Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1890, p. 4

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TRfING. ABOUT The remedies~ in this reparation whielh cônst. of very conoentrâted extract of Bine Flig, $3arsapari11a, Stilingia,-sa: oiher, herbse a roots, t ogether wfthl odia*e of PotaSi. sium, are ranked by the. nediotUý Profession as -the. most certain of ai- teratives and depuiatives, Po ssese- ng the power.of removing fri the, bIood those- humoi a nd oisons wbich irnpoverish -itadirecting- thema 0owards the natural.exoretory chan-, els. it is avat îeouiy used in, dl liver and blood disorderýs, Cures >iîmioè,PôPstules, »:otoh: 1&c,, <&o. )yspesia, naigetion, &. a FORS'ALE» ONLY BY JE. WI L LIS, C hem/st cif Dru ggil'st, Medical Hall, -Brock Street, Whitby. * 4~it~ ~1j ontt., .-NLY Si oc K ANNUM. ~itby. Friday, Feb.- 14, 1890. Items and Opinions. The Lindsay Warder, is in a terrible sWeat *becauise temperance lecturers are occî8ionally i4,allo\veq to speak in the churrches 3n Sunday. FErom n the ýone of our cotem's artitie wB have no doubt iL would also.be irad to shut them out week-days as WeILl At.the samne ime it dec1qares it is in for temperance .ihail its îiiht. Tihey ail say that. We are Weil ac- quainted with a nan who owns two hotels, *who said: Gve me total -'prohibition and l'Il suipport iL.; but none of youtf Scott Act, for me.", There are very few.nowaday wh,, have flot hear these people talk. - Speakiug of the uew Extradition Treî sud t, TngaIse Wed t 4 ~ ctirnihal offèeces && at ne eron.f * oren aud gi'rls las particularl> noticeabl t woud be intolerable that the perpetrat of such brutaiity as, that1 lately commitu upon thse periou etf a littie girl in this cil shouid lie able te escape thse penýalty due, bis crime by nsakiug good bis escape aero the border.' Couiderable colinet lias bei -cauaed by pIse singular fact tIsai while ti preposed tlkeaty provides for thse surrênderg -persons guilty of "assanit ou board a ship i thse bigh &eut with iuteut' to'do grievoi odily hart»," no mention is made'of crins Of thse sre obarseter comîittect upen laui lu v iew o-the le»gth of tise duriug *hie thse subje has been under cou'siderationi ia prett>' certain hat auci -omissions hav been mada desîgnedl>', though whât cau i thse nature ef the ooîiideratioh-8 vhich hav led te sncb exceptional resistthe unpartïqa sud iuoffielal mimd is unable Lu conjecture. Kane, thse wife-mîîrderer, vas hanged in.Tc route Weduesday moruing. Great effor t were put forth te save bis ueck, but wiîbot avail, thse Minister of Juistice very properly re fusing te spare a man who had nsurdered hi wlfe lun such a br-utal, inanner. Very faw pe * pie care te exert thensselves in lfaver of bang, i . ng s hiumsu-beiugi' but steve ahl others wi believe tIse Ianging ôt a wife-nsurdtr ahouu, *have tIse cousent of: every rman. A peculial feature about Kane vas that he telerated the advice sud prayers of a Protestant. clergyman * ntil the last Cday, Isavilsg Isopes ofas commuta- tio lieuaIis sent ence ;.but*as soon as ih becsnsî * apparent be hgd te swing, beaI ouoe* sent for *- two priests of tIse Rôman Catbolic~ churcb. lie thus proved hismselfneot enly a lsughterer but s bardeued, bypeerite. His exécution, whiclj was bnngled, sud horrible,* was -a fitting end to, lus career. This thing of liouizing misrdereri witb womne'scéaresses, sud then takiug thens eut au4 hanging thern wearing satin alippers sud haviug Ibeir ueck cushioned - so il won't Isurt,-is payed.eut. If men who would, mur.' der Ibeir vives knewAhIey, vould have te at- - t end a hanging match for lbree or