Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1888, p. 5

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1 -L Hae wbad aIwork ibis yook, uncier e nobnerptife- the directiOn o! Mir. Qroitery of!hee lb.h ub ?Ot, vii om!1 0 al oupwih b lme iathiacori-nte an agrseuieiiidaed w a hgbhie malter of initiat B . A y eile l9h ev m le iad biee a eho r an de kn I g teride te geai p1 B. 0'Brin an'Bsif . O'Brin êlu ortEtop bots ltbiD h e pre in tSe f that i aefli ood It .s auh 1%d W E ' re O ofto r bootsrgaiEsiOn w111fund bina livollier Iban bouud ne1 W oCam on thebbusiness of1 4y0!. potgrapbeîin lh. said iowi'otW biîh: 0IT'le going the ronds to! tb. proe Sor inl h.orD ro OsavUlulb euil thai ,the O. P. B. contOinp1atedouble o Oti o raperaO1l Ot fu iesiye 4rakmgibet oaa front Port Aer u yle h lirsol!or lu p.rtui~rbPorV t ~ks inh5g f emos b-ti mUiifor suy otherkigtpi ersou or pmes.~d I buabois o!fvbeaî of the'8'lOOPP »taxes hobr e o!iis play or oCoVlis p Rubbrs.-te xoad'o espaoiyas t ort aOb ,o l Y Up or a e h doubl lrakVhU~U'îîhO ons ben. ho mymollf, MY boire o asgie8 ~~flOO5. M~~~an 5and the Norh Ws4tdoubesm n bDSddi. So W. Pri1h. acriom ag nder thise rsl? if boy1 emon or perloS as 8W. Toz oiegt.ba,in to serions touble. î~î îadig ua qdeeo! ibm W. . T._O. spsO'Bri' tod be open adî n ight soh.l edla a feu W. J. U,»UaWO<>.oioga a in pdays o!, hieh furiber* notice yul ho 2 >t, 188. ces da eli n. 1 1tje . chopea M boys Wh are nuablo 40 attend da l- $co c'olfrein W ll a o!lbgBviéDiin of 9 aiy 1uam. ba i diava n1 Ihefi- B a gu u mdi l th 1 ey h ve a r ai o . eeo! ibis oppeitînty .The Union, r s1 s igr .5os hl !vWllbh.pl.am*d b oaç oi e outàhbitionc by Ibhi meanui " s bek t ioo boks, ÙOM rot alitlab-e msa e1oUqYý W, 00.O f old readêie a li so'o r tioi f 'o u boua l t " $,hs bo nov bave 1Q0 UsO orIb. a. ba1hm» a 0sz.uisPO o f p Blir i ll I47rec5iT* m spr *ug up Ihe very i donations itiashe oaing.Boom. .. si'Is. '1*be propTGO ORE. ~Ta Wlt~ OriçkaBi-(lIuth'bavé papers ave SalVo* 4nrgre rOBagrange4 for Ivo .iBlOC 1. ao sYS v8ib .elelry5ds ud ithsId 8r& -they OLS!*ltbkhêIi O i e brui se t wc0 A s i 1b in bas r»» - do m a siteeP rIk 1 T titis g.pmaU mt i ii ÏPLAINTil bei4* ab -1 "Die de? frein r d flýo o$v o -- .~L..Êfriuit~~ ITa! TDOI rmoWhuIgi. sid-l bav JN J. ~ :w tOk of blook jet bbdeê fronts been the colt A R JN A R D for drese irimmingu, ai W. G. Walter&* BumyEL th J 0wgtihe finestl The Royal Hotiel Barber shop' là ii. led, sorsl place tic gei a hait cont or a nice "ey Tifr shave. ho held on 1 ciTitACBERS prepauing candidates for use Dr. E EnrneExaniiniOns should pacte Hair Magie lels ver hadi- the 4 801300 noies" of ibis issue i n a for sale by a 110onvanie lpae efor roferoneo.Wanted.- TaBand of Hope Will meet ai the ing. A.pply W. C. T. U. Reâaiug BOOm M ona (f0oîo Jan. 8fOh ai 4 o'look for the. re-eloitiOfl ITha o!ofler.A.filatendance is re- Jur v o . O . Wer. A flaltr i ffrng g n 5 a lo WA C Equesied. o oPeai IAQ vaine inucotions, yiie ana rqshot"WYTo C HA fi eings in îwilled and pancruA ilwoffie., D Cotioni in aIl widlhs ai excepiiioally ofice.ai low pricesai W. G. Walters. . Tab Tua urîug oneielfor tbe Midland lick at ma district in the Ontario isukard seriesda bi corns of atOshva n Monday and bogali Taeed&Y nexi Whitby won tihe dis- NoT t1~re tiotRingsonh, lsiyear, but lest vishioR r fiures Locetsin the. final oaw-off an Toronto- - Thecork1 game will ho far more Skillftilly con- direct te B rooches, iesiod ibis year ai aIl points. fu r 0laeonei WHITBY curling club sent for ine aepro 9e8 w aIVille on Friday *ft.erf(leoD ue arrsuad were