(Peope whà do notsandlu thtp&1ou0uI about çmnnoilisfor ibemnelvea'or thotr - Mouds, sbeald -»t foot dissppointe4i>J agevel if uhey don't adthoa l in t 'as.Wbave ne.ither lime m»r dI*pcs 9=0 à a &Uthe raiung e oumectea -*ith Our pîmnoma olum&i) Mn. Muroey Farquharsom, Port HopoWsi boreTueaday. mul' 8 daHatoh busgoue to Tonouto toa enjoy th. exhibition times vltb friands. Mn. Barker wssadIdisy ibis week sud addresi a meeting held un the interestn of missiofis. Mrs. Chanceler Boyad 'UdiuhIer, et Torontio vers guests ef Mi. lrkron Wednei&ay. Rev. J. F. Barken vas one ef the speakers ah uthe reopeniug cf th. Claremont Baptisi charch Mouday nlght luet. Tuesday lht, aferspeunling ivornontha' holiday i L MWndsor sud Detroit. -Mr. A. A. Pest han been devu ai Boy- mauvilis aud han undertaken the erootion et thehr neo ool buildings. Mr. A. M. Rossin visltlng Chicago sud Rockfond, Ill, the latter place being the r.- sidence pi hin lsiher-tnlaw. Mn. Theo. Beail hu been oonftusd te b.d ibis veek with nheuzuatlsm sud asenvere cold. W. hope te soe him around iu a few days. * Meurs Hugh Ros ansd G. W. Wilson verStai Lrookvlllson Tuesday sttenclini ths marriage oeremorey et Mr. sud Mri. Geo. Bos. Miss Minute Hoçok was pro- sent as weil. We notice by adveriissmentn in Toronte pipons tiai Mr. J. S. Robertson bansao<epi. ed the position as manager oet ithe Rose Pablishing Ce., Toronto. W. visi hlm succeas. Mr. sud Mre. Goc. A. Bousire iskiug lu Toronto sud liermediate citles te Chicago, on thirvay to 8auit Ste.Manie,whoe a nia& of etwtv or ihre veks viii b. enjoyed Tii.'whole honeymoou mess about a monili. May they fauly eujoy it. The mauy' friands et Mn. A. W. BeaU, B. A. who nil9d for Japan via Vancouver Jirly Sini vill be pieased to e ain that ho arrived at Toyko, Japan on Augut 17th. Tii. voyage vas made in 18 days, 20 hs. I min. thsfutent ou record. H.evas iresteom ses siokmue ansd inu good hoaluh ou bis arrivai. Mr. Jamen Bruce, PolerhWa, scoila, brother et Mn. Aloi. Bruce, tutnaksy ef the jail, arrived hors on Thuzsday ltasn sd lu- tSedte remalulin the loaliiy. Hà elsna good tarm baud sud vanin employmeut fon t1h.p rosent. On Menday uight h. visited the Highland Club sud :ierfdrmed upen the eoucenetina,viohin sud bagpipen in a manuen vhich set the héaris cf the Highlanders ail -a-ftutteî. 'The sveepinuet ofthe munie caught theosti cof msuy vho pasnsd-&long t he nireet, sud numbers subher uiood iili or loiered &long slovILy apparently bouud up in the yonng Scotchmnan's melodies. Thé membsrs ef the club hope ho may dm4d em- pie ymeut hom for the pissent sud romain to figureonou heir veekiy pno;rammeduring theofl ansd vinter. 8ohooi Notes. Thon. are nineteau ieachensin-training ai. thes model this ien,-ten ladies sud nis gentlemou-thirteon of whom reoeived theix uon-piofessiouatraning at the Whltby Ccli. Iustitutta dve ai Oshawa flgh'Sohool, sud eue*ait UbrldgeHigh School. Tiers le a fuil attendants&li thePublie Sehool dopart- ment. Ctutais Noise On Si4b"*at ming neithle service viiibe oondaoWe by tba evo..Mr. GérLmn. Tho chuldeenoe ths Sabbath sehool are ipeeiahy xquestedte b. proeut. The evsuag service viii b. oonducted by tue Bey. John. T. Morris. -Mr. Wmo hrIstlau bau bade usna&U good-bys andmoi'dio Port Ferry in ordr to bouear bis place et business. is removail bave. vacant a firnt clama hous which vould -mLaa meut deshrabls reulenco. -The min y tniendclof et Mn (eo. Barreit rlght hearti ly écomed Mbm homo frnm hlmtrip acreus th b "honig pond," on PrUday Isat . n Barott apeans $0 be gneatly boflte in