four bours, sud vould bave pisay the part of bigh-alr daucer ail thse vIile, the>' would probsbly be deterred frous iaking these crirules s0 frequent . Let ail such men be Isung*for hall y or more, and lecItIshe execitirinerli oneàt employedvIso \$ au give then tIse poe oe ~ lIseb at'o ugh raseor., Ire.ado death bas rël,enîod frous our midst a mo51 estimable.sud ,beloved citize n, lu tIse perbon of H-ugIs Fraser, bËëf, reference te, which was ýnade sat week. He bad for s pe- riod of ten-days suffered Irons la grippe', Irons whicb resulted ièengestfien of thse uugs-7->The discase couhd net be successfully combat sud Fraser was s nàtive ef thse pais of Incb, Aber-I deensbire, Sco,çtland, where hé vas bore ou Septemnber 17-s8115- Fiuishiug bis appreutice. ahip t10 the trade of. s Isilor sud bis IsealtIs de- miandîng a change of diclmate,, he setsil for America ou Msrcb 2x, 1837, lauding at Hialifax,1 Here he remaiued dtsriug thése esuing summer ansd tbence&proceeded te Montreal, travelling the eùtire distaice ouloot. Arriving tbere dur- -, ing tbe'3roàblesonse imes of tbe* outbreak led b>' Papitneaus, betoek, up arma li support ofîthe Queen's sispremacy,spèuding- the winter lu this service. H1e then proceeded te Toronto, arriv- ing there tIse fcllovlng. sprnug.' There biWs opinions uuderwent a decided change, his sym- pathies being ver>' prououneed upop tbe aide of' lIse pàiriots, wbo, undes Mr. Macke nzie's-fesd- dership, had 'revolted .against tbëe arbitîrary, domination of thse Famllv Compact. It may lie said tIsathbis coursei is "does net, appear te - have been quite consistent, but las Lover Can- ada Ise believe4 tbe outbreak te lie resistance te to tbe authorit>' of tIse Qneeu, vhihla M Upper Canada hi vas not so but vas, b'ebelieved, ne- àsstanc1 ,b omen l ibofiewose arbitrai] conluet was really",subverting, ber authority His views, of erue loyalty -andi citizenship at tbù dîme might,-aptly be descibbed in the wel lcnown words of janius. "The subject who b -,truly loyal to the. Ch'ief Magistrale will neitbîi advise nor submit to arbitrry measures." Hav- ing eapoused tIse'cause, oftthe Reformera, hé, during the remnainder of his life remnained a trs nd tried ember-of thse Liberal party. In Tc. lobhe wasmarriedj ou Decmbver9., z839. Mry Ann Bright, daughter of Robert Bright. Ilroitere he wenît t Oshawa, remnaîning but a ýshort period, sud. then. settled in Whitby in -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t so.l188hrc ve10Brockville and subseque 'ntly t10 Hansilîçin, .enruaing abouta yearat each place in thse business of s merchant tano. u 85o fie returnc<j 10 Whitby., engag- iug for a- onsideritble period ln business on his owu account, and subsequently. enterinz tbe ecm ploymeuî of thée Messrs. Campbell, *iu wbose service-bhe was for 35 years. Shorlly alter h is returu 10o Whiîby,-byt tIe aid of vol >untary sub- scriptions. be gol together thé nuélétiüs of a cîr- liiglibrary.-wbiie l ept in bis sbop. Sub., Sequently. îhrougb bis (instrarmebta'lit, ý>was founided inii 582*tIse Whiiby Mechanies' Insti-. liste, with wbich bis haime was ever aller asso- clated unlil bis deaîb, as ils bouored and faith- fuil'.ibrariân. About 1855 he*w'as clecîed a. mei- ber of the 'municipal* council, wihte s composed of îhreemiembers from each ward and who *(rom7 amoirg thîenselves elecîed thse mayor evasddpuîy-recve. For.l:x vears, frons î8o 0î8i, be occupîed a seat as mcm- ber-ofthe.achool board and il' was largely due 10à bis efforts that thse grammar school and pub- lic school boards hecame ûunited mbnt one jo 1int board.. When iî waa sougbt aItIthe