Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1888, p. 1

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Wth calm Prjnted words, groat tboughtes gad untiriug izdustry, adoasPeace, Progresa, Knowledgs, I3rotherhood. XT .iTi- XXXIIe WHITBY-, ONTAIRIO. FRIDAY, JJJLY 1ý, 1888.o ?IU. 31. T& Buihe, Pure Hellebore Established 1856. ARCHITECT. Design g for Oburcimes, Villas sudOit- -NDEF Ihe e~dn~ eeky I Qnarl Ceni1 lees spclaiy.Dravings prepared for :reodelnl ig exisig truotures. SUBSORIPTION RATES. Ovnwc-Firil fiai over Hoise'sD 81 jper annum lu advàne-41.bo cher- Store. mg P re Paris G reen e wileo' u bseu p t~ion .are lays payable i P. . fpx 2 20<I. s wis Stbsrl ien 22~WTuT - FOR SALE BT o Steam equipmeui sud beet furnlshed cil Book snd Job'-printing plant in Esuteru fDominin lLino of Ro al i Onario, capable c! exeouting al lasses cf " wvork f rom the large poster te ithe amallesl STEÀM IPS. th handbill. Speclal mnention lu made of lie 1£, fl J ~ , unupaed presu f acilitieg cf Tu n mn. LIVERPOOL SERVICE.01 ICLI, etit iioslobrated N. Y. Oottreil ermMnteldrouQee oyinder resusud other moderniocuveni- ~ . p sMnrel rm ubci eoces . lvery order receives prompt, cars- 'Vone..... u . ..Tur. ullUIERi . fu teto.Toronto .....Thur. 2..CHEMIQI Bfld DR(UGG1iOl t OSurnia...Tur. Aug. 2 ...Fr1. Augnl3 cc TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. *Oregon......Wed.'fi 8 ..Thur 9S i BuIsToL SEuVICI voit AvoNxOUTn Dccx.M Firt imerlcn, er inê~ 0 cnts .echDominion from Montreal about July 20. ubsequsut insertion, 6 cents.Onai u.1 Displayed Adverllaements are meamuredOnao " Âu.1 by a sae of solid Ncupareil, sud charged -To t acecordinirly. Cabin Rates freux Mcntreal or Quebec. bu e AdvertiieOmentSsdent 'Without witten From #W0 te$#0, sccording te steamer intructions inserted until forbidden, and sud position o! State Room, wthb equel chare ~ fdo ull ulugsalon privileges. * Second Cabin (very su- Orderefo iscr1tn gadvertisemunts o smmodation), W. S* e Har B rushes mue bein ritngotherwise the. publiai. o=u rates. H i.B a h s -ers wlll not ho nesponuible. * Those Steamneru bave Saloon, BIats- A liberal discount fer contract advertise- rooms, Musio-rôoon, Smoking-rocfliasd meulu by the yean. Cepy for changes of Bath-recma amidships, *here but 11111e mc- C m s contraet advertiseenitus souid ho landeâl tion la feu, sund they carry nethen CaIlle C m s iu net lter tien Wédnesdy ; aud notine uer seep. The bonis are aRil onid. cf auyinteiided changes bculd b. givon Tii. accommodation for Second Cabla un bel ore Tuesdsy neon. Othen sdventise. tisse SteaMees lexcepllenkallY gocd, sud menti received up te Thuraday noon. weil worthy the attention cf the.travelling PoP fume8, tý Business notices in local or nevi commua public. Five cents per lino weekly.- Locale, 10 clu. The -'Vancouver" 15 ligbted throughbuh per lin? weskly. lbElcî eL'git, sud ha& proveà hersel! Cerrespoideflo solicited f rom mau parts te b.eue o e! ttSteamers i 1theAt- To oth8Soaps of the couuty or nieghbbnug îowmUixps. lautic trade. Psmar tMntoli corrospoudenti aesrequested ho send lu Pessengers a maia ote!i Iboir communcations ad pronxptly asu they so deire. possible, DAVID TORRANCE & Co. An l teAiicsnemayoth HEINDERSON & GRAHÂM, Genorsi Agents, Mstresl. alce rilsnesay h -Proprieoos. E. STE PHLNSON, Toilet, anc kept in good variely by J OHN