OOR CJDZof laite, ttatqi 01. ;<fnato1nay- And ttema trot o0 - ilqà o n ia kbytin ug i the . ~von tryiPinpuugpth -~<:which iùf -tlbc'lh foÉest wa- 1Iruit tre. LLD uring 'l re: eut storru :ie .lightui*ng éirt %r ig ie, :longe 'at f r o i, a Y, to- ro 0 'Y± ul .ivI _ c--u-ee .damn par- terd &Y, îil bonor of ità 1 u ivvrc-ýry IoY bd kre . s ou bad bisý th- iNgÃŽ,L±h _treuty of indepeu. hair einged id the hbcd was knocked denc of the-United Statea. But it je off a sboe 1in- on the floor, but ne vcry d oub.tifu1i i th e Unai D.neakfv u'v.ed other harrL. vas doue. frei n s hotel or publio i~.g rn A girl named Hattie Marner the.M MU M th@ Q 2ýr!&s Bir'1h. m:iaamusing berselfin lte -Halifai da. public gardien by lhrowiug a baby in 4j3jQgjitýée was no rain, Mon'day the air and caiobing it. Afler severai. last wane evide n fl y a wm td %y itne1,h o auoessfmil catches, th. littho eue fiziaily towuv*ttu:The drneme et tbe sIipped from ber bande, sud su8taiued atpah rfficsRinig a like feeling of injuries which ilte foured may prove drjm«stw4ho:throat,; of tht' pleiattire fatal. se.eûoa~te-ademand for iiquid The body of Clarende W. Hamilton, oo*4bn : a lag4 besr, and be- wbo ekated through th. ice on the Deà r- 13~ ec a wtet one. moutb lakes, uear Halifax, laet win ter, Ozb e eitor tht niover in aud was drownad, was discovercd float- hie lits adhkeu cuno a Rw'rn of ing in the.lake by hie brother on San. drunks as e oaw in Orillia ou Mouday. day lait. And h. wss net a Soott acter, etiber. Of-éà kit4%hýimxnense orowd in th. A lady cf Moncton, New ý-Brunswick, to*«d1h6retbiug te de with lhe Who conducted s saloon lu violation et awmqut of litqnid refreshmsnte' disposed lbe the ecoise lava, belug on irlI,'horoe- 0k. ~§~ersandfoutpe bosteoupwhipp.d tîb. proseonling attorney ini e el ~e htsleeofi b ok court, wheronpon th. admiring ciions preeented her witb a diamond ring. -Iwdr~~4bushn ewe lastweek, At the Dominion kaitting, factory. wééùtj*~etha a ertin illgerColingwood, the other day a Young h son e@ illy ot wife-beating. The womau named Wooiver vae caught sud par fdf'o is lerribly indignant, dravu under a whei. Her foot vas a~S rpor%- 1 1 e.Uem.soriooly fractured sud the leg skinued phate ly8 aed t at h di netthrsh t thebou . Tb sc idet sa serions bilbe MQAOOou thal day. Au«,» oeeasd msy yel prove fatal. moè*@&Ve,&vers ltai magistrale Nou licoucs.te sell intoxicante have 866MwObol,atcled in, as the. para. over been granled ini s Parry Sound graph eiated, but Wa"juil.netaeidently village, sud now il haî become a tevu pffluin. e vas kiokigber from vith -a portion of the tewuecip of F'oiey t 2, Ife are oxtreoeely sorry atlahed- The Oommissioners have re- whle duf not 4e -justice to Ibis mQ ~fused ail aiplications. s,<pqiRs piauered man's oà se,i and Bradford hae sbandoned her arteuianc h e e *iljWe.pt cur correction. in veil, The drill broke at a deplh cf 200i t1ÃaostimihI i. vitten. fHo feet sud rest Ial efforts te gel it eut.t sMlIwffl[wt for aIl hi. good voike, The bol, ha. ociet #M, juat oeeasd as