Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1888, p. 1

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IIITBY With calin Prluted words, gr.u îtheughts, and untlklng induatryu ýw. advocate Peso., Progresa Knowledge, Brothenhood. t'ýVOL. XXXII. Whitbp QJlrouicle, Established 1856. The LeadIug WeekIï ln Ontarlo County1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. 81 per annnm in advance-"1.60 other- Wise. Subseriptiofli are always payable at lie office of publication. Steam equipment and beut furuished Book and Job prlnting plant i astern Ontario, capable of ezecuting ail classes of work f rom the large poster to the amalleet handbill. Special mention is made of the unurpaseed prese f acilities of THE CunoN. ICLE, With its celebrated N. Y. Oottrell cytinder proe and other modern conveni- euces. Every order receives prompt, cars- fui attention. TERMS 0F ADVEaTISING. Fit insertion, per Uine, 10 cents ;esacl subsequent insertion, 5 cents. Displayed Advertisements are measured e-y ascsale of aoid Nonpareil, and charged accordingly. Adverti3emetits sent without writtez instructions inserted un til forbidden, and charged for full time. O rders for disoontinning advertisements maet be in writing, otherwise the publiah. ors will net be responsible. A liberal disco-unt for contract advertise- menuts by the year. Copyý for changes of cootract advertisemente should be handed iu not later than Wedneeday ; -lnd notine of anyintended changes sbould be given before Tulesday noon. Other advertiee- mente reoeived up to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news columnn Five cents per line weekly. Locala, 10 ets. per Uine weekly. Correspondence solicited from ail partsa of the County or neighboring townships. correspondents are requested to send in their commnnicatioré as proniptly as possible,_ HENDERSON & GRAHAM, Proprietors. OHN STANTON, Sup't Meohanical Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, County Oro-wn Attorney, and County Soicitor. Office,- South wing, Court Honns, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, IARISTER, &c. Office formerty c- oupied by FsçreweU & Rutledge, neit o Royal Hotel, Brook St.,Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., bTTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR Ili .ÀiOhancery, Convsyancer, &o. OFICEo-In tee Office South of the Post Office, in McMillan'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-10 G. YOUNG SMITU, L L. B., ]ARRISTER, &o., &o.-Money to Lui6L 13Dîssuer oI arriage Licenses. Or,icz-Smlth's Block, soutb ef Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. (11-b JOHN BALL DOW, B ARISTEB-ÂT-LAW. BOLIC1TOI% lu Chancery, Conveyaucer, &o. Offic-Deverils Block. Brook Street, Whtby. MONET TO LEND-Prlvste Fund,- n smo Up te 8800o, at a low rate cf lu- erest. (ly-52. LYMAN EKNGLiSH, L L. B., 6raduate of the Ontarlo Veteri-ary, Col-' *legs, Toronto. Orders by mail or telegrapl promptly attended te. Office at residence of G. Â,Yre, appali., Dr.îBogait!s, DumU&a trt, Wh ilby. LIVERY and 8ALE,,$TABLE8# Goof iips &d Good ý If sea.Ta=rin r tonsbl,. RIOG SEEB&-ROS. «&. _A. 1FOST &te wlth Laxigley, Laxigley & Burke, Toronto,) A R CHI'TEBC T. Desigjis for Ohurohes, Villas and Cot- tages a speoialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existiiig structures. Orrîcu-Firot flat over Howse's Drng Store. P.O0. Box 202, WHIrrnv. Dominion Lino Of Royal Mail STEAMBHIPB. LIVERPOOL S.ERVICB. From Montreal From Quebec *Sarnia...Thur. Sept. 2..Fr1. Sept. 7 *Oregon.... Wod. ' 12 ..Thur 13 blontreai. Thur. Sept, 2th.... . *Vancou ver .. Wed. «*26. . ..Thur. ep.2 BRIaSTOL SERVICE PoB AvoNmucu Docx. Dominion froma Montreal &bout Sep. 29th. Cabin Rates.from