Dis=rC Iou MîdlaId W&nte #à grainl bayer.à '11l Dondilk!B OQU1CilorS ire A. 0. UW. men.~ GOal cil dropPoId t 1e nc~tB a gallon in O!illis.on btitir(lay.1 No busi.t i < ~zweet e the record of Barrie's poli Ct-ourt- Wellingtonl cotiuty flouôesoftrIndu;try ilm crowded wÙith78 înazatee. 45 birth%1 45 deathe and 22 weddings je ieafortis record for the old year. '& Parry S %und( 5flfilflr botel bas juat raid a divdefld of nine per cent. Wmn. Firuser, a Stiated township wbîgkO! manl, is ini Party Sound jail for Dot Pîvyi11 $50 anid cost8. Qrilli& SaIvationiete are uegotiatiflg for tlle purchat8e of the Batna brase band nsrutflOts. To acoodate the new 8110W plôw ou the Ntortb,3fl the stationl platforni bad to be ntatrrwed. f'rolu S89 te 100 loads per day of pail timnber are ht.ini deliçered at Caiu's fatory, Newtuarket. Jacob Jollifle, of Parry Sound, isetre ported te have e3hot il deer in two days and a haif in the township of Conger. TVhe Meaford Afirror man keeps wel! to the front. Leit week he chronioleè the first robin ,-the harbinger of sprng Alliston 11m; couoluded that it canuo raise the $,.ti,000 for stock neceee&ry ti soenre thbe Mowat Mf'g. Co. to th village. BecaUqe ber about-to'be huebai dîdr't ttnru up at the' appeinted timi Miss fliîlyard, cf Alton. euiojded by tb laudanum route. Mise Ile0aven, of Traftîlger, woul tobog, but noW that ber armu bas ieE twice broken absé may find other amaui uiente 0on earth., Ho()ratio Reevoe, cf Bradford, eanu bis aie to, a nioety. fIe ont a ftve in, Alasb in bis beot and sock, but the bla didn't touai' bis flesb. An ertire flook o! wild Resse W( kiiled recently bt Big Bay Point. T birds baving aligbted were unabis ries again henco their easy elaught A. stick projectinflRroui a load Wood caught e. Williamfsofl, of Nt muarket, betwssrl it and a tree giv birn euch a squeeze as te endanger rîbe. Four bundred and sixty.two te@ put up at the Grand Oputral, Ori oneS attrdaY recontly, anl the1 prietol' want te tokiO Whwo eau that record. In turniflg quiokly round to rut hiesunother a little @on of bMr. C. Elughee' collidsd witb a coal SI bnrning hie mouth 80 badly tbat loverai daye lie conld not oen1 it. A. live bear sbipped the other da Bowmauville for the Zoo in Toi gnawed bis Way tbrouith the cstr and on reachinig Osaewa bad to be baving becouis enraged. Trenteonlias a presher, Rev. Wi NepDiiD. Who last Tuesdsiy pre, bis 95 birthday sermon. Listenii bis. words wsre two ether rev gentleiÈeD convert5(d by bitn 50 ago. Compl5.ift bas been mnade1 oonnty judge anent the Midlafld cipal el@ctione. At tbe cloge po1i the returfling officer declare in Ontario. Daniel Brauit, brakeman o1 -.R.Amher-atburg train, wbi] on the traek reonll, four' arnmond ring wbieh beobsi wealthy Buffalo WaY, who hi ilteo slip from ber band wbulE in a Wagner PqlacO car. offered a reward Of $100 forÃŽ sudi tbe ronel was paid o' Branit. A 0W bebongiflg te a fa Bugeniab, nawed Ban sweallowed about a year ago whlp.etalk 23 incesa in eri few -lya aga tb end was e ing from tbe animale aide. drmw11ana theoo5W je doing tyntb of ths @tory je voucee pedley and tbe neiglibors.