Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1890, p. 3

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Il Il ~:... i. preparatlon containg ordy the. purent ind Umt poweifu1 alteratives aud to.içav. Tc>o,uooaqayIft provets a veritable élixr of 111.. mrq. -JOB., Leker -Brookwvay centre, :J -î,wrtes.* "-,Iver complintandi iivligest1in lmade my ilfe a burden. ~n1 came near endiig =y existenice. Fo'r moré than fuyearn 1 nuffeïed un- Al agony. I1 vas reduiced aimant ta skcletol, and hardly hati strengh te ra'Pg uyse If about. . Ail kinds of foodi ,.itireqsêd nme, and aniy the mont deli- cate couiti be digested at ail. Within cihe time mentioneti neyeraI phynîcians '".-atet i evitlout giviug relief. Noth- in iln thaI took aeemed to do any per. niauieiit gooti until I began tteuue of Ayor 's Sarsaparilla, which hias pro.. axe tut take the Sarsaparllla 1 )UhI sec au Improvement n Dv condition, xny appetite begau to * itt with it carne the ahîi ty.to .'taiu the foodi taken, my strength pr ~oved each day, and alter a ceu l of faittifti attention ta 'ouir totI foti myseif a we11 'n.fl, ftio taattend to :11 householti .:,. The niedicine lias given ¶00 a lente of lite, andi 1 canuot thx'nlk t;10 xnuc.> Wr', the undersigueti, itizens of' i t- ck way C 01reS. Mich., hereby rert ify hýt the above stat.ement, Male 1w 'ir:7. Lake, la ti'ue in every particîrlar Ai entitteti ta full credene'- O. P. i iîaxnberlain, G. W. Waring, C. A. Ni ilt~r In Engianti, was, for at Atne tmabiof sores on lus foot. 1 h;et inAyPi% A m au ad ets *u ia i coutslued indtuccd bi t v Avvr'm SargaparIlia. Alter uising it hît lewhle, he was cureti, and i s uc *V-11 mnu, %working In a sugar mii B.uiâ'iaaue, Queenaland, Auistralia." - 1..1tetwell, Sharbat Lake, Ont.ario. Ayeî's Sarsapauilla, P1LEIARIuD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweII, rias. I>ice $1;ii btUles, $5. Worth *à a boulê Tire Trustes. U lte Kothodiet chure hbave about déelded On Plans for thre neo inre, i hýikvl oon ire mtbmitted loi' tender At tireaunuai meing oàthý,Cidges. Jale fferse kseoeition eot Iai Mr.' Robt. Beitir, cfBomnlowaa- pointed oueetoftire Direooors. Tir, Sptlqg oht>W cfOUtIbe An.omudau vili tbe. adept the ono.jadge aystem et Mikin4 Pooeptt lrov yew' old rer boqfe sud, 4e.av y, . anu xhap 8>.t~ to rageuts oeth lire ebW. iuggem fao~iu, ire iioare nov boylug tire.op in u lparte ettire oouury. iilnied ëlrabier boots sud- overteosa '.4 valuable pouitry in tire Sýrutir W&rd' on Suntiay evening Mr. G. D. Fiestoher blos 18 irons snd a ducir, wiueir ere ail laying around dsad in thre morning. On INonday merniug M»e. Teury, sud Mrs. Illsbly aielest 10 mo. Tire seemed te ire several doge, as tire traoke wors quite Plain. Since cut last iesuc deatir iràîai a elsimed tue more victime, citizense o our towu, Meusr. G. aud W. Pîggott, viebotir died on Wednesday, withmn îhree heurset ofscir otier.Oe. Pig- got, Whoeias been aîliug for orne time with iung trouble, vas thre popular manager ofthtie D. O. & P. Co., witir whieh institution h. ira been