igastivé eppuzatusis one- -the motoomp4iomted and. vonderfui th lu.exitene.Il 'j issiùv put of or -telotougf sOppy O*.- 146 uymntiworty,, ite houri i U"h ;be, sd 6uuy thetlu S9 a*n&tion cf dysopios. Bt Gréeens ##Auguit Fbowor ha.s fl a- wuderw wl voin l rmzng thit "A4 buslseosa ni ak ngtheisla Ot s. h.lthy thtey mcen OUJOY therm* and "b zpy., 8omebr:-No f-hbpplsess itbqn heelil. BtGrewe sAnuffl Flowerhu*ÏngB heetl.hand hîbËtewib 1h. dyspeptic 'Ask yfflur Rnji fora beOtil.. Sjevunty-ftve Foié luge i*raof Joestau ris, ewl Kinêsmos. bae.beeübuned. avell at TUIbtÙy Osntme Wb=u A enjoys the larges'S aie in e worm. i Iouron aýids(me bot Iota 12 anud ck -llr ork do4iq ui ebt sud 131VLte.2t hé ém~~io o- ibeinig liubie undud engin- iwrd, G40. Phulpo.'s, , $14 rer ofMran l'ush~or. re- on wetern ýtowiuine' bot Mark-i â4 Picker .mid àim being one obwi cfoest46.38,P. JHoover, i fr tiniber supplied to çath-, #48 4; H., Rodgimefor 67 6*04 ýt5.36 sud for4 adae After ani i4pectýion they ver. talion to the, Beett'HU w oe lunchù was ooee. & One ,oock the party vent out -on s tour of i nqS- ~tioh sud vW:sitei Hia> aud Publie »Ch"ols sud -the D., &P. co's feàoj". .Theetirë. pakty er vê1 ranch pleàeod with what $lioy eaw id Yugh1y, o mplimuéuted -the. hor on hwscig uch »U effioeout sohool se-. and wu d tii. iwood1 letting ay pr> ce it t I

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