tai, oby traphic -de- i iievery Swcld cf containixig 7d sea, re. PBs greate5t akable phe. Lune. Bm. tres cf the. tics cf the usecte, etc., the Atlan- and of Lthe th1e Deep,- nsingulax Icf waters,- o., together PF THB STEMS And Items 8tolOnfror Our Exchanges 1 hortie beloniug ho Messrs. Rutîsu à fal1 tan away on Siéturday, seti of the towfl, and lof t lie buggy in a ratier demoralized condition. Mr. Hall, who was driving was eut about thiehead, and Ur. Ruttan bad bis ahoulder badly bruised. 1 meeting of lthe directoracof the. Uz- bridge Park Association was held on TuesdaY afterooon when it was decided to purchase four acres of land from Mr. Lsaac Gould on the weut cf the park. The job cf taking down the present fence on the weet aide of the park and erectiiig a new oe enclouing the new land will be let on Monday evening Doi on the grounds. David Babcock, on. cf our local pugil- iote, vas fined $5 and coate !&et Frlday evenirig by D. M. Giard, J. P., for as- aaultirig a young fellow named Albert Duincan. IL appears froma the evidence given thal Duncan and twe companiona followed Babook from the Salvalion krmy barrecks te tie vieinity cf the Organ Faoteorp. On the way up, Dan- can triod te trip Babock but failed, and wien Babccck gel hioe out cf the centre cf tbe town, be turned ou him and gave unm a drubbing that will teach him to mind bis own business in the future. Had inform'étion been laid againpt Dun- can, he tee would have got 65 and coste. Babook is getting quite a repu. tation as a aîugger, having a few weeks ago knocked out Mike Sullivan, a broth- er of John's. Mr. D. M. Gard, J. P., had anetiier very iriterestiug case ef assauli before him cri Monday evening. William and John Dnnoan were cha.rged wit s- saulting fitmilton Whitniey wîtb a&club anid layving him rip in the most approv- ed style. The evidence on the whole was very ontradie tory, aomebody doing some very tail oussing. Fromn the evi- dence given hy the Duncan@, it would appoar that Witney came te the field viiere tboy were workiug and if toi fiourisbiog a knife around in true Indian fashion threateried to rip thon, open. Bye and bye, they became tired cf this sort of manoenveriog and tbey laid ii eut. On tb. other band Whitney says they attacked hirn and beat hima wilh a iaclub and b. pullei the kaife in self de- fence. Mr. Gard reserved his docision until Monday noit in the case cf John Dunrcan, wbileWilllam was dismissêd« The fQIowinz dospateh appelwred in the Empire on Friday 1at. 1"Backloy, the Torooto murdorer, was welI knewa bere, as b. resided in t his own aomE yeurs. aue was always a tougb-oneâ-c those wbo stood around the treet corn, ers and insulted ladies. Ris crime il the natural outcome of his mode of life Thon. are et Ibis day a number cf you.n mon in this Iown folio wiag directly i the footistopa cf Bnckley. Hie preser position should be a wtrning te tbee.' While we agres with the writer cf th, above aus t theimpropriety cf yonnc caen cougregating on tb.