Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1888, p. 4

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p SLUG SFIO T! DESTROYS THE Cabbage WorPm, BUY IT AT THE MEDICA L HALL# G 1 Ia GIDARDI ONLY Si os -PER ANNUM. Whitby, Friday, September 7, 1888. Ontario sud Durham Exhibition As- sociation, Whitby, Ct. let, 2üd and Srd. West Durham and Darlingteon Union Exhibition - Bowmanville, Thuraday and Friday, Oct. 4tb and Sth. Lindsay Central Ezhibitioa-Lind.ý »ay# Octé. 2, 8jand 4. Industrial Ezhibition-Toronto, Sept. lO'to 22. kgricnltnral and Art Association- Kingston, Sept. 10 to 15. Western Fair-London, Sept. 20 te 29. Great Central Fair-Hamilton, Sept. 24 to28. _ Bay of Q nt-Bellevillo, Sept. 25 to 28. Petsrpr Agrieultural Ezhibition- Poterboro, Sept. 25 to 27. Ontario Central A&grieultural ÂAsooi- ation-Port Perry. Sept. 2 5 te 28. Mariposa Towatihip-Oskwood, Oct. 5 and 6. Part Elope Central-Oot. 2nd and Sma. Eagt PeterbarouRh Agrienîttural, Nor- Wood, Oct. 9tb sud 101h. West Whitby Qlouncil. Ooncil roomn, Brookliju Sept. 5, 188. TPhe Concil of the Township af Whitby met peranant to ad journment. AIl the metnbers proseut. "evin the chair, Minutes eoflaut meeting were re and con - flrmed. A communication fram the Clerk of Pickering re roa.d contracta, wus mead by the Beeve, and sevei al acoonnts were preaentod and 1.14before the Council. Mm. Bailey wua heard by Couneil. Re objeoted te sale af road allowance bet<een lots 80 and 81. Iu second con., she requir- ed aid raad ta g et ta hi. place. Mr. Crawford wus heard e road shlow- ance bi'twesn lots 18 and 19, in let ean. He- w&a willing ta buy a&R land aâjning his Ittndsf. and between hlm and Mr- Farewell il M.-. Fareswell dosa net cars te büy. Couineil adjouru.d for one heur. C3ouncîl resumsed at ene o'clock. &11 the mombers present. Reevo in the chair. On motion af Mr. Willss, seconded by Mr. Calder, the Boeeve, 8 Kedland, and John Willis were appointe4 coma. te value road alowancesi between iote 18 &un 19, st con*.î also 82 and 83, B. F., sud 32 sud 3«, let con. and re ort at the niezt meeting, of the On motion of Mr. Willla, soc',uded by Mr. Calder, Cancil weutite coin. of 1h. whole on by.Iaw te stop up and soli certain raad allowances I tis municipality. C3ommittos rose, eported pogeuasnd asked beave te, mit &gain st the nert meeting ai the Couridil. Report ree.ived and, tsar. granted te ait &gain. On motion the BLeeve was authorised te, gath.order on the Tresaurer for the Sam sf1 ufaroof aiHenry Souly being pay- ment for building wire fonce on west aide of gravel rqad I 4th eoon., s aauowprotection-. Mr. Charles Lynde made application for &ay forhe klld by dogs.-6 Iamba, $24 Mr. Osider, ssconded by Mr. Wiliu, moves for leave te intredixce a by-law te collect certain suma et money therein mentloued as z*luredtthe airerâi sohool stior s lin thelfgwinicf Whîtby, be now reail a tirot timâ.!Wrrbed. 'P.b .Iaw wua reoâ'a iaeeond sud third M..M .&ad _cndd _b M. I[ao-n-2 ;;Yxr: i légal *Ptl= -fholà L.z rMebivs8 iqo.9. A pétition vws preauteti trom Thoa. Oonmnt snd ai othersssklng 1h.esunoil -le raise 1h. sé- um ofrnonhsy sketi.for bhy,$th trusbsouefci 8. S. Ns.