Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1891, p. 4

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B0 nois JOHUSTON. SIsITOT, 0ONT. (ed ses tinequsen1 Ys, feout sncb lopal Theagnut th tast cupanusc. f tiny bruni! on ih ~the nutneer se ts, goen up t Tht Onti"wnuid Save Sud biesu nue noble "Danest aiertethe sity ut the ad, Mightylb use, aud seaitin. ant influene lad .bilncagsad pendi tisutent, Whobskinnroyl tallesuandcirce roud Tyihrace aguut. as planastrund itiesui, Frut Shunt et hest gusu upnias sases But mert5 oly ansf dndy toit In aol the lices f lahr mutituetn. Wbmsemind, or nusce, rnbhe twoucumbined. lu 5SnsuSeffurt wiug the sat-deupu uat Prom the.se th' starsnf lsser magnitude. (Fasn.suitiai-point vesed) but heursuau Ami sesuibilitiesuan keen asuthose. iuenspit, o uintethe suf tane adent ptuysr. w aitntSd gster Eitau, sud thisien, Antikingdutut, states, asticontinenitas es faute. 0f BuitainQussu but resaeed, sine la rseinai, Amndlaid tay ail the gond in udueseet ? Ittlaasuhen yon cirtietlo U rSuesu liuaccent jusneY thruah th uudinc, And sntsiuc Ais, satituard tuent Sd Anti grniespng tinougin ss 110n61gnand gisn, Aud uussy itl-id, adiigbmuucntais top Feelu tins gad thisitiof joy thul utils impacts Anti mun, sueet inctusue iisg tinssugin the Auceuduin gtad respstensthtseet silet But nt alrne fumnturomutanybued. Anti tately Mies, and canatiosu wset. And gureos floral gins of ticbest uinde Andt uest parfue,hume cf crytai des But ruc sncb iuwly tenant of tins vals. Tins ossi-eyeti daisu runrous, vinlt, Ssus-tirup. nnd dafutiti, sud huttss'uup, Ad stee.ily dsnciug on tins surs. Nor abute aluns, but glainme vocal sodu 0f joy.niced birdu front edgs.os. buti n sd de, Ad tet gand, sud hum ot inet tifs. Ad ripina besoin, sudnatursu mydnad tun- la ricin glati msiudy euprss atseir juy. And wly thint unicesal homagugRies T utugnauatea. by fgurestlntspssnysdi? Tinhemet M in aat deep ltof becs Fore ait hatu goud, sud pue,andtlavable; Andi net ftctiss aices, but fue tine in, Tin sunffsctag. the distrest, th sueeuw. stitiobn. Han, human heari, sud huoanstympatlny, Touchast by as pasiafrtuoff tebesnty Giofusllin luwaad and dmedu of test love, Not tn tee peuple oný, but lhrausuc. Go biti, anad sec ber taber mntdenhuod, EResergai musna storusibr qameniy bos, <eleî, sud puce, and tuing. she sdorrsd Wilin gacfui digity lher quiet piaese, Anti duigiloa dughtm't datiesossi. Aud shat ans ifie, sud mothne t uns e bhalngilsd suato te inseettemple, th b e isdmpdeotion ot ber eu And ksan twsili2 hos bigbly buened tins fiasse Of pures anubialltue, sud ioly juy And hus fae hst wsudires a tinsleuu At suce uf Husud. Counnslor, sud Fiend, An aebus safutdaugbnsc, sud utfsso, And otints griefs tent mt br sidused het Bt thesucin tiemalal,lbec tcuist a in le And, ibe a bmuisd eti, or fiowemit custi, Gaswateo otesandsweatserfrgrance, ton. Witnenu tins sidoons eths ar hes miharas And humbe delligsf thesonu otoiut. Hec ympathta ro eadE umaitsn, Aujesashetout tseswecesyw ac, Ta digie baseta, ocrtous t ei eleg et b. .am Il i Iu filcd abD5iti Gsidisg cit sisdoru the afaicaoftStage, IAIdeti by cuasucia oftbe wste and Soui. Aund addloaî lutre, tulie lsuglened rmgn. A mebagosun oit pesye tuehlp Diie; A vagaswiiaievil mnssayed toenti, But useresth Roali lemsosy fuejaus. -Wbat latuhe nseut ycue atoastgcatnsut Wu a sued of BultansueQan