Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1888, p. 3

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Washington'Letter. (Nrom our rpquhr oorrempondeaat.) WÂSrnnTON,,Âug. 81,1888.-e. ton Sherman during thc coins.Oet a speech in the Senalte, mnade th. start- Jing arllouOuieilt liai in 1885 lie balance.of trbde (*iti foreigu, ceuntnies) wss in tavor ocibheUnited tâte& t le . ainountoet#1183,000,000, wvile 'lu lhe fiscal Vear ended June 80, 1888, iL vau $40,000,000 againsl the Un ted States. Senaber Book oontended liaI lbe bal- -ale niaur favor lait year us 86,000,. 000. Takiug atier stalernt as cor- rect, the. effeot is pertectly- asteuudiug, aud suai s etale cf &bingo cannaI keep up witheut danger of a serions fluan- cial paniel intii coeuntry. The proceedings et Congreso are veny hmusing lieue dsys. Tiey consisL mo8tly af what wQuld bo called,-in lie language of tiie prize ring, 11spsrring for position." And the agility display. ed by tie membeni et boti parties in jumping over sud unden a givon ques- tion ie very funny le a person Liati e ual intorested ; but il is very serions te the men engaged in iL, ai some chance word may re8ult in iosiug tie member lhe coveted renominstion train bie district. Let us -bs thaukîni ve are not politiciani. Senator Alliions eMatemnent makes the appropriations for lb. carrent fiscal year 8421,000,000, sud lhe estiti sted incoo frein ail sauroes 8440,000,000 That vii leave s surplus et $19,000,000 -juil about Lhe sinount liaI lhe aven- age newepapor minugives bie vite every Vear for pin mqney. The eteain plat. printiug presse. in lhs Bureau of Engraviug sud Printiug have been a bolisied, as fan asethe Hlouse eau do il, by lie passage efthle bill providiug Ihat all Goverumeut seourities shallhob.pnuted ou band presses. Tie Senate ba. paseed Seuaton Hear'e resgolution caling on the Preaideut tor copie@ et ail retuenstrancos made or demnands upon Englaud ton redrese for the trestinent et Ainenican fisiormen by Canadisu officiais. Tii. republicans oethle Sonate have recovored freintheielon persry panic into vhich Mr. OlEvelsn2d's message on lhe rejeotion et tb. fiseeies trcsty Ihrew thein, sud uov tiey deny ever baving been for a moment dainoralized. That i a&Il nîght,let byganos by bygones. Bnt what about tie- message ? The ne- publican S enatons ield a cancue lait uigbLte odisons. their tariff bill, hhey ehîd, but it vould be ate le say LiaI they did net negleet the message. They are net doing rnucb alking about. whiat Lie poliof ethLe psrty i. te b.e witi regard tLe bmiessage, but tram opinions expreesed boresud there I believe that lhe Sonate viii pasa a bill *giving Lhe Presideut lie autioriby for- which ho sike, after plsoiug tiemelves on record as.believing Liat be aJneady bus aI the autiority for vhici i. has asked. Il mnay flot b. amies.te state iu Lii. aonuectiou, Lhaf lie general un- * pression sruong our naval officere is LiaI &il tLiii alk about a van viti Eug- nl u ý% i3te reenit et our netaliation, is e j(i4 etfbuge dimensions. Onie et 0>éni ôid ."4Why, viat la Lthe use -et talhiing about a van? Euglsnd, te etate ie case plaiuly, bas toty or maore avafiable modemn armered sbipe et van w hici could rosai aur ahanes vith- in tiree. veeke freinthie finît alanin. W. have fiteen veséels o( van. whici could net be rnobilized -vithin tire. ments,-sd --endtey er--e-- laurticlllanly sggrseive iu li.1r figil on themn in bothiHunessud Se»teL. The. nev silven vanît built lu the Troaury Department building for etornug etandard eilver dollars i. com- pl6e.. t vil iold 8100,000,000. 