Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1888, p. 4

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e 6 D'8HONE>Y ÂALMOND.-CREAM, -FOR- Chapped Hands, - I. i GIDIARD~, MEDICA L HA LLa ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whltby, Friday, Feb. 17, 1888. ORILLIA i pressing Mr. Mowat te £ive them, a coonty witb that town for the oounty sest. Tbey aek for Mara sud Ramna froin Ontario. We coneider Ibeir request is a just sud sensible one, ansare pesaded Mr. Mowat wili grant it. There ie not a township ini Cana"a but should feel prou locf havwng s»eh a coouty town as Orillia. But 1h07 oaU't bave our Wardeu until we âre doue with hlm, go they Oau't YUTMERDkÂTS papere, etate a treaty bau, been sigued 'by the several arbitra,. torst sitting on the Fieherieà . Commis- ion et Washington. By this new arrangement îil Lunuderatood that Americau fishinsi veceels may coing in- to Qaniidian porte to purobase bait or oeours sholter Inu-transbîpping cargoos. TbIt they oould not do previously, aud now th.y mu.'t psy tounnage aud observe aertain other conditions laid upon thein by the Canadian authorities. With re- gard to the tbree mile liui,wbioh mean 4 tbat Âmeriomus osnot coins witbrn eree mtecf the sbore te fiah, sud ».useqiaeptly cannot get mbt baye six mile@ wi4e st atil, tey mast utili keep thaîr distance, sud of course have te baok down from their previeus stand in tis mtttor. Upon the wbole the settlemnt is s.àtiefaotory, the onty *objeotionable faature ini t beîig that it shlows the Yankees to get their head i, aud they will soon eqnei-s eutirely iu. They have duy quantity cf gali. W& oannot eo ow it leiat sthe __43. auditors, Miasrs Bnrntt,and '31e. son,, dont folloow the Criminal Justice Âuditora in dadivering themeelves of a ukase oormmanding the varions legWa 1.11v. linstitat cips cf the coountry to over-; h&at t lawu'. .Cfcourée thesée0mmon outauditors of oommon dollar and sent amaont# are only oommon orditary sort of fellowst, sud oould not be expeet. .4 to coise of witb snob a grand de- 1iveranes as ould dispense wlth the jury systom snd' tasve eu& thosê court bouse fellove m*ho exact tees for their work; but, coïmon sudordluarys tbey -are, they might ai leseot foiiow the exatupi. of the Criminel Justice audit«, * ons b>y reeommendicog îheirown appoint- ment tor tif., aud lu writiug ont oop!i.p oKthéir dellvemaueefor the 4daily pres 04 the Outyle eeune. , -trust '" da Aa9 ditore will surafoh afeUý was .the 5ubta of emuuota. iit2gateuX5years aro.The.equtilpmenut'ef sohool bousesMl those dsays anay h. judged troua tho state- mentthast lere wore ne- blackboards or' mape :snd the.heatingo et hé,buildinq wu, due by moani ol a -kettle turued bottomup- wards, a hole ina Lbe aide fer dranght, sud eue in the top ut 'tho iuverted leettie frein which a-brickehumnuey&rose through Lhe roof. e Mr;. Farewel.l commeuced bis mercantile career ln Lbe building formerly used as -a hotel audàtore bj' hie father, the bar of whicb bis tather had closed forever somo years previouasly à'but h. afterwards built a brick store at }iarmeny. He. purcbssed bis e ldlï iuMonreal,. and lunaaklug oeeof his seai-annusl tripi for that purpese in 1M3, ou the steamer Bull Buan was . captur- ed with the passeffea aud crew, and the steamer was sunkby rebeld at Beaubarnois canal. Tliey weîe al l aken Le the village, Lb. woinen in'cartesud the men reped f ast behind walking. After being detained at, tbe prieat's