- etreel corner insulting ladies, it is rather an unfortu 0 ir o id ky PETERZORO. Hon. Chbas. Druny, M. P. P., Minieter of Agriculture for Ontario, has aoceptsd tie invitation cf th. Paterboneugi Agni- cultural Society ho open lhe Central Ex- hibition hon. on Wednesday, 26tii Sep- tomber. Qu F'nldsy John Wilkins wau arrested by P. 0. Adams for beatiag sud net suppor"hielas ifs. John has a flores temper, aud viien arreehed ou oom- plaint cf hie vifs vas tuo eurageâ liat ho tors np snoms 88 in bills ho had lu hie baud. Ho vas placed lu lie cele and viii roosive a bearninluhie men- ing. At tbe stalien hie vifes ai aie could not bear living su>' longer -hi. life wie bsd draggedthiroughinlutle past. 8h. le afrald ho la mental1>' un- sonud, se inssuit>' la iereditary lu iis famil>'. A- certain ineurauce agent in tovri, who has beeu eligitly affscted b>'thie burglar scare, lu order te proecet him- self from u nneceuiar>' boss and save the bold barglsr unnecessar>' trouble, hias iuug a placard ou hie safe liat restde: "'Door open. Dontl blov 1h; Ir>' lie On Thursda>' nigil burglars forced au outrane tirongi a indow imto the store of Postmastor Bail, Osutreville, -auds fersas eau be learued &bout $20 w orti et sllk haundkeroieis sud a ceai .ud veut wve stolen. The safe vaa netthonchet!. Tramps, are suspectet of thie.crime. Boohh, lie journeymau Guelph mould. * r, who sImd ova ta "inbard 1pVîu setigil seolht e.h he police:$aion, 46 the"balge" on -P. 0. Adams, Tioûgi il couit! net be *proven inacourt ~ie momalng, lier. la -no doubt 1li-at thé Pop vas stolon Iram thé ooir. But',8- M pookehedt le article vien diaruissai s vakas( WaSY vih Iti.- Thit. d*~DI cala attentionhtotue .fact,hsÎtiie e os mnnhave nïie t élost ?o y Plcé w1berf thoir olothheorother'goodu iaa b. éafe1 svet" ava>' and - plabet! beyon& lbh resci of"thï liag fingers, of the ama tramipsandi questionable ciabtacterî irnh frequentl 1 h. police.station. Not Ionj mgo P. O. Adffi ds in gy et stol.0 by ôaoof ihi -ehp. - -~~ tK.i. , ..*au i f t s i s B Il I I a- e y o y o g A ,wêre brothiere. William rtstdes tn Lakefield, "andi ames, Who ives .taü Nebraska and lias sa"tt. an"à family there, vas visiiug villah Ii, He ad' intendeti retnruing to his western home in a few tisys, but thie accident, 'wbioh it ie feared i viiireemit f atally, iuterfered witb hif plans. A polioy of $5,000 in the Manufacturera' Life sud Accident Insurance Oompany would, in ocas of desth, place hie widow and family beyond *aust, or during the long ilîness before bie recovery h. would draw 825 per week.-Eoeaminer. BOWMUANVILLEC. A local preacher residing ah Laver- many created a lot of talk last Bunday by going eut te work on bis farm. He had plowed &round a field several limes before a neighbnr came along snd in- formed hum liat il was Suinday. W. are pleased te bearri thal Mr. W. E. Tilley, inspecter cf Schools for West Durham, bas jual relurned from poissing hie final Examination in the course for Ph. D. degres. Mr. Tilley worked up bis Art-course while actively engaged in the duties cf bis profession. RIS 1uc-' cas in tua lins should atimulate ocher membors cf the leaching profession to aim high. We congratulaIs him on bis new honora, and we are sure he- will vear the. tille of Dector Tilley witii b.