- The election of echool tri north yard o! Uibridge hal an awkwar& rnudd1e. «A moide a tie belveen Messrs Stewart, end, thinking it b soetbe town clerk gav;e hie in favor of Mr. SteWarL J vote was caut for the lattei outi'ig vote ehoulti have, b the largeit ratepaVers Ã" Mesure. MaGillbvV ».d i. boeeninetruO4@ b I'ýs Proceedingî e SUD00 'Wft &id UnlU lawyu $ ood U 1~ 1 èss! wq Lb>à u11 howj st fce-o wh-br ab s ' bo ed asbis bltll adttu k roPuttioU t ýd fu.Ir1 Ibo ~OO~ dat. iijovvenknew, - théerhs the 016qaalil. "esand à hé,V&0 flg to t*. lb Iii. he mddtead nan whclein- - )r ' nDixooso& SIL O1 oreasin'flg giteltois him what tbe waste b ire provelfallnist4ke; t2gshr0n of lime lu, r0inade éoaIUO4nii* atow~st t je truo liaI the busieut man je the v,e ahor bad achpf ni, saUixlY .teIimy bappieet man,.but be ofln doein t a -%aTgeat doal of SU. hn 5 n have timo te neahie ih. ;oyed oto bat n à a ietý. wAYB 1 Moen are Dot udged by thoir desew 3uaia mwoiseiý thM a hier~ * Dow dayi lbey are judged by their vite mor4 agreeabbo, than ac il bondeand ortgaee. thte ye&r passio and hosaoêr thetvoonn bone ad o! ga g gva e Ethe'age grow sicklyp taie'1 and on fBribham Young'S wie A- u olf BahO 1ho realized more ana more that Eliza but tbe wife who gave bim tbe ho al ' a' ève1 et a vis. Gores lth meet trouble was Para Lyser, vWas hait the secret of Eca'i. The hapwbofi~is acarot nil ra h. ret ia.iuder vitality and gooa tecks bis cneoke woyatens atarpet M oseinbecausOe varded off temilifO eak- hibuoowie others istaeng off aw ne55055 and alimente by 1th Uuse et Dr. who --wsh he ieztake ý ff aw ierelsFavrite Prescription. mateial.Firs in Montre%,l on Saturday morning A Connecticut Iriebmau je filled witb degtroyed 8250,000 vorih et PrOPety patniotia pride becauso b.e sports a cork W. ought Det te bo tee anxioD5 t e Sceur- 1 log. age nntried inno~vation, in cales ef doubi- 8 Barber te utme-o are qu t uli improe[ment For a quarter of .a bald ir. Customer who is' couver- Century Dr.,Sage's asrh 6edy ha. ~110ino-Ye I vs bru hatbeeu eefore the public and passdi throngh Batio&1lyinelned-es 1was orn 1at he sve?5st test and je rononnoed the 8 y. mest neliabis remedy ftr.1tdiarae . Ele-«And May 1 se your father to- mld.TOsXd ttSiiIi'e t ~ mrrO, dar2" he-Y--5~ i up virtues. bu cents perbotîtle ByDrugite. d pose il je tee late te oses him to-nigbt ?" police and people came mie olsina 9. Teman i Suh1aol1s o sKiniso, reland, SaturdaY. ot entinely toe-lesi; may b. oallod a no- Sick Headacbe snd Dysoaa are quiuekly to tee-rions chansoter. aispelled by Camipb5ll's Cathartie ceol à e Ilj idta Jo neyer lest hie Pud patience Ibis warrants the iufenence Ds Lesses5 jeont vîth a circular on be- id t'at ho nover underteok to expiain a hail of the Panama Canal. e, base bail game ta a vomall. prosonceo f UXiIM he The brain et an elephant jeseulme- presence et mind je good in ceet wbat langer Iban that o! a man, but accidents and emnergoflcies and vhen la the trunk of an lphant je considen coupled with Uagyardta Yâlv 011Win onalyealler Iban t'ato! a voman. often Bave. a