Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1888, p. 5

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SPEC0TAeLES Sottd iotlftc o ôuray by ytd 1h.eulevef D.Buokliig's Opthalma800 pic Teist. d'an iillfleuti endorssd by the 0 eotunU t rout" nd iclito certsintY the longS n= o ouityte er LONG, FAR and S'HORT SINTI Aund the more'difflouli Ou" sOf AS TIGM AT IS-M1 OOU"LIS' reuriptiofli, filled Frames of &Ul knd: kept in aook ai d.S 8#BA RNA lRUS JEWELLER and OPTICIAN, -VTIIIT1 28M-r FRIDAY, AUGUST 109 1888. LOCAL -LACONICS. SHAT 18s OING ON 1N ANI) AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET OF UVELY LOCAL. NEYES BLEAREO SY OHROXIOLE REPORTERS An, failli heiU Pren i t. 1 Redaucd rates on ail th!e reilvays le Whiiby sud rsturn Ou'Mondsy next. Take the earlY trains. Do net rua eAèy frein home on mondcy neit, but .tay ngit hors and M nhal tie Setoimen can do. Taic laies and seeioly et St. Andrews 'Chumeb lntend holding a maie Of uftful &nd tanoy artiolea ai ureatly Mredm pnzees, on Monday the. St inlu-the. store termerly occupied by Mr. Piilip Taylor. Ail are nelcerne. ? O coai t fcivie holiday attrac- tions Ou Mondsy, the Witby Division et B8oni et Tomperono. wili iold ils next regular meeting ou Tuosay eren- ing, rhon a foul ttdancescf membene- lerureiut e,bauii o t importance Tii. BrookliluTimnaet ofTnsday esvs :-Oid Mr. Waaa et Whibky, feu off th. plattorm etaitlieBrooblin mition on Frldey oening lust ai 'lie une oteiock train pa.sod in. He tforlunats- ly oesa.dithout lie aligitoit unjUrY. ýon arrrving at Whltby lie wai satly oondnéetit l home by Mr. MoBnrion.. A quit@ a surprise pety Ocame0 Te basebell -b on Monday momniug lu tie Toronte daily papere. A report rai lioeagiron et the basebali match liere'on Saàtaryhicb hed net-- nord of truih in il oxcepi iai a, gaine vas piayed home. Thé. <mme rai iai te have beon givon a ti1. ,beemu.thie nm iufee.te decide aginsi Whtbyt a 0 i. G.T. BK, pitcher claumel te. bave mode lie bil dodge &xound olgiteen men. Tii. fii herd hem. id aiY Oethleos. tiugavas rien ià appear. .8 lu thi.papari, and e on mae l a8Se trutileu report, wilh e $MemlyOf thie Whitby club-Lasbu lmten t so- à proeyfair aPte etbaf b vura played herl on Se5uday btwofflite G. T~ 'a. et LittieYerk'esd lb. home Il unàtarr et Wiby. The muteru wrme lia.ua e* w sohen vie Comorne r. Tey buor îWhltby bua toed c ut! '#ý*Id a lo !W lma vietory home b hoo 0 -9Lk. T bhooves ilrtepeeil-attention. Whitby'o bamebsWatbemng kieikers et -thé fiet rater, eueaiybring liw umapire tetn.Thé. tile troublé bXIeu Poo 01ite di a. Ai t abrosâto Vlverity are out -a we goï tmeiratorm I" -iïo ne 'ma - o; « M UW"or"1h 8uinx Soeram U àl. à U> Ti pauéi éù bjee1s or-3ÀM Aug.'wl 2i viD. V.) b. au flo. a.- . The Forcd'wislVcof ý,th* l .8", Ruimb. 2:10; P., ýàai.0b'OMti Taou ' , O3.T1 *11 b dosmiîn bthe vOsrng I. LU. Keep your eons date of Wt4lt. b' oivia holidaMna net - et 18th., àTiiprospoola etwagr.at day înWhit. -by on Moiaday nezt are .11 liai eau b. desired. (m. an&udoig the 'lfittis Meur. Arthur 3ohnoton, Green- woed, and Wrai Boy.., ÂýLdloy reluru- ed from Sootland ou Monday, after a mout enjoyabls trip. Mr. [ohiMu brought ont four Olydesddle hors for hiinaelf and six for Juo. M1iller, Tihe basebail club went te Port fllepe yetrday, for the ffret trne tiie boys bave visited another club this year. Al tbe perîod ofgoôlng te proea th. reeuit of the gae. ad net roaohed. hée. If they are defested itl vii only b. lthe third urne liis Yomr. I c s e I i I c i Wîc oeil the. attention of the, Helti unspocior tote ondition Oethtei DitROUicL% gravoyard for delinquent