- coming modesly.t An intercsting case, wiicii bas been iii court for a yoar, bas jus% beau decid- ed by Mn. Justice Armour. A lady teachen in Ramsay towuship enapended1 a boy for miscon duct-disobedieuice--1 until ho offered an apology. She vas btacled by the, trastees, and the "cold man" baeked tiie boy by applying for a manclamuto lecompel hie admittanice. The judge di8mised the application, ordering tic "eold man" to psy aIl the costa, and giviag hum some good advioe. Ho. the judge, tbougbt the. teacher and trustoes vere rigit, and that in the intoreats cf the boy the faîber ought te have iiad hum acknowledgs ho vas wrong in wlaat ho did and go quietly back te echool. On Friday hast bis nibe "cep" Colo- mae, cf Newcastle, came up ber@ te serve a summnors on cone cf our lown lads for turionis driving ini that burg on tbe previous Sunday. As neat with this gentleman when ho goos sway froru home, ho gel full of "tangley," and faIt- ing juote sbanda cf somo boon cern- panions, lhoy painted hum a drab colon, 1giving im &n ext esive c a. Our Obief in Iaking a stroll abou t eleven o'clock, noticed eome tbing lyin n b si di si w fi fi b = a M éAl (phi" is ai 'yp.yi tolS1 be Oùe 'of Iie caua-es 'of irAi- jeution, dyspepes and thoeý-plaa lisesses of the kidneya, now 0o preva- lent. Adulteration with ammonia i. quit.l as mucb to> b. dreaded as with alumt whioh hat always reoeived the. Most Bmphatic condemnation frem food anialyse, physiciensasnd ch8mists. T 'o determine the purity of any bak- in powder, make thia simple test : Miz in a tin cap two heaping teaspoon- fnia cf the powder with Ibree teaspoon- faso cold water, place it ever the. fire, stirring coziitantly, shlow it te boil tberougbly, or antil the gas es- capes freely ; thon ameil. If adulterat- ed, that unspeakable odor, preving the. source cf ammenia, will be piainly de- tectel. The. prepence of ammoflis in Mnost cases, indioates that alum jes used, as nearly ail the alum of commerce con- tains arnmonia. Pure baking pewder will not give the fainteeé auimoniacal odor. A baking powder containing the. aisgusting drag, aîntuonia, is flot fit for use by any mani, woman or child who valueLa cleanly diet and good bealtb. We worild advi,;e sal housekeo-pers te use Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, which je free from ail drug tainte and the Most perfect muade. What it Means. To th. mani or woman who lias neyer boon iii, the word "«health" is meaninglesa. But toe ie u vi bas suflened and de- spaired, heallh appears as a pnicolese boon. To the thousanda of nufortunato womon who are tsuffering from someofethle mmny forms of wemknesses on inregulanilios peculiar to Iheir Bex. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription holds forth tho promise cf a speedy nestonation of tis «"pricelesbeon." Thomas Bewman, coloured, diod Sun- day at Mount Hellis Spring, Pa., at lie age cf 109 years. Itchîug Piles. SYMPTOM s-M cisture; intense itching and slinging, meet at rugit ; worse by scratch- ing. If llowed to continue, trimons f onm, wlich ofted bleed and ulcenate, becoming very sors. SWÂYNE'S OINTRIENT Stops tie itching and bleeding, haals ulceration, and in manv caEzes removes th1e lumors. It le equaliy efficacizaus in curing ail 5kin Dis- sassa. DR. S WAYNE & SON, Propnietors, 1 Phîladeiphia. Swayne's Ointmert car be 1obtained of druiggi5ls. Sent by mail for 60 1Cents.-16-]y. 'A horrible case of ortrig s boy by an iescaped lunatie je reporttd from Pankers- burg, W. Va. .