ocoed for thc psal fifteen yeare. Mn. Pig. gottI, as a gentleman virose acquaint- suce il usa a piosure to have. Being of s courteous sud obliging nature, ire wss univeroaliy repeeted, sud iris dostir, thougi net sitogether unexpeet- ed, je regrstted by eil. For sootai yearl ire eal st tire Town Cenoil board sud vas aie 'eturued a. Beeve sud Deputy Beeve te tire Counties Gotan- cil. W. Piggett, vire iad charge of tire Finisiring Departient, astirhe fatoty, vitie net tsking su-y prommnet part in purli 3affait, oouxmanded tire respect et aIl hio e teievemployees. His deatir va. ratier unexpocted. A eold taken in January, felleved by la grippe, wu net et fiant throgbt-to be sroes, but is finaliy settled on bis langsesud in spite et aIl tust mediosi aid could do, destir uesulted. Botir brothere vote pronai. mentMeos-os "iI hava uued Ayer'a Pille for tire pasî 80 yesrs, anti am satisfied I sirouit net ibe alive to-day il iL mil net icen fer theiu. Tirsy cureti me et dyspepsis viren ail other remedies -MUed."1-T. P. Bomuer Girester,. P&. Ayer's Pilla are S6idby ail druggias. The. present ontleok for lamber tins sieason le, beâôtr -tiantire prospecte et s, mopth -ago. -Tire demnd fer ,luauber sund ehingW iabeoee etr vu to tire tat it m iir4gsu lubetnmn aritable te dô uyb.n ro Isoi c noriheru saiel ie anr fouud aonetfollgbtoou owit Ian i Oole of.-t~wi ~ aima d-bY ù report -OllDa'oIb4*,e sebOle-Iti vws Jeoided.ohl4t*,letoufor tb. board on ire saine day au thon.e for th. municipal Ocuoqilin future. - Tins s6oti*à was dëtermillea Qu to comble 1h.: ratpaers~êintersîthemeelves mone iu publie oliool usîmaters, Mr. MOse. was instruct<1 te Introduee a commer- merciai course intbthtie scirool on rooom-, mendation of Mr. Morgan. After àpril 1,iaïures1ento. attondlng - he sehools vwill b:e iarged .a. fof50 cents per mots ll' future promotion exàmi nations'*.*il b. held ini Februuly insetead of Deeember. At thée session cf the, oounti ecneil juet coseada&.motion wau madeo instruot- lng thre railway -ommi-ittee in vlew cf tii. recet vietory of Halton oonn»ty in tire courts reoovening 1h. bontuspild by tir a nty te the HL. &X1. W.,B. on! coditintra trmain anu luidepouxdent to leo the b ti gsme it maus bétvo tie od dBianoee oounty. W. underatand tiratuder thre original agreement thait tire eoupty cau ree<ver in the. mre manner as Halton, but et thre ime of the. absorption efthtie rad bythe Gra#ilTruuk. tire eounty ocun- cil entered kaito au» *gw.emeut raêfifying thre amalgamation. lhe conditions on which the- ratification- wa. made veto, that the rigirtoansd privîleges enjoyed by th.e ouuaty mhcuid romain ai tireto- fore. But Ioemediateiy ou thre transfer beiug completed 'tires.privileges wve ummariiy cmnoelled, and t he tue di- reetots anuily eleeted by th. couneil have net ireen tccognisd by thé G. T. R. autiroritiee. Tire question nov te viethet et the meeting of thie Nortirt and IL & N. W. directors at vhiob tires. roide uer. transferredd 'tirenpre- seubatives oft. simoos couubty voted in fayot of tire transfer. If seoit appeau te , tiret tire eunty nu. no gr'eund for action, suBd on tire nirul4en orcf tire tue reptesentativos muet boesddled the onue of plaeiug 080,000 beyond reacir cf r*cVÃŽry by the tailpayets of tbie ocunty. W. trust tues on examinabion wiii net b. found te b. 1th.ee ueït 1h. actions of tire'G. T. B. Incline n e tirte belief that tirere "s eoaathing lu i."