bouse for somo weeks, ho and some others, Lb. ouly-partiesb hld-prisoners, were re-captured&by Lbe Gle.ngarry militia aaid set at liberty,- the robels -boing sceLLer- ed. The destruction of property sud bard- slips entailed upan helpless women aud clii dren by Lb. rebele, anade a etrong un- Pression upon hie amnd, aud, thougli always a Liberal, h. years atterwards refused te subscribe te Lb. William Lyon McKenzie Homestead Fund. He always believed in constitutional agitation aq a sure remedy for existing evihs, sud at that Lime feit Reepen- sible Government could be secured Lu that way. Mr. Farewell represeuted Lbe Township et Whitby, thaL as VWbitby, Eset. Whitby Tovmehijp sud the toWns etWhitby ansd Ohawa, an the oid Home District Cundil whici met ,&tToron to. The late Petsrer &ry was hi* celleague. Neariy au-,the çàembeis ef that council af terwards represented parte et Lb. Distrctan Parliament, or ocoupiod prorninent officiai positions. IL le wortb consideriug wbether the esialer representa- tien et that day was net quit.sas efficient as Lbe represeutation ef the municipalities ini the county councils st present. Lu these imes two day stru les for the. election et a Wsrden was aveid , by Lbhe Governînent appointing tbe Warden.- Mr. Faiewell tbought tb. pî-oposed separation et Lb. Connty of Ontario from York was preuis- tu-e4p and Lb.eproposêd ceunty wrongly sbsped for, the ecenomical administration ef iLs affaira, and jincounection witb tb. late Hou. T. N. Gibbis sud Col. Grierson itreng- Iy opposed the separation. Several by-4aws for the efection of county biiildlings were successfully attacked iu the courts ; but, Lhe oounty baving been finslly establisbed, lie sLrongy ai vocated the construction ot a railway ftaom Wbitby th 01g itu entire length te the Georgiau, bay. e predicted thie building of roads trom Pert l4ope, Ta- rente sud Barrie acrosi the county aud the diverting ofi iLs trade ta those points. He clamed that it was for tbe interest ut tbe front part of tht, county that tb. rear sec- tions should b.e pened Up as rapidly as pas. sible by rsilway communication, se that tbey would b. eaposition te make their own roadesud bridge. Tihe di version et the county trade by the. building ef thsse railways anad Lb. large sunas expended upou ra&ansd iruprovemnents in tiie nerth main- ly at Lb. expense ef Lb. southeru townsbipe shows bew correct was hie judgement. lu 1854 b. was a candidate for parliameut eppoeiug Mr. John M. Lutuaden brother et Gen. Sir Peter Lurneden. 'hie Reoer- mers were larzely in the, majority, but Lbe. railway question decided tbe issue sud Mr. F. was beaten by a niajority et 66. Witb tbe exception et tweoGr tIre. votes b. swept Wbitby town ; but tb. jea'ousy areuud Oshawa sud an Pickering tewusbip waasas M tnga ecause even soine of~. ' enre.ataves te refrain trâtn votiog, wbule prominent Reformera epposed bitu. lu the firsL cuunty council Mr. J. 1H. Perar' re- p resented tbis tewusbirp as reeve sud Mr. Farewell sdeputy.the latter again est in 1856 witb Mfra.i Dryden as reeve. Iu tbe psrliamnentary çarapaignsetofthat ime b.