8500,000 a day vil ho eiipped ion. frotin tbe different mints - and euh- t.-e.aauries unlil tho vanit je fiiled. A. goed rnuy politiesl engagemente iiid lobeobroken lu erder tc, gel a quorum lu Lie -Houe, lis veek. Bull Nye is Justly Angry. TEE GIYTED 'RUmouEST pÂyB MSRa.El SPEOTS TO SORDID TAKEES 0OPRIo Chcago Trbune :-Inoenet acmgar ircihbas been recently issueti la i «Uuiîed States. entitled thé. Bill Nye Ogar, apparnuly mado under my ovu persensl supervision-and ai my -behest.' To-thomeo i ny havepuchuedhes vends, believing liat 1 inus " e Omvii MY ovu fuir hindi, I desire toetile liat tieY have becu cruelly dec.aved. Laut wiutqr I vwu approached by Aà Olgar manufacturer and aeked .to,'make tlr08s ithbhlm for tic aue et my usie On a6 bnand oteigauvwilcihe thien..u lendeti putting forth upon, tiei. imarket. I sBdaiai 1e fr a goed cigiWr I wou14 peen eue no prie. esulti b.e tor vW"u la that ffecl. Prmailover lhe Ui o vo4 à cc1»ugng errandnon i lu t'O'< are ot AUnf*rior qu~liy. -ti trÏ deaiite cautia hâ m ia ual bhitsof W, r ber, Madaro over- "a* *t th 1rneýubstau.es ar» in- 'ThitVis m'ot ail. The.finI edition "et li.wdé wks net se bad. Orau.d by suceeste, .manfaoturer hois Iowered' -th. standarýd eofex elience, 'and others bave adopted the naine in ordur te obtain spedy wcalth at -'th expenle et Se i; ha. cere te pas liaIthore 'is now abroad lu -the 'Land b.aring' my effulgent namne a species oet cigar hi0h i. te aIl intense sud purposea a iteueh in the nostnilu of the people. 1 know that tebscoe lu a filhy woed, and doos much harmin t he. vend, but tiatije ne reason why » cigar manu- facturer aheuld seek tQ carry on hie business without using il. W. eau hardly hope tg~ abolîsh tobacooe by inakimg oigare frein aw inlerior grade et flannel. I have stëadily epposod ail oqasses et fraude and imnitations al MY lie. Even when my eys were first epened te the wondertul truth that nobody had ever known a goalteo diset natural death aud that mutton cou- tiriued te b. plenty oven ater sheep had disappeared, I vent te rny butcher and told 1dm that the square, open way was the boit way below a few fettons FROM THOSE WHO ONCE RESPEOTED ME: EUTALÂ, MA.,. !Une 80.-Mr. Nye New York-Dîc.n SiR;. I have been a reader et yeur pneces in the papers for rnany yoars, and have oértainly been greatly benefitted-by thein, but yen hurt yoursolf when yen vent te rnaking cigare. I biught a box efthle Bifi Ny. cigare a week age, sad hhat eveuing amoked ene in rny îtudy. 1loest the use of the study for two or tire. days, and niy wife bue net yet corne baok. What de yen put in yeur cigare aside frein the rug-carpetting sud roman- candi.. ? Did yen inveutthe ieegar or do yen juet manufacture it for tiie in- venter ? Our phybioian imys b. thinke yen got the cigar eut et yeur ovu iiead, but il do.. flot seoin possible that yen? head i. in that condition. « If se I hope yen will try te, do someuthing fer il be- fore isii. tee laIe. se ne more st present. Frein your truc friend, EARI. H. ADAMS. This letter pained me uiuch, for it was witten in a gentle Spirit by oee wie evidentiy had rny beet intereste ut hearî I began te b. alarmed, but r Ibught that perhape he hadl strnok a bad cigar which badl erept im Lite box witbout rny knewledge wlmile the reit -were &Hi ighî. JuiL Itien I -yeoeivedl Lie followiug STONE LA x, la., Jaly .-Bill Nye. E8q.