sud every lima ýbefela like kiokinu bis quarter dollars a foot. w riflm Ue-it ns kuow, vs shah be The report cf Ivo aimont-fatal acci-t r4~fW ecordt1h.esme. dent.e ome from Lindsay. Laurauce *tMlewtîhtour offie- lait Tuesday, Duke, s piéaterer, ou Wednesday hast, 1fr. J. Svartmeu, cf Byiug Inel1 relat. mised hie féooink *on a plank and fel te ' edaryhkrilling. noltte puy -huiirais- the floor, the fail breaking three rnb. iugrlijLlÇWes dveutures up there. sud pressing îhem lu upon 1h.beutau He s*W%,t, eue day quit. recently à ansd ugs. Vory little hope cf bie re-c fl~~& hi loiy, ILoreuâo Peu.- ooery as .nt.rtaied. On Thursduy1 Ion .hycus'uifund bis net fait, a. If it night Sam Trotter, a Midland brakeman hegttu.arock. After a Uittle jumped trommMh', train te sureelime iu tr4htoatutiaikvas overone reacbiug bis hoe. Striking a rolling a$uiasin v.broqght te tue sur- sens b.hovas preclpat.d to tb. gronnd,E iitet.dm adrawlng ÃtAn, feeling a -hi. he.d striking agaiuet a raihvay lie,> mà ttêb1ffèdh ha soe.bsavy. body rol. ll-ÃŽh sObhtorde a. 10 fractur, hi. shull.1 e,,Ffl ioi~ud produe.. When 'tbe On' Wednesdsy eveniag at Burkeien "W~ ~ board, he notîoed s ome station lu Cartwright, James Griggeon bAjK cug!i h I he moches, whicb iponvaseIurdtlh.881. aei ,0;4 efound tebc p1à it cf a nlght, Qrlggonvwa.drm"aknd rigd t, mwafflmwp vith the baïr sttéoh.d 1 tofor.. hIM wv y tb H&aU's@elHall o T"Mooffseapiece cf sia a bout tvo sbored hlm baek sud he feil ou corne- i*0.s*n, th vhicb hQug a bunch thtug wbioh injured bie side lulerualhy. t] à f i suly Ivo feet iu leughh, No blame lu atiacbed te Hall, vbo à Soubt, the pride cf some neyer lefihome ueir va. b. arrest.d. Er" 1gi, vose serpeov wlicoas 5Aninqueil .n .d hondred à i& fifty feet 8eop lu 1he Ou Saturdsy lutsi ity4-our of the 0 1"ayt W. 1. over-f Iis orse.receutiy pmur ed fer lb. Ian.8 .01M*4»pw bsenêty vas, viii probab- peri &r4=Vby <3o1.Goldi., ývoee hip- '1 konbut lhe masser y là =te ur g9m"dubor ren t. ,eý.tee plainly. - Pour pea, re nlq d.thl hfslewst b.orI Npfbo»ouwu wmkedin tst bingudolie chargeoet Mr. M, . vUwî~sd l. vveso tri8hma i lia.. He informus s hat tb. hay, w GJIleticata, etc. ueed for fed la quit. a largedo se uexpetedy fo -h appy over.-Ooboprg Sta. May 6'ave 6en eue of th. passegers. *fÀ M4crva, ithout sny doubl, PoierboW 'Bz4muwr -A lbree peaucm bu~t~c~t s164Jar&fte.Wikmt old son of Mr. D_ 1- Lundy .1fan s. The Bu"alo Strttorasepm Pr ur r mi rah&n c swng usualn t tp mmen omreord. um beenmupne CONSUMPTIOII CURE»,- ~ursuunp u sreepxees uadid, bit nome of, 1h. ot Pr gIrl semed 'M whovng h.silniaks. ii.to e a, a ap fer 1him. towr "fk4 by the frieuda -of Wo Sife. irealwaye 'wIng 1.11 Who r agithesae, r hep e w -0Winl1 . 