-Card. of kt The great dangsrin thie traffie lu adulteratot! foot! arises from thie decep- lion lhise prachlaed by manufaslurere usuabi>' cleig suola gooda as pure. Thisi ealmost luvarlabi>' doue vheu thie adlterant. la eue liaI as injurions' ho, healti. For ilusîsuc, manufscturers et ammonia, atuan or lime bakiug pcv- dore net oaly falI t@ luform thie public of tie rosi oharaoterof hbeirgootis, but oarifolly conceal tli etaohsal lié are matie froni thèse p3Uolson atiles. Mou of thibeé maufacturer. m saam liaI their articles are absolnhely pure. No consumer viii buy -ammonia or alum baking powders, kzxovigly, for 1h ita wel nderà teodt thle>'are .detri- Mental le hal h 1vie aépfmn- moula *nd alui bsiug powderu as pureaut v hoilsom mlieu, tiers- fore, criminal. The offici a aly4Ms have recentl>' licou strein le r uite ee.,dis- et itéa Ites have beén rà efuly aicicen, ye as a thoroug& cath*rWi. in thie Matter of-MargaretH d baviug à daimsia -Margaret RSo& venified ' te lie lhe final dayoci Âit mil *Upersw are requested b CO3IPLETE WITHOUT ROB*5PRAffi5, OnURB, AND OPIMTS WHEN FOR ov"UR-REÂOEI, OHerPED HEEL, WIED. FR ORE Tm MOÂTS AN(D INFLUENZA. Ras a oend vide reputation as a physician Poa BOKEN MME5, ERU181E, OAPED ]ROCKS. and authen. His Kandrako Dandehion Llver via amonRE ouLDEEis, sBE BÂcEs. Cure is a triumph cf medital skin, ouning anl FoR FOOT ROT, AND SORE KOUTES IN 5HEFP Lie ssoft eKdney and Liven. ND L M 5.I, nyssn o e Il PfhIflI lUTDistnessing aches Klg.yCO PLINIand pains in the SPECIMEN TESTIMONIÂLS. back; a duil pain on weght In the bladden and Prom His Graesth1e Duke cf Butland. base of 1the abdoman ; scalding urine often ob- "lBelveiri Grantham, Lee. 1, 1879. stnucted, feqiient dosire to urinate, especi- aly atfl;ut,amonfg agsd pensons - hot, dry 'Slr,-EUimal'5Royal Embrocation la used skin, pale complexion, red sud white deposits, lu y stables. I think it very useful. dropi0O1 aellige,&C,"BuTL&ND, Master of Belvcfr Hunt." S'Y~pI!OM80J? "astle Wefr, Kingeton, Herefcrdshfre, PhtDain under shoul 'lDec. Srd, 1878. LiiLI COM LAIIdon blades, Jeu "Gentlemen-Iuie e . oyal Embrocation dics, èhailoW cqmpléion, a weary, tlred fesl. in my stables sud kennels, sud have fcxmd Il ing, u4& 111e or energy, headache, dyspepsis, vr serviceable. I hava * also used the indiîgestion, spots. pimplea, &o. Uxnïversal Embrocation for lumbago aud rheumatism for the. last two years, sud have -HOW OUREDI sjuliered verylittie aince uung il. Mandrako and Dsudelion are nattnre's Liver ". H. PRiax, Lleut.-Col., Master of Rad- cures, and when combmned with Kidney noms- ucrehire Hunt." dies, as in Dr. Chase'a; Liver Cure, wilI almost poailvelycure al Eidney-Liver troubles. It ELLIMÂN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION, acts likea charm, stimulating lte clogged UISold by Chemiste, Stores, and Saddlers, liver, strengthenin g the kidnsys, and invigon- rc2s ating the wbole body. Sold by ail dealers aI rcts si, wlth Beceipt Book, which aiens je wonth th1e Mofey.I'ESLE Dr. Chase'a Pins are the - r4 KID EY only Kidney-Liver Pills made. ý7qr LIV ER l.Ma e ae drnge- EL LU AW MBROCATIOINq PIIQ oyment. They cure Kidney- liuosness, costvenss, &a. One pi a dose. RikSuunnA-ri5ma Lu mBaOO. Sold by aldealers. Price 25 cents. IS PRPST BRUO0AT CoLo FF S. FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE f-eS e ..e tno i Walker mr plow, Pattoreon gang plov. Cimyton ro dri!l, land rollen, Ayer'a mron harrows, Whitby harvester and mover, wagon, rac.k%, horsf-hoe, Honey fanniin g miii, double soIt harnese, etc. F. HOWA.RD ANNES. Wiitby, April 