Montroal or Quebec. From 860 to 880, according to uteanler and position of State Boom, with equal saloon privileges. Second Gabin (very sun- perior accommodation), 80 Steerage at I owest rates. *These Steamers have Saloon, State- roomes, M usic-room, Smoking-room and Bath-roomis amidships, where but hittle mo- tion js elct, and tbey carry neitLer Cattie nor eheep. The Roornesare al *onîside. The accommodation for Seoond Cabin on these Steamers is exceptionally good, and weçll worthy the attention of the travelling publie. The ..Vancouver" is lighted throughont with Electric Light-lamil has provei herseif te be one of the fastes Steamers in the At.- lantic trade. Passengers can t'mbs.rk at Montreal il they so desire. DAVLD'TORRANCE &CtO., General Agents, Montres). E. STEPIIENSON, Telegrapli Office, Local agent. Whitby 7lJUan Eine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONOPERRYie. GLASGOW. EUM~MEB ARANGEMENTS. DATES. 0F SAILINGS. Steamier From Montireal From Quebec at dayihL 9 a. m. Circassian...Aug. 9 ......... Aug. 10 Pol nesian. Aug. 15........... Aug. 16 S.rm.iii Aug. 23............. Aug. 24 Sriî.Aug. 29 .......... Aug. 30 Parieian ...... Sept. 5 ............ Sept. G Circasesan,...bpt. 135.......... Sept. 14 R'bATES 0F PASSAGE BY MATI STEAMERS. Qnebc tO LlverPoo4 Cabin, 50, $60, $70 ar.d $80~ accordlng to, accommodation. InterMed:îate, $3«00, Steer-1 age, $20400. teturU tickets, CZbn, 890, 1100, s3o . onl, 150.O. Itermediate. $W.00. Steer- age. "0.00. Cattie, Pige or Sheep are nôt carried on these etean-tra. IMPORTANT N0TIdýE. Cabin, Interme.s.te anoi tettge Passenge may go on board at Mon treaÀ. By this arrangement pariseugers are enabled to be comfortably settled ou L.ard the Ocean Ste4, ra within oniy Ilhours railwsy Jouriiey from Whtby. z Steerai!k passeiigý. .d to or frein Glasgow, »elfaut, Q u ~WU, or London. smre rate as Lxvi- )al. Bristol and Cardiff ý2.0 extra Pasenger. ..nd - baggage are put on board the Oer.à;r hîipstaI QubeIrae 1888. - 1 1888. SPiRING AGAIN- A.di U laoking for os NicesPaper for yonr ParlerrD B g oonior Xth juet cal sud me. my Stock wbich in THE >1RE8TANfJ3 ,BE8Tl Ever SL' 1 AlinWltby, ompringhu lI est dssigpo and colerlug l Amnerican and Canadian -Wail and OellItIg paprn, -Han ging Lampsir The bemst uvelas largemi and obeapest varlety ever offered lu the county. FOR SALE BY w Ra NOISE, CHEMIST and DRUGGI5T w I-iITr:B «Y. St. Leon Water -AT- wu . R. NOIsE C hem/st d Dru ggist, W H 1IT BYa 1Tooth B rushes, Hair Bmuhm Combs, Per[ume8, Tooth Soaps, And ail other Axrtclem FRJ-DAY, SEPTEMBER LOCAL- NEWS LETTERS. CunmomoLuCorrespondenos. Mis Canning ef Berlin, who lia been vislîlug Mrs. Jos. Baird, lier aister, leaves ou Frida>' for bomeearry. ing vîlli ber tb. beet viebes cf the many oev soqusmutanees se bas found during ber sojeurn among us. Â ruxner bas bepu geing the. rounds lately'ta lb. effect Ibat our genial mer- chant Mr. Hagerman, lutenâs biddiug us aU Iarewell. Sncb, vs learn, frein th. gbntleman himeoîf, le tb. case. T4e very practical and -sensible reasen, being the desire ta better. Il le not bie intention, bovever, tla make s meve fer a mouth or se, lieuce s shall keep Our gaod, bye for a more convenisut sessen. MXiss Ada Stickney, whoso ilIness vs nlioned laet week i. net improving as rapidi>' asber many friends would wlah. Hovever, uelhuzag serions i. te bç fear.d, sud i111e nedoubl oui>' a Imitier cf A 1ev daye befere se.wilU be sniirel>' reoovared. On Tuesda>' last, Mr. Brovn Iook up bis old quartere lu lh. elevalor a& th. station, where be is nov prepared te reeive grain, cf ail kinde. Wben a 'perion oosider e . actIhal the sains puces are paid bers, sare paid ail o4vr thie provins., vsehonld thiuk that