1 8.Th robl'e ia hey gemu * *~ tielilc cci c vauisuaof d& Tà " . Haust, it c b.' i r. i o u-itanhlls., l paer ùsUb. tBSn Ii.Os, 4, . very niuýrely goetit, "Tfomçitr tinou neue or nbeansa aiail." Theegreà it enor, Mssini, recontly sng st Conigtià tinople before the 8nItean'Q haremn. Alter hie aria from "Tbc'fUdgUenots," a voice arose bo- ,hîudtibe eoreen, whore allbth ladies were hiaden, and lu perfect Ilalian stye t sngthe Song of Valentine, wbich follows tho tenor aria.. The sitiger proved te bc the daughter of a higb officialiniiithe Turkigb cour& who had ctudied in Borne, but wtio bad been fo'rced into thbe Sultan's harem on ber returu to Constantinople. à Newport clergyman telle tbis of a recet marriage wkiich lie pertormed: -"«The parties woe foreignersi boîli good-.lookiug and well dressed. The &iroom- pret;ented hie lîcensie, and, Ibis being correct in ili p-rticalars, th:e clergyman begïn ta read the. service. The grooma was befittingly soletun, but ou the face of the bride was a emile, which breke into lsughter before the oeretnony vas haif oompleted. The clergyman stopped sud iooked rather severe. The groom, tee, wau Iroubled, sud- saw thot socue- explanation W;; neofueary. He looked ai hie bride heipleuuly a moment and thon suid "68h. uderatsnd not s word of Engajbs or what you 9ayia' '. Sha Portugese. But 1 îhink shee mv me, aIl the same."1 The ceromony wvs ompleted2' Agood ateier gives th. followinga the segret of sucens in archery 6"Therè are juat two reqnià ites forsa good score in .rchery," .aid ah., 'always, takriog patience sud praudese for grant. .d. One of 1h... i.s à quick oye, th. other i.s tesdy nerves. Nobody who ie fluttered eau shoot. More than that, though th. hond may seem flrma a the moment, if th. mind is, or has bee.n. cently preoecupied or worried,good.bye to your chances. A lady who, is ou. of the bout Archers hereabont* cal.d a me., on her lawn on. pleaisant day 'tbis spring. 8h. hsd been mskiug ex. ceptlonaily fiue scores cv.ry mrng at praotioe, but that day wîth th. Car. of her guests ou ber shouldoesah. made the meut vretched showig of auybody there." A daughter eft1h. Marquis Tseug, cf Ohmse, m*Mredlatoly, sud, as ileoto- mory ou such oooauions ,là a proosusison of the goodu cf th. bride took piu.. The cortege vas headed by four ser- vants ou horseback, sudlhe again vas rollowed by s comnmissaryof polie ith four oficers, Ivo earryaug -ehains snd tvo bamboo ; thon camne a fuil baud- of musicau, followid by caiersnt 120 table. contaiuiag 1h. proseuts, sud the r4 sz wurought up by a hoit of friends lu carte. The firuiturie -sud beavy ggode were net, as ie usa car- ried îhrough 1h.e streets, th.en»W houa. of the bride adjolong ber cold que. Some d.ys predmonsa elnâlw poe' don, although lmuaImMeffin e-took Place of-the goo"of 1h. bii groom. à Moutst à rsuulng. net tp lb.perutu ffied zf h.e have my ~b t&hs vlth whom h. colues iu contact. laa délicatenmlter le upeak of, fbu t hmba Prt.d net only friends but lovera. Bad breath and oatarr are Inseparble, Dr. lage'à OaStsnh BRmod-ï Camesthe vorst BOOK-KEEP[ING) PENMAN 8111F, BUSINESS CORIRESPONDENCE,' BUSINESS ABITHMETIO, COMMERCIAL LÂW, 81HO0THAND AND TYPE-WIRITING PIACTICALLY TÂUGHET. FINEST ROOMS IN-, CANADA. Send for Oironlar. Addresa. 