5th, '88. à TT MIryV f% ¶ fl i1I AUTHU E N CLA N D.] EXI-AUSTED VITALITYI T'LIFEB, liNe Egreat Manuifacturera of Medicai Work cf the &ge ýTRU-SS ES I PtDoline tu o AR TIFI CIA L i preacsipîeqous oor LIMBS 2 i disessetLlth, full guit, ouly $1.00 by And pplincesfor 91. mail, ealed. Ill. sampiee mte alYoung Ard pplircesand miiddle agod men. Send nov. The Deformitios cf the HEU- Gold sud Jewelled Medal awarded te- the man Bcdy-Spinai Dis- autior by the National Medical Associa- sses, Disoa£es "f the tion. 4,ddreee P. O. box, 185, Boutcn, Rue. snd Ankle, KuockI Mass., or te Dr. W. H. Parker, graduatse o Kuee, Boy Legs, Club . Havad Meducai Colee, 25 ears' practice Feet, etc. iu Boston, vie mayb. oounsufted confiden- ALSO CEUTCHES. tially. Specialy, Disesees ef Men. Orne, - No. 4, Bulfizici Street. It,-Toronto, Ont. HALI ROYAL YEAST1 et mosu I"nd. TheolysSWil ba soodla the lest of I oid VcoUUSO be uwmlo mei b»&&d u'v.inmnwrfr. *rm W,là am DL TORONTO 'STEAM LAUNDRYS BSHRTÎ3. COLLABSsud CUFFS AÀSPECIALTY.' 01$0 PSHARPE3. Yeast took 1i2.FirAstrizes O ' atontirioFali'Showsinms8OZ. teà toi b tIit IlsurpaSse az.esteYr- t h=a. 'Yi= thellah - b IF YOIT WAINT Choive Turnip Seed, Extra Seed Coi or Good Flour, AT RIGHT PRIOE <3ALL OÉ W. Bq. IeRINGL] (J. N.Grwl lue , pId'" 10 uu. En, 1 1 fi eELmMAKS'ý The Wonder8' of -Magie When you find that beauty lis falling .w&Y,- Try q)rnewnd'5 agse," To the eiderly'rman with his leèokein decay, Try "DerneweEd'a magie,$ A rioli heaof hair, la as precions as rare, Try "Dornewend8'B Mag0-' The Iady's misfortune when losing her habr Try "Dornewend'5 J cotea. She eau quioklyq easily cheapirpa, Try "Dorenwend' ai. It impartas trength and bèauty,- And it's the 1ady!a plainduty, Ta- yoiisend' Main. Take tize by tie fotelock -ansou i.ilke? your ovu, Try "'Dcrueweud't M&agie Thie Tonie, aa il uro b snover yet k Uev .u . Try Ibis mette 10 bced, Try tliiyen succeedi,- 1Try"Dree'iago Thua nov tamos preparation for invige- rstine uan ltixuulsliig thée ewtb .t ýthe hair.xs ulnîversanb>'acceptet! as the, meut valuable specifio on th i arket. AUl ])seasesoftthé ScalP ae aM ia A rici ud rapd~rDv , ore&'ilo liatI ilremainaith thé luer &alueles- cure the desiret! eMltuW. DR. DORE-N WENDYS je sold by ail Dru #WB s t $1 Per bothie Or 6 bottls tfor 85. If neôt obtaïinible in 7011 IocaIity, sent! direct enclouiug price, to A. DORNWN'8 Sold b>' Wb, B. Rovue a il LUJSfJB- [LU givon liI al prtisU Mst lie estale Ofltiemsat! l ert. jod t~!b~ o sai4 à sshatà Whltby, 22, middle cfthie streel julsat t fCan ' To ahi vhe areauff erinig from lie errera lumber yard, and on pproaching, dis- aud mrdiacretions of youth, nervoud woak- covered bis Nevoastîts coufrere laid out nose, early decay, los cf mauhood, êtr., I for lhe nigbt paint sud &H.Il. e accor- wiIl serd a recipo that wil cure yen, dinly epoAedbimin he"cocher" FER 0F CHIARGE. The grest remedy dnigh doitR e biru in tie before vas di,3covered by a missionary in Sont h unti moring vis heappsred Azneica. Serd a seif-addresaed envelepe Police Magistrats Hjaines te anever for toho li%,. JosEPE T. IbIMÂN, Station D, ths whyforenese of bis Oonduct, te u'hich New York Oiti ho repicsd te lie lune cf a $5 bil, aften ïtii hope ef Gereral Phil Shenida.n's ne- vbieiho took bis departuro for hoims,1 covsry as abandoned by his physiciars te reflect on tic lariZe lime h. bad been Sunday nighl. havieg.