-DEÂB Sua:-Yonr eigare have juet reached Western Iowa. W. have had nething like it ince the ,oies. ef the, van. I was juet lighting oeeoe thein yesterday when ils contente fell eut on the floot lesving the wrapper in oey baud. Ater yen bave finisbed yonr cigare yen 'sould put a stopper in the end te keo.p lie debris firai spilliug eut. Do yen get yeu cga ining frein abrocad P W. have s c61inrld.air mat- trast% factory\4hero that ydu eedid make a deal with after yen mun short ef serap- irou and retired codar bleck.pavemeu&. If yen eeuld afford te bell devu a fe w ponudi of tebaco -aApeur the broth ou your cigau fil venu help te deaden Lb. effeel of foreigu sub6tances and add a flaveur eft teoo, tes Manilla vrapper yeunonw use. Genonally I de net go eut of my vay te give advice, but in Luis Instance I feel LiaI I ongbt te tl oit yen a-*the - Many othor lettenseto a similar ohanacter have beau received frein part et lhe 'Union, al showing that the pro- mise made te me by the manufactur hau net been lived up le, or ébat euer uxanufacturers are gettlug Uaupn«u artI@l. I nov desire te wash My hindiet the wiole matter, ai beut, aud loetulue over my owu siguatur Liai unies. it be a stencl.. cigar, fris from slag or »edimut, il la net genuine, andtil.lul aru mthe. public te thst sffgcl. I enspect liai lthe ilga reforr.d te i. ou.ne h vas wstartet Up about twoeYomanud faotiously -caa "The Stock Yard Zephyr,9" but, sl diii net sel» uel, il bas recetîjper ed honing My naie, anl.by minseoe judioious advertisipgsud, the u"e of my portrait. is reâol*a atremeudous sa". Lt is a flagrant vrong te the people _ft th. UtJied Blutes, hovever, a Ibèe- by proclàimlii â vii olefaylb expenaiu or assis aitlieobuequsOfe lieu vie imeoke muce iare ML goes ight tt e; upotgop salAii oan 1 gentleman, Who tdund greal benefit in Eywer' 8 1rs>pR e l ý. . vasmrlgit. De.' rangementse otf theMbisl, liver, andi kId »70s ure more speeýQY zemedI , bi ibat iou .«ot o -4odteé elotl cattat t"Dou't y Irwlii1 te conigpb t e ttys Don't y(& knàtth 6"e ubecauijounci Don'i . imkuow* th& bt i.test 'antiee > tnmobaetrI.ti havé, utterly falletithut .Sag C Ottarù& slemedy l -ersl ure? It slom thle' GeorgeW. Ccx vashangeti Sundsy at sn Aima U Oui. ton the murder os bis u à-u- ", er G. Cook. The best form lu vbich eiectnlolty la oxnbedicd i. D». Thsomas" Ecleo,-c Oit, a overeiansd ighly suctionei specifie for nbeuaa pains, sud a tioroughiy reiait, remedy for il affectians et Lb. throsàt sud nga, used externaily and lutemnusly. Toronto Base Bail lOue probably viii noî acoept Ottava's Chall- enge, as Mr. Giilett et Teronte, tic manu- facturer et Impenial Cream Tartan Bsking Povder, is very short et help sud thinke ptayxng bail a vaste eftlime vhen they coula geL vonk. Impenlal lu eoid by aIl grocerusud je the beul. Dr. Wlloughby, ex-M. PP., vas nominat- eti by Lhe East Northumnberland Conserva- tlve Con-ention Tueeday. Thos. Sabin, et Eglington, ays: I have nemov<ed ton corne from my teet vithi Hjoilovsýy's Cern Cure." Reader go thou sud do likevise- A case et yellov te-mer ha. bean disao'ver- ed lu Philadeiphia lu Lie penson et a Flonida refuges.. Mmm. E. H. Perkine, Creek Contre, Warren Ceo, N. Y., vnites: "5Sh. bas been treubloti vith A.tbma for four yeans, had te ait up nigbt after cight vithi IL She bai taken tva botties of Dr Thomas? Eclectric OÙ sud lu pofectly cuned. 8h. strengiy necormnede it, sud vishes te act as agent smong ber neigibens."l The Smith'e Palsa incendianies, Blugen. sud James, bave beeu senteuood te tourteen y.,ars in tie penitentiary. If your clild i8 stubborn or liard to administer medicine to, Dr. Loto'8 Ploauant iWorm Byrup toill be appr.