iiids cf cm d dletrem the Invul ttalo, X., ilcoly au Cdie8 fer ies. ewertptl f mrin pi b liad. b)a )st woildek l -and éuî iin.eided t Spclfic tiug« toi] rhoie dsysI ergs milà l -irls," hoc feeble *a D PrecrIj ng unequ ntetlvct bn ',is 1 Il and or rity and him message. The President issucd au ex1ecut erde r last veek vhich vas iutiuselyi tresting 10 Wasblngtn. t o= civil service ritfn)rn almoit b oibm Il=! six new climsoJ aeilds& 10 thos ready cziiticg. The uwe lassioa lakes iu every 1p son ' t he Dp mental servie, ý-elempt Iich nas apoixihed by, sud vith the ceusent thc Sonate, aud such as aire appoini es unskilied laberers sud --m.sseug Bhould the prov sions oèf Ibi >Ordqr corne thé seltled pratie o G.overmment, ibe final mesut migil the tborougb exclusion et -pol».Irif the Departmentai service. Frg.uc' Simngshore ITS DIBAPPEAEAIqOB A!T UE ÂTE SEVEN FRET AÀOENTUET' jùst lately ou lhe 06ma of Bitu ou& of.those geological discovel been made whioh s uggemt to 1hé.', peritode cf! ime snaklug th. longesl mà â if I!. à tear but b pm a- Mdelzi ÈJ 1 ..m..A.,té'm, our rogular cOrrespo sut.) foïh ig bo .f uly powas f ur iibe.Thiu Gaerumb"nt DoPait- men&bt' eeoe a, théenimployeu halI jxellayDd COeL kroomeboOF1ed froim lic isbers. Frcrn sà nset on 1 he cvening of se. thiraà u'til gray à dwn on the fcurtb on until aller dark of that daye the yelf 1the soùrocbed and srtôd m&IIi_.bey '-pingled with exploding powdot. akng both night aud -dUby bideons le &Il of the otber inhabitant4. There was no formai obeerVs.nee of the daY bere bowevef, eiihough there was a wealth o1 spreud cagle cratory goiflg te waste-sevOflý tenthe of the Oougressfefln being in the City. Âny- body wbo wauted te hbear the Declara- tien cf LndepenceflOê rcad went te the aanunal meetinig of the Oldroet Inhabi- tauts Associationl, &bout the heur of noon. The general public vent down the Potomacs river and every boat- vas loaded te ite greatebt capaoity with Sholidayiflilg humaniiy and lunch baskets. And many visited the &noient 1ity of Alexander, whose regatta lways attraOts a crowd. The'- eiumbias, Potomae and Aumostans esa bhad orews on the courge. The Preeident @pent the Fourth at the White Rotise bard st work examin- ing the bille wbloh Congress bus sent te hiru for approval. - Thore je ikely te be onongb politiois in the Congressional debates frem uow until the ed Ci the session te pleasge the meet rabid partisan. Every sub- jeot t.hat cen ho diverted imb a political channel with the least poeesibility cf evolving party capital will ho thug tnausged. In the Senate the Fisheries treaty is te be kept cn haud available st ail timéie fer politi cal ues. t ih lsafe to @&y that tous of pamphlets vil) go onit froru the Sonate foiding roorne, under the beading cof this troaty. Ini the Honse thc tariff je a subject pro- liflo encugh te admit cf ail sorts ci political debate, and in ct'dr orc gel aIl the Rpeechea under thie head before the people, many additional employes vill bs ueoesary in the folding recru. Members are mov ventnring pro- diction as the leugth cf lbhe present ses. sien cf Conareeos. The membete ôf the~ ,Wayiq aud Meane Oommittee expeot Sc . rescb a vote on the ta#ig bin befere thE lot., cf Augnet. Time mtuet thon be allcwed for the Sonate W ousiîder thi -matter, abd the prevailing opinion à that Congres ilI b. in session on 1hi l5th, cf Anuut, probably s late as ti 1lot, cf September. Senator Edwundi la quot4d &a. pedi.tiug that ton tc ont dongÃŽees will b. bore until the lot, o 1October. With the close of the Fiscal year ti Treasurery department bas furnisheg serne interesting figures. The redue 1 ion in the public debt during June 'wa : '14,429,502, and the fiscal year whicl closed on gaturtiey, June 80, il wa 8118 844,080. The total debt now, les 1 ash in the Treauurer, aggrcgates -$1 165,684,656. 