> 2, sudsa pétition trom Robert Sinclair.snd 7 others, praying the ocanilto acouse L. J. (Joryoll te removo hie fonce off the road allowanco ste. On motion ai Mesura. Carnegie,MoGrogor aud Power, Mesars. T. Hall, Alex. MoKen- zie, snd D. Weddou vere grq.nted the sumo, of 4 61100, 1966/100, 7 66/100 respooliully for eheep kled by doqB. Mr. Hankcocaeonded by Mr.McGrogor, moved that the committeo appointoti t e- amine 1he trees cul an 1he highway near fRaglan have one jnonth longer te report. Mr. Hancool secondaid by Mr. Carnegie moved-that the olerk bo and is hemeby iu- structed te p lace 1he suin ai 825 on 1he col- lection roll for surrsying Iota 10 and il con. 5, opposite the names eft h. ownors of said lots.-Carried. Mr. Carnogie gave notice thal h. viii at the next meeting of 1he council, introduce a by.law ta ereot a vire feue. on the weést aide eof lot 13,1 con. 8 in aoçordauce with 1he Statutes. 0Council went Ib o ommitt.e ai the whale on asseasment by-iaw. Cam- mitle. arase aud reported the by-law wilh 1he blanka filled nap. Mr. Power, seconded by Mr. Carnegie moved that the by-law te asseau this muni- cipality for County, Township andi Educa- tiouai purposes b. now read a third time sud that the saine do now paso, thal the Beeve and Clerk do aigu th. sane anud cause the coprate seal te b.e atlaohod herete. Carm.ed. Mr. Mogregor, seconded by Mr. Carnegie, moved tbhat tue petition ai James Marlou sud allers praying 1he concil tu change aide moati bstween lots 4 andi 5 cou. 1 be ual entertain owinïg te the latouesa ai the ses- son sud the gooti state ai ropair that the preseut road i. in.--ieti. Mr. Paver, seoonded by Mr. Hauooak, moveti that the clork b. instmuctedtot cor- respond with the Ministor af Eduestion me assesameul for debeuturos S. S. No. 6.- Carmiei. Mr. ifancock, secoudeti by Mr. Paver, moveti that th. followiug acoonta ho p d viz :-Ju~hn McGregor, relief af Mmm.eBurr, 82.50 ; John McGmeger, relief ai Mn. Spencer, 84 ; Hy B3iloko, relief af Mm. Mfaltat 86 ; Mrs. MeBrien, relief ef W. Gibbs 88 ; J. J. H. Hanoock relief ai Jo. Gibbs 81-60; J.R.ay roada sund bridgea 810 ; Gea. MotthesaiRI, reoansd bridges $9 ; Gea. Thomas, moade sud bridges, %82.12 ; W. Bambritige, roada and bridgea 88 ; Ray & Jaynt moadeand bridgea, $32 ; G.Mother- siii, roan~ sd bridges, $1 ; Gea. Thoms, oads and bridges, 82 ; W. Moarus, moada snd bridgea, 85.25; J.- C. Edmouson, rouss andi bridges, $h&12 ; Ray sud Canant, 81 ; W. J. Machie, $1920; C. A. Mailory, $2.48; C. A. Mallary, $17.5; B. Robinson, $1.26. Thée >naeil thon adjoumedtot meet on the first Manday lu Oct. st 2 o'clock p. mn. Tèwn Local. N. G.-Nstural Gao. BàNDEtL tho barber; oraninms ovor- hauied, ecrapeti snd shomu. Lwrue &H wool black cashmere houe 3Oc. Per pair, W. G. Wallon. Go te-night sud haro s slwowfs oystems at Newberry'a. Tuiz 6maIresysters cf the sesson st Ne wbemmy's.' QYSTERS, Oysters at Newborry'a te night. A goond hssvy grey flannel 28 iuches vide aeiling faet for 20o. at Boss Brou. Nzw fail gootis srriving daily at W. G. Walter. Weuderfui value ii puyfannels ut Ras Brea. PLUSanRs in aIl the lesding ahsdes only 50c-.- per yd. W. G. Wallons. ,The, gardon party soason is -oponing at Bowimsuville. Il may lutt 1111 Nov Ysara. Br. sure sud look at the al yood grey flenel that Rosa Brou. are selhing for Ti:howbor bas been dmedged durizxg tbe past lomluight and the langest sohooûbers can nov fiy awsy loadoti 10 the walen'u edgo. This i. th. in.sessou for vhite-wzngs. P&ums wishiug pria. liste s ad outry blauka for Whitby exhibition show send a postal card te W. B. Hlows., ssereary, at once,,There aue ive veeke ysitet make entries. 