municipal elections lu 1884 10 establisb a free reading li- brary in' the îowu, Mt. Fraser gave 10 tbe mueasure bis warmest ýsupport., An carnest Christian, be wasa a sealous sud devoîed mem- ,ber ot tbe Preabyterian church 10 'wbfch he be- longcd and for wbicb. bis love was displayed hon maity practical ways. 0f ail tIa be.dîd during his life for the furtherauce of educaiioual sud religions intereats, we cau fiult space lo say but utifle. His . name has beeau for ýnearly half a century asspcistcd w iîtIste cause-of education, lthe cultîvaîton of iterary, tastes and- the intellec- tuaI advauccmeut -of.lthe people of- Wbitby. *His waa a well balanced mind, full of Isistorîca* sud philosophical lore, whicb. he could readily command, in, argument or general conversation. He Was just sud impartial in bis criticisma, wtiile h e wenî de eply loto 'the merits of thse wrî.ers of bis day., Unassuming modesîy sud geutlemnanly demeanor wea-e bis peculiar char- acleristics ; but- while bis, voice was seldodi beard'in public. bb was slways ready 10 forward the inîcresîs, ýof aspiring yoiig meu witb kiudly. encourageme .nt andsdvic. 1e was akind and, bntïulgent parent,auii a warm-hearîed friend. By bis deaîb tIse St. Audrew's !Society of this town has sustained s great bas he was amongZ ta firat mem bers, and-bad always a war m aide in PrOýPeritY or adversity, H& i a arentNftuc -Municipal-- No. o f No.. of Aîjuuî lover of l'Scotland, the land of, bis birtb ; ber - iîy ' miles -days mnemories sud traditions were eVer cherisbed by J-as. l3îgelow, Port Perry. , 36 9 $o 6o hlm wiîb reverential respect, and lu a, marked James BoxalI, Port Peur-...36 9 3o 6o degree lie carried from that country an individ- Wm. Baird, Brock. 45 10 -34 50 uslisrnswbîch unmisakedbly poinîed to0 bis de- Peter Chrisîle, Reach .36 9 30 6o scent from the land of "the mountain sud, thse WaeCoulthard Ohaaso 9 28o fiood.". His funieral, which took place on Mon- -S. A. FIlmerflî.lJ . p. 9 28o 35 dil>', "thbmat., was very largely attended. , tIse Allan (Gray,. Scot .... 38 5 direclOrs of thse Meclîsuies' Insîiîuîc, thse merm- Duncan Graham, Miar... .75' Il f 5 .be o St, Andrew's Society, sud of Ibe'Board F. J. Gillespie, Mars ..88- 1 .4o 50 o, Educaîion'sttending lu à body_ý. Théebisai- Chas. Gallowav, Beavegton.7o 1 400 nesbouses* and tbe educational instituionsof S l. GlassfordCniut45o 1 500 thse town wereClosed eut of. regpect 10 bis rneMý R. P. Harman, Uxbridge. .5 1 55 orr Hî wda,. five dsughîers sud one on W.RaSuo .44 9 31 40 survive is. Loyal 10 tthe CroWn, an ardent mno. S. Larke, Oshawa-..... 10 9« 28 o0 lover of thse eOiutr of bis sdoption, full of J. R. Malhewson, Wbiîby l "P14 9 2Sz 40 bigbi expectations of tIse futuire gresînes-of ,n.MlePio-kering .28 9 29'80. Canada, bie bas passed'sway fromf us and we Asa Millard, Uxbid,,e Tp,3o 10 330 sihah flnot soon sec hishike agai n. R. Motbersill,East Whitby 14 9 328O4 - ~ R. R. Mowbray,. Pckeringîs 9* 28 4o A' Jno. Martin, Reach..26 9 28 80i Co. Counofl Notes. Dponsld MeKa>', Reach. .,..6o 8 30 00 AIl tbat now iremnains of whar was o Malc'm Mcl'hadden, Brock.5o _,0 35 00o o ncea iA4ex.McRsc, TIsoraIs...70 il 40.00 P.romising acheme 10Q erect a House of Indusîtry1 Wm. Noble. Whitby Town. > 9 27 00 is a nutica of motion tb appon ommittea.GoPrkrPcern 8 8 25 80j J .Gô as krPikri9... 8- _ Silocal papers lu Ibis, couz*4y have gal . osWeî hîbM 2 euoog -to eut the Co. Council reports eut of Juo. Thompson; Sco't.5 Io 3. 