heMth sud expresses himasit as snjoyIug ithe Voyage Immnel,. Ho has bneught eut viti hMm tour entre herses sud four fine lookiug liths Welsh Iponie. Aneiher ene o e .bbys lu the.peisn of aMr. John Munie, bas lofti eutlittls viag te mek hltoortune eluewhere. W. L Mr. Munie hua ccpted a position as adver- isng agentot apasnt medictne company. Ho undoubtsy pomesuthonesnir ligleu C uecesuary foi nuccoaslu any viiet11.,su vo slncerely trust that ho viiid Ma bsDow oeccupation xmont agresablé. As v oek out accustomed safltriu the. church ounlait Sunday sud viion w. ateed ng te slng thoe nlaghYn, enst&itng siruck lue as ment p;ouMis, ua tuis ti .heabsence of a choir. An audience that neaaiy fited the building* vast5anding up sround u.sdthore right lida ofthe rallng V" a f lus butteor a& that, net a neUitaiy noie vas *truck t-*Id sud teebor us luidnnuêlgtiirafly sLad nia.et &anis hen a church ie coura canSt supprnt a caoi. Whet axe taie mem beso hat eue vo had ? Let thoss corne forth axniait Ùagansd we are cenUeutt they vinh ave =ihehexsuinppénit overy churobpoea. l isnsoatahrta thingta uthat mo» oucg Pnoplo do not go lu foriainlgtiaon do. Tiesaneorne but Whoe eausAng a littl.,nnd hat mattors il If tonlghugoncalvaspetsc_ nIf:s vbat t sounds 1k. bhm, Itahbus auitl WUlseundIsweet enonghbVy* he-thlmoit ras Heaiven." *grsanaatlcn as coatsd hors Weduss- day. lin. Bsn,â&.ar. teant on -Wliname' akix hoe olia upnor eSthsnceproven uMlons ef home tonmoretnauanter of a century. Iti le lsed by thé Unitates Gevernint; Endotssd b y the heads ef the great Universi-' tien ais théSrengesi, Purest, sud monst healih- fui. D*. Prlce's Creatu Eaklng Powder dos neceucotain A.mmonla, Lime, or AIum. Soid oulý' lu cana. M1ICE BAKING POWDER CO. sUW TeBrn. OniCÂGO. ST. nenis. Mrs. A. Nelsor, Brantford, writ.a: 'I was a suferer from Chronio Dyspepos for elevon ymrs.- Always ai ter eating, an in.- teue burning sensation in the siomaoh, at trnes very distreshlDg, caused a drooping and langaid feeling, which would Ilasi for severai heurs aller estlng. I *èras e- commendied by Mr. Poppleweli, C eist of our oity, te try Northrop & fymanlI Vegeta'1sl Diaoovery and Dysmppt Cure, and Iamn thankfni te s»Y that I have net been better for years; that-barning sensa- tion and languid feeling has ail gene, and food does not lie hoavy on my uitomach. Ohyof My family have used it with boni . À Hazioton, Ps., despatch isys s serions mine ire is in propoes t the Lattimore cewlery. One of the reaaen's why Scott'$Emusion hemssuch alargesale is, because It i.(ie besi. Dr. W.%H. Cameron, Halifax, N. S., says: 'II have prenoribed &cott's Eruleion o Cod Liver Oul, with HgpojIhosphites, for goepst two yearu and found h more agre.- able te the stemaoh and have better rosaiso Irtm its une than any other preîiaration of the klnd I have ever ussd." Sold by ail 'druggîsts, 60c. sud 81.O.-88-mo. Fnnolaland CommerciaL Office of Whitby CHROI ILB Wbitby, Sept. 14, M.E WHITBY MARRET PRICES. 80 90 Spiin Whémt...... 0O88 ...eWha...........OÃ" 78 Phour, per t.....2 40 Banbey............ô06 Pfi.........060 osblaek-eyed .........O070 080 A&ppie, per lb .....O75 Tomatou o .. ..10 Potatees, per bag......060 Burg-........... ýO 14 Rudes,veu lb ........ ork,perevt............ 600 TuruiM4.... ........... 01oi dlery, perdes...- 0......O000 Ochikens, per lbo........00 0000 1'urkoys, per th ..........O010 Dcknper lb ...... 1.....010 Ceeseveb............O008 Wood ........