Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1890, p. 5

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-i To-day i. et. Vlitetin.'. dzy. Waain direct the a.àtteion . e serîbèes&0 our du-ne lately sent où ýOuI o1ieYeùpriaoe u -W jl Iproeet, t te. evagrants two lunaties. Thi. spring asaizes vil! cornEz borelMateh l2th.Ho.betJ la th. skating riak a good malny leidulge lu .bowling- bnlde Yonn np mou sAilrCe id e rale , i t t! m o r e Thi. serni.anual mtinig of the. adian preesaAssomjationvil! be bheu lb, ity coUnait ohamber, Toronto, Friday, the Whl4sh muh;Tapies fr igi *wb Wihhfteresslo0,every merabëeôfo lI8OiOtiuwil b. presa" for dis ' b. boys d in the OUs& eweiry recoiorming and Mr. Wma. Calverley, hauqeass Maker aud saddior, bas mnoved two doori West iluto. Mr. Tiso4 vriie novblock IL Ija<JThee place is uicoly îîîuad ud yl L D 1 GNsuit .da 1 hie busineé,ss otfiaruîs.mýaak. in.Mr. Calverley il-et 10doamc * lar~.6gîr bus8iness nov.Si i mv Soinset our ,oreodnîare îe- S aaquoî:od l rté Mo re piainly. Wîe u do enoagi bad soribbliug'for ouie papîr. ~~~>.~i c/ I A n ,Iourne eeI: ttors ue ofienbeh o @tri e ouaï tonne r a&raph ti. cause of oue word we esunot 1 maireouI, 1ATOH MAKER, w.îlch isé probably lise ksy- go tise- item. 1h Je a bmd vind', that biova nobody sanygood.:-Tiis mild vingor bai isd St. - Whitby. the eg.toi of forcing Amne îIo àcrn im àCa sad îpend oceans of moniy, ______________________ in 0eicoring ice. Ai!the baok lake pot are ai-buey as - ee-hives.ihipping thi ~ comodiy. Port Perry is rFjioing, in a negniar ici barvées. Tise neil.*carnival ah the i kating, rin k ______________________ luseltdowfo .--Wednesday, nigit nuli Feb. 1.9&b.. It ise pecred, s griat im- :DAY, -FEB. 14, 1890. proveZDeùt over lait carnival illiiibe - otioed lu êvery way. - Thse interest laeîn urîak* sporgets bis intir i- a X~A LA ONIS. ufficient-gptaratiî Ibhat thier., vil hi _LC_ Nti a àbigtomonSt. Titi Compéitions yl be. about tieseaine as lait lime.: 801Q~ ON "INAND AROUNO TOWN--A Rr r lr' iisrîdlcueo IET OP'LVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED -l.PrsEpito snvmrne BY Ã"HaRbNIOLE REPORTERS * btaripla siution à Doie b ao nl- --day, Pois. 2lit. W e tjnît people -viii ubil' fluanif ye, lakin notes,.-kiep tho eveut lu mmnd sud go sud en- 1' faltb bo'ii pront-tî. joy the treat. - .Thét" Dr'i viaiît ta Paris il,1h.baber vii uhvo ouduringlise Exposition esiould enable el, te babe il sha il u - &()handie bis uubjecî su' upen our hair as sisat aB auyoue ilustyle. ninie oi nGaaa eb .-The aunai weekly'snsation for Ibis, iioese ee i 0,hawaig o leok *u'the on d isuappmairanou of ithe natuaber of hotels bas bien Mr. 'Jào. Faérquharson, insurance agent, six;Tii vii mae 8,60 'nof Ibis lown.