Mr; Jss, Eokptià Ãà ic.seInspeecr for Bait York$ laid on ou*table a gem. bluation SpplPe, %or sixdistinà t NpplB5 grovo inte oone, reîeeabliug lb.e growth et soeateatees,,te whicbit beau a strkln reesulane Apomologicil scieutisl mlghî deseribe the theory o!. is formation andw-9 bave bira te do @e.. I, bowever, la srotuaikabe fremk cf nature., SOM'i fermer. are in bopos thst wbeat viii go Ibisyear au higI as 81.25 a bushel. Whou tannera gel good prices 1h. timeî are alvaya botter, ltis vbcn ihey-have te draw the purs. stringe tlht liait other classes suifer, sud es. pecially s0 iu quarter. where manufac- turing is ouly carried on te saIimited extent and agricultural trade ie almosl tue only support. Limeue lpectors Hastingusud Dexter aurprzaed a Piekering fatmezr at the catlle shed@ on the exhibitiln grounde ou Wednosday wvile he vs. dealing out vhiskey te s number of mon. The Inspecter bcok possession cf his lin can ef liquor sud Friday ho vis inin luthe Police Court under th. namne cf Chartes Lyndae. Ho vas con. vioted of sellng liquor withont s licence sud vas fiued $50 and coai or ihne menthe. Upon being çonvicted cf s simiiir offence Mary Wilson,' alias Ossoy, sud R. B. Ooursuey wero fiued 850 and cot or thîce menthe' in- M.A..Colins, vho la employed vlth Mi. Wmn. Grant "Riggt'oot" farm, 101h cou., Markharn, at vili a serionis acci- dent Woduoiday th.eUîIi in8b. Uc vas feeding the herses in the ovcuiug sud goiug tb a &Il tld the hoee l stand over, aItue samue lime etapping il on tle ftank yul hie. hand. pThe herse kieked, itrlklng hMm lu th. face, mak. iug a terrible fracture cf île lover jav. outting th. fao. very Mach, blaekiug both eyes, aud leavlng a nuai'out te th. boue fourinlches long acreis.the cbeek aud ohmn. The lover jmv. boue i. brokon lu Ivo places, a large piso.e cf It beiug smaabed off eue pari. Under the o'aesrocf Dr. Kuil ithe inurcd min la proiperlug as favarably as eau hoex. peoted.-Effoonornt. IPICKEKING. Mr. sud Mrs. Gao. Long, ar., reatr. .4 frein LIeirMichigan-trip Friday nighi. Wbeu lbe.bManiteoub ibitwvs. ai Torento the Gloe. ent luto lyiteries Qver somae sil foel asparaque. Mir. Jas. Audrew lb. oller day eut aal5k vlb meaaured 7 teat 8 luches. *Laudjlord Gordon emtployai! a nev bostter tle othcr day wbo nuet haye drà pped from îthe elouda. Tho firt hese ho biilched op vas plaood belveen il. 'shaitl; vitI ie nose over île dash. board. Mr. Gordon la eali inluquest cf About iliiOsmeut)'. go Fred Logan mailed a latter le (3s1.utia; mals, u'i1h a reque$etuaSitil horeturned via ffopg Rong, Chia. The latter teached lihe P ickerlug postoffio-tb. other day, hav. mng gene oompletely arouud'lie vend lu 96 -days.. Il vas supposaid te go sround lu 90, bul vas delaà yed somelov. The latter looks quit. ordluary, but Ih h..beon lu soma quesu places, sud lu Mzany difftent baunds un.. Il santad. The postumuter ai Calouilla put a e Morley mButson la oui.o! tue mont un fortunale boys - tb a wl'ave luoui miil Mnly astion' o09, il udt- - là ip*cf 1 èO&Me Of Ãau's0bulingÃŽh&l Ilv. il oomd n m s o mmoloawoolad hl<ibs cuslwMd lu mutid i idoc- ad.. Tonb. a.iboin-hd lu 1* seuh baIsi ~mtpao vaou Ã,$Monda>' evan- bug, ve oti f i.shoot feus. h.a mfrt 11I vlenlty of asadembeut boaihouU. The. ballt i ooked $ho »pip seultf, bit uiih,*a .pas on 1ood6in wâof là ïstadén. waa uunrt, exe4t, a op'It o eu o1 Io y hlm, Wha4ý-tbe' et othe ehc*tan 4enzOdy opidiviuo Mr. Lawsoti beuga jltsuad infdfeÙà tve man. Who*ha.utic