*leet**400 Btme eu** @*test... zoo*. O09w 8095 0 98 0 78 265 068 068 066 072 088 1200 4 75 600 1925 190 060, 16 007 620 020 002 012 0 10 015 0 10 010o 565 000 SAULT Ste. MARIE CANAL,. OBAL13D TENDERS addrease te Cb. 0 und.rinds endorsed "Tenders -tr lbthe t teMri Cn i,"viib. r.- ceivm tdiiofe *a" &be rrvai cf 1h. erio sd vesiermaIls-on TUUSDAY, ithie M8d day ot Ocibor, nai, for the. formationaûqnêensuou cfaCDaalon- the Cm&&=lanside cf 4h. rivor, ubrougi ush IsaUd of si. Mary. The vorks viib. lot lu ivo sections, one cf wbio viii mbrape the toailon ci thie ico " 0.A:hoothen, 1us deopeuing sud videningatf tRie ohu"-wsy ai both onde aif ibis ofem;onsud aller TUgisDÂ, te Mu day oet Octob1er, nezI iere ipdtltd' of tnder ouna e obledA lik. set f-erlmati cM4 relativetethe workoaMnbeaImmuaitbRieoietcfthie Zica Oflerlibm tTown cf' Saisit Ste. liarle, Ont. Imlsadmg on#soiri re oquéitéd leo bein bmud tiaa tandem wMii it héaont. sapo thrato SALESKÂ cf a'o.Who wmllfollow myIirnou W lafrlh hmndome cuifli free, and psy ~ou sasryorcommission every wiek. for terma a stonce. E.O RAHÂM, Nuseryiman Rchezter, N. Y. AGENT! W. H. PIPER, agent for the Ontario Pump Co's. Wind Mille, abce the best styles ef force and li pumpi made, cisieru pumpe, weod and irou, al varranted te vork satisfaoiory or ne sale. Orders. left ai residence, o-pposite CEONICLE office or ai E. Stephensons Tslegraph oMfce will be at- tende& oat once. W. H. PIPER. Whiiby, Aug. lut, '88-tf. FARM TO RENT., Lot No. 8,inluhes Su con. et Pickeni«g contaînlng 100 acres. Stone House,1 S1riens9 Cellans and Stable in good repair. Posses- sion immediately.D Apply te J DMeÂVOY, Baisarn P. 0., Ont. WANT ED. A smab'-sized good rosidence te Apply ai thé CIMNoICLE office. roui. 86-ti Farm_ to Lot, That very desirable farm ai premnioc- cuied by Mis.RMordan being cemposed of ot 26, cou. 8. Towushlp of Whitby. adjoin- i the. oerpolration etfithe Town of Whutby, and eontaiing 190 acres, more or loue. Âly te David Ormhisiou, Barnister, Whutby, or te the underulgnod. Immodi.. aie possesson. T. H. MoMILL&-N, Oshava. July, 251h, 1888-34-i. Famin to Reat tionmein Jt 4, cou. lei, Townsbip et Beah -On heabove promis u , wo ftrame bair», dring boums, 1o*'ls4 ceilaxu sheep sud hog as for 25 hesd offestle, an cie,' a fihsi-elms dwehling house Land ln a bigb n$ato el cultivaion. p4vleeof v g su er barveat. Possiongivon in r plcvng For =urrparieulus t yo REL RL MOWBRÂ'Y, insale G. 3. MOWBRAY-,ahawa. Lii NEW GOOD8JdUST IN# Ladies' ,Short Ye8t and Queen Chains, Brooc7ies, Cuf Buttons, &c., -ALL THE - NEW PATTERNS' Gents' Chains and Cuf Buttons, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knives -and Forks Much reduced in Price. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired, JAMES JOHNSTON, BEOCE-STREET, WHEITBY. FARM FOR SALE. Ones of the. besi faris in Pickering for sale, ooniaining one hnndred snd twonty- five ares. This property is sitnated on lot 15, B. F., is oeeasd a hall miles item Pick- ering Village, hlsf a m2ile from G. T. R. sta.- tion, three muiles frem Pickerinig harbor and six miles Item Whitby. This je a very de- sirable property and lu. a higli state et oulti. vation. For further partionlars apply te JAMES PICAX», on the promises, or te, Pickering P. 0. -81-tU. Eforses for Sale. Ones span et danght aud oesGeneral Par- pose, omlnng 4 year old. SAug 21, 188.