it- voult) b. a great saviug cf lime -sud l1arfor fariners le coins le Manches- tsi Aaie of gelug la the mare distant ILa eek our vilage vas favoired wh'b.te pree f su ludividual wbe -te have the beet supp>' cf j er>' ever mauufactursd. Strange iaho made quit. a barveet lu ibis c$emty, poenadlinsu>' ypeople taaveting lu hisesteak ef varranted ib, QuOe vauld ibink thai a person w*Wd bkno>*better ihan te have sny -do4frg. viisueli sharpern, for soïb assI"y aue. If yen sheuld. want 0;of jOV*lleTy, Why go te a jeýrelle* vlioee business depende - mthlw[mlusof his guarante. m»ot Pot aDy conftdeuce lu à 400Pued gent Who i. boe. to- oeuld nover undetand sud that ie, the DëCn Ilr factIbsiaieverycu. moems te êaiderXit bie bonden duty te mun dovu the oonounity lu vhieiheoliv. I4 la situit seond nature for soins people-ta clubtheir aeeiion lb. dullest fbl. on earth, at tb. same lime, abauîd ene of these oomplaining individus). be asked. vherein th. doul elies, lie would. ndoubted>' be at, à loe.for su ana-ver. H.v - nonsensical tien It muet b. for acyone te b. consiantl>' dromming oui the saie ca t unes, 4Tis senu, d Ti. on vho have grown homre sing this saine sang, jui stop a minute sud qnletly ask pourselves lb. question.,"Whai makea lb. pisse dull or othervise 2" The ariaver would usinally orne ta an>' Intelligent rnind, '"Il'. lb. people living there," an< se àl le, if the. inlabitante af su' PIse .some' iegelhsr ever>' niglt it t hé corners, sud en adns heur or two in, set$iug forth dlunes. of' th. ootmiti>'-lb. chouare tha" thet eminuit>', vILi b. as deilabbmlasa possible. Ou the, allier baud shold sc"- on.e45pet his shaderte .whçel,"- suda -oneït>', endeav«or eenlivmn eerylhlU*g aron hlm, il vonld not b. oI"g beforete "#dolluet bol. on u*rt" - "ulddevelop_ "a muet livly>' place. Téo u>theb abst uétthi aallsithmg s aia osu dO teto010u'haà tiscondhtMu of bisev setiasudsuyoue Who bas, îol gaIthebo necessary gumption aud bsoboue te stick op -for hieowu home, ouglt te Iklok biniseif &round ttii.inv. p. Nov let nse ppI> ly whtbhmjuil n sait te ur own, 11111.,Villege. lse is slesniI vllMesd tii. necessar>' ta the Toilel,â re ptinlugood varioty by W. R. IIOWSE, Chemisi and Druggist, Whitby. THORL.EY Horse- & Ccitt/e-, F00fl In Iota te suit purcbases. 7e 1888. WIIITBY, ONTAIRIO. W. R.l IQWSEY- -CHIEMIST AND DB.UGGISt, Agest for WU4b. DOWLI-NS- J sud deoided te hold asUnion pic-nie for tbe tvo sehools on Saburdsy uettlu Mesa Wilsou'esud Sornbergsrswoods. Tlie sohools te mpet at the groves, at 1fr. H. Simpson aud 1Mr. D. Williams bave rented MAr. D. A. Brown'a store for a terza cf yeare snd are ta bave possession the firat cf October neit. As thls new firin are vory bighly re. speoted in Ibis ueighbourhood, and lu faoî ws tbînk wherever they are knowu, sud sthsy are square minuevery, day> lu the. weeh, ve beepeak for thein a succeseful sud- prosperons business. W. bear thât Browu i. te control tbe Polit office business. The Sous of Temperance lu Ibis place vèe fortunate enongli te secure the servies of tbe Bey. 1Mr. McLelland of Âmbburn te preach a lemperance sermn for us bers last Sunday semnng. The sermon vas scriptural sud very point- ed, perhaps toc much se ta bave suited some that vers there sud othere thal ought la, have been there, out h. rabhed soins of ne pretîy close wheu lie referr. ed ta thase Iliat vers net called or tbougbl la bu respeotable -at the pro- sent day. Quit. a number of the Ashburn people voe. plea.ed at thie service sud il ishoped tualtbtey may be profited by the discours. a. well as tbQ Myrtleites. -On the fellowing Monday eveniug th. membere of tbe Division beld a musical sud liberary entertainint lu lb. hall. Il ws fairly well patronized sud ou