0. F., Stewart inform hie customers that mruousie...hao retuumetand d je prepared te exeute orders. for 611' milliuemy. Boe the "Tourjut" bt, -te vemy lateétstylo. ._Newv mil oygooda Parmer W. J. Drytous -ut a big# titre ohing est.ry ,wlOh uie M. -Hal1ptt ibrasheid for hlm 1M60buebele of birle'yiMnneday. The grain hàau ai ee leaned UP and d.Uvere4 in the qlorator aud the books -are then. le abOow, anti people baie net to depenti upoio estimates. Tii.case of Langfozd sa d ua-Y, of Âslouria, for vilation of tliê,Soii C4e vaW" ld"iBÃ"*l o L24y âûani ga djoumnod,- *Jurahng, somie ~$deno, t onfose li.of jutilornoti freinkhthe ""ai«Pâaion Stnd Farmm,"Trenton, N. J., bringlng with hîw onueftheir parebied sateAlions. "FpahiStu ld Faris n-the -hoe.of Goldsmithi Maiti aud about tweuty othera with records under 2:20. Mr. Wilson cousidens ho bas the boit herse in Canada sud vo congralulate hlm up. on hies euterpnise. Mr. lus. Miller, Bogham, val in tovu Wedne.day sud caliedti t ses us. Ho arrivod home inox» the olti couutry lase Wodnesday, brnuging 117 Shrop- sbires &long. Previously eho b. sent 7 clydeadalo sailliossasd 4 pouiios. Ail arrivei homo safoly. Mr. Miller looks fiue afler hi. long. trip, sud vo violh im esuccoso vilIbis importations, Taa difforent oommiltios of the comiug exhibition are slrainiug every point ini order la gel ail resdy a wook befome tbe faim.- The Irsek is bsing oveîhaulod, lh. grand stand is ou ils loge, immense shoed room os beoomiug more anti more risible daily. ThIe prize liaI lests that af any local or central faim in Ontario. Evemything pertaining te 1h. exhibition i. booming,. Baud te W. R. Huves for a prizo lisI. Tfxnx is a gentleman &roundi tovu takiug erders for Ilvriling up " 1h. busi- ness mon'. affaira. TIis indiridusi may or may no& bu s fakir, but hi. preposals te, ni te publiesbhie malter madie ns le- lie"veoi.sue, sud ve adrise busiess mèn te vait suad sos if lhey gel auy value for thoir mouoy bloe payiug il out. It is a oommon thiug for the8e gente on tho advortising racket te corne ouI fraude. ON Wednesday tle officons sud tesceors of St. Andrews' Obumeki Bal- bath Scoel helti s pienio aI Mr. Ormislou'a. Bath tle houas anti gnomida ver. tîrowu open for lb. occasion.. Lavu tennis and ti llr amusements weme feely eugaged in. -As hoastsud hoslesa, Mm. sud Mme. Ormisu, have fois equalsansd as usal we nutiriu in lIeir efforts te have ail pissent enjoy themaoires, snd volil boy aneceedeti, a moal enjoyabis aflernnon sud ereurng haviug been speut. A bearty vote cf thanka msuifested 1h. 11gb appreciation of Iheir kindueseansd bospitallly. WuiNz Whilby beys go awsv they cannet do vitbout th. Cnnaomsitj.* Dur- ing the past veok vo have lad ordors to add namne, te sur list from Uzbridgo, Lindpay, Toronto, Minet, Dak., Car- bermy, Man., sud suotber pis.. veo au- not rosall aI the marnent af vniling. Las& veek wvobldosus osaIfrom Ire- land, Missouri sud Caliois. Our frisuds kuov that vbsth.r s week i. dm11 or note h uomrciz is fuIl of eati- able itema. If tIers ion't ny nova vo manufacture some. 'Ph.e onamnod olti Predeont can't elalnte sn uo vonlki a cout. If il wems'l for na in the proseut grave politicat criais the. country voulti go t, e odoge. Ahom-ou 1 'Pho tovu cuncil met Monday ulght. 