STANTON; Telegrpb Office, Snplt Mechanical Dep't. Local Ageul, Wiitby. - ~lan ~ W. R. IIOWSE, Chomial and Druggisi, Whtby. E. AR WEL, L.., Royal Mail Steamers. ___----------______ B"RISTER, County Crovu Attorney, Band Coniy Solleihor. Office,- Souhb LIVERPOOL, v~n~OoniHus, Wltb - - LÃ"MOONDERRY, H RL I OCAL' NEWS LElTEBS, ~POT PEEr.I Sru,-Your correspondent here in severe *u=3ag8 crij<ises ti.econduct of some of our e1hstcitizens iu regard te their dishon. yla in ot having honest ausmènts enter- or The asment law we ailknow la de- 'tlv% but betweeu honest assoasors, honoit ise" aud an honest court of rovision falrly Kpàtelo levy might be'made. This I be- .15:5Ï@ neyer bien the. case hero, and whon ;is~ 10po te case the law bas been violated O m hr W. U.Forman had law n ide and il cunnot b. deried ho carri- tl h. business in astraightforward ,with lhe exception that bu, was a Lit àyin sorne inatanom es. was com- BIIOd1tO sufer every sort cf disconrtesy from boas. aàppaled agant and much from the curtý- This and thep;eneral uproar in which the ccdàrt was kept the. whole tisse was ail ighly diacreditabe. The. shameissa ro. te cf some wealJey men that theyha not ther persoual effectsin e h-ape t be as- sessedl might form an excuse fMr a cheeky- reapcudent, tut il should not neye been takeà by séther an assemsr or court who arm swofll te do whst xà right and juil. For one. 1arn atoundedat a piesa1 heerdthere offer- ed as agaiust -wealthy men being as.esssd for their property, viz - thst if thoy have to pa taxe8 tbey wil1 withdrew their capit. What wilthey do with it ? Lt laas fiable to Iii assessed elsewhere' ao herm.And yel thosewho favor the ides of thie peor PaY'ng the t* ges of lhe rich accept Ibis argument. It ia Àglonishing how gulleble people are when inch a scarecrow as Ibis wMf frig&xten Viem. away from an honest positi6eu. sm gorTy tis uflsoufd-'ottefl-system o f aa- aeasmulila beng kept kept Up here and wilhibenk yoù to insert Ibis lbIter, as I bl leve. our owu Papens are eéther Of the nfa assoiment party or buildoaed by ji. Yours, etc., FA= vo MAU (W* have enother leiter sentini for publi eca" on ibismare sbjeet wiMih the obsvr b.d rsfuseid te ush. The me Who Immoles W* will pub= whetinl refuse hy lb. Port Perr Obsemrver#la a little o£ (Thmuky lust a cuy f arasntaid- mussa of Mr. Oe Meo mci, ffuhferY In- atrmiove quartersasaiPins Point on son, =I"nd m theparly vers esIa rU;dfgAmon Nbe-ënxw 6" erof Pot Vi' I ARRISTER, &o Offcormarlyoce- >coupied* by Farewell & Rutiedge, next teo Royal -Holel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORNMISTON, B.. A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Cbancery, Conveyancer. &o. Ormea-In t11e Offie souîim cf the Peut Office, lu MoMilinsa Block, Brook Street, Whitby. y1 G. YOUJNG SXITH, L Le B., 1ARRISTBRO &., &.-Mouêy te Losu B lssuer of arriage Licesa.; Brook- St., Whilby. aun. 2,1878. (1-6 JOHN BALL DOW, ARRISTEBR-AT-LAW, BoLIO1TOUa B:n Oaneny, ocnvoyauc&, A&o. Whitblr. I&ON'ZEX TO LEND-Prlvale Funds- n %*]ne up 10 P$MW, ai a 1ev rate of L - tereil. (y-69. LYMÂN ENGLIBH, L Le B, ABITBAT LAWO SOLICITOR IN1 oca Street, Oubav. P. GORDON mNEtLRum SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. DATb»S 0F BAILINGS. Steamers. Prom Quebeo. Sanmatien ... ..............21t June Paxis...... ........... lt Polynesian................ iii July Sardiniau.................. 12h Circassin .................201 RATES OF PA»SBGE BT MAI STEAMEEL Quebe te Lierpool. acomuIOdationi. Int«endi*as Ma'. L-* sge. S0o0o aituru tIckets, Ceblu. M SIM. MW3.09$mmi. luItmeme&alesS»8.00 taë- age, 80M00 eattile. »jgà ciheêp àar eût Ofd On thsse steamers WIojRlýANT NOTICE. Cabin, Intermuiiale M tf anaSs~aeesn8er M27 =Pbadet àmenreeL . By ul ar~ment pasmsnÈm are énabed to be seiidoSb&*rd the Ooin Steameèr@ wi!binly lbsU hfrailWaY oZOy from Witby. Steerage pesseuen bookod te or freni Gtagov Botei, uemsstowu or London, u -erteasLrerpooL. Bristol sud Cardiff 8.0-0 Oîtra Paisngers mad hoin beggegs are put oA board 1the ceam SteisMipi ab Qumbe. if cf annsip.i'e. ->r Prissending for tieirMnedlun1the Old Couat ceanobtain PBPA] PAS3- SAGt CBRiîfLeCÂTBE atlewsiirali. For Tiekelis sud ail cher InrmatlOII, apply le W. A, Yuie, Agent, Express O f fi ce, -Phyuicisu, Surgeen and A&ccoucbeur. IITY Office bour,-8 ho I10 a. rm., 2 to 4 sui BOKB. DTY 7t o9p.m. No. 8, TRBUB TRRACEB," )3YBOX'iST., 18. 88 WHITBY. S mi C. CIRAW FORTH, SRNGAAN Ana if i labcokinz for a' 3ke Papor for VETER~ÀRYSURGBONy.ur p«gioý XDinfug Ronior,~liem ju eU sudseesniy 8*00k Gradale cf 'theOntarlo Velrluary, Col- loes, oreu te. RE LA RGEB T AND) BE8T or&ers by mail -or télugrabpoîmu >he at attsuded 10.e3 shovuJu Wbllby, cmorlingb lt OfcaIredlercoê of!'-. Aytoî,oppOalle - u4pI oo Dr. .Bôgrl', Duudasstreet, Wbitby - Ame innd Janadfkn -lIVERr aýnd SALE 8TABLEB, eoaIt8Bo*#<ê Horse e&Cattiel inot lo i esit purhasers W. R. HfOWS]B, EMIST AND DBUGGIB3T, AgemiforW1hbaf. Wrigjht's Rheumatic Mn. IXOD«Moti vus tei bjrr priseb '- dl cxt teao him long se tesoseoi hakate .oleovrument for baving sn siliuteOscfice cf "Pwlsheryinqspeor, sud te beaven, for h mugsea soa mm as MoDermetit he »b sme. The in4m 119 it" MODOomt su bIbIned cap gbos"I o!. Od n, rMW lrv fi'ao! i kind,Ofru Md sn- Christe .tbock up l*6 ôid fmiia ymu, 101O r S tb0u saud t g hs l l I ,vb c vas Medlegupylbaisbd lio lbo etab b aseeediug 'te lav. thnas y vsth=a Ibis "rdu"n u Uuullaat!15, or» r ookng faîrnbu vii be- The Indien Baud gave us ýmc, bannybaud Jl lhe vllg,l woaa.ld'ý pul soe ii. -oa bnd Tvo o! our -ýViub.%ean ra , t" posu mdof'à lp of ai ai foot *ide and our rode lon. T- flemedi FOB AEB ýWHIT' DOWL f~oo4 Rip i or*bls~.. 19 j d* am *01 1 dcing a vast amount of damage te standkng S»ae) who la aludying I1ev ai theex 1pGD5eB grain. Tii. rein came; down liton ensof e poor widow. UseIhinkoire vii sosa and waa mcii velcome but llhad fnot con- lie able te bang oui bis --inlevith LL. D>. tlnued long belors il cbanged te liait. Thé attlaobed therecn-;- We bave aise a tan- hailatonet coveied th. groiLàd liii. a gravel -nery,, correspondent, mouth organ band walk and the noise ef bâkg gles old with lin pans iu connection, he>nner -_nd~ b. beard fuiail directions. Ipies and severa.l other place& of business, and hum!. email fruit suffered bedly. The ares cover- ness mon te numerous te mentin ed bv the hiailtorm vas tnot 0extensiveas vas ai finit iboughl, nd ho damagedon. ia-mors ihan counterblanoed by the. bee- Mr. Uenry Uriggi anda friand, c ila PL. fils from ithe beavy rein. C unninghiam of Tornt, speni lust, Sonday Tbere la mucb talk ernong he villages ber. hors, or astIssut mong héenenkesteélments Mn. Oharley Harile bau been on -the slck of tbsm, about glving me a bath one5 f liii for smre veeke btrnt v are plsaaeil té hese fine nighls. 