--j made 1any 11, ian-speehLs. u.185 coller Baton. The coufederation rolutions had been adoptsd sud thé schme wvas beiug varmly discuosed. Mr.' Y. Lboughts»me eto the- om esrequired- amneadmet ; fer exemple the construction )f the Sonate, an appointed body with be b.umuber ot memubes limited sud ne provision for iucreasing the numbý,r in case .Sonate vas. opposed ho a'eformu deaaded by Lie ouunty. ge.wse of opinion that iL w"Asne improvemieut Upon Lb. eleetion leglahation conoil wblch we- tbenhsed, and that adead lock migbt 'obcur betveen the Lvo -branches of Parijameut eseily if one Paîty bould succeed là-r6-' mining in favor for anY grat loe o f Liele.pôintd utother diffioulties wbicb experisuce baehown have arisen. Re vas nomînato'1 by Lheie .orm Party suad epposod by th. Hon. T. N. Gibbs, vlan alec ,Woaind te o a eforer snd a strong sup- porter otOonfedcrstion. Of M. Uibbi d vocacy cf Contederaion Edward OarzwehI iV une w DhI uaU DUeg PW69L lu-' %51155U WF about nÎnety heis, sud -mokiug 'long jouw- ,neye ,on foot alàng the. raidway. la tis work et his ad vanoed.- years -bé overtaed Mr. Farewell was a remarkabiy weli read mn and thorougbly acaneý ;it tbe political hILsory of ther' Domnuion - ad the 'constitutiènai- struggles wbich reeited in responsîble goverument. lHe wue 9 methodicalinl bis habite and kept se, close à watcb upon alal political mevernents. 'that there are few speeches or. valuable ,leadieg. articles in newspapere upen political ques- Ltions whicb-he could not produce ït teJ%, minutes notice. He was wP1 up in pootry, Iligtory and -civil polity. flre waýs a nomtèr of the Disciples' cburqb for about fiftjry ycar and was mucb iuterested in foroigu missionse &Md bible secieties, te the furtberance of hie work of oach h. gave large sume of meney and turne. By bis will hé made irai r0- visions nuL only for tempérance work Vot aise for the foreigu mission and bible suèties work. During thoIrish famine ho gave largly of tis ewn meanu and collected miuch morýe for the saine purpose For ihemo generous actions hl ieâwaysbel'da warm upot an the heart of every Irieruan. To Lbe end of hie lite, Mr. FareweU, tôk a etrong intereet in advancing worthy Young mon, and many of our best business insu to-day owe mucb te bis influence and heip. At hie deatbho ed irecteda large quantity- cf bobks te b.e dividqd among a nutuber of studious youthâ. Mr. Farewoll in bis younger days cllaubed tho hill ef succesu stop by Stop until ho reaobed the goal of bis hopes. Mis 'docline wus in strength-net in onergy-but- 1k--Wus graduai, t e odidlot linger, bu uowiy oae ut, sud breathedhie I1t i, Iiâd wll efect resignatien. May sa a rery- heddfriead-and mnya sU - od Phere-te wtness the luta raeelsinterment. Town Locaiz Tur Thompsou's oysters sud cigare BÂNDEL Lb. barLer; oraniume over- bauled, scraped aud sheru. 75 patteru's uew printe to select frein at W. G. Waltere' Oddfellows bleok. Uie Dr. Dorenweud'a Great German Rair Magie for baldness, gray bair, ie for sale by ail druggist. - For cretonnes sud fringes te match try W. G. Walters, prioes loweet. 1 Tara Brookliu portion of tb. Obizau oBate viii b.e old on Feb. 29tb, at The. RoySi Moatel Barbarsahop le the place to get à aair cuL or a nieeasy lshave. W. Thempsou'F, for oystere, cigare or candies, north et the Moutreal telegraph office. Gîve hum a sali. WANTIED -YOnog man or boy te Joara pbotograpbing at Obapman's gallery Whitby--G. F. Chapmnu. THEt Sprine Herse Show et the Whitby end Eant Wbitby Union Agrionitural Society wili, in ail probabilty, be held st Columbui sometime iii Lie latter end etf April. NoTicic. Ali parties or permon wisbing te geL photographe, crayon work, or life-size work, aboula orne direct te myseif, as I have ne busines counuotion vbatever with Mr. O'Brien, lite proprietor of thie galiery. 