subsorîbers. The. place le ail growu ip visi burdlookeansd pig.esansd venomous reptiles ure beginniug te bold out ther., sud burrow inte the graves of the, disiionorablo dad. Wo vould like the pie.. oleared out a Uitile before the fail funerals orne in. The campaigu oormnrnnes as aoon ai tie barl.y le sold. Evîs a"e the Omette man gel his nw bicycle r. have foit aàiltils jealous of the. attention paid hlmz by the publie, and havo beon unsking up our ponerful Eind te have a Maciet ieai rail. One day Iceiwoek a telegraph vire ImI cme &long vii a trlcyolo, umade by taking the. me iiind nheelm et a light buggy aud placing aàernal vheel in front for a guide. This in vorked by the feet on tr.adlee, and eue oonld airnoat carry lerhole printing offioe &long viti hlm. It vould iese the Omettemmn nowiore, te take a rua dovu Brook St. with Mu girl ounch a machine, We approaoied the man vie Jiad lie congera and offeréd him hlm choies ef $1000 or lie mace. ae directed us toe lmuployarm and ne are nogotitng viihein mby tllgraph. A frisu in Bedaverlon mriu sta liai village dit nol aeeept lie $100 offéred by ,ei hhotal-kepet' seacbribe0 te aller nhusk.y-iella<-Re eaysà liai village had netiung te do vith the . meeting, il iaving been go tien np bye partlies uhe t1avrr viâà@y-meWng te oelp the ietel-ke.pere eut -et c bcd hole. By tireateuing le miake ail-c peeteit infommets <ire bond& tom thein future onduci ià vashopei to frtigitan mn frein blpin toenefomce th. lar. Our .omeeondsu says the respeot- able iniabitanltâ Beeverton -do net ymptîlse. iti th. ideasetfrnaklng mai gins bondes as cgueaaue$bey viii Dot aSalt te entorSe Canaien er lu future. The tact oet h.eumatter anp- peaus te b., thoui, liai môsi et tiei people rouud Beaveries are eltiar» vhiekey-uusn or éle le nl terreir of Tie finilstnike among lie bnabse- mou ou the XkMidinc »M"etof ethle Grand- Tmunk na4wny foi Mar, YOMar, oeourred -on ddïiUlasi. Tbe trouble4 inltix inslclweffpiot lteer ,l eltiier ps y or bouts et vork, ~ion matisseoetpremui@i., I-T& pa&Ï ia rien We ouductor là wonted Bnthe midlaid tiéaei 01m~oi aee a Graid.Tank t Ili te place.TboMidIeud brék usdai" teiii. Utî prmie Ïboaduw mefrein lbelleil tbëuim ou ie Kdqut asW .odueto-a oulie tWeo - Mpane asoked thilew oolm ntu aeomllnc b.Uo»àae 0lb 4iLAetm' 411 qui momuing 'a PluMoer set_4.-p#O.atrI Primn uaed Gorg e loÏÏit- dW ohaigei, henlng c a tier ua»ilei0te >, m ebolMy for breskias gto ae enad t mi rsllray emi st Wbhby. Ti. priioner rai dsoangd l ieuh thlib i p obing notile! X owu taras o va on Ai M, Atiklu .oett grépa~ iety -a id ba d&a.rIll -bs or o0 a nezIaL1c otie thu4j~nÎe aWigisaud club. M13. WIIUe amemenn bo lI&mon. da nrnn pJoin bis feiibe l inc- tu~rlc, I~. O, waprsnt iha band- môe bible by1h memrp01 St. Au- ihesa' Coir, «a atoken ef their .ateom &, friend informe us our etristerea on sDumha am.laut rsek raefttoo ver., and tiai Mre. Derusha realI ovns 1h. holel ber huLaband keeps.hav- iug paid her own mooey for il. Her evidenoe, couid neot hve aff.ot.d lie matter of Deruasagetting fined. 't up $24 'an '55 .1. mu' oht so 0« o ethe veMeel apiains Who carne from the barber ou Wodueuday, lest E) ta a fakir with the tie tirse sheila il beau. &. warrant vas afterwarks suid muired but th« man of the. tire.e mlfs ievanled. The. man who lots a Lrp.r vin hie money in liai way ight te sbut up about it. tole ai teo risin lureility the. 1producer eft1he boit Art taiued Glaessin liai city, the reply je unanimously iu favor ef 308., Mocauiland & Son. Ail of the finoit reideuces lu Torouto, aud meut et thos troughout Canada, have de. 4ihtful exemples inu m ortm or ohiier frcr this firm.