0f thio amoune $19015, 1round nurnbers-the intcrest boaina debb oi to-day im made up cf $714,000 000fcur per cent, $222.000,000 four au . -aiaf per cent. $645,000,000 Ps.ohf Bailroad six per cent, and 814,000,O( n&vy pension fund three per cent bondi - General HRoker, cf Mississippi,. preparing a bill which hie will soon û ,Indiana fainere may heo ornpejled 10 "ae in thair cropu if they dou't vaut 10 get'tbem bote.hy detroyed by lie grase- hoppers. Sqrildig defende hie going eut "te sco a man" dnning the*tricai perler- minces by. aosesrting that eren thie es- tain bakes a drop belveen the acts., Iigbtuig neyer strikes iluthe.»Mr place. Niior docu a mule, The tes- son for this la hecause the placet.inover ther. altor theo Bret srike.-1 Daniel Webter'< oid hair trunk la nmov on exhibition st Concord," N. Kf. The next question lu: Did Daniel *vcr keip a trunk for ber oldhd ai? It ie aommvhbat t'emsrkable that evea the moat delioate girl t. not *fraid of taking oold ; st heast net vheu il omres in the lors» o! les oraea. 1,I8k la the tuf liai maikea xuau'# thougits visble," asysomeabody'. Tht. la paticularly true vien, mon upset bthc botis on a Teck piléd p vitipar., Mi"se d-"1Rov do yen prononce Mrt. Smith-"L6 neyer prononuce il, L ulrnply mention bis former addreu."i ,'and are you rcahly no bsly brýke, my frie'd ?" he SaIl- as io lcndered tbe. harnp a penny. "IBroke le",va be"te bitter Zrsue. 611 am asbaly broke as tihteouadet" EntemoloIstseamy liaI becs always fly lu a qlraight lino.' Tl4éy man Io bu.y te vaste tins goiolg lie long vsy &round, à asmre vomea do uhen lhsy PhyeiiU'=-ý-(lo convalescent patient) M(y bil for alleadauce during your laIe iliness. Patlcnl-Q(ookiug or le fl and turumng ulule) - -Gra Scoti doctori1 wuasule4"aasll hal1 raser ye90u Mliy save m la i, $ Bau. e dsaucipuhty l' bbiun't . W -1,don lait1 liaI raser borne Mzi. dre cea. "HRAve yen moen rMy vi.? ked Smith, whior vas4hüring Ibrougi lte mtet"By George I " --hocxolaimoed lun 9 the nei*tbekti, "tbm go*"ber buille &round th. corner now. Bisheoan'kbesm groat way oef TWe Detrot r". PrO8a mya: "A - hi ag u 'a b as painled s' 6mt uhi êh r appea sn s8 ilel. lia uae.rof ilk: let in tieroom on _dlmppcau." Tic PfeturemustIéb. one olb.rbeg in*. theCid villi of zIuvhloh rmieb the inhb) lsu g ogpber 0xegh âll o the Gtqé4.) Thé peopie .o!thé ooitntry pretee' hM t tey eau someltlm.a ý'h the ol&bç of thé submerged 4~y ng Freoh gologistg estimaI. thal the grAduai inking cf th. soù of!rtoy Normaudy, AtomB iMdmiSol- land t. net heu a ieven lest n On- tury. At Ibis raté islel caîeulated that in about ten oenturiesmil lie ohannel porte viii h. deetroyed and Pairie itseif viii have beecore a maritime, City. Lu another bon contureeailb s*aprcdicted Ihat the Freneh capital itseof vili bave bi- orne entircly eubrncrged, exoeping, pethape, thst the. top cf the -Pantheon, of thé Arc de Triomphe aud other sai mon-u meRn ts zaay b. disceruible at loy vator by the people vho wiii thon be living.