lit. Yellov Oil cures aSl 5en We re îildthat ie 1Tiesm hburns, scalde, bruiss, se- We re oldthâ th Eeniaux are otbes rheuoeatic and neuralgiC paine~ gluttens, but vben vo bear that tbey and id in tact a handy and reliable surgie2 u like a disb of caradîeseil wouidseoem aid. acb that tbey believe in lighl ne!reshehrfs. The Busajan Governmfent je Baia te 1)0 ade It wenld eeeoe te the average Phi- contemplatilg the raieing of a torced 1bau. losopher liaI the man vie wanîs tbe The envy etf hor triende, a lady vho uses ere earth the rnoel ie the chap sailing aibout "«Lotus ofthte Nile" Poittimo. ['he in a ruea way balloon. The Scottish crottera ebjeci tolthe oxecu- teîl "Robent dean, boy ido yen suppose te fthe1)0eniP&lion cheme while good der. these dezeras and dezense .rpty botties lsa nhiScotîand romain unoc<upîd I o! Of ven got ito ur celar ? Why,1I earxalbie a3.gtortiosU ý W don't knev, my dean, I nover -bought Mshev« Sullivanl,O<4 Wetoer, Ont., vwu rigau empty bottie in my life 1' iii with dyseps'5 for tour yeare. Flndin~ vieg Ragged Social Philosopher flaying a dotors did little good ho triod Buradoc dieb i a)th iaegtig hoo Bitters. Six bottiesacure i h suad aicher anthe peon pere re Wetby B. gh na y inweighite 178 peunds.M B. B. richr ad te por pore. Welth B.cures the vonet known cases et ebronie jiiSaloon-k eeper (dropping tie dimne intO adye5latater auil sie aila. pro- the drawer)-YeOS, that'a se. FE. S. Com & Co., brokors, suspendod on beat Teocher-JohD, whal are yonr boots Saturday. triade et ? Bey-O!f tmer. Wheno Apeally GOod Traveling Companiofl ýD t- does the leather soi from ? Froni perry Davis' Pain. Killer, SM. the bide o! Lb.ex. Wbat animnal there- Au nnknown tîarnp,%rus effocatEýd in a Lv, fore. auppl'0 en v ith boots and gives fir hc .letdaryedthe St. TheU55 S ýt fer yo u e at te est? "My father." City Hlali building luai uight. This year being loup year. The ~E ~ita rI u fiect5 of y tYoun>g fellows vbo areabale gLe support yi eanl1cvi abits. thle requlit et îgUoUXCO ron10 at w-je bad botter bide out. No over- or fli.w es finda n w vous aDotr' Lunes yl be considened stIbs ffie ,ud0 ketd; dn t-orn the effects of . e eotozept from girls w ho are willing te abueo over an advnce le 118Re wonk bard aud support a bueband. u V_ bon e ratiOseou Disleases 'iiim Veny tout old lady (in dry goode fe.Teookw setseldt n ,ached store) I vent 1o look ai soins O! jour U. V. LUBON, 4î wouîfngton St .,..Toronito. ing te Jerseys young man. Cerk-YOO oeaam. orenmnwebu din*&Aq_- vereiid 5oM;itbing al w oel sud a yard vide, 1i - Fousen m o eto bMiaon lu abal3ig jeans suppose. îgbuea oe,>ino auwa "Do yen believe in a future ulule, rfig te the sir ?" inqxined lie long hairsd pas. mni- snger eolemnly, s the gentleman re- o! lhe tunned bis botle to bis valise. "Yesb Wben Baby v« dsek, vo Cave ber Caerbý. ed Mn. (hic) sir," vas lb. reply. III live in WionahowmICbibl seenidotfeWrNt fIbres. Dakota." Wbeii ahe becafiOmi,1V sitehoc1=9 to C..tr&L md ns- John Russel 'Young says Ibat ho W»ge" blru agv hmctt ie wslking Professer (depcnibirig an *10iaft m[ Fin i ud Ctra bsg's'cthe 2à a $700 Creok t e t r A d il had ne ref. -ths= ke for thoir tbo1 l p tr o a î terI ged to0 a junior (sure liaI ho bas cangil the !.m . ittje a u«"r'e m tI ho as"o tter ,b lloved professer i itk.oWltda'ntrusied te hizmfor oe washing Ibhey do ir. viien it rsined ? Professer The lady (tsking off bisg lassa and pausilg anM onumnent8, UeadstOfPeso ils rotlm, ýgily)-tbOj got vol. SaeadMrMMnls ver te M. Margisrae-whaî jes jour nm?