by treign prisce, Thesugh in bitaauuu u bquin repusue Shsuent a inpy otthne Baudaf Baraka Asfitting ainses to tins nqalsy. Guod sve thesQuees! Long aabctineansd 'aig i1 And mny ber Empiretlng bc alsSsiy lined luabondsuattrest bherisstud and lae And inouid grest saa-luuds daen e tin n- Cuit tue ustet i sd ta quithtias utei, Or tu maliasinsîutt and egteosascauue. Then Canada. as buretafures oi yicid Hs matit.quta ta aphstd tietnt, ;oo Anti thesuaspiciusu tiy thint petthes bitin Wili yearie sit sitU puSanu oloîy Ausn, os ibis commemutides day. M. James R. Lawe, tsacber at Rttpert Land Indians tutnial Scboal, Mnitoba, insu jus pausedthe usmatriculatian exautloa- tien ut S. Jon's colage, Winnipeg, rase ofthe colages cum>taiug tins Univeeity ut Manitoba, sud ecil peuceeti au anýars course in tint institution. Mr. A. Hendeesan, Je., Oshnawa, bus li Outario tue British Caolubia, eciere ine sut peactice hininpeafessionas sua tawyer. His meoun frielduinuOsuina favorect big iutatinn mpiimeutaey bnquetlier lesvisginee, asti asy au Wtntby jis sn tinseupresusionsuof gaatisil tienendereti. Mr. C. jantas baretureet ram lins Toronto iupital ant i s aprog is healtin rery fast. He appeats talitave tubes the 1rer corsec. Ti@ no glongmcsonduetis hy Manifes. TII ia.bnas epurtinnosti y l" astar, W. b autnsadn pum s te s". A Large Stock w!!! be, kept in Every Lino.* Witt b h inthe tnsCOURT HOUSBft in theoTovssof Vnùtby, on I 'PP I ( TUESDA Y, dUNE 9th, Atth lionus f il cscin f sn o fiecuas0, cvieiaiJtices ufihi 0.11.»:.Jrons motiosud govc a tiiloasearelgy J. P. PAXTON, Sinsif'.O es0. Sburffi, . . Whintiy, My ilti-ilS-i. wsTD- omna te lu srinat abs serpet Weàvlug. fibewai agos sud ntadaEm iosigvn pu-l 2 HOMSS TO SENT. The reuidottos ecstiy uscnpied by M. Jon. Stone, on Byeuu ft., sud sea abs Jannoson nunne Vuono St. But Apply bu J. B. FÂBEWIILL,saiCosurt Mono-21. tfl TWO PAMOUB OLTDZSDÂLB. TANNAHIL SIR WALTEIR, Thts p ofetyutAlsu. Csmtern, A4ihume, sili ssts musndueltc the statincof nfi9n TA55AtLjn ROUTEs. Moutia>r.May iutin. be silI irsves his us esbl, atiPeset s s huintttt.cs Eat Witsy. asti rerainiai tslI- Tad y e iipoet M .conStanstouna uuett utRagln, be as noce tso R. Chla Wstiatuday, ho wiU menaeai bn i. usa stabe. Tinssay. he ulli peocesdt asJas. Msts- sau's, Besskin, fer Ixioana; tuneo lubla own stble, adresmam al ifib. Fcda. s uttanai bs use table. Satsly, e in utpescetcin, m.Gartias las mollo ; hence to0 is ses stable, andtet- sain untii stiiusisig Mauday. Teuste.-To urafétai, $14, tu be Paiti itn Feb., c1892. Iluraniutres must ie b. urard recularirata the inorse or tîsy sili te cinneget i nsanceswhistiniliatornmot*Att accient to sarsaiut tiiof ossees. No scndticae. Geauuotteree sc.. tnuis paid at tie timecofse-cte. Roat. MATtatrSOa. Manager. Mutada. MuY 4tb ine sli la itssu nlaue table, anti ptrmed ta j(n. aitiuu's tue for mono; tinero t uha, asn samble. andte- oais ait ogit. ltorntiay, be wsut peceedtoInos. Mucelunas, Boubtt. tue suas ; niene to j r. Hepbun,. East Wbiaby, antiemain ailinigit. Wedneuatay. be ailpmeeed (cijib. Me. tns,, fico ns lIat Witby ftuemno - thence aui Psremsintte, Raglan.ad resuaail tigit Thaedy. he siti proeuedtito egunns hoîte. Myrtiesation, tue nastc;.tbeacu rtuis usu stable,ansd esmin ail nut it Ftdsy, lbe ell pecoed tc¶no. Dannu, t con. Pieberinu. for sauta ; aence tlu isnlus stahie and emas asaiheoliig Mosda., TcEnRs.