-London Globe. Wit and Humour. Baiuiug the wlnid-atrikiug a fuleud. A cereal istory-a farmer'a lie about a big grain crop. A headlong man is net a Mau vilh a long head. t is claimod that goals thhuve boat il fed, on butteroellh. '.ou can kWl a stroamn by daînning 1h, bu enca't kili a est that wsy. Goiugz ont with the ied-The wed- ing party loal1ug the church. The min that aid that twc hca4' vote botter than one noiver bail a boil. Man loges faith in eterual fituems eci things viien him vife makee hies hirts, Teacher-What vas the cause oi Abel'e deth ? Smart boy-(foot o elass>-bhortncss cf breabh. rA. stiteh in one's aide neyer oearn good. - orne vornen navet se. a rat withea 1thinking -o! I mram, Borne tomperanco men ke se punchi lioue that they viii nover permtt ten ï- seives te appear in geooi spirite. e The hortionitural taikea&bout ïmemm: 0vwtermelons te the acre. The docke e taike about so many &chers te t e vatermolon. An euterprising pork pacher Cinoir nati, whoexperlmented with thefai ,elried it on smre harne. a Pitteburg man> cal is ife eby Il Sbeaubiful "Virtne" because she lis hc ovn revard. Bbc dooss &Rlt.ehoua lework and gels no vages. e- iïetor. ,ilt makem no more spoiu eMnp«u ebhbishop P1re vWiviilBoneabu end!of- Ast emenderau bauuM o idmnlsrmlouet b.Dlocepeet ofXn- oi14 oeugb, coff i .vas hlsh jc lgleai sequence." Oeatin Veil' je to foilow bbc olber; but byepuriug the L with a dose cf Ayee'<Cherry Pectoral, ough viii bho cppod ud the offin net Ied-just st present. .glu the c b OM tae isb oold lb" f n ei pru a tha in"1 Do] bim er Wîl dtis Do Bi thb ed W-lUoved a ig doeludanumKintonaVa euitesat Graveniunt Friday. Au Extended E m1eue, rtsa veUl-kncvn obemist, pormits me say that Putnam's Painlesa 0Cor Ex- âotor nevor fails. It makea ne soie spots the flesh, sud consoquently la paînlesa. na't you forget te get Putnam's Cocrn Ex- sôtot, nov for sale by medicine dealers tryviere. rwo boys vere fataily burned at Qil City, riday. AERar oorbinBttD. rhere is ne other remedy or combluation medicinos that meetas somsuy tequire- ýente as dlos Burdock Blood Bitters in ita !de range cf power over such chronio [meses aw Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney omlaint, Bcofina aud aIl humors cf th. Mr. Peter Wbite maya hht he has net ask- a for netbésn offered s portfolio lu the Neglocted cooughs sud ecîde se froqueutly ioduce serions resulte as, te consititute a imnite sn9g he o DObetter, ader more> 'ploasant remedy for Coughs. erchitis,. Bore Tircat, CoIdsansd ail hîroît sud lung troubles t" n Hgyatd's ýecîorsI Baisai. Work vifl h stopped on the Bsflolle arbout ýirnprovementa% Ibis 'ureek unles inds are foiticeming. la ffet ~A" TO The.]Peint Dyspepsi ;dreadtuh. Dlserdered iver i. mi"" taInigestion ila afoe- te good nature. The huma digestive appaistus lu eue of tie moit coinplicated dwonderfui thingi in existence. t ine"si uont of eider. Greasy fond, tougb f , sloppy food, bad ookery, tueulsi vorry, lât. boum ,iriogular habits,' sud msuy etherthngu vbich ought net to 1;, have made thereriosupeophe a nation of dyspeptios But Grexi's ugust Flover bas dous a ycndertui- verk inireformirng Ibis Md business-sud rn the b.Areriesi, people sebultby lItioy osu sAnnjoy theïi me"l sud h. happy. Bernembor :-No bappluemu vitieut beati. But Green's Aug"itPhover bringa health sud happineus te the dygpeptio. Ak ycu.r drnggiot for a bottle. BovÃŽenty-five centa. Duncan Kelly wus stabbed by a man nsmed Feriguon, in a drinking place-st Lampton ]Priday. Sxxrcx-Mc.tue;intenu eitcl4ng sud stninmt a*t Wight' worme by ÃŽrth tog., If silwed b gonnue uors PUm ýwich cf ted ble.d and ncrtbem very ore. SwAruu's OIrxmuTstops$ î lcin udtedny, eiilez t1o lesu lu ~ l 4, 1cme aoesl.trnr.L Sk a -. DR.8WATM