defeated by 17 points. On THE m ib a oue,they revenged iheinOlv6les ii. tb SafPn;by pouneiflg upen OshaVa andgvigf vab olarButos hemn adrttbbînig. It was aasplendid gins boff we avecolar uttns drive, sud it wam b firgt time our club 5:28 P. 1 me lae abl Wre.Od So li as beau defeated by BcVmanillîe for 01th Od posye&re. wbieh s for lu ate Tbley a Pre e s. F ui, HR c h w a Vi n2diator Piles mb o cntac t fo P i ar e r iub an d B r ed r veF rui t s for 0dvi in g th at tow u to keep iu s gin nin g l'j , ru b a d red FDve - uq oalch ng in its pooket and lt rail- niddle wybuildiing &lie. Lt eays they muet o! total 1/ hvearil route to the ilbarber. We sese at a ~'bavepa rdoia ef ot. It is tee far tion e! t to walk down ta bathe. 'They uMgbt (mnt ROC ST. - WHIBY.runa tain esch ev :fg Libr g. F 'VMTB Gallagiir. But don't go tOe ee- aeu -~ pense o o! bletzskig a hatbing lino. grdn TtiROtaoOUT thes business portion o! biais saeorte Vilthere l agoerIeIaO&iDkinds 5I~'of egrt ai the deauh of 1Mr. L. Bea,- aIl veg ~1)jibn 3J>r f 1 ofrteldosi boy. Frak tvas a nies & Co'si - ~brt' litts feUow a n on face in toyu found brigho fit l e rto thoso Wh o pasaed up sssals 27t, 188. and down Brook Sreet. f a ie1oT JA.NUA~Y - - lever boy in he lase i ebolwnor L E _________________ wet.tenpered and greaily id. woî LOCAL LACONICS ÇCONTUÂBYt oïexpecite ar u LOCAL LACO ICS, Webbet's "Nip and Tuokl' in the music table' ARolAI TWN- ethte biggest fraude ! he opera troupe af on WR>.! lB 114 AND 0 to ~ alonM naY og t oe8 t e e 00 il BUDIET F LVEL LOGL tEW8BLEIEO line tht bas strek tiiheViSlcVOgv BUDG T F iREY O A L R EORT Edi. t as failure in the respect cuit u _ _ _ _ IC E OR ER iba . t b rc .~r nW èn s are ca led m an ' "A ch'e~ aanay.,takn ntes suoosfu, i. e. it mde lois O! mefley; gardi h e 'll p re u t ki n n t e , b u t a t o u p e t w a s a fa ilu r e , N o t t h e a A n i f bel p e t thavin g had an opera f r eu e t C The uretmeein 1 thLe Pie ring ad IBary W ,hber's bavang a gra T h e ' i p o n n O e t i h o f a 6 8 tm u t t c n t ol p u t t o , a g o d b a u l wa s ma d e . c bill.Ta Broughamn hotol keepers rTau an BY u al v rti ,ne t in anether o iio yse upper an ithe nigbt f tog i h e fetm ,tigo!f .tetwnship counoîî mn o o li n f Î t w jl i h o s e e n t h a t it h e B * h ec kllM e t ngO o p pw r 0 " ll & J M N . estate ie for sais. for 18ffl. The invit aitns v er enea TanfiotVBulwotbet iliat Cornes aundthe whOl* 0Gouniey adi- l rt w a rOt nd mtende te do Soins self up i o t wo bungi7 hodie an eereadifg. Qod.devoirOd 6ail the Oyst'ers ihat bove i To nfeto sro s !gsip lete"5 igbt. Lt is a oharacterstio cf the tfri a n o fta v as frio n s dof a po o a r an i k e rn g f o wl o m ta liv e b ig h . -n d i l aeb r u i-fil i en OOî ubis espec they are Il agat abod o! ee snThere ho h en !e n OtO ca055O! W hiby t 0wut vbel'e te counsl i e l di lTh otre prte d ee à u t ov eu on e te raise fun a teo pen 0a fov ehels. rMi prove fatl su ws oar f Lae or Ta W. C. . Dehating Society, eleci- 31 TI~fl threoe thers e! a mldetcatr.0 od efcr sfloS:Pelot . JwOT aarceeio s C in staio-st M . H ery ; isi vice-PrOs. &' Qregory; Br okl 1,an a B ofgh m _&rad e r- 2nd vicep res. 1 m H t e Bu na, eci, a godiee o r en ale Ibis gveek , bath in the T. IH. Daey; Comlliti iseoe s, pipr sd b poter. Nie b. ate. awrence ad Smsf.Mse ~o1ewoldMa Tos Bc.etibs ov aitkee hi, aeyaL oda Pro- 5 B.