enemiest ho ha , avare cf. Ih is ihoughê, possibly" ha wuas misiaken for some other person. There i. noe nete .discovery cf 1he would4>e magasin. For the past year a quiet, unassuin- ing man by the name cf Robert Smith bas beeu working in Oriliaîlu the build- ing lin.,and il appears that, alihongh Mr. Stnlth in &B briiklayer, there t, moi the slighteet neceaiiy cf hlm fdilowlng that, or any other avoeation. Ton yomre &go ho w.. si resideni of New York, sud had juil turned his majority. Ris aloi>' ay be smmed up a fol. Iowae: Ris fathor, a rich brokor, had given,hinj a Univeruity education, and had brought Mm Up te foilow the life o! a gentleman. Everyting vhich eould conduce o te Le leing cf hinseif sud only brother had been attended te by fond parent.. But aithis-peiiod, Ro. bort, 1k. masuy other yonu men, teck it int bis head te fait in love with au estimable Young lady, Whoew vasaIllt ho ould desire. But ah.e va poorand when hi. father hoard cf the affair, ho gave hie son te understsnd that ho wonld flot appiove cf the match. There was a sormy »oene, and youug Smith wuas old "ht ho could look oui for hlm- oelf in case he disobeyed his parent. The youug lady was told cf the alterca- tion sud @h. resolved lo have uoihing more te do with the Young fellow,, se that bit prospects vould net b. blight, ed. And lhe ond cf tue malter was that ftebert deoided te, lesvo home, and bis father made him a presoul cf a con- sidorable enum. The prodigal teck a solemu vov that ho would nover darkon hi. fathie r'.ci gan. H. vent te Sanît St. Marie sud stayed thera long *nough te ztomSU ab i.smoy, tue mcii part cf vhioh h. sunk inte a brickyard. H. vW« inexperienoed and iis act vau laken advantage cf by he mon wIe duced hlm te tle dire neoeuiiyW vorking vitb hi. bauds for a living, somolhing ho had nover ibntemplated sud whichhoh. vU aimnt unpiopared fer. Il lad te b. don., hovever, aud ho secured a job laboriug ou a building aia dollar -a day. H. nover cuis theugbt cf appealiug te hie parent* for aid and stuok oc hie hord iaak, tilI ho had learned 1he racie cf brîcklying which hbu h. orked ilt vhen eppor- tunity avor auce. Ho lofst1h. Soe sud drifted .&round the Province cill luet spriug, vheu th. reporta cf Orili'a boom, raochod hlm sud ho de- iermin.d te onte boe. He lad been vorking very îadily iu town al suto. mer, sud peoplo aaoqualnt.d viih hun, ap.ak woil cf him. Ho lm resseid everpono yul hie rofefud vay c alk. ing sud bis gonerel good breodlug. -Hle is .1111 ummarieold lookod forvard te a 1f, ot baïd, houeent ork. But tue fates hsd d«eod th"l aM sdi.lot vwu te feu teo hm. Evoîsiuo. ho left. homo, Ia faier Ja. regrolted hi. do. panture sud mode mauy offrt. le, find hlm. »'lualy about ivo mouthea mg ho board ihal hi. unou asiiiOrullisa he vrole him.saiouehlug latter, asking, hlm te con. home and tergal the paut, diii ratura* thrme--vwoaka age .to-ay. The losbouhat -sottés Ȏd illd. to clo tsa&ouhrvis.iidp aa io le ape ~.nt bfr an.dal for 1Sov York, vher, obpri *ni tako his. formerpositio n ubis taea bouAahomld, sma h.rit i. le b. tua~ ~ ~ ~~I friprdaua..t is oou- Meol. 'Pur o! i the es-v J.A55D5 iJ5UKTE~J 11e habitai pu~ va cannl* vitiabolu gruet vole. et ~à i' ~ ~sesumustya ,ass'.iu neOODU - ~ 15 "a 55r- UVE51 M , romea -«V. 11. 