h Npropsiebowu Pbiladelpbis. Swsyae's Olulment c eau obtMed of dregginte. ,Sent by minsU f oa« j ~P~I~N6 UIIb. p JOHN FEIROUSON -- LB sHowiNG A BUPEBIOB SToci o0F 1Scotch,1 English and Canadian Tweeds, -And other fine Uines of Coitho, for Spring suite. Ail garments made up in lateet style on shortest notice. Ready-made Menu 8 and Boys' 8uit8, Gent8' Furniahinga and Underolothing of ail Kinds. NDSTRUCTIBLE OVERÂLL'l RATS!1 RIATS 1 i naldtnald aMiohadiutDar- i Moantatan ihlz, tnamefo rurtising purposos. mas Gulsun, Pool'. Island, N. F.,. itea:-"II have beon watohing the pro. »s of Dr. Thomas' EclecWic OiW ince umtroduction te tbie place, sud vith mh pîcamure stato-that my anticipations Me success have been fuly re&ulzed, xl ring cured me o! byonohitis and soresaw ice; vhile net a few cf my '1rheumatie ghbors' (one old lady in u atulax) pro- .noeit to bethe best "tole of ita kind Lt has evor been broug1ht before the blie. Tour modiclue, dosé not -tequire ylonger a sponsor. but if ycu viai me teý a s mu, Iuhsall be only te happy te, ve my usme ccnnocted vith yeur pros. roui child." muy Uriend ansd Ouhtouers bis *sincero thanku for lieu liberalimIrcuagl ie h pstand to assuitetimtft boihse tter taoltes tia ver foi executlng aIl eiders eutrusted te him for * .7 A - y/f JWu OUR £EA~ RPRTOS IIIF018SALE SY-OiMOS$.0rr3ons SIght ML ondeC o TOULT REU VSCUL~ boa OmanlilûeI VfIeu ar w. guarsteoternt gCm etr o.8niartotetbe sklntheoor idtsm meveaLierSpotsL . 1m .No'lBoRMÃ"vo euh Worms. $1.&- No. l'aBornoyas ruke.19 No..1 lS eimves li e .$ .2 .a.ém. Tan. $L25. No.oi RemovesPockmakm. $2. N. i - tlon$un.- Nd. 18An a cforthe rtentleu de- dulen of thoein 22 No. 19 Io a comblnedIneaisdxerl treatmnentqwio.peOdlydeeDeOfO5 the fomale baetë theprprin !vl u natrume. a ntirelyham-Coil~~O NO. 20ÂcetalnursfioriWbtmoa Figof the Womhb Ulcorau etasi ,estzical uti Ena Modicine 0c., T teOnt Onde. Endorsed b thelhuad dormisale edu or ail thst 1 ofixefo l i-i Monument, Headt0fle8,t/ j Siate and Marbie M Ani uy otier*oik -luiln. u. CONIAINS no ALUM, AMMOtlIA. LIME., PHOSPHATES or an u'ylous siatedrlI8. - XO RO XWTO , O0 . E,. W. GILLETTS ncooour R.WOLFENDEN.ý à à M- Me Amml Pocte .erousy iujue4 nt Ri boudée, W ot--Wednesday bythe prinUre disbai of a 0m6=0u. 5 A <isu.ud.. sudIulmreleu o ~oth nrveg vmk- noem%,eurl ecsylemmo! rnul>oodho.,S viii modp elplaIvire ju Amerlo sued, - mlfddream d veope New. York Ouil. The Amuie=n sbp garffs agbe EPý d-- A..we!ashbeys.Dr- L~W#. Lord Ooierdge, »a',beikg sbaiply -Wtlolse4 for, steping lhe <rsialibel sdu. GenmulpblSSure have~ DRi,,HOODI LITTL LER (Vry miu d easy il Latest alyles in EHard a.ncl Soft Feit Hats VEBY (JHÂP. JOHIN FEBGU SON, Dundas si., Whitby- Kedicatea for san diseases of +lé blood snd neu- vons system Ladies' ]et $2 lor female cern- o e q u a l e n s '] B o t $ 3 , c em b iM f d omIsins Ec.The onyrIIlance oivlng a direct current of e tr day the,. rt. an wr a i bo L t o d onlals fI tbose muea of femele diseases. pains in b tan p ad n ervuse.Lty, g ebflity, lumbago,,rheumatiom, paralyses, neural sclatlca diseaseof the kidusys. spinal disesse, Pud ier et, leucorrhoea, catarrh o! e-bladder exhanstion, seimmai emissions, atmae1 eaocOlti patioZi eryslp- eissInldgestionl, Impoten pydumb agunasud boters. endstamp fi5r lhandsomeérly itrat , pIm'aCs. epsy, coresoenceestrlcty couModptia. Cmn- sultmallnsd eloctretatruant fro. .AgentEwfted everywhere.P&t Peb.261, 28M WOLFENDEN'S SVEAM MARBLE, WORKSI' w E 1TB i&4,- 01 >ter f cd et-c 14.1041.1 4 nemal 1 1 1 HATS!