1 might uay'ti is ithe Sy ihat ase aeîlcwyiiproving. mont meesonable lime ocf year thai oould be 3ev. Mr. Ka fPic het z meleclsd for swlmmlng, and thai they wouid chagea pulpita iiou eio etwu- do wel te carry Iheir pro'ts ot i Ahadprb . or sheré lut oa about lime a few mors cf ihemb ad an ig e p li. "Speotater" w rioî lo ý- he Stan - loi dard statlng my behhwculd polaise Sougcg. The onÃŽcert heldhborêby h Ivision.1 Ho nssdn't fear. My foot are reesonably Sens of Toerane lit 4cx'eyeveniii dean.wau fairly atnddand es uquiselai m.. M . H. Io.don bas ncied th1e vllageo ele council, through liiisolicitors, IMessrs. T hoeddfiiiontt b.grain elevalorijo McGillivaryadGapo b.b ~u~ n pqlorapldlyw nesedfa for 85,0w0 ma.gss inconnection witb tbe the addition la te b. lrqer ialbna1 drowning cf bis bey rooentle in a sireet buildings. tk,nie a setlement cf ths malter- la The oondnaothé 11yonng ladylhitk e.fleciod. The conoil on Moday ighi1hlà eider frcm ber at ellr n pesaed e motion dool' itsbelief it stpoured i h t hle . mreet wv tblnk ia cern. the c0oration la netU.'i lt sym patiz- mexdeble. Z, en it r. sud Mn. Gordon ihi- thé logeesse sud Arhur Holiday lIf--ofi or 111 cf th&ehild. homos lu Michigan lau tuudy J r Misse dîlli Brcwn, vbc expscted te write cam fe heowith he doa&d body fthear aie the lais isachérs' exaiminiton, in lying brotherDavid ad beys bsenviltlgfrienddi very ii cf inflammation. 8h. lan* con- ince. uidrod cul cf danger. Tho man liatlrumbies neanly svory year. TtONo.about bis cops taiki unràeasouabis Ibid' year, sud we piemume lima'hb. il bave The latinga loch fine on Seturday inorft- eomoccompauy ou he rmlnlnI h ng, but very litle demW aga dons. eaiber ontinues te be idry. The. dead boa cf Jeunla Irving, a pretty wvo girl, vas found lthebsbey sundey. 5h. bail d lurod luna scandai with a marnied mon and' fr. ,John-Dryden M. P. P., arrlvod hoe. tecok Ibis wsyt put bn end te tb. matier. en Tnssdsy fr6m bis traus-AtIentie trip. IlUer rem"in are te bo given te, the medi- Our base bil cub-play lime* Wiitby OI cal students for aoio"xi-. legiele Insîtuteclub on Kniday fcrsnoon. On Tuesdey a burgiar namd Wm. Prie Oux teechsr* Mt. John Spese hi& lekea .golibtre yerl U vaitn]teny ulforsezng a toT1hswocds or somewb.e iele ie .frer sud rbbing hlm. lries ciy sSeur- tue excursion to, Petebowct ou Tu"&&'y . e fifisen conte, but bavig ssrved lwc w u vory, pori - p trcnîzéd by - bhe roôk- le prenions ternis, b . gel l it sU R ff as t iho . - l e é s là h r >ails.aO y e tot er -la hr. 9. D ring thépsu t woek a num ber cf houses a big tu i± n eth eis Roval T em p lars pi- , 0 lilfame have been naldedandunfInPec- nie i Conbei's point on ridy. 1er Ar cb âi ld la gettin g the p in ts cf law A u exc'xru enteTono ntoW inlbs rsn lé , 1- ueenebed up regarlin ug Û'os, vhloh, u Lanethen4 funsemé lcop-hole theauspices ofth11e St. Thom .'u buneb on "P rough vim ci lhy maytbein St. etun- tiket.s il, etco U.- a $1,25 from Breekll. Wle areto'a bM' GRENÂIE.tbispaining ina a grand vlew andis. *la # md 3v. MT~vsh c Liuseypneahed u ~total amont, slf t5. Ne-ýdeubina ry. the Preubytozlan oimh Bunday., çijle veil hheinaeelvel ,ciii'poltàf Rolilueen rrngabcnet11 eeorîely of Ibis place, ut 61 l.:Iadus~g3.

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