4f. ALLxN, Bui.DILLON, sud many others* Sold by dzuggista. The excursion party of Ontario fermers arrived et Deloraine, Man. National PilliareT a mild).nwgatiAie, acting on the Btomach1 Liver and Bowele, removing a4 obtructione . À large"s kbalcon, its oar desertea. aud driftmng, was captured on Cumberland hili, Providence .B.L, Sunday. -CONSUMPTION CURELD. Au old physlolan, retired from practie, having h"d placed in hie haude by su East India misuionary the formua is!Bsimple vegetable remedy for the speedy aud perm- anent cure o! Oonsumption, Bronchitis, Oatarrh, Asthme aud &Ili Irost snd Lung Affections, aloo a jmoitive sud radical cure for Nervous Debility sud aIl Nervous 0cm- plaints, siter ha uutested its wondorf ni curative powere lin'Ãhousands of cases, hem foutit hie duty to meke it knowu tc hie aufferlng feliows. Âctusted by tht, motive and a deetre to relieve human uuflering, I wMUsend free cf charge, to aiU who desire it, tI.e recipe, lu (hermau, French or Bu-,ah wihf i directions fer pre arlg udlng» Sent by maillby addresigiwth stamp, nsming thim paper, W. 1. NOTrEs, 149 Pet... W*' Bloch. Biyheafer, N. Y. To whom it May Concern : TOWNSHIP 01?SOUGOG. Notice la hercby given lu accortiance witb section 5u8 cf the Bevised Stetutes o! Ontario of 1887, thatt1h. councili othe Muuicipaluty o! tue Towuship o! Songeg lu the Couza: cf Ontario, prop ose ai a meeting cf the saidouancil te b. held in th. Town- SMip hll, Scugog. on Sstairdsy 1h. 201h day 0! Octeber 1888ai two o'ock p. m., te paso a by-law te stop up sud mll the folleving original allowance. for roade lu the ai Townehipo! Seuo, i The slowsuce or roed nowu as the town lin.e xi.ndlng frein tb. northernlimlt of tue puepit rosd northward te the shore 'cession formerly- of Cartwright sud 24 lu tue 8th conesson formerly- of Beach, - c=epting tuoe.portions where tbe sane li rcsdby th. centre roed snd oduur cross The allowance for road between conces- msu6anl froning on lot2., The sllowauce for road betw.on tue 6th sud 71h concessions f rom th. centre road emmivard te .tewn .. The allowauce for road betweeu the '11h sud Sili oonoeessons frein the town lino eastward te the centre et lot 2 lu tue Mt concession. The allowauce for road between the '11h sud Mt concession frein tue centre rod eut- ward to he tiownline. - The allowace fer ruad between tue 8th s4d Mthconcessions f romthe centre road westwsrd te the town Unei.. The ailowance for rend belveen the 131h sud ltth concessions whare ht crosses lu frontlof lots 10 aud Il. A&WaIeto ste pup a"sUd rlrasse the allowuoe for rond iono as tue town lino betweec loti lu the eth cz 0 uIn Çhrtwright snd loit2% là ae5t cn formerî'Beach. The allovance for red between lots 6 sud 7 in the M hconeession. : TheeW allva for rond b.tween 7the '1h sud M8th coosionsfrom the esiteru unit o! lot 8 eatwsrd te the leke. Notice tniiereby furtier gis-en te any person or porions who do net desir. lh. or.going or auy part o! the foregoing show - sue for roads te b.e lc.ed up sud mold or les.d,' te mske knowa ibeïr objections te, the a e 1.aforeà ld meetingo0focunaiL By order of!the ocuneil, JOHN FOY, Clark Township o! Seugeg. Deted Sept. 241h 8S.4.. 'CE4 Ç-> :110 -Ouma "Clebiissno velaaPted tchilbumtbat1 ireomeuendiauupuulortoanyprescnlpticsa tnowu ta me," I. A. Alcaxt, >L'D., 111 BU.Odoed Si.,BrOOMM. N.Y. * Cs.loeta cures Colle, Oc.mI!pstloa, * Sean Stomach, Dlarihoes, ~nctatIon, * Kil). Wonun5t givu ilespi sud prozact dl. ~ on, * ~ ~.dloeU~ T.ZTm VE Va I'uaT, 7Murray Street, ,y.. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Bchool Thoroughly Equlpped for Business Trainlng. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSBIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, 1 BUSINESS AB1THMETIO, COMMERCIAL LÂW, SHORTHÂND AND TYPE-WIRITING PBACTICÂLLY TAUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Bond for Cireular. Address. 27 C. O'DEX4, Secret ary. A. Positive Cure. 1 A PaInfless Cure.- FÂTSFOR"ý oXr 0 AitÂES I, Epà .,. siMd Overwwok. Who are broken d4o" fromà the effecta of abuse vM iftd lu No. 8 a radical cure for nervcal d.biJity,organic veakues., invoiculay vital iosse't0. B7Torm 'uwmuN& o BuLDB» uUx-Wanitocf nergy, vertlÀowaotof PuIrpoe,- 4ine.. cf slght, &version to scciety, v5tnl of coulidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, lieitleasneu and -inablliy to lix the attention on a particuior subject, eoadcdepression of,'pspirtddinsss, 1cm o!. snempry 'exctabllityof te per e- maoeheor les. cf thsminai fuli-41a res -t tuefabuse, or, marWtaeme*Lno. isusy# iniiutrition, emaciation, barrennems, plpttion cbf the.herut bystsrlc'e l nl habit, oftentimes lnnocentiy aqquired. lu short the spring foilfore iainglot s tesoevory function wsnes la consequenca Sclentifie vriters sud esprttunp cf= Inasylrnin nule inaacibing te the effeots of self-abuse the greatmjoft 1c wasted lives =hch Cômne undar Ibeur note. If yen are Incompetent--for l.ardus duties of b-utir, lncapacitatsd for the enjcymlents ofIde, No. 8 cfsa's an escape from the effecta ci carlY vice. If yen are advanced Ãa yeaz%, No. 8"vi1 give yeu full igor snc srnt.If "nu are broken down; physlcally and imorally from early indiscretion, lbr* reait cf i - orau ce =n4 follyi seed your aud 10 ienl stamps fer M. V. LuBow's Treatî%A ' un Beck Fortuson Dimseu f man. Salec au&ecur-from observatIon. Addrer,%Il clunmunications teoE.V. L1BON47w Iin at.ETrno A men wiUic,aGt m.sdom i ves ini a foo?, pardis. cuïisCUAJAJII NAL 1THE SIGK. APermeanent Cure..1 -esatcure. "w The trcalmnent et many thSaudsOf of those chroule wcakuesmesanddL br' affments -peoulilr to females, at the Invsiljl Hotel and Surgical insitute, Buffalo, N. has affcrded s,V*aet Olperlencein niclccye lng snd tberoughiy testlng rernedjea for cure of woma' poliar maladies. Or# Pierce's arite Prescripie la the outgot oOr rsut, cf this eaet & vuabre experieuce. Thoulsandaoreti niirecived foapatients and frein clans *1haveteted Il luthe mr at n sd o fut csswh had~'~ their akili, prove Il te ho the moat wonderi remedy over dcvisecd fer the relief sud cure oufferlng Wounen. [t 18 net recommendes Icue-ail1" but as a most perfect Speci- wotmau's pecullar aliments. Auis porerfuilInilgorating loui It Imparte stren&th te, the whole sytf sud te the wemUI sud its ap4pendages - eartlcuiar.,,For ovcrworked, 1'wcrn.cut run.own,'dbilltated teachers, MlRMn dresinakrs "hop-glrls," houi keepers,nung mothers, sd feeble wor F nerally, Dr. Percc's Faorte rec the gete stl on en nqs as an appe lgcrilandretrtv o Au aiuoothlug sud sire agin nervinee "F'avorite Precition" là n quldana la luvaluable l inaynsd sU du nervous oxcitablity,lrtaltye on, prostration, hysterla, svuMsaBM other dlsUreln, nervous symptono mouiy attendant upon functIonai aud orgu disease of the womnb. -[t Induces refresib sleep sud relieves mental snxloty-andd spondecc. *Dr. P[eretms]Favorite Preeriptie le, à legitimat. medlceinet carefu cempounded by an cxpcrleuced sud akiml phyuiclansd adapted to woman's dehea organzaton. It Ji purely vegetable lu composition- sud perfectiy harmiesa inj cifecta in any condition of lbhe