--i.tt A. ANNIS, Oshawa. NEW GOO0D S! - :ooo: Dominionl * e * s War roois -000- Here. we are right to the front - wÃi New, Stylish- and Cheap Eaul Goods. ffew Oress goods Speciafty. New Riblion8, New. Mantlings, New Shirt/n gs, New Cottons and Shee ting&, New Hlosiery, Flannels, Vests, Corsets, Gloves, &CO Ladies' We show the best Kid Glove in the market, New Shades just in. Our Moire Plushes are beautiful. New Tweeds, Worsteds, Pantings a n d S uitings., New man to eut and fit, in a No. 1 Style. Bargains in 'Remnants and Summer Goods. PO.WELLco00 TM1 SILVER-PLATED The above 8i6mnuMaithe boilom-cf a E oe b"au altihserltidemxrt ii v iiizh It hpousi e truaiétho mubjot. OenrIen'g roputtionsud otureabave prbblyh .trdinto Ume th"abanthosetfanly stur t .Withhi bisexperienco ii yetho lias*yva= hie =4fverymochal es Itissud«veY ovly dovlige pmSu vbich bau hebped te ievçlu$lcnize th. Ar, aud-ha siamdpte-day --la isefront tank et the. photoffaphio pîdroen./ HRisvludow la conitatly surrouzqded,'by su 1aThé ing bwDise«"ury0o cncvd, vhIo with gotinterest vlois teAs beautitidspay I' .ssu.PlIco e TRnEASURER'38SALE 0F LANDS FOIR TAXES, B y virftu.oft a Warrat under the lbud oetths Wrdeu and ths Seal ot.$ho Ce poration BCe thO OOUDm>' 0f Otrlo0îated ih. T.nth day et Sepiomber, 1888, commanding me te levy Un tlnds usntioned iteoowgntfSarffMmthe su ad oite e aie net forth: I lersynottaiunion suharrom iand coste are 071uer p:C d I 0b0inoplianevti4.AseaoiApoed esI yPBI AUCTIoNh: ailnsoîsmcn eeîuab eeuayt h aes Part. F&h o. 2Watsrlot TOWTSIP 0OF PICXBMNG. Amount Costa sud Loi. -Cen. Acres. of Taxes. Qomms'n. 2 298 TOWNSHIÉ p FBECH. 14 go 0 47 82 Pint 8.j <s ~ 5< 5< rut N. W. à ; #« 4.9E. 8. W. Pi. W. 18 su=4 rn r ToaliPal'd or AmounI. unpoktsnied. 2 18 616 Patned 828 50 60- TOWNSHIP 0F' TROBAH. 4 8 75 1219-- 41 4 8 25 890 220 1 9 1 59 214 TOWI¶SHIP 0F B1iO0K. 10 2 84. 874 - 227 10 -2. 8 1 98 214, 7 14 8 -848 282 TQWNSBIP 0F SCOTT. 20. 5 0 18 TOWN8HlIP -0F,*RÂKA, 81 2981 284 'Ic1 64 98-1 848 20 i 12888 241 S' A- 70, 15 67, 249 fi A mû fil a-QF1 ii~ 14 '9 18 a OR': CATAIRII Il Thé only catanri iemed a vuitten gunranioeulv. lIlQusen Biresi Wo~ T. ayst~lni; In & Cc., T= EstabliBhed The LeadingWuekil In1 SUGBORIPTION- Si per - annuýin luadvai Wise. ýSuLb"rîI'iioulare W ho efc of publication. Steam oquipmont -sud Book snd Job. priing]1 Ontarie, capable ef exeoul work tram tLhO large poste handbill.Spacial mentiei unmgnrpasged pros faciliti. Iloui, yiih its oeiebrated oyllier ,prese suda oth.er' eoes. EverY eider reoei fui attention. First iusettion,per Ulne. subs.quen-insortieu, ô5 co DisýplayedÂdrtene by à loal.etfeolid ýNoIp Âdvertialemeflts sent instractions inseertedil cheged fortUl time. must bb.ilu writing, other ors Il net b.e reeponsub k liberal discount for oc meute by t4h.eyear. Cep, coniraci adveriisemohtus iu noI later uhan Weduou et sniutenddchangea before Tueada noon. * meutoreceivea upt h Business notices lu boa Five enùts perhUe wekt peli Ue weekiy. Co-responaencç soicit cf thé Oounty., or Insih' * their communications possibl JOHN STÂNTON, Sup7t Mechanical JOUX E.A na ou JAN B ARBISTE .>cup-ied.-- 0oBoyal Hotu 1, Pal TEE OTnU. 15 0W VE TWRIL. Boboso utamp toi ha JoMUrnlW.T.IRbJ 49941 hu an lot amlé remedy fer Bad Leg%, Bad Bissas, Olti Wonds, Songs and llcoru.- it in fanmou-for.Geg nt& dRheumatism FCI OlSORDERS 0F THE! OIIE8T, 90RE TIIR0ATS, BROROIITIS7 00U811, 0L08, Glauhlar Sweings, and &a il kmt)ieases hbas'-ne equa.; for crirated sud stif jointw à i acta liko a oharm Xmarncturad only ai 78, NEW OXFORD STREET laie 5M,.OXFORD STRERILNO,£dsl by ail Medicine Veudors thobut the. WorkM. NDNindol à W Paun aoe sounil cl othe. Lael on the Pets-snd Boxes liii. ddresls a (WOxord8frSùw,{1ondon. th"y arm purioU& Patentea 1 8 78 -Plno 901 872 10 75 571 181? patente&' Pateuted every pair guaranteed. The, - -1