« vn t rq ote d onh h e m eaiaond e h i . i se nflOûDS FOR THE OIA ut FANCy GOODS DEpA.1TMeNT8 r brilliant ivith fresh XmsSeason. hped and shoru. cl1ns bail andl supper ià te Feb, 10t'. N )orenwefld'a Great Germai for baldoOSO, gray hait, is âll draggit%. -A boy to barD ph-otgrfhtph 'y to W. j. Underwod ti to O'Brienl.) noV resched the 26th of ithont the snoWPo'w ,hvi nUg the rualW&y 01nc, npson'8. for Oysterl, cigars Or Orth of the Montreial ielegralph ive hîm a ealu. cUke faotory g0t in 'a firsi &king agmetbi»g on wedflOs E 1mouldiflg in the brase foundary C. Ai parties or, perlonsJ te get pbotog!&phb. crayon jife.size work, should corne Iny seif sIhave no business .. whiatêverwitb Mr. O'Brienl, rietof of this gallery. W.,. 1 o , p h o tO g ra P h e r . i s a o moon is to be iotally eolis* o LOf ibis rnonItb, Undet UnUISlIY Le conditionsl. The. eclipse be- for saIBOt. the sun Setiug ai m.(standard iime) The.tiosse différent phases 01 the eclupe re visible are as follovi :-First jwitb absdew, 4.30. 5 p.rn; b.- Of total phase, 5.81. 1 p.m.- of eolipQe. 6. 20. 1 p.in. end phase 7.9.1. p.m. The moOn 7.21 P.U3. before the termina- tho eclipse.Mantde!elps e iaietet1). 4h ma ment 1liofvegetable sa and praoeticabl ingtrflotions Con. thes culture Of flowerl-tor and inomto0ncerniêg taIl of goeds, 0lantiiig and oiiIin tetablee and fiowers, D. m. Ferry Sed annual for 1888 yul bi as completsees any work of 1 ar character ever isi'ued. T h ty and eztraordiflaiY range of th' nation given rendors thoir &Dns îy ef the. speoiSi attention of eve uterested in having uioSyg ýs Or beauiifui floyers. D y & Go. niake ibe growil Suad 9a1 nion Seed a leading speoialtyo SE se muoh information On On' are as to ...ke their &nnuàl Of Pe lent vaiue te aI ion "growers ai eners. The Anual eau hobad f ~skg. ddrSSD. M. Ferry oI)erait, Mich. OUNTX COUNOIL, CONvhU» Zsiher with &DY Other informaic ,v desin itsavîsable to offor. file ,,OîelsajouTied at 8:835. TaLIRD DAY. uoiMfl4G 8gSI0N. Wsaden teck the chair ai IL0'014 ROll Wield, rnomb&o al presai et Mr. PeImer minutes of lust day of Jouese >&d and confirmed, as were miutes of frtst and sod d oesent seSion. cÇOmmnunicatîofl Ferei jailer as te supplylng hîm kîtoben stove. From cefftaker &&kingi00an er' TuE 1~ Goinp~titjOflt8 ICES Sth oinpobtn ta Goodf suitable f<* WOOL sn:AWL8-iBeaaiful Lot at ana ain.'~ - . ffli d £ixiffn. &O.. FRESS GOODSGrad ASortmquefl tinBamok an loN Sik T«nfain.AAt;B lids,8 imd Trimminigs. , Gnt$, Fine Ordered Ctlothing SecatI TTliev wAries*l Collars, Cuifs, Braces, lovso 4v if. our Stock may be had by a visit to the People's Store. VelveZs ButtoGei Bra s extent and a ' C~ ~' sm~VVTA~~#Toe - -~ .u....-'~ ~'~1 F RETIRINO FROM IIOlT$E3, AT BUSiN i~ib~ S ,. ILINGc-O S-EALE7o" GOING BTI Nflb .oeAJMFBELL For the next 10 days he witt seti at Sacrifice Prices. Dres Goos, Btack and Colo0red Calshmeres, GreyFa- nes, BlaketsCarpets, Floor Oit Ctoths. Men's Over-, Coats, Boys' Overcoats, MVe' n By'Lms wool Shirts and Drawers. In ait wool Tweeds we hold a large variety of Pat- terns- which must be sold- at, Don't Buy a Dollars wort& untUl you look at ou>r Stock and, get our Priceis. Ffarm Produce taken in Exohange. DO Until the chilly blas of Witer have-hfrzfuU the. mftrW in, Corne andi seour urialltStokf QýýerooafiIlgseFur Cap ae,r e arI,&. Lu À Q satins, 31 IDobsoil, P0 yGud ad excellent uniOfla bocbut take ail chaneO! a isprelsn< lbe opinion lliAt Ibo a6 îh noV r.ve giUzbridge to1 ày bandaOflbemmniathe 00W ty There yere four baoIiSMS la ï à lu 70Uiê~. The saMe f.ir ae. igWs n lotsbob. 09 e W m#U5 1P lm h s 1 nss hay <mecuiO majora b1er.t» mge4 bat Oom eil bàà Y- A" "0 SALE éýz J. ls ,ariea stock, i FROU 014 A«T- GOING NOW NOT NOW a w R E-R TOI BVY YOU "q WA M

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