« We bave not huard iu isat stage bis bueino8siafiînsan, nor qnret tb. accident whioh befel in ÃŽooci si thon. mucli mise flying arouuid (elr, of Urbridge last woek, las tise shape of rumors about tbm mffir; nIt of whieh vii lb. ondin, but ýfrom visat llk tiser..luilii' wonld rddgi itemse. appear lMr. Farquisarson is somcwiat savy enoviali lait Fraidy nigisl Under the surface- finsuàialiyorly good sleighinig bore, suid Tisoe. Daucaster, Port Pmrny, on ýSit- veto ucooting round 4ova BSin- urday ackta oovedged a second osc iivelyrmutier, ho thse music of againî tise liense actýb.y seliingliqutor * on Snnday viek. Hi got.,840. Tise ountil7 'meeting of the Yousng..nezitoffeoce cauceis bise liconse. Thè, Mutua! Birefit Society of lise licenée inspectur intoade in tutor. ho .U. - viiie b eid . tie rosi- pràoc.cd amainit porions wiso boy liquor Mr.. Barnard, on chi@<PnFrdaY> illeKalty .au vil! as those vi-sosil. Ail young poo0tii ami cordi- 'Tbey an o qneéily guiiîy in the oye. of t eti.th l i aw. *t] lIer of lthi Bovmanville Neye -'On Saturdmy Ilsul oiief -couitable A10c- ti osuito on bis noie lait' wiek. Brien asîizîd Joseph Figan ou 6.ar speti fromi Ilshidiug plni a -drantin .htsrging -hini vibhhiaeing used 'eauhifol sommer sunuel oor insiuitiiag -iugoage ho ouneMra.LeS ,ÃŽeesman'snos., sud by the 'veut of 13f' 00li 88ntofIbi &fi da( a o muet, ruosnied of a Jane scandai carne ho ligbt, and* bs bien ' a that it venlured forth to lune inug rounÃŽd lova since, te the Leti at:di - - Fegan bau had living vsth hirn s-bis st ervaht citizen oaII.d our, ah- .vile vitiost marmimaff&girl bilougsiugW thei marnait in wbich store. ta a fsusily lu tovu.. no elers ou the froul sîreet - -Nov la the lius leboy cbeap goodu. il Bsnov off Ihoîr lvai Frein Ifpiopia vouid 7"nly take ativantage of nI Iw& 'ol uBokSt. tie il, %bey viii uevsrhvie bitter. oppor- r r two places aloug the @&ut lanities la thieir lives. Tise merchaut'a Ga s a herse coula hi driven op need. moneyas-d viii give more than re id, no higis bave tie ocierks fulvalue ho cu1lorners. If thîy vou *ld op lie suow. The oh. ci8l. said il hostie around a litiemore .iively-at if 1h07 wauhed beslvorku t SPBrod lots of flY-ihleeti IbirouRi tie* ýoer. from driviug - op an'I l ovnansd country vs beiieve lievol.i- ou them 10 by goods or pal . eofstiado in lova liegi days couladal' - h. dou*bleti. W. charg'e uothiag for ce. tbe Priagli columu adver- bi eggostiou, thogis vidouno He lu l. Gusîlibas ien ould be worlh hundnida of dollars go, This lime il givis n 8t s oin. of thon if adopteti. W. are .in Gr 2r conceil. A prominesl busl-. gnoat isape- for prning bis,, bovever. Ber 1h iu spesking of it, said liaI if* Oh for -Europe, -Oaiifornias, Britiéh mdiy troubiodvwith solf-esIe>m >Coumbia, Manitoba,. auy*herë e ery- 1 net have paid may e.diral viehre,,choie cf. tbm foloiving Royal to Kr. Pringie ;* asd vecor- ,mil lin..5 .Dominion, 'ans, canard, ' ald net1 bave dine se ouly for White Star, Anohor, -State aud Ram-i at wevi i epbfoel burg Arnu. Pkt. (Ce.,! aisdech e ýmil ?deoê by wbiob momberîs eursion ickets4oi afilG. T. &R. sud for-. l in Ibis lova votee scuring eigu out.Pacifie doel' cooiuh bI- w y sboolamshiou. W. care pot orélion 281h Pet., via 'Toroutoi North'-fut ýr nol Mfr. P. orsany other per- Bay aud 0. P. B.