- ciated. Wifo murderer Burke Mitchell, cohoureti, vas hanged atH1ousten, Texas, Saturday. Mother Gnave'e Worm Extermmnstor hae ne equai for deitroylug vorme iu cilidren and adulte. Seo thal yen gel the genuino vheu puncbasing. There vas aneber taUin luthe Manitoba thermmmeter Satnrday, but the damage doue vas light. Indications et Dyspepia, unci as Sour Shomach, Heartbumu, Sîck Heasabhe, Bialug sud Souning of Foed, Wind ou the Slornacli, or a Cboking or Gnaving sensation at tb. l ftIhebstemac arefnulymet by Burdock Blod iter vilci bas cured Lie wvet cases on recerd. The Anieicai tuiz Gladiater bai bain rncezedb the Canadian authorities at AI- La-w'# Sulph&r Soap ahoudd b. found fih every toiloi. l aid cleamaing and healing. Six. Adolphe Canon viii probably ablempt #à settieenulof the Ottawa Foot Guards dispute. Dr. Lowt'.Plaant W orm Byrup s, a sa/e anid reIableworm rem.dy for aU wern a oef7iicting children or a4.*le.. Tii. Landau Pros Pr... zepeitheticru- meur that Hou. T. B. Pardee, Commusazen- er et Crovu Lands, bas resigneti. Dealite Waralng. Neglected cougis and coldu se frequentiy p reuce.serions nesuits au te constilute a dedite vannaug. Tiiere iane botter, »ftor on more piesuant remedy for Coughs. Brenabitis, Bore Tbreat- Collt, sud ai A sailor ec&iW ' Ivcpo613ajok," WU kIlledin a rowio Point Btivant on Bsaur- day. Prof. Le-w's &&4huw Boap ia ch..p and huandy orinof obtaining the laoa4 ing virtueso/a .uphzer bath. tml Oclber 16. e"u aoum Whui eh.becaW. Mis, ah. IesdCala14 Ae' jor :Phoflftra Ofice. London, Ena. PIre Insurano. Association, London, Eng. OitMson'a Insurance OoMpany, Montreal. Quebeo Pire Asmurance Company, Quebee. ,Etna Pire Inairance Company, Ha.rtford. London & Lancashire Lits, London, Eng., LOndonGuaraàntee&ÂAccident Co., England. Hamiton Provident & Loan So'y. Hamilton. OPPIOB.-POST-O P1OE, WHIT. The Pea8o Furnaco, nei following testimonials speak for themielvea :e- From Judg e Eurnham: Whitby, May 4th, 1888. J. F. PzAiE FtTRNAcCo., Toronto, I have mueh pleasure ln atating that No. 14 Eoonomy Purnace, placed by yen in my residence lait fail has gaven ne cern- fort snd satisfaction, warmîug both upper aud lower reoins with au even temperaure, wlthout duat or gi. ' W. did n ot require to use car grates even in the coldeit weatber, -and take pleasure in recommending your Furuace to my fiends ber. aud elsewhere. Tours truly, Z. BURNHÂAM. Judge> Wbutby. Frem A. A.Poat Eaq.: Whitby, May 4th, 1888 J. F. Pisi FmmAacuGCo., Toronto. Gentleme,-The <'Eoonomy Warm Air Frae"which I pnrchaaed from yon last October ha» given me goed sati.faotion. It in asy to ountrol, quiok to reaped, and biunuhe coal clean, requirlug no sifting of ubs. Although myhona e la'ivery ex- poued situation -I fouud no dlfficulty ikeep- mng up a coinfortable even temperature free fhom gisaud dust. I miglit seo say that the furnaces wbiah your agent 1fr. MoIn. tyre bau put iuni this town and vlcanity bave given good satisfaction. Yours, etc. A. A. POST, Ârchltect, Prom E.L CarmweflX aq.: Oshawa, May 218t, 1888. J. Mziw RouBq., Dear Slr,-AU Lthe geca thingu jeu nid abut thé No./", Peau. Furnace-when yeu ,Pm.6» u mhouse lut-fan, bave -preved te ho bru& t basburned ne more coal than thé. dovea psevlonadi&, yet it warmed mare ,oem and lu a tar more oemtortable maoù«erwlmlas ttntion, trouble, dust, Mdnta . yhoua. ilarge andtheii oe b yetthebouse hai been coin- f ='_ wart U wlnter. And if my houte. pIants (ef which I have many)coculai speak *he wouldarnasure) give yeu a vote of thauku as they have net bain injuroti or sidoky wtth oeil g ai formerly. Tonr", "e, Whitby, Ont,, May 10, 1888 Te thé. Proeut. J. P., Pensa.Purnae 