--fSaoue an Tannaiis. I ALEX. CAMERON. huoprirtur. ne Dofflilon lecfioni South Ontaio wviii inaudea silmsotsfy, anti s complote "aSortedostne t Ualeaatuuml will aIvaa4heon a a. B. MAI)IL. Bestin t.,Whty. JUIle1,1890. whilst wr are soeey to loue , i l siis servieususuen pastor at tins cisse of tit yese, du congeatulats hiti os théelntsei heeoflneiassnus open tluflm: byB * D Me InviatCi s tec Tornt frnt i ey B M D Mtfis hur orotoslad te Bpuly that hin fture lahues may ins even. more shustiant as lu tino pat. <Bùuooene ta Wm. Till.) matbl» Bros, ma« Caunsti gooti,.-Tumatue. es s oý, peut U 'l1i' pse ,5. esua. a u n t Daci, cileen, ture4c desneti bee, Corneti beef, licet*i 5. per li. and Dred et e, cut osuit taste, nec. lb Pigs tet, casinetilu sauce, sac. lb asti breailat bacon secelvest weeily.U d ra i g lusneScotch muraeteninbhulk, so2%per 0000 PA8URE TO RENT. Ost.la4haatu patus onLot I9,in h ftIldnostonofi inth. Tormat asun. abe pl o THOXAs ABESET ROBERT WOONI & G0. JOSEPH HALL MANUJFA0TURING 00., IMPROVED CHAMPION MOWERI IT, T B SBW AIOT BNTfIRELY e B5BEL .XDMLLHABLE IlON, S 5fot set, TRR un Wtsud8 8TRS5kMWRttiTEMli.Ws ars ot- loriug atit oeprceteea = oes thae c eltiom u In teusarket of ilgialue sud ainspe R1 E ]P.&I REb8. lÊisvLng ougit ailtin Psttns, Tm eDswun e. fuu ioJosopinlat bl, va iBn sockn forrompt doivtryreo$ais v i aouuasd aiieymd ttn JenopinHali Maciuhin noaeMiilisp pt, Cinpion Hoaptisosud Mowora, ayup sund Buc1ienoyomse, 04 MfldHal ill a ws1aoaEngin«u, &e. We &lao houp in stockn Cllud o sd CoUTminfoscOlailte, 4Abvsuo sud BasnasThresbhos Wer spsir Tiesbea,E ,o aPs o syusny ntobo and ftts e a uaies Il maaos udl uhsAtinLae bnifareFackigltatu sd BeuFittluge, Boite, slu.,, t CO uprio*0 Bvrai sssund-insnd Furtbii leucnne inothoongh1yoverlaaulod anti cepaired, gout asu s, nt ifnuit pelon sod.haiud as Mutel sudBal Tineora Sers y lus fi- ssM. InpeserdChoer Mle sud Hall stinea. RA WYmO S PEAH VE8TER Patented 1889. BICYCLES IIEPMI5D. R. WOON a 00., latubhd, BEEiVES, CABS & SECTIONS. William St., Oshawa. New Scotch, Irish ind Canadian Tweeds Worted Suitings, Oir OOtiflg8 tdTrou8ering8 If you want a g'oQd and Cheap Suit cali and see Prinrle, the Tailor. -nigt for a titee menhtri fp taetar nid 201h lob, ami th Marcis, '91. T i hsn l a of eouutry He ciii hetng oat aucargo ut îu ait wîîuîm I îay 1/16 1. live staos bnt, lýetars, Wr wstinM. Abtrat ofieetison pouo b y sud o Pusr 8 1 blilie a piesat avage. boiaifl ut WILLIAM 5MITH, E@q'ea'Yti hCblsi&ýoiW;kte # Casdiatt Bsai cection l 6tasti tb~ot o t re iso bos.,v Clauruit ClaSsa, asd ittia Mch, AD., 1891, su pasrouulsdrti.GalAllrdt id chuch anc meby Jsme utonHtc linsqaiacFinsuisi Bituminons - dirent mi l e bst grlor 8u/tia Rev. Ms. Druaouti. Newcats, Agett flue thnenaiti lüUii.sutmin quaiiîy, lovent priec. 70 prLahedin i. ndrws'churh o So- Pid Prn"gAccüuts.........8 6 85Dinint>Room Suitese, dat, suarisg. Psi esI Public Hall .. . :. 