27 A Positive Cure. 0. O'DE.4, Secret ary. A Painless Cure. ]FAOTS TOU I=X 0F A.LL ÂGES. IDISBESESOP mLN. affeI Ot 1iýaMginsd Kobnor oiMedilsesp the £~nb.e esofrlndiscreti.u, 1EXPOe*ma dOveawork. Whe are broken Jovu fror te effects of abuse vW iind in No. 8 a radieal cure for nervous , ~ dobllltg, organic weakness, involuntaryvlta loses. etc. 87«Ptff Y"WaitU N. 1SHOnLD BC Ueu.-Want of etibrgy. vertige, vaut of purpose, dimuesi of slght. aversion te soclety, vant of confidence, avoldance ci conversaton desird for solitude, Iliblesuesesud lnability te lix th, attention on a particular sbei cowardice, deprsoe t ofspirite, glddlness, bIoncf momory, excitabilty ef temper. spcn nistorita, or lonisfet he seminsli lud-tite resuitb of seif-abuse or marital exces-ilpo. *oY, -Innutritlon, emaciatien, barrenness, palpitation cf lte heart, hysterlo feelings lu feaetremblinq melsncholy, disturbing drearus, etc., are al symptomi cf til terrible habit otentirnes înuocently acquxred. _lunshort. lte pring c'f vialforce itarlng lest its tensio, --very function vanes Luconsequenea.Scletitlftc vrsters and lte supenlntendent -. id lutaus atyln 'ns unit.in asaibingr ne the effecti ef soif-abuse the great nrajority c! wsatd lies wlch one nuder- tbeir notice.* If yen are incompetent for te ardueus dutiesef b o.s napcll frlieejyet f lite. Ne. 8-oflera an,,caaetrom- tbeffetcferîvl..If yu reavae u nr, -No. 8 viii gir.ynJilvgrn otru ltIf-ynü ire'.brokea dupylaiy doal frümerucà lytridlsestlenlteé A Perman-ent Cure. IMPORTANT' >* A PeasantCue MOT/CE i fo r lnfants a*#,à ChikIdrene [recommend It as muperior to ad~y prescripton Sour Stoinach, Diarrhoea, Emrutation. émw 1 M.99 .A. mar, L., - KOla Worms, gives aleep, a&" promOtes die LU USe.OztordgL&.BrOoklyN. Y. WM à 'u!ious mdicstian TiS CuwrÀUu Coxrà ziy, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. la-et f uiaygand Gibi bon. Prolm eu[ syci --.IDe ii Oïder, mswking t deoum te a1l cf tI ýPhere W88 ne fi e ay boe h owi as a vesth et-à )ig te wsle-'I4 IBgiesmeà boit dyV.wh0 be aned [)n- of indepe. à ùlw& meeting 0c unts Assoiatiôn, Don. The gondel aeid te- its gri ,liday.ê'aliDgnw ,skcts. And mi Ly3ýOf- Alexsader, tat scrow ctomaci end A~ eva on -the coni ,Tii Presideul le white House Ig tb. bille whià b:iln jor approi There ie iikehy ithe Oongresio nettthée endofi hs most rabia -P ci., îhat.an ha d hsannel vtth the VoWing party managed. In th~ meatlis lo ýbe k]ej ýt U lies for; aife' l&uythal t o0out .from the ý nder lbhe affin toHus he ts iflc1encugh te ehtïics.i debale, îhe spesobes nil ýeople, yuya )a nece;sâiy lu I Memberis ar^ licien -U lbt!le' lion cf Coùgroue ways sud -meai cach s vote on1 LuI., cf Auguet - illweà for the, nattersud athe hat, Cengrees lot, of Septem.bà aquèted s« pret n rpbes < wi 4ihà e qosq Preairervdepe 068 1~ain St, B1JITAL0~ I -ON ACCOUNT OPILLNE8S I RAVE Deoided to go out of -the Orockeryj AND WIL BELL WItùTHOuT giEs ..A.T le- E! Y1D 1 RJ C DIN%ÃýTCH FÂNOY 1WARE - OLâ TAýBLYlLAMPE LAMNPGOC Ml aluuttyls sd.Pattrns. Di Theoetsdfhep# iq TtC - I The treà tmeut of many thousands of ecal of those