- Ooinilat leipema utsil rate us as -couceitd'oas thi n thronuh tSi Vancouverap icai QE t1 ti ni es] 71E blmse iy are aliug for iugay accouUa ofil', lie Linduay Nar- Mi adrerile, snd if Ibis. skia«- dem says -«Tbee r srm fall n i ls ve ot oîencouragea 1by. h. founti vih uh a Bstemowvilci vil! Drui bey vouid b. uipped in thse pri etimelvie luthé. nae u~o oissyver~nsd bre f iihîcosideratioa. Would il ýnot ého -q ore vho offired neus ami b mach bolter lu havi the -Tovu ,EuÊi. finît advertliag, snd begged u ne-e udir instructions from the peril tels- ordure ou promises le Sireian sdBridge Oommiîteî, preparemn te Mos-e at their csitarvahion, a report cf -worka absolutoly eeýs8amy, hu, -beaS fUsils. Evem'y pub. sud' asi for tenders for the s'ane. >At teospta a ehesp a&. froin pressaI. soins Of the emnployées of the bre la ehopug bs bad unéa corporahion 'are fàlîhîni' 1servante;. but himelf and other me*s-l othesare reporleti » spiudiug a.-'dù Thée ilt rulishie ageucles-, ddtable portion of Ibm time for viicis. robes tbst bave ever ofes- el b' lowa Paya -hem aSt other thia.cor- oo lu. poation erk.' ti in Io it ,n8 lu abolish the officiai, use of . aU1 lan-_ àges .but !English in the nortbvoîl te rri-e es.. Mr. N. F. Davin, of Regina, bis an endmeit tb offer leaving tho. malter in > hindi .of the poople Of, the norîhvest tb Iti stey- may fit therusélves. As latter course vil! let. lhe politicians aI ;ava out'of a terrible hoe, and as il cau- be objectionable tb the northvîst peo- il is quite iikcly il viii carry. h6oDominion Governmerat is sending ba gland for the value-of $25,000 in tvo-rowd 1ey te ho u8ed as seed in -Canada. Il hs )e doue up in t %o-bushel« bageadsl a to Canadian farmers il goîtanideod C al. urne nult-flore than one b ag being allow- s go toeaîch farmer.ý Our Dominion, samI rement la bound ib stick tb tie idea'tej t barley And boor and- breweries areti the Ie hope Of Canada.* A 'fev years vill ties r wbaî a curiae sncb an. idea wiI poe,80l ncntimgine such a thing possible haat a*countrv couldpng progress upon Prel ovn debaucnery hist Hon. ',Mn. ny is, wi lhink, very- Wîmely advocating CUSt business of stock breeding, the Domiinion ister of Agriculture isieading off mbo bre.very ideas -and is' thus killing Mr.- ry's efforts.. Very -fîW farmers are 'er ni to-day vho hzug their hopeq on ey ÃŽnd beer, amd.we varu thern for the lredth >tirneaîl osîltry -everything, euse . "In spite of &Hl warnings and past ext- ence vo can scarcely doubt thali the. Do- îôit Governrnont's action, vii givi a great t to, bney. Bal D Ineolory LIPUN WLlAIÂKgVGeniral iMer- chante, suc'cesiors lu 1). -à. Brovu, dry ,U boots and shois, rooes, hmuse fn- Ilge, etc. - Bueinise vel iokid alr monagi solicited. - IMPRTATANOUNCÉMENTe G. F STE AT TeSpring'po.