5 0 the CHRONICLE sud inserîtbe wh uîsa-los. Jbomhpsou, Brok... 0 2 4 W, j. Trenoutsay-Rama...40îo 105 349 00 iug, -Thank yout!» oreven statiug wbere they .,TFeoT-h aa,.1' 9O J, r amiblyn, Oshawa .... Io' 9 28 o0 gol thens. Qîhers take and re-writc our ideas Chss.Williams, Jxbri'ge t'p.34 9 30 ý sud notes mb.t différent ori n dpasa therns-off Heury' Wesîgaîe, Pickering. i8 ' S 25 80 asx Wilso,Whiîby T'.20 2,.. honsîenoghlu iv crdi intle Cas TYoung, Beaverton. .70 -I 40 0o Thse Cc. Councilisla snuisance 10 itseif on,$1, 138 00 account of its aise. liera thirty-five nmbers itac ro Iitby pr G. T.R.le tsble-PortPerry, 18 miles,;,,Mauila J nction, attendcd lIse laIe session sud ten did aIl tIse 32;' Blackwaîer, 38 _;Uxbrdge. îown, 48 work. T-iwenîy-five osfed arouud waitinisun-, Suudcrlanq, 40; ;Caunington, 46; Beave>rton, - tii itbe ten could mpake. reports., The.- fi suce .59 ; Gamcbridge, '63; liîrgrove, 74; Orillia, commilîce hadan enormous amount of 8us.._8o Printeia are ouly sllowed hall-ratesb> niess ou hand.anid's great. responsibilil>' rasting. Ibis honorable Co. counicil, yet they eau charge- upon thens on accourit of tIse, recit that bas. far mnore tIss ull-U mileage wiîh unabasbed occisrred in the finances, sud thse remnainder of couintensocca. tIse councîl eould.doô notbing cIse but-await tIse (NOTE-We learo from thse îiterimCo resultàof tIse. finance committees delibera- treasurer, Mr. Farewell, that Mr. Young of tiens. This waiting vas -doue aI an, extra ex- Bêaverton bas Ibis vceek returned $3, aller bàrnse of about $75-par day., TIseunnecessar>' having counted lIse malter over agalu sud find- represenlation <mat tIse coiut> about $700 lu iug lie bad struck tIse aboa rate Ibat mucb on this eue instance alonte. Whsy find fauît. with thse sale ide. We know offive other members tIse Co. Counicil ou this point, Isowever, wben f who are lu exactly thse saine predicament, as te il ha three limes worse sud fifty limes more ex- allowsuoe, besîdes mnileage sud we presumeé Mr. pensivethe way, tIsqr oeal sud, Do miuion Leg- jF. -will find hinsself $i~sud s latge amoisOt isiatuires are crowddfuhI of dismmies? TheOIs le ute r , pocket.right away. -ED, Ce. Counicil only appears worse.te us becauiseCH it lvitbiu r"ge of our personal obervation. Y :county itself, are.being robbed every year. 7o Y. Save $50 or $100 in adverising sevij hunclreds lis are lost. Wby flot shlow the cg. At orey 10 il1 do this advertisingmi the manner ie thinks wil is prove ol the greatest utility. Nothusg delers er. men from misdemeanors more thaui publi*city. GotCe v- At, present the lisgs of convictions are publisbed ë,by cbeap coutract in a*paper which has no cir- te culation *to speak of and wbich values its.space, >- ai nothing. Thus no person outsideits îwo. » bundred readers knows whether convictions are t.alreturned.properlykor flot Every-magistrate t. knows.il ia sale 10 lteep fines if he chooses, lbr- n this sort of advertisîng will -neyer fiud.him out. d We contend that the'advertising of ýthis list of sconvictions should be doue, as is tisat of -tax it sales, i0 theè manner that will give most publici. -ty. It a 01511cr of public benefit that it t soul besobesides briugiug lin bundreds of- i- dollars of fines that are uow neyer heard of." eThere is neyer any economy -in .cheàp advertis-ý Sinig, especially il it encourages robber'y. The OshaWa brthren, are pretty hard on the other memb ers on the important q ues tion ofRm.nt sessionàal'allowance, imile age, .etc. Lastuyear of FLXNeELS lit CotPie Mr. Coulthard rose-up iu his place and charged ýRemuiants_ of SHIRT N S a that certiin members of counci! were -soofbing (N .h ony.