- Wui. Fleming irs resagne.4 the draugirt cbampioneiip of Can&a eto B. 'Pleierlg, Ã"cf ,Baltimore, Ont.~w atirs eeoker vend, a»J, it in doubtiol- d' Toronto. Gm,. ce f Mankiran, or bt. ire obelieve lire eaudefeat Piokcr- ing, sud vs vould no e iresup4s.d'- te- S smtoir arrangd-aumd bb obam' pionship rturued te Markirao. 'ýTire oasof et Luup fv basTv Tovusip, vas broughýt by John Lang- staff, et Tiroribill, té reoier $2000 damages ailegcd to have been estained by hizu ovung te tire action 0f the township authorities in filliag op 4 curîvert on tire soutir et Ma. Laaotsae farrn. A numbor ef vituesses were ex- amineti on btîhalf ofthLie plaintiff. Whoeu Lire piaiutitr'm osmo vas cenoluded. coun- sei for tirs township movsd fer a non- suit, viricir vas grnted, and tire actien vals dirmiaset witb uote. HI. J. Seott$ Q C , aue W. E. Waillbnidgo appearod for the plaintiff, aud W. D. Gregory fer thre Townshrip el Markira.-.Econ. oamiet. &b à- e i do à' âý of biscoengr.gstlou on thei bls oongtegèatieýn. Mr'. Tho.r, Plkslg .luiitet Mr.Win.lfe pu- onîtof a fook of frt$ Ï epvw doge. One a vl Ai susrejojo.vith D. Ȉ~iýiaaiI of Piokerinr. A' boy ft tg l Frank VWoutntheLb. welt.hneWf travlèr, atlaL.fthe- rsnlly publish-, ' d oo %tA r wâ îI a a  *,-'A b o u ntb à Âoee eÃŽP40&ifotrtiromdog work oùt & i4mtAoerila, furuishes an e borate 1 dagarifle on "Thre BepUir-' licis of C=ntral  ieo, inthe matOb§ namzber of PaK Lesum's PoPUL£s, ,vider, Nioas** dcota Bhua are oütibutloà,DfhiîbgIhà atrinsie illl- terest, sa. veikaof pecular -tlmnelinio AmeruWIcî ngmupU4, Oar %lotath artileneffe atra**la vaflety e1 chariug dereriptioi of 'Eioeeiëuâ, of AV Naticu', s :e -sld~tirhe Put Erositon <'bor Q~ioi mas Oansi.bcyl"san ccouai of a .leiparely voyageotire Ohio('Canal; "Ostrich ,. Fatbp"r," fromoetr bird tctire bonnet; ITire Pictographic Aut.obiouzrapby cf a Sioux Objef," etc. Alfred I. Guerosey begins a gerions of hstoriesi papot on Firederiek theire rt. Thre melaisad short,,s tcrias are alvayu a* special featurte of ýtirePOPULÂR' MONTELY, virbile Its pietuires are mors numerous isud exéelient thanf ever. Iam lltle 1knev. but I think I can tiwo svegirt cf a unddton." Sa mnga& prend ban&na 1peel. BitDr. Piere"' Pissunt POJJOIa are quit. as pevertlin meetîng vith sud oveïurovlngd15e55. if yen have r"sh of bleed -te thre rein, dizzi- noes, beadache. oestlpatien, indigeston, er blmnmst, b" a.val Otthebelittle PIS ai oc.o». a dose. Thre owbier iravlng stoieon a&ltire =mOeYP ,Une I4noela Bankr ai Lmncater Ps, hra bem *tued dvu, Au 01.1011isUn 1- Pain neyer- viri>*le for croup teemed a. eue of tire bosS cures for nireuma- bleui lumbago, neuralia. roufî, un app;nis, bruisse, butma ud aiU patu.U; oxtemnaly or internally. 