'Phe streets committe, vas instruoted ta maàko imprevementa ou Gardoen St. from Dandas 8t. np pasi the, new Ex- hibition groundusud toi lsy dovu a six foot idovatk abong 1he same sbreet te the grountis. The finance cmmiâte report vas passesti resommendlug ê$ $1,000 be asedt by delenturos cover- ing ton yoaruto builti -àgymnssium st the Collogialo Institute ; that $12 back .taxes le emittedt t D. Orninl; thal 021.95 b. paîi W. E. Yamuold D. L. , for profesalonal servics.' Iu pssalg 1he 81,000 item 1h. local govemumeut came in for a rsking eover for foîcwg& fr4ahten avay lb.theils, lts. 'vhoý vere veai huageti sci. ther - te heep up th. lempematuro on 1h. ýgire-ant- take princiPI*s wbile tbies.wba bati fasWse eetcm e ork loe, posketed t,.m le prssent thoir falliug Ott evury lime lOng renieuobered by thoe.*ho cn honior the <muai hiefisin. A genuisi T» nov Pamkdal, bigh séool Open- e Meo"ay1onMoudaylus4 Ail LUUL~ SE. Il SKOWIN@ ~ Ha,ýd8om6 Stock of -iN- dlways :A head S«EEl :when : a : New : Style T8EJE NE W SCARPS NEW SCA.RFS NE W SCARFS The Gloucester, The Salisbury, The St. Loger, The Bendigo, The Chandos, The Ascot. REGATTA SHIRTS, REGATTA SHIRLTS, REGATTA SHIRTS. A speial line just roceived, 2 collars and 1 pair oniff with each Shirt. They're Nobby Goodu. We have the LÂRGEST and (JHOICEST selection of Gents' WHITE and COLORED Dresu Shirts in town. GTI!NFS' NIGHT SHIRTS, *GENTS'- NIGHT SHIRTS, GENTS' NIGHT SHIRTS. Nices aasrtment of these Goads. Enibroideried Front and Collar. GENTS' HARD FELT HATS, GENTS' SOFT FELT HATS, GENTS' SILK HATS, GENTS' SILE CAPS, Cornes: Out@ N~E8TLIII OLAS NEW ENGLISH COLLARS. NEW ENGLISH COLLARS. Somelhing Enlirely Nev. The Ostago, The Metropole, The Pandora, AIlStIyles in Boys' Linen Collera, sizes tram 121 notmel iStyles sud aizes of Celluloiti Collera. The Van Bulow. ta 14. Pull- as. GENTS' KIDGLOVES. GENTS' KID GLOVES. GENTS' KIDGLOVES. Gentlemen requiring the above will be sure -of getting eatisfled at our store. Our Embroidered back, Matador Faistening Kid Glove, i assarted Tans and Browns, la acknawledged the beat fitting and maost dur- able Glove yet produced. BOYS' HARD-FELT HATS. BOYS' SOFT FELT HATS. ROYS' GLENGARRY CAPS. BOYS' POLO CLOTH CAPS. New Stock. LORNE GLENGARRY. ORDERED OLOTHINQ A SPECIALTY New Fashion Plates to hand. We have the Worsteds and Overcoatings ever shown in town. and workmanship. CHANGE finest range of .Suitings, Trouserings, Prices the lowest for first-class Goods Ba ID o-is 0F BUSINESS!e --00- - The undersigned would respect.fully inform the publie that they have purchased the Groeery Business lately carried on in the Town af Whitby by B. H. Jameson, and that they will continue the same in the old stand, The Italian Warehouse, Dundas Street, New Goods, arriving daily, whieh they cordiâIly invite the public to inspect. A fair share ef patronage kindly solicited. No trouble to show gooda. Ail orders promptiy delivered.. MATH ISON BROS IITÂLIÂN WÂREHOUSE. BARGAINS BARGAIN-S 1 GREÂT SACRIFICE. SALIE! Hariug conoudeatot go entaif tls Crockory, Tinvare sud Faney Gooda business, vs viii commence a gonuîne sacrifice sale. regardissa ai ceaI or vaine, on Saturday neit, JUIF 21.1. Note th. folbowlng: Besubitul Dinnsm Seta, U8 pieces, vorth 826.00 for 816.00. Nice Combination Seita 85 11, "tg11.00 tor 