-84-A. li lm d m L ERY4-Weiwiolear ont theýWgineo piour ~tr4i aa,~ BoFest1J'eC, é:1 atvery Redueed P,ýioes. Oorne: imdget the beieit of- Nwand Fbionable Goode et" iO*ýpîio. wW wlo:ffrS ý"ial B.rgas in Drése Goods;Oashieres, Lawns, Mnsinino, gams, ' dii, Parasols, Jmbroideries ottonHosiery and iGloveà,. aud Summer .Dry Gýo&is in general. Perfection in Style aiýd Assorment. Satiaftioa in Qu lty an4 Prices. Beliable and Serviemble Goodi rnarke& at Rock Bottom ]ýÈ1ce1s. . . CIENTS'F,'i -IE ORDERED CLOTHINCW Inspecter Fergumon and iet Con- ' haèble MeBrien look a trip ont to Grenn wood on T ay lisarci efthei.liquid ici mtilgu like an adder. A bamrel et eer, a barrel ot botil.d ale aid a keg )f staff alloed te b. wbiskey vas tiie "L& Se gave theaMeoincharge ef a cart7 te haul te Whutby aud a goed moal of it muffsred punimhment on lie wey dowu. The Port Hope Titea reinarbi : "A fev daym ago a number of Ontario, sgg dealere met lu Biraiord and compared notes vith regard te lait year'i pur- hbases, and foond the total te represeni 7,200,000 dotenm, repreonsingemorer than #1=OO00peu8 eut by them te 099g producers. Tii. importance oethtéi indumtry may bk luterred. 'Tii.great bulk et theme eggm e rse ported te liee Qurrua asemailenovertoek lt.ecamp. ere et Oorbett'i on Suiturday lat, involv- ing a myatery ruseh hai net yet beu unareled. Tii. boys in taking a rov eail frei the camp uotleed a emne Ioatiagle lie ra idUPenoza lagi deoied liai il b.iong.d teeaparty ot tvo vhe hail .amped lier. lie previ- ous nigitAn extensivesearse vwas natituted rith a nv te gettlng -so trace eft1h. orner. but vithoul avail. ,Dr.Bqceo. et Teronte bas reetived, a HIIi eta ur e aitom r. Balch. Beoretsry - ofthé Ba"sBoard eOfBilli .4 Iite Bu&W oby a1emipuhuttrous PrusienPoýlaàd. ner. hadoz bêtu afle Th* Polo brougt -alot Ofý,ýcel ohi hi î,eand bang tbom up mia oume8li the Po"isiPart eft li cety, w4it ire ek4 th.r.e me àoi caesl $l.boume. Up tu'Auge 's tiere had beeu fourteen eMsM ai ir deathm.- Tit ie .. tfl pijéisiaatas Fat ai voklntb* P onh quarter, 'and ilt. .eOldeallyi e4 tu b dimee ii b maupS4 out Mr.",ROIr tehéaili l Mim ue bailben errluns Cha proINercu acil orta onfe>loueq and eatubln busineasai447, 1 alsuel Mu«Cil.d i. buruteb.rs . litJi ous cf Mr. -Web'eb& rriie ëcMes lalr.to u mal es"at, lu-Manitoba aid Tortoloe H.as &aIse auéseôm ls. Nrbrs *sla térprs. .,Iz palmîet f$l89O0W "cime due o -dayaagoisoecnétetioun itb S aai w taie morigage, ad »élie oiragàto haietead ado. te meet il a fore. Gents cen ?rey on peeot satisfactioin in both quality and- style of CJlotho, and -hing thýei gàrments eut, aud mede in superior'manuer. Gr ene sn edes hrs abi hrs olrCfs rceSi adcmltýasiîeifSm IF ' 0.1, s T D."W - - - DE'VERELL'8 BLOOR, TFTINK -'IBY DEEPLY When you are contemplatinj a plurchase of anything in dur lime, no matter how email ACT W'1 s ELY By oomiug to look over our large and weil assorted stock of ail that~is 110W and.S&9f&l j ( ro buy'of m DECIDE QJKY m. Âfter seeing the nrioes a.ndaexamining the -qumIity ;of ourG(oods you oau'tl r9sist them. It i.s impossible to do 'btter elswhere. NO Gan be found. BETTER V-ALUES, We get the'ohoice of the boit goodsi>iithe Market-a~d na pr Cice-s e DW AS' TH-E L4WEST Weare IalWvay8reaJyýto 86 OUan z you Our Goýds. 9AI? W 6IGAS DRESS, GO' braidto ma~ GOEN*rs'JýVF QOW 'w.4 oe~ DS,' mL Aise 4BrLoOflri CL liv lesatliqu snÏpita et aboal, mmy fraude.4 fluais. 01.0 Oui lie s ti SM.n oeivh i menu%%, 1 , l' 1 à Il-' 1 l VI m w fitp me Ni 1 1 ýeowj ,er Scarfs and Ties. may be the amount involved.

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