12bepaty S3peaker Wood vas banquetod frY 1i contituent*. Wbeîr Baby wu siclk, vsae '0ber Cast"a W ton aire w a CbI& mo o rtefr 'ti.- Wbea**bo became Mise, ahe'*lig» Casmogt Wirauhre had Chldren, aire gave theux Catoda, The County. Day e.tten day vo read et groat ageu, Wm-Gniuteeetrepocrs- but vc question vsry munci if any tam- tieurseWllbigton Ceuni>' La desi. ily in tins Previoe eau excel tiret of CONSUMPTION CURED. tire Beatea a tsnny, of uhom Ma'. Hec. tom Boston, of Whitevalei lu one. Tiieh <tpyie lsarotIrefi froin rcx e gentleman vil b. 89 yeare old nexi irauanhe aoeitu Ub hndoya sa May. IHis bretiror Noil, sàresident oet hdlsmleun=-ylirefo*ml fasml tire connty etGray, le 94 yeaus. ,sgetabiewlsum yt*o5lif'M 4~ Another brother, 0dm, tesdzing near setcr fGnupis,&ufia Clingvood, lu 84 y or ld. vir Agais .111,rhA1m & U ImutaL ancirer brother, John,,.etfDakota, le78 9 .,dearnr yeare. Tosritgu5eUM; ti;laintsafer ibovins tsted Ils wSn4rau Ramas', et Woodbrldgo, sud i. mMe-. .euztw ewors. -nluM41% 01ua0sof eeuia Giiiivnay, oet VaugiranTowuaiip, are f, tti dt>' tq-r"' kIl kuow " tea 80 aud 76 'yeasuïr«potrule d@-sié 0umesinellv.- «MActe d bytirluMO* anolirt mierl, Mus. Bcstaten, (et asd a desrte reiHave maman sUesrinll, 1 Tovwnship aud Oounty et Bruce, wva. 84 vlsn o ocag e41 bt1e years oid viren mire died, some saon ., 2nurcf~soroalg sa , yeare ago. Sire loft tIveo01fa family - aft b ,,b,,d* ,r"n, 'iet'P -font osonud elght daugiéters-aliof nnù$n54?.Ai r&' ou.' virona ere at heu tunmtal exeopt-,eue, or,@BZOOhc,SOhfftsi'.Y. y.- -vireva in Dakota. HEer iruebaud died "her trouble lu tire Oblate Orarom.r thé *broe or four yl g.-'sb14.Ib0U~O ont sgsIn. yerun d, te M rBoy1saim* otour $oy h oW..ù.- $424. They vers s splendlid pair-Ma'. in< of.or. Patterson does uol1-'aadlO z Sy other, malsdweghed - 8,410pounde un- The 4ab ttb E rl f Shannon in an- eye open for enothor good epan. DB. LOW8 WÃ"RM 8 R "wîi oemmuuioald tt b. AToÏ; _yohàý7 ship connoil tie oulilues oi a.bît o f egW&iUls nbWould 1*0210 ift st - It aimeslu ig $ it-- a aycertainim provemenil ta-. miî*h. , rr' rWeè0 ir~~ T~"7HE H STrARS A LHA ' GaT.neAy1crteeRN I rulsc h Uay Puror NatarIValDeaflors& Tla lanot a SimD or o i t, bothd c whick a re disosrded by replitble physi. Iaaia IW no aé whol worthleaa and genralyVER ND'u INiuff i' OeA&frHspita Remud. M~d permanently Cure DyspepsaIdigetioni, Cou 'N~B.bisI ~O~X Ott' tipation,.Brightý's Disease cf thre KiducYs, Catarrll ~*udontre leu nito f the Stomci andBladder. Tbig is a insrvelOU oescelunseirm&$.00. ' medicine.'1 It rapidly, mees GOOD'BLOOD AND LOTS 0F IT LED TEE ]teIN l IE. TRIse ianet a bieod MI-di- HOPEcueuttmmotagodatis.ls iei. h t suaedL nt.h.e somgtais cf Europe, and Po- '~itU luau Ioompr- _ scrtbed îy tn. mosi eluinent t Phymiciane tu - alle roedy 17for thre vorkL& ultable fer1or y.Urg. ules ~DebiUly_ __ ~Yaa~1 th1a etract from the acleitiflo papers Of Great Bitain and Enrope: Thu)burgsafetweddoaBtlWof ths worfd are London, Pari&. Berlin and Vienna. These cities