6.50. White toe China Tea Setle, 44 places wàth 3.00 for 1-85. Pionted China Tes Seta, 44'pieces, wortl 4.00 for 2.50. Painted 'Palet Bette IlOpieces, worth 5.50 for 3.50. Paiuted 'Polfot SOt, 10 pioces, orth 4.50 for 2.50., PlaIes 80o. pSr doz., fer 80o. Cupsansd Sauoera i.00 per do..,for 60c. Glass. ,Lemouadt Soette, plocea, voth $1,2for 90e. Gobleta aud 'Pumlen 75o., pen doz.,ý for-SO. Tin- von . aysur ovm priae.. Jedroom sella, cf1 Pièces, vrtll8.0e 125 acgoa Ici, leus thenhaprise. Albums'82.001eor .1.00. -01.00 fer 50oc .3 1.50 tom25e. En- velopas t2.50 for 25c., &6;- &o Thosa.iaroly stf -!th. bargaima.W. aiways dona sadver". e,e-crne Wary, sud seiiro thom bofome-they ae 0cloaroti sut.- Haiubegb alrge qnnty oet rinea aapecially loy pries.,-6 iii give, yU vhtohi.I.XX bIeWuane gar forX5 ergi, X le Wlue Yeg -for 85e.~ pergaIeWgratoxNoPr rRI io,8 TALO-RING E8' Dne Dôor Lasi of R.- Snow's Doj a- FÂRX TO. LET9 FOR A TERl 0F YEA2RS., Cern paaed af 75 acres on lot No. 1 uorth eud oft1h. 6th con. Pickeriug, aud 50 acres au lot 34 north sud of the th con. Whitby townahip-120 af the land lina. high abats af cultivatiou.' Good brickdoing o&t-, hanses, two bamna, quite large enongh te hold a year'a crap, goodl atone stabliug under bath. Possession firs November next. Privilege ai piawiug aiter'harvest. GEORGE JONER, Whitby P. O. lune 26th, 18.--ti.' FOR SALE.' A good brick hause, hall an acre of lagd centainlug aIl kinda cioh.>ioe fruit Usees in beru.A iew minutes walk irom Harbor or Grand Truuk Station. Apply to- July 41h, 1888.-tf. Port Whitby. JEWEL +In an oxceptionalIy W ATO1, 3ol~d Gold, Filled à Si 0f excellent design a;, J~S.BAI? FRIDA., SEPT. LOCAL LAC( WIIAT 18 OINS ON ANi AND P BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL 1 BY CHRONIOLE BEN' A ilis amangye, t And faith 1.11 prent:i MiF. J. E. Farevel Bd, * ept. 181h. Whitby harbor. i. t&oi etatisu lu a mi4ldling'si iDg-. Ryerson the vel ista in eyo, eam sud tbroi xiturned le Torontoi Moüths tour*--s! mutie ltirough Europe.-Iý1 lu. ",BoNusi" writeu ;-Wi qeonuire 'of. our wortl W4awny voollen miille air whal vould be the presp sbenne te- start- on& WhIbtby Woolen Mils. Ùleud se nti a mman up 1fr nil upon -tbm for v i ravelling expeuses fer t] me atdeti." Li i ev o 0h.poeted- eIsaiIéS - or 8i82u"e5k ~oronto,* vboý n u Âmem ni-the Staiue Glassbui -hie suepriiehat, lis 1 lwoimg for years the- v -be hJadte.lodispose o! aud posedtg lbe of reect dis XxMm.lien y Wilson,4 Farm for Sale on Scugog. TR HEbsoriber ofers for sale the north- JLpart af lob 5, ln the-9th cou. af Ils' Township of -Sougog, about 45 acres ai which la good tihlable1 land, weltwkatered, the bai- anas wood land-.. Upen 1 h.- premises are gead buildings Wn6r la >o orer, suda goed fonces; a& brick,;veuored--dwsiliug 20x28, with, a.-freie kitceo x 8x2O as woadshed . 18x20 attached ; - fiàme bam 85x40;.a frêms table.and' shedi 2ÃœX40 andi ather amall buildings. '- Terrns-88,000; 81,000 an thelat af Jausry, 1889 e sbal- ance payable ilu-ton -.ye&rlyý instsments. Of, §M00 git 6 per cent. interest. . 'The purchasý- er-viii b. let inta passaalcon for ÃŽhe pur- poeo aidoingifallplowing oh th.e.1st !Of O- tober.For fnrtherpartï*olùs-apply to ALBX. HO<>yeY, son the préomlseu,- Scqgog P. O. Or ta M. G. ROBSON, Port Perry.--8&Smtn ]Et C>

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