3i0su MouSalt, Lusi Pîsiter sud Pa.i 2 aSusuntstui.nc Bis ...t.. 1aU Theautinaeitie outhlie Mtttatist Tuber PFegaa eupens o anu udidate f5 f0 Water Lime. . Dr 4V/IflLRoom lSuites a coeairer biti thetequaurterfiie l.i-.a meein i dt esryontit 11 int he DUd8t MyA..,181. $145 hm OppositeuMrket Block. î( edaoom 8Suites. tbey evteauedth ie usariaasandcnriatiet i(Ugui) JAMES HUTLEDOR, JOHN BL.OW à N ba sBoosa thfie accattts tasrte year It uas tautatti Finsucial AgenorWiiaSith.boaatia tise spua examiauiotiat nee wsa tanre- Aci a n uldn h mentoin eary tepauluettfuthaieciurin Tin heubvo ian abstract cuthIe elcrtaa lu am uidn n eutai enuso ut Wu.st.itItEaq. d uiatae <anatlataPacifie Ry. Tlepa Co., L ngea, Tables, Tir tssutceutp la-gr. r a s cunofan- Dçmainîon Express Co'$. asti otcer tunsihiave tare aurd, anti thise- ota reprenf1thne leconudDitit ut North British aut IMrehsn-01t ns Chairn, Mimrons, f. à fiaanca ircuirurnsforethbepautinree tin Sou t iig 01 he ouayo na medahave eceaacert i ybng evereinthesRosuteciCummuauf fa Caad,a0C.r and(Canads Accideni o kuonitess st aory ut the Ttberoace. vstemeyth adFiaWAgn.aeO. Moer. J. L. Snmith atnd J R. tilp sers in hMay,. A. D, 1891.a etnofPcr oldgst ap1oinued tea attdte tiastrict meeting i. HRA FERRY Exparesdeieureiland tal te in, sud daming doncs ta ordere netech in slie bediPriti sPueerry on Titurs- RaturaSigomucrs frou any part of tise ovn. 4o senmsudModoats Ftceos. day seat, andt ey sers allie lstrueentt fSuthintlaio. crneythe whlesothie ircuit te abs ap- E.in uU ai rahesunpromuapni pahngcoéecee. Thne meting u.C anot cordIlaad iarnous tineugiasut. JERSEY BULiCti tialymns iustisuIludlice r uý-Tias tis Tint Tunng JesesBuliIB BEFFO" =ry 05 i Bad WIn soeson Mille), lu nus readi- for seieu o L04, UAqTRD .-A farina laboress 0 IllO ' JHSM d~Jeby tchia eshtic tlu expressu cruno. 1 lYbtnra(thes Bilu=ut). wE à arcem. Foul% ,juIaS îtwaLn'Baocx, reton ohlitiersaboftfhe Res 1F. Tacan -Fus Grade Cows,, $00; fr flue JORN MAGNER, 0 M ..ig i.My azgs usu T.bedC , 8.0.-2-I u ro &, -ty W WALT ER.S. LATCHANCE FOR OHEBA? DRY GOODS 1 POWELL & cols. FOR THREE WEEKS Ail must be sold by June. A good stock of Dry Gucods Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Prints, Laces, Ribbons and Everythiig wil be soldt kgreat sacrifce. After lst June wil be sold ini bulk. Wiitby, Âpril 22 '91. POWELL & CO. Market IBlock. CALL AND SEE WM. BURNS & OO'S. NEW SPRING STOCK -OF- -BOOTS & SHOES Special Values in Ladies' Dongola Kîds. A COMPLETE STOCK 0F TRUNKS AND VALISES. Boots Macle to Order. Repairing Neatly Done WM. BURNS &Co. West Bide of Brook Strest, Whilby. BRAZILIAN WAREHOUSE. 0 MURRAY DEALER IN EIOICE FA MIL Y ,GI? CERIE8, Canned Goods, Pickles in bulk, &c. uh for all kind8 of Farm 'Produce. M. MURRAY*- iitby, Sept. llth, 1890. I mena -I. I1týai.U-IWtLUUIWUUU OUI18, -Youths Rleady-Made Tweed 8uits, -C hi/dens Rea-dy-Made Tweed Suits. 'J'E are showing this season Mens' Tweed Suits at $4.50, .V.5.00, 6.50, 7-50,o, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00e 13-00. ýOLACK WORSTED SUITS at .$9.5o, 13.00,'i6.oo, ad17.00. 4~OITHS' TWEED SUITS at. $5.00, 5.50, «.001 6.50, .L7.00, 8.00, 9.00,- 10.00, in long oit short Paiïs. CEIILDRENS' SUITS at $1.50, 2.00, 2.25Y, 3.00, 3.50", 4.00 and 5.00.ý MXENS' ODD VESTS at $100, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. MENS' ODD PANTS at $1.50, 2.00, 2.50> 3.00. SPRING HÂTS. SPRING HIATS. Large assortment to select from. Ail new goods th!& -season. Our shelves and counters are, filled with'. 1 New. Spriùg Dry Goods of ail kinda. im t. ...~ conti- utOntais ( S BEEBT GIVEN ru neneT fJ. aat tino Court of Gnrsi Sesionssifthe Posîs, asuthab floonty Court, lu sud flute n COUNT-Y 0F ONTARIO, 1

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