î righl ais viiigel going ou hi@ rhymeî. Ila.. not now likely. snov or oold, will bolie. r him mach. Il ie quïei u nal .thing it this siaso0,, but uew.sabseribers are teëm- sné in îvery day. The CHERONICLE gîte M.Fairbianks. as au extensive 1S*uc- 'tou sale aSthte markeit to-im"0'rdwa taei o'look. It compri1fe8 bores, impie- menihouebldeffeôte,. etc. *Tii peop-le along- ibe bage-lji2e bad a big lime during the paet vweîk cutting snd deliveering aIthe bsy- a tong in trie from Mr. -dL Storeyiss vooda, vbich le 10 be vmideinto a mi&et for the -schooner Jalmieion. *The chief -Constable h .ad to baillje sirerlai peoplei- o10 ake, jthem shaovel- sucow off Ibe. vaikg, :afteir the nt suvtor.Aillbis peuasion failed ho more Coun. Scott, vho ampearî1 aho-1 think c-unalors may. maki by-iavs or, .May break ther» aIthoir piossure. a: Thé lioense inspecter hbAd Mr)YJos; o0 Mcrd.sumii oned -onFridayo a "Charge of suppling -liquor 10o Mr. 1Gao. P Ayî1rý, whe.îîon..the black list. 'Tbe case 'oted rather bad, but the evi- dîncei was 'not sat'rông enongh t0 con- vier,, aud McBrsdy wvas discbarged. The sliging.,this oweek did, not amo unt tb enough tb permit ivood- baul., iniz into Iown, and consriquently tbe sapply se fmot great enoagh tb ou,- down ýti prie. If à bard vinierdoi2't -ore &loue So .keep pnies np, thé vînt of .sleighing doisa. Porbapsithere may yet be afowdayà& slippig. Tbere is no use blowing mnîch 'about- ibis Bal moral .Choir, nov t'bat il ýil 9one,,-but its vigit «gave a large amoquns of pleainre'. T1he solos-8.vire good, the dùett'sud trio vire botter, sud hhe part~ or. choirrsinging viabestof aIl. :Thé wiole* prog«ràmmi vý asdistinctivily BooCtch, and, rendered in elassie style as 1t- vas, ilt tok amizingly viwelW i thi' large md splendid audiece The choir vas satit;iid,âii autdience Weri satisfiîed, and tbe EWgbland- Club, under vhoîe1 auspices tiîy came bore,V weri sat.îsfied,. Il v>as satisfaciory al round. We *are mnci jilessed to be ahie.to an-. sounèe tlii yak that Messrs.Jno.SBl Lnw, B A., and Thîo. A. MeGiliivray, .L. B.,have forne'd a iaw partnîrship.G o carry on ý'buiain e .seiin Ibis town. Of ibe Senior memb.er of tIhi flrmnotbing Doit encsfl~je bere for mamv years. Mr. Mcoillivray po8@sssqueliý. iesequailytas good,.and gives ps.bmise fg becoming a forwyàrd màan in bis pro- estion. The in dividnàfý mem-beria of 1i firm b-,inu, meu of, the higliest in- warity and profesnionai aqijiîy,, vi ho. epeak for t'hîm from the starI the lar. ai st 1mw paicie iu this district. ,We nus tbîm ievery kind:of pros per iy. roi Poiltical Notes The Gommons passied its sècond riading on :onday ýa bihl t inâorporate the Ora'ngemen e majority being 16. il Grils votedl for We bild md 22 Tories against -il. Its paiss. ig i. no doubt the- resuit of lie .feeiing over eéJeoiuiti Estales Act. ~ We hope to hear of Mr. -Drydtns Dog Bill )on again. The class -of fellows Who run up d down ravines with gîuns on their-backs and ogs ahead. will ail. be readly. armed- to fight- gainst their mttttoners being piaced under ad- ional tax, but the 'cou ntry-ý in general will Lnd by*Mr. Dryden on thjs question for. a tôle iem. The Globe and Empire ýach bas a tune of aowvo, and e4h is rnaking a terrible, loud iiia about it. The Globi's howis'bgo- y VIand il' v ants Ihe Citholitcvote.'