- claiining far more than -their' lime em at of AI carn1e to.. He was unable to .effectî muchl by IRen appealiiu t0 Satan 10 reprêve siÙ; but n"ow Mr. Tamllyn takes the malter up, iu a more Bemnauts of PRINTS and -GINGHIAMSiat C forcible style bygivinoticé of a motion he OTTT'1N wil move on the first.day.of the jue sessionR munt f ýIÈETL ILNGTS and 10 baveé a -comsijttee struck to examine each R mlnsU G memùber.s pay-s'heet*,before il is certîfied .10 -by R m at ofC T the Warden Before îectiving bis psy.eacb, member lias te make out a certifleate som.Ie n thing like the followiug - ;- ( I, (j ohn McGinty),- Reeve (or Deputy Reeve) J'Fancy-vvoolI AW~L L S-el~ceariiig out at Cost P, of the Townýfhip of Buncombe, do cerîify that-F t wss necessarily. absent ,from my place of Ladies' Long - ur BOAS atý Costi àbade in going 10, staying ait and returning L disr' from the January Session of the County colin-Lais Fine ±*ur ,C ci of the County of Ontario, begun sud holden M at Whitoy', on the 201h day -of- janruaryx 8 -be 28 days, (sîîendingàa wo weeks session) and i ' T1l~(N~f¶ w ricsàiytravelled 250 m iles (iu a county 9 0- M eus Black. ur C UA±O ,atiJour nprice. muiles long on tbe map) t0 attend sncb session. L des srachan COATS a)t 'C JOIIN McGINTY. L dis' a d *ofal .kid This is exsmined by the Wardeo and -if Lais Gad~ ents'Fine -vur 'G0us ai satisfactory la endorsed by himr, and then theB y'.~ay-~ u malter la ente 1red upon the psy-roll. Aluihis -Meuns'Youths'. audB Y Réd 7 a *0 does fot appear 10 allsy the suspiéion which passed experience bas aroused in the minds of TIROUSEIRS, _White audý Grey BL<ANKETS, Ihe:hon. members, lrom Osbawa*. To showt how the thing la figured we beëlow give the p w mutnetr-fdinto ,Casi.. sheet.for the session.wbicb closed asat week In-explaustion il mray be atated that members No i t el. në*t é ur a g i charg o the Whole lime lhey are away from No B u t/ e to ec r B rg is eetecoming or going. Those",who go home over Suitday are- slowcd mileage if iî does flot exceed $3, wljcb is the maximum amount allowed. A;n member who ýstays here - ovtr Su nday and Motndàày is allowed $3 per day -f J l ,e We bhave an ides tIsaI there sho 1uhd bean iu, d spector of public lreasuries-e-ity,, cont ov, e village,- townahip'aud high scbool. , - rhu sthens ail. Thousands upon tbousands' of -dollarsimust be losîlun this Province* esch year efor 'tIse wanî Of sncb inspection-.euougb te psy, ten -efficient inspectors, to go 'arounti ahd tstiaighten thinga up. If such a plan v ene' in- froduced, dishonest sud carelesa treasurer'- would be -foiudeut, as. well as easy-going aucU:orsi.- A principal advantage from,- baving professional public auditors wouid be tIsaI a -uni'*onm systens of 'bcooi-keepiug vouhd. be fenced upon treasusreis,« the sane as. 00W exista - in- custons bouses, and wbîle'Ibis system woisld be2 moire thonough il would be more easilf on- -derstood b>' auditors. At present each treasor- er in tIse country ruins bis 'books oui.-httever sys tem -or scbeme lbe ebooses, and, in --rnost cases ve doubt net tIse> bave neither scbeme - ur systens about il. Al Ibis vouhd be-stepped' b>' Isviug Provincial inspectors of public tnea.s. And hesides ailtIse -other benefits-,wbich mighî %e looked for, Irons uniformity' sud Iborougb inspection, il is easy te sec that se Treasure - ouid lie tempted te mîisappnepriaîe funda as Is>no are. If- men -kuow tIse> ' are weli a andsd that lhene is a checck upon al eé nta it viii malte -tIse erat qof Iben ooel li ur boose îstem thatmaltes rogues of nmen., -Thse exp'eience of tIse tewnship. of Reach hatel>' bas been tIsat magistrales do net. psy in alfhe fines tIse>'receive fer violations of towu- sbip' 'by-lawa. It ha more tIssu likel> tIse Ce," Tq asury suifra ii tIse. samne va>. TIseReaéh coôincilhbas'tracect almoat $100 of a shortage in Ibis respect te ana single.. magistrate, besides- monies of thse kifid tIsat cannot lie Iraced at ail. Iflà,aiughe townshp bas sull'ered say -$suu loss- froinstIse grasping.snd.keeph, ng instincts ef onej J.P., bew much la escluof tIse otber munie-I palities ont?