systein. -7 mornlug sickues, or nausea, frein wbatey cagse arisiugjweak stemach, -indigestioni 4: pSeia aud Iudred symptoms, île use, insau des.wl prove-very benelicigL- Faývorite PregcrlptquS 99laus Poi IVe cure for the most confiTlicated and-< stinate caes cf leucorrhea, -excessive flovit pan!al'menstruation,,unnatural suppreusioi prolapsus, or fa1lInq of the womb, weak bia "female weakziess,' anteversion, retroverlo bearing-dôwüi sensations, ehrou2le congestlo lnflamnmatldn asutlceration orfthe wombi i fiammation, pain and tenderuesa in oâvin accempanlcd wlth 6'internui hiavt. Au a re gniator andi pro:notcr o! tu tiens action,4 at-that critIcal perlod of chaq fromn ggirlbood to womauhood, -"Favorite Pj soWpln " le a perfectly safe, icmedlùal g and can pouaol odrs Its.[ equaily eflcacleus and valunl»c lun118' effeý wben taken fer those disorders sud( derans mients incident te that ister sud nost critil perlod. kuown asý" The Change cf Life."9 6"1ravorlite PrescrploI,99wheu tak ln cenneetion with the -use of Dr. Pler« Golden Medical Dlscovcry, sud- asigiaiet 4je@e cf Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (LIU ]vrPlIa), cures LIver, Kldney. sud BIada dimeesse.- Their comblued,'Luse- aiseremet blood Italutan sd aboiabes esucerous et sorotulous humerta freont tue.e ysteuL 6 ]Favorite P*.osriotlain»9 la the oï rmelne forwox4 sl, ydrnýgglsts, undi la ilverarateeg frin = , tbtftnwJU gvesatisfaction-ftheva Muse,-môneYwW be refuutded. Thiaguana tee as eenprînted ion, the bcttewWrappe mad ùdalwfléà rred ont - for nmny yew For largaiiutaedTetlénDiséasâ 'Wcmen (M 0pages, ppr-oeed), eeud i lodi2s lit. yMmii suIto - GO nStUVP a ig,N forInnt dO tdf. ION. "RED CAP" RaUwa~ r riegt Bailcon Ascension at 4TUOUS&» 1E. TiAW, ;. 26.-Tic bal gulid DL, t s teimsi&0- lZon -vas ?utly inflaled a&W 1 ., sud theo core0cimuna-1 hlingiltoilthé eartiloJt - a~ic ulY, al oept su ua yong Mau -named Thomas l Ottawa. Juat 1ev hi ceon uavr i kueun, -but vheu Ãaid of su WMevW a liman $ouugte ecanvas, sud voila. oued ton help. 'Up, op oeils erafi, sud sinong me sr4elb scene. The oiling*m frisa teýt wes is legs &round' daut roes lesd ing frem 11.1b île parachuteý but vas unabti sunduot unhil a bigît oft-a foot or mono dld bis bold tee tle poor fettew came dcvii t _daath. Whenhltlgo hi. came fer sons distance with »oad 1e groùnd, thon fi ovor ou biB aide, sund vas plai dravlug bis arn acros bis fi lu ths acte! iurbbing- ile pe fron hbis brou.- Turniug oves face dowuvmtrde le dieappus vicw sud was found a, few attenvards lu a field adjoininl tiitiou. Tour correspondu yulh Mr. Di O'Leary, Inspec' minlon Police, voe s mong il vlew ihe romains. The n uuanlayonhis-back villa1 eùitstretchc'd, sud loôkcds I died a naturel dcath, there1 miarksi-oùthe body cf any k 'was oxtinot. An- T elaminaîio broken sud tue bonea efthte armeammcii îmaslod te aton The unfcrtunite young ma son of -Mr. Wendsof , i Works Departineni, ubo, 10 specied bon.. The body val te lia -home on Clapet stiet Fxqpthe lime "t:Iai l I va. 82 seconds, takenigiyaseb ou tle spot. -TIi. vii gi voa the-,h]eigbt'ho vaw li hisin Wllhims*as .lntervmiev e your correspondent ngri affai*r. -si oallod eut te lint Professer, fo, ltlgo: -au -0*ou-S bon stanied, ,*hentuwh there, butlail hole,,i&-vasteo i mud give ne a' gri uith1 whi leliikedfioeel>' viti Sdeatuliko Ã-tnaal&y. a terne! ile, balloon> vian- i. about fittyfedet acre sud Il v*as about'tv*enly fet t me sud- vas -n-vy-fi_.ste lu