-New8. , C - A .I E Samnuel Stephenson, a lad cf 16 or A NOv SIMO»Trmealot for the Cure of 17 yeana, working in thc Lansdovnei C&abaTh, CatarrhldD«aeus md Woollen Mills had bis, hand caugil in 557 reVOT.1 tie ",pieker" Tussday mranri. Tire. Tho microscope has proved that tse dis- cf bis fingens ver. e0bsadiy smased ss are contagious, and liaI Ihoy ara due te, 1presence of living parasites in the lnterliuing liaI Dr. Robinson, vie was eosllod in, membrane of 1the upper air pases and sue- amputated tbema above the second ta.chiaix tubes The emineul scientiste, Tyn- dmll, Huxley mnd Reale endonso Ihiia, and those joint. authorities carnet ho disputed. Tho reguflar &ntonyMorisof he illgecf imthdo! Iroming tLisse dieases has been te motboda irritant remedy weckly, and evon Stouffville, died testaIs laut mon lb,1 daiy, thns keeping th1e delicate membrane jr baviniz appoined E. J. C. Morre is t a constant samte of irritation, aflcwlug il no chance te heal, and as s natural cousoquence executer cf bis vill. The personahyof snch trealmentueot ors permanent cure basB je $9,736 and lie realty $15,864. Thbe ever boon recordeai. Il is au absolute tact that son Edward recesves tibe fsrm, in lthe tecUmaeaSoCf9tr ha oce in twaryapplcf- township cf Uibridge. He aIse ne- th1e membrane musI gel a chance to hem! ho- ceives $800 te pAy the debta he bas torm the application ie nspeated. Iý- la nov senyearesince Ur. Dixon dlecovéted tie ceuhrscted ; tve notes cf 8500 'were parmaiteienl calarri sud formulated his nov giron him. The grandson, J. 0. Moer- ealmerit, and s"ce thon his e edy hms be- reoeveucomea sheusehold word in overy country risrcvs 100 acres, th. grandeon, whore th1e Engls Langoage ie spoken., Anthny D Moris,155 acres, the Cures effected bj/im sevon yeare 090 are granddangbtor, Aune M. F. Morris, cures 8tili, there having been no roturn of 81,000, vheu soeie s21 yeare cf age. thedisGOai. Tii. jterai cf Io morhages elti y y ae lieze remodies valued, liaI The nteestof to mrtggesbeldby gnoantimitatona have atarted up every- the hoshator agamîst bis brotherg lu hors. retending te deslney the parasite, of bequsthe tothem Al nots bed b whih Zy know ucthing, by remodies, lie bequatbo hotien Ailnota iod by slt11oftheapplication cf wbich lhoy are hlm againit lie son Edward are eau- oqually ignorant. Mr. Dixcn'u remody la ap- eefled. Three chier granddauglilsr plied only once lu Ivo -woeksi, sud fnomeone10 three applications effect s permanenti ours iu receive .$1,000 essc. Afler certain the mest aoggrsvated cases. cther dispositions are made lie hilauce Mr. Dixor sonde a pamphlet dcsoribiig hie. cf theesémateis l e .equally divided psae headesisA E izn&Sn among thiefour granddangilers. Tihe3MS Kiug-alroot veut, Toronto, Causda.-iciefl- wiii la fyIsd fQr probale.-EooMi8t. tifie American. William IfcFarls»d fataiiy shot bis vite - - . - . ~ . asd himueli Suaday lu Cleveland, Ohio. G O. 'TO, ONT- 'xamined, e!f Sewîng olaclusaion 'L. Fair- te lu rny Do teasily hi longer t'-n taiken asible. I 'iea want.. bine. I iIPER. tiSewing endorme ~rec(>m- sewing ban any ng te do E1,ER. i is the strict. fIle at acead. t'or i t deai Seo Ortie- 'irfieff tract dB t iim 1 1 1- - r TH 2EAT COOD FGÙDPWFE SWAYN INM -~~~OoO RAbl~"~4Iai , R<fY5SOfYe 1 à . urch 13