haue immense pftal teerfalg with wauj!g kumarîty. Crowdo cf atudents throng rihe warde atudying under the Profeaacrs fl rlü& The tùmnowaed ph uioiana of the wrid teach and practice here, and the institutions tire storehouasesof <jea1l nowladge and exporIece. WIth a -uïew of making thia exprfrnce available to the public the Hospital Dady £&. at gasatexpense aeoured the prescription q of these -hoaptals, prepared the specîfics, and although it #dd oeatfroa $25 te $100 te uecure the attenilon or their diatingu!shed' originatora, get,'rIn this wag thqir pro- ,d apeoifics are effarer) et thre priése ofthe quacir patent medicinea thatflood the market cnd absurdlg ç1.i tocure 'y iII jrom a singlo botile. ________ ONEDOLLAR LA OH* TO BE RMD, 0F ALL DRUGGISTS OR OFTHE I~LREnDY COxpkiY -soie rpitos mon M' «ÉA TREASURER'8 SALE 0F LAND8 FOR? TAXES, DY virbue et s Warrant under tireirandl of tire Wprden and tire Soal et tire Corporation- of ethtie Oety ef Ontario, datsd tire Third dayeof Septomber, 1889, oommandînje me ta levy upen tire lands e ctIoged in tii. toliowingz list for arzears of taxes thereon, andi ceaie, ese harei set fortlr: I1ircreby give noice he,tia unlees such armresud ceets are seoner dgl 1 dsianinluoomplisnoc witir tirsAssenamant Act, prieeed te Be4llby PUBLlC eL O TIN, tire saà lande, or se mucir thereef as muai b. necessary for tire taxes, et thre court Roues iu tire Tovwnet 'WHITBY, on THtTBSDÂY. tira THIRTEENTH day of là BCH, A. b., 189, attire heur et TB N o'elok in tire forenoon. part. Lot. con Lots 16& 17 Bk- St. Manochestetr u* pars 1 B j 19,4 5Spart 6 1 Blockr Ai. Lot 4, Primce Aibeat, part 1 - Block G. Loi 16,PzinSn A1beultll,)&srtl 17 -5 Part 8 W Pt 92 25- Amont Contsand Total Pat'd or i. Acres. -of Taxes. Comms'n. Amourut. 'nactd 10 4 100 3 4 1092 6 26 2 89 9 17 445 22 ft 6 82 j 4 62 TOWNSIMP FSGOi 5 4 8 8 7 789e TOWQ"z ? A T ORONT 01 -GAROLK PURESTU STRONCEST, 'B'ESTe CONTAINS -NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIM, PHOSPHATES, -or sny inUisous mateials. TORONTO, ONT. E. W. GILLETT, _ CHIrCAGO, ni" 2879 189 Patentcd 226 862 Patentea iNlOY NA IO 8o 216 46 Pstented ONY0 NTRO 80 283 Il 50 Patented 2 21 6 66 Patenteti 1. WKITY,. Clerk, D. 0. Maciloneli, Paetd Wirtby Jan, 3, Fer. 8,, Mawroir 8; April2 26 8 58 Ptntd Ma> 2, June S, Jul>' 2, -Sept.. 2, Oct. % 'Nov. apDee. 2.: 2 22 6 84 patente 2, Bzimfini* Cler,?PLleeue-,Grsei- 2. zoImNS ALL , lerk ,M.'Gice- 21. 4 47 Pateâted sunGrseçuwee>X ,Ta 4,t!ch4e.. I 15 400 Patetei 8.poir p Yu,:Qcia J. 'W. Buzuhazi, - 0 10 i9 r-atcruted t7,r, Jan 27, Xà 26, aiSjni 8 irago Wofleonlîfg. 0.. part ,, si 5 18B 100, N.part 'C 6 Ji. Poe 256_ 10 G 9, 1i0 G, 2 Pite -170 I00 Partt ria 14Olr ,4 Slth9,C5u-I Ma27,i>'1Y15, JI 0 Lok0:.Bruce, Bae- 28; M.>' 16, jûiyU Sept. -.S xaMr2. Mmvi1y?1,, jiuly', ta Bay Bal- it Êand an tue tamnir $0 lues - nu o ~uore le s i sent t... verybodi ruban 111e ,4 te ait iv shoulO mais. Aak ' I le -- o 0mla _y eMD. t- - t r 'I I s -4' 1' - i and ore 1 - 1 AVMI-1

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