0e., Toronto:- ir,-We have hati eue years' trial et tii. No. 18 Reeuomy Furnace andi axe pleaseti teo ertity' te the ease of mmage- ment andi et beatingcpct We bave Tiruly jours J. J. IÂi, Agent fer Wbutby. Oshava ant i Porlng. ROUT nIOKGBOTTO VETERINARY - SUJRGEON (Graduai.ofethte Ont. Vet. 4IoDage.) Offii»e and In&rmary, the 1ate Dr. Liu Prevudet Lire ttookÂsodation. SSp.c&4 atUteaon pa& to Va. Oalio$ele#rIph erT.eflone Prompt- NEW WATER JAGKETED 1 PURE8TU STRONOgi CON TAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, UIMEý 'P oraiyinuiuamt LW. GILLETT, ' bJld Xverywhere at 2t Reoozunerded by Eve ParisPi.Tir eudial, sa BTa S!S sbeing9the met 'HOSPHAEÉS, BueyI1e t ~iats.P. PALMBRSUBEOWS ~ONT~ OT. Mexuber oethLeAmerican i oeiOÂG. ~ iAssociation, atiPresident o i iv. Assoiation oetnuet] VD~~ BPerrin's Pine Tar ýC .VER COMPILAIgT, 1DY8PEPRIA-7LDSÂY.01 The vet basbeenisumStimfr a Nx.umtaPinse e-in oeurceusa bM48 li ,d rogui t h. Ewr. IDONT-'; %O - mmq 1- - _ 8 i 0 V 581av MARlLEwORKSJ ý The Subsoribor vishes teo ouvey te bis dayF iesud >Oustomens bis sinee tb4tiks , frtheirlirberstatronag es astadtoasuretiem tt tho bai better Loiitlstbu eerfor executlug ail orders entruiteto iat lor M onuments, Head8tone8., 8late and* Marbie Manties, Anti suy other work lunhMe lin. AUl Work guarauteeti frat-olans.Prie.. te suit the. tinies. I bave nov moved te mInopicee business in Smith's Bloc ouewth lof eho %4 Marke R- WOLFENDEN. OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONSI, Bemer manfato u re antare the sole beat fomn .he5OreYHEY AI FOSALE 811YDIUOGIsT& erso nns eoMeta..Congulttlc, pon ailn - - - - - ~ - ~ ~ '. lissaU n't@&,NO CHAMSEexcept fo ain. er"-aeaenO.toe"CM ,n HAUR COLORUNO I'U WPr- ePa tefollei S BIl ack B n eamBrown, (Ihestnt,% THE COOI'S BEST FRIENU Bod saumpGl lne,bA&r ordemongé 1? EM OVED / twe'ý"ý No8Imparta te à h ol-radfreshui ofImajenhood bareeandcanotbede S8125. No.9liemoves wrinkls. $9. No, 30 Be.- moyeu Liver Spots. 1.25. No. il RBooes Pil [ Worm. 1.25. Ne. 12 Brenoies )'r.ckles. 81.2& NO. 13 Rerno-es Plmples. *1.M5 No. 14 Betaoveg MAIIHS N & IAWK *Tan. *1.25. No. 15 EmBerne Moles. $2. No. le Removes Poekmarks. $2. No.1? BeovesuLnaue H apurcbssed Lb. Stock sud Machiuery pcfoorb.retondel norso- su esed lb. prezuises et the estate et StiOn of LthIr. 41.25.Tormo eodicine Ce?. J. & B. Woifeuden, are prepared te furuisi THE BUSi' No. 19 Io s combineti internai aiextonna treatrnent wbich speedily developes or resteras Marbie and Granite the female baiL to thepropertons of veiptuon nature, Ioenotireiy hariese and,'cents.in lu ne- sulte. Price. U Toronto Medicine -Ce. Torante, Monuments, Head 8tones, WOMEN'S iLLS. No. 90 AÂcertan cure fo Lecoffa, or hte and il oher emetFall ing of th.Wornb Uleealone Paintul, ]Un- and it oher emeery Work, struatfin, uBearng ownPane andaLDnsae and Wee.knesses pecuflar to eaeo" &S Partiqs wlsbing te vpurchase viii find iLte by the hlghçst mnedical authorit.ed as au "UW their =uerst te cail on us betore buyi« riale"rernedy. Prico *Sper bottl.. Tenante olzeovir,. yn MedicIie Ce., Toronto, Ont FRENCH REGULAT§0ON PUPLLS* AUl orders promptjy flled and satisfaction Far supenion te, Ergot Tansy. Pentyroyal a guarauteed. Oxide. Endorseti bythethousandeof ladloswhe- usethemMONTHLYf. Ne-ver faau,Bleeepalin INSUltE BZQULAIRTY PleseantaidffecbtL Price $2 Toronto e MedcineCe.,'Teretop.Ont NRALCIA & RHEUMNATisI (Ian be cured by Xnip ôfe e.' & Ita v.- iM PER IA i derful sale ladue o:te b. lmpltae at it dois

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