> One* reada olflues being insposcd' even>' day lu thse year. And if:tIse townships iuifer.se mucis bas this vs>', boy lait vitI tIse* couuty? . h is, probabl>', thouands aI dollars eut in tIse iast ten years. Nev, this could al lie stepped. , Siuuply adycrtise thse lst of con. victseus tenlimnes as- much as la, nov the case. -Thse Ce. Councîl'at the prasent time merel>' bas Ibese convicions publisbed in the cheasea s pomsble, as a malter of legal formality, vbereas il, la a inatten of tIse utmeat importance, botb frons s fluanciai sud a imoral staudpeint, lIsat convictions should l b.videlv publisbed.. Coun-i tprnutiug la aas gooti Iroinseue source As su- other, but important advenlising like tIsis shenhd. blei vIsere it -wiilgive the mail goad, .Proli. a3y'eyeiy îuuhcipelity lu Ibis ceunI>', andth Ie WHITBy DI~r &OÃ"JDS I - -.1+- o r Tos uring BRC Jost- Price.' NTLE, CL OTHS at Cosf Priec1 munants of DRESS GOODS aw Dost, price. ÛOXTTONS. at Cost Prie 'e. ]?ONADES at, Cost Price. ants of AI-Wool TWEEDS ai rîce.an UFS tCot st. priée. ls wi]1ll be-leared out a )VERICOATS' iReady-Mad TIE-DOWNS, an.d al Corne Earfy and.get vr /ý..e - F ITAL IAN ChritmCrocees MATHISON BFeS. L 0;4 Boots; Shoes, -ITALIAN WAREHýOUSE, teetnkrab Dundas Street, - Whîtby. NE G I-I ~ I .1 Lfl 3 ? ChIdren's Tan-colo * Boy ansd Girl's strodig Ladies' Tic-ec Be meérry ail, be merry aill Ladies' Buttonec With Islly dress the festive hall, :--.»Lties~ Prepare the songthe feaàt aud caîll. etee' ieSie AWelcomneMerry Christrua.- - -es utndo -No Prices Lower oeujoy tinis festi*ve season' -thoroughly au oo oue iwes- shonl'd buy thefr' Xmas. Groeeries,' Flavorings, Ma-StogP, e aga Grapes, Apricots, Currauts,.-Ca-ioriaEaporated rn .t R Craubnia Cryst alie tis e Thre-s litte doubt tisa si, asus e rb s, O ranges, ar iz i.,ias g od as any, ai peus, Sugaris, Coffees ,aud Gauued ýGbods -front e heapeast in this district. - TOP B00TS.-ývIeu's, $1.60; Youth's, S1.25. LAOED BOOTS.- M 'Boy's, $1.10 ;' Youth's, 90 THE PLACE -TO GÈT vouin-11; ile $'0 TRUNKS AND U DSSeveuteen -Trunks freibut- another sa S8TABLISUMENT; a- Ts et u fHITBY. - - Ieblneo Win tern an --sd Leathier is now (D - Clearing Prices. l f yo our Ladies' $1,00 Clot -is the price. One-dol]i - -~$1,0 lth Gaiters. 1 IM Buttefled t0 be had for :. l elt Top Boots sud * - M est any price to clear ~ esat 40c'. 'P- If you Want 137ota I -~ ly, neatly and chbesply, sBurngs. Fi ne or Co-ar8 E 1--iorderinbany atyZe de8î k - inltpper8. -Kip Boots t-The Oheapest Stm. BROOK STRE h F I r, - -18 AT-' MERCHANT- TA IL OR/NO E, DUNDAS ST.., w <ô ~ L~~I.U'mm - E III. 4~AOÀ~ ce a~jp> O-mu-' c, Saine evangeligs front Ottawa have lately been. mobbed tvice at Huil Que., by French Canadians. A Mi.Mrce did met *attempt >te. stoptie et o pnssthe niotons in any Way,IlMr. Chrtn brouglbt thse niatter UP in the Dominion ParliaMent on Weduesday. As -tIse politicions feared thse Frenoîs vote. C-o. was sat upon by botis aides, Neverthele',s he-wan ight. il, is sure, and ne, are, other people,:. that Mr. Mercier wili ever.psy any -attenj. tion to the matten. A - - ~ -'- -~ - - - -- -~-~- - w r-, * 't 1) a I I DU Nm DA-Sýý-..ST,.j

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