- Te ni r's is "Trîftor and Annexationit 1". to zchthe*Protestant vote. Of course lie eple kn;uw either of thenm vouid pulteA ,nd s th stok Ibs yer isunusallylarg , rer to affect a speedy clearance, startliug bargainswl e ffere lu eery dpart et La wilnd this a rare opportunity tb secure first-ciass Millitnery at th~rw rie-1OO L2, 1B0FitHts, for 25 Cents., w FUR-SI, ý,FU R-S,-- FuRS lýôThlnel> arget orcluainadtéiotoe.h stock We ever carrjed -was purchased whien we were..expecting the largèst trade., The weather, nfor una ely up et ur alc lat ons an th m o t o th n i are stili here t' be sold at startling figures. 18-h, 890,> ?rÃŽnlfana. £é;e. i u-- -e- C. F. STEWART. itSokT 700d8~~~~~~ aCotIuigSokTkng Sale, Vhit'e'and Al1-Wool BLANIKETS ate Co*t Ladies' and. Gents' Fur- Caps atCost., La.dies' gea1 MUFFS -at ,CGEat., - Ladies) Persian Lamib MUFFS ai' Cost in"; order to clear off the, balànc. f oil - i er Stock, nd .during Our. Stock-Taking -Season, whioh will. expire on"3lst Jan, 1890, we wili.- sel ver ythingat -Cost for CASH ONL'Y.. UIThis we are-des rou 1fôi( n rer to,'make om ~ ~ ~ ~ M bd e pigGos e ebr'heabove terrns'are goot ,Iurin,, this month. GreyWoo BLNKET at Cost. -- G ei ai"S I RJ.L and.L5b.LER tatI CJU8U ClothCAPS -t. Cst.a MDjREW LA S II~O W s R. &J1. M BOS&» WARELO~E are now disposing of the balance of ~iirStock: at, COST ?RIOE. until Lpril t s sto pring Goods makeroom, for, di dIpctandgeBaans R. & J. CAMPBELL. SAN TA ..CLAUS -.- lied, ahis -dqures.n si,"Ther r oepol ecting XMAS PRESENTS'titis year tian I can. attend. te."11eHisàthle Le "Old Santa," but don't edechimù to do tal assrrsda geat variety of app'roriate Holiday Gifts, in y, Bok, N el and Fancy.,Goods, and astonished at the Priees, whieh wcro 'neyer ow, to lie found, at R. S. CJORMAOK'S, Gifts, 'S'I*t'ble 'Useful, ýty and popular. Tiis'ià, the experience"of me, -:Of our, manyi mers: Much «to buy and litho bt spend, The vante of hie famailyhâad no , - - A bi rnstishouglt popped ûmb his had,' "iDonit fail ïo sec. Cormack's 'Stock," il said;- When ho reacied lie door and looked wibhin,, Our big assortmcnt madc bina gnin, Theno wore bcst nov goods,, pileafter pile,. - .Aud i. feit himseif-conipeiled tôo mil. Our pnies lic fouud voére'-cheapez' by. half, Which pleaeed him soihe bhatib- laugi, There was nothing ho saw iecouldn'i afford, Wc gave hlm Smci bargiins h. fairly roareti. 50 GENTS~ -I.aaleSham fneenan - per IuacuAel-rguit aid adjst, fiîl 1p r 'lust pcMI ment, wr5Aail t L'HAX4 l1pmthb-;ejrý -. .D. subeUto eaji atn.Yuc4aaep5,c-ui c lesat Ihew.tch and if foiind perfectîy .atisfactory and cxiii- a itepresented youl eau pay the rpres. agent tîce balanCé, 54 1 -and take the, - watch--aîhervvise yon do 1 t pay noie cent if % avishthe w.tch .ânt bymail, caih in-fuIrt mî,at arCconpaxý'a.-r, 'SPECIAL-Order -aiaeediâlely, sendiîg $4,99 Woifîuiî ne -anitif ypure fithe- Seast order f.-a.nthat toavn wave ailI gir evozi the excinaive ageney cf y.areCii.ity and send ycii Fre in ail- lion tOthe unatel a4iaîiiahe sample, atîtit of jwîvps±n -.if rings, can inchait arilM2, etc -,etc. CNDA T IL M., R!fO St delale lm. ., Toronto,L. a "SA TURDA, JAN'Y« a TO COMMENCE ON- -C. F. STEWART. C -AMPIBELL.'

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