lb. vhole vas qui. e'aBCces. PORT PERRY. Formnan Broe. wound up busniness3 lier. on Sslurday night lasi. They go te Toronto I1arn told. Tlie new railwayr station -i. gradually gre 1wing jute shap end promioses a che a vsry aiable building. From pe., sent appearauces it is pretty liard '46 saîy boy the public will b. able te get te il, unIes.s oins effort ie made te bil, a hy-lborofare over the top cf 1Mr. 3o Lswrder's grain waehause. A travelling soap vender made hW* appearaue on the Street- eue evenng, lutI week, aud amused a large orovd b>' performing villi a red lhot poker, licking il viiihbis tangue sud drawing il ibrougihbauds, sand then app>ply- ing theeoptre"veti. Rém.H There are a 1ev young fellovu who stand) arouud the laip-poui near the,. tevn hall ou Sanda>' nights, te .tae stock of the. lair eues going te an4 frock cburcli. It imu'iaverynide thýg tb. be etared ab tis iy.W>, suda. umber of ladies are oonxplaining.- These beys had better go te oehuroh wili the others. Ta those of lbeau wbohave neyer besu 'there I ina>' us chutrol service dose flot embrase- snythlng a efeared,ý thoughsoBeslergymen I ooüld i-mn. tien oDfer sucb long prays that oe eau hardi>' straghten up frein the orampet) position that custoin compel. him te takle, me mner lu whiclob. Prize -liste Cnrlfait assaistiaon. Bad baste ie -display*et) tlrougjieut -the. job-&Ïïl caloring i. uneven an«, blurred, the: tterWia losratIte, cieap, snd the listaee e Ottilmikaaes ail. The work contata terruilv bad -viii lut. NO, 9 M. Gaskiu le laid up with se rt hand. B. D. Power lost à valuable mare by inflammation., W. Brown je dloing thinge up b-rown by paiDting bisbouse.. Sam Johnon haeà ol<l bie Mill b a gentleman in Ubridge. The Aithton boys are homne again, baving finiebed their job out north. The mary friends of BiUly-gçk.ea8Y will be pleased to kn.ow that heie on nioely. Il Joe would corne baok te My place I wil show seome cairots worth looking at. I.- believe 1I-oau beat yen 1Mr. Thompson. Harvest je over aud fariner. are net wearimg very long faces s # - eema grain i. turninÏg ont better than many ezpeoted. Pricesie the neXt trouble te meet hall way. - The sudden deabli of Mis ofat sister cf D. -Moffatt, haa eut a gloom over the communîty. -8h. had came te, lier brothers te help wait- on -soin. who ver. siek Of diphblieriase took it sud died on Baturday. The bereavedfiamly have the eympathy of- the cormuuity. Mfr. Ezra StUli las agiaisireturned te the farin. Mr. Dawonoi merchant je doing a rashing business at present, -Miss Hugo, -of Port Perry, wlio ha.i beeu, visiting at 1Mr. O'Boyles' hlis r- turned home. Mir. (ourtice liad.a fsevere attaok cf inflammation iset week, but we-are>glad te hear-is'able to bearound again. ;,,The Myrtie, Betbany end Raglan Bunday icmlei -are going te bold a 1-tn ie-ienext Saturday. ~Oui rts huave commencé& raidiug hbe cern fields in q ueut*of gaine,' but ave neot heaad of Any swcuos a yet. O - vllgo is ,steadikyipoig hbe hird corner le nov undergoing -Y.- ýpaire, sud w. soon hope te se. Ilie fourili. Mfr. Jue. Boss la about re"~igý frein farming .and bas ,bought. Mr. Lynoh's bpuse and lot, juqt:sÎouth of tIle village. Mir. Lynch i. gog tethe S8teài te ieIp, swell the aiready large amy Of.. M 1r. W. B1. .Ma~Y, B.1. of Montreal 'higb. sciioli P-ai4 Beaverton 1a short vieil last wèek- A bseai iiatoli betweenu the "Swznp su t~. illgewae played on th. agrieultuWal'grounds Sstnrdayý aft.ernoou and resulted *lu a tie ef 10 Ste 10. The Bey. D. H. Mafficara, D. 3D-9 L D.picialOf the Preahytèrian lesat Montreal Winl preseli -'the' auivrer serw n uKuo xchuroI next Sundây sud will lecture iii the bassinent of th church

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