0. F. Chapmnu, photograpier. The. barn et vouug Mr. Riehardéson, son et Mr. A. Richardeon- cf tii. tovn, situated ouinthbe base line, Pickering, vas destroyed by fie-e on Thunday mornîng st. Four tiorsea, nine catt., -ail bis fodder and eeed grain went te, blases. The fit. was fi est ucLieed by a neigiber,. end the&proprîstor s net areused n- til &Il vas ueaily consumed. Ther. vas $1.000 insurance. A largs aleighing party frein bore visited Mr. Robt. Devereli, Pickering, ow Wedu.sday eveniait cf lut- week, sud Iset night Lb. Piokermg youug people came te, town te Mr'. Tics. Deverell's. Ail serte of amusement wus indalged-in upon each occasion, snd many eld acquuintaces ver. preseut. te spend au sevsuing vati M-r. Ga. Deverell, Who as home fer hie ululer. à lecture on "M.fndelsîolm sud bis Worke" ut Ontarlo Leaies ColteeWinl be given'byhf r. J.W.F.Hrrista the- coollege auonr.4ýèay ateioouMareh lu t ahbalf vast tour oclock.Ilusta-, tiôes of lbis orchest«W emoitoi ead by sud F Goods 1 3-OL VE RY CLOS E FIGURES )IAMO I order to make sure of a big red action ini our winter Stock we have cut" our figures very close- A We realize that it is PRESSING, MATTE-R. The people must have winter goods while they will be of some use to them and we have resolved to settie the matter at once by making Al I'cai Red uction il' On our Large Stock of BLANKETS, FURS, HOODS, CLOUDS, CEYS, FLAiNNELS, DRESS GOODS, GLOYES, IIOSLEIRY, -YAIRNS, &c.- It is not a damaged stock, it is not shop worn, it is not a fire sale or a bankrupt sale, or an emergency sale or a giving vp business sale but it is A -GENUINE To make room for -new Goods. Corne and See US. s g~Whitby D-ry GOT rO PRINGLE'S MERCHANT TAILORING For ORDERED CLOTHING. OVERCOATS, at GREATLY REDUC- ED PRICES, MADE TO ORDER. J. R. PRINGLE. F. L. GREEN, o-- GREENWOOD OAT MA MILLING 00., GREENWOOD. Manufacturers of ail grades 4'of 'at Metdl, cern mealRolled Wheat, Splt PasGrahamn Fleur, Or>cked Wh.éat, &o. W htpave afiret-clas miner -sudaare determiued te turn oeut firat-clas meal. S:' Chepp constantly on hand. Ohopping dene er 5 ents per.two bush. ,bag. ,W. -have, t],. beat ehopp Otone ini the,-Oornty. A'Speoi41ty, made of, exchangiug oet meal fer oesa.- Oatts wmrtea for whioh highest prioe *111 -be ,pad. We aek urâtrnge. - ~ GREIENWOOD OÂT MBeIMILLLNG 00. R.». leur exohanged fcr-Wheat ýas nenal stGrenwod Reluer Mills. I have just-put ini moe.ereoua- sud other uiaohinery, üüd the Fleur is better than ever. HIighest p?îoé pstid for wheat. IP . L. GREEN. Tbf. as 11e capld £411100 w. <1gv. ho ail vho are suff*ing troniDseea 7lu 9 O& onpt of10 m.dleei:do more barru than good sud rallier hinder 4han SALE, We need the room and must hatve it. os.-. Emporium. BLJRNS9 COLUMN., flow Going On!,# OUR A.NNUÂ ,WlIN TElSL A UGH TER-#' Te a.void carryïpg ever felt go%,dë ed, have commenced Le sel hhem a h oe sale pricps. Wide-a wake peopie wo-uld do well Le eaUl early, before their aises a.re seld ent. Lsxzs' Wu.tThempsou'a but -mak.. Cioth Gaiters............ Flanneël-lined,.very warm, rs -- alpnie" ...... ......1 L. MACKEYl SBROOK s~i VIII LOCG ~-BUDGET 0F Tzregl -oOn lu the, IN Conne ekompauy ,r". termed àalm mentI t * ver preO ~rhot -on We" ;no.ý Gil before] iËswelo ad -au a way h - lamye SO. I. e a q I . t t t g - I - - t . . t., * r r - . g s * g . . a pr ces SIIAWLS, WIN-. OLEARANCE I - ~ * -~. - ~ a / 1 1 . 0 0 1: OP44W lZe

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