chronic weakuesses and clistreseji~ alinments peculiar tb females, at tbe Invaij Rotel and Surgical Inscitute, Bu'ffalo, N'. Y lma afforded a vat experience ini nicely eda~ lng and thoroughly testing remedies for cure of womanns -peculiar ma1à dies. t Br. PI>erce's FavoPite Freucriptloï la te outgrowth, or resuit, of this greatald yaiuable experlence. Tbousaîtds oftbestîm<O niais, received from -fpatients and from pby4 clans wito have tested lb in the more- agrr, vated and obstinate cases which had bahi their akili, prove lbt t be bhc most wonderui remedy ever devlsed fer the relief aud cure i suffering vomen., It la fot recommen 1dUd1a1 66cure-ail," but aÀ a most perfeot -Specifil oi wonman' peculiar ailmente. As a powertul Invigoratisig tout' It imparts - etreuglt-te bte, whole syste aud to the womb sud Its appendages i Rartlcular. For overvorked, - 1 worn -out, "run-dovn," debllltated- leachers, mlllnei remkMseamutresscs, 'oh-op-glrl&1t' houle cepeanuiing motters, sud feIe wom ~eeafDr. Plerce's Favorite Prescrpl re- h-Ã"- i i P ýea th1y b o oni, b eln g u nequ Au ainooah9ng an toighna nervineg à 'Favorite Pesl «nla un qualed and la invaluable lunaandYsuc duiflgnervous excitabllityet ha ston.plrotretou, hysiat su & other distresslng, nervous symptoms corà -monly attendent upon -tunctlonal affd ergut diseuse et the 'womb. -It fudtrcee refresbk slcep sud relieves mental anxiety sud di spoudeucy.i Br. ]Pierce'. Favorite Proecriptlo1 lu leitiatemeuicine5 ej oompounded by an ezpeýrlenced su i~ physîcua ansd adapled- te vomau's dellosi orga.izamoIopIt là purely vegetable in 14 composition sud eporfectlyhainlem inlu fi affects Iu any condltfou cf the systeru. 1< morumng ulckneais, or'uauseafroru vitatevu cause arismng, weak stonlucit, Indigestion, dpi. Sep"andIrinredsymptoros, 1M5 e, lu sMsM ofl.esfviu prove very beneficiaL "69Favorite PrescripionI laia poei jtue cure for the most comnpiicated aud-ob etinate cases of rcucorrbea, excessive fiWin] painful menstruiation., iniura] stippreso prolapsus, or falling o? the womb, weakba "'female weakue:ss.,' aiubev'- rsion, rp-broverlo bcaring-down s<.nsations, -Ioi congetià inflammatioin and. îîlccratf i a ofthpwomb;Ii- flammatlon, Pain. and tczidexiness n ar -accompauied-with 'internil lest" As a reguiator- and lpromoter, of fun> tiens! action, et titat crî-.ica Jerod c bn frouz giriliood ta womanhlo.ol, *FavorltePr aicription." ta a perfectiy safea remediai cquallyefficaScio l u. u aubentefç *hen taken for those- disorder snd dermà meùtir Incident te ltaI later rnostýB pe rknew as " The Changeof Lt. a e PresCription,» vheut lu counection vith t'1hé, use etDr. e qlrs Golden- Medical. Dlscover. sud saiia]aunl d&,es of Dr. Pierce'a Purgative Pellets- <Litt m3ver 'Plu), cures- Liver dysu idddqt diseaus. Titeir comblnied i useaise remov biodtaluta, sud' abeliehes -cancerous u&W Ocrofulous buinors from te system;n.ý 44Favorite- Preription»"la8te enlî medicine for women, sold Dydrmgltund* ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training.