- SaeadMri atO Vagraul-That shows yen are a% green te'o nheKe ,armer near band ai lie business. AIl jurprd- Adajohtwrk iëe unacle. 'ri el Podley, cessons knev nY narno. " obtt ilW nbig aie i, ,F lOl5. rê a pecec!Appejak an't Rai a joke tirongh het ensit khO limes. rgli, and a bead," eays McPuxitet. 461 beliov h ol nlieut0Pom7 son protnud- vouldn'l ses le peint if b* -eat o nJ~,w Itbvas viti- etet carpe o wk' - vebi. The "Psa saitd LUY, "CMaleybaa ýd fer by M .hre hth sj good for a -2:80 gait l, "se" as the repy,"u ustees for the speaking cf Raite, 1 nelioed tlai nigbt a enedin thai yen aad harey veto both 900a bogue Vole for a 11:80 gale. And LUCY .hMigêd a. 'Nelsonnad tesbjeet. IP mi dtytedo Fieni (te happy fthr>--0t0 C astinig vole Jones lot me OongttStyoU. Ibihé As thIb bo , fà vo aaew',boy at juzhonte. r, and 8 h asl.UpyPI,-Y eorgeea 0 beau given by herbMaAtuI4~,UO nIIpyi aiis bodisanc elte t hae mt b outed a p pt ,IU o Mn.~ ~~gi "0w '5dVUOo tie h4 ilt nru w.4i ztm foL ! » I i llkdghSNi. 4 2 24 20 BS ô. Be,à pto rg10 5. 12 22 . 94y 0yenklof~hP~ This CA a >quat A ere tmnabeeuORBs cf tis hthero iÃœxL li..j.,awluely eeT ffl, o tým Oet cm Whil ymor Thorliaa Our ITS3 FALL. SUiTS. joHN FERQUSON 198 [CflOWI SUABUPBIOR STOCK O7 ýotch, English- and Canadia» Tweeds, 1Axid other fine lines o! Clotho, for Spr.ing suite. An garmeflhl ma.de up un laItetstyltïe on short tnoie ead.y-made Men'8 and BOAs' Suite, aent8' Funi8hlflg8 and uInder0oothiflg of ail Kinda. ENDESTF»uUTILZ OVERÂMLLS!1 HATSI1 HATS 1 HATS! Lateel styles inuârardsBoft Feit lists VBBY OHEAP. JOHN FEIRQUSON,- Dunas Bto, Wbitby CONSIDER YGUR POCjKET& I Don't be leda-ay y flxmng sveittse enite butoeMl st TUEBRAZILI&NWAEOS sud ses for yonrselves Ihst 'we are selling (lrockery sud GIaewSo as uudir cost, for Cashor proDuice. white Granite Tes Bette, 44,1î4ecel,,$ $.00 per set, flandeomle Colored Teas ette, 44 pisem$ ah $8.00" per set Fine China- Te&S ette, 44 pisess 45 a et BaliU ltoOi oape ail Saucers et 25c., oiored Dinner Bette i m$7.50> per , o ored (Jhamber Bette, ý pisslea 25 e eesdMs hn Qaer5arriving every week. IHeavy <*lss is w50&per dos ndon and Lancashireý Life Coinpany. aLue pole>', à sud b a epited vihhhe,. nevt(oera inl ppoedOaada mÉties evr$00 frec iOO.00 et ulIity, rue 9for n"ABOLUT3 s- rit>'. in fini it te hheir s'1vauaét cni uauud er'befere as, ee lows JOHN PBUABN 1.000 YOUN MEA bjm or bora obaucê te Gonemu!m r rpIIy, more osai1>', ai4a eUn.Y st goà the oepsle Thid ,atm aate subaio5l onl.minisai ol b. Pu.bllt bumbugetorpgaating g mairn4~ eni>'aroue vhot.obà in 100 j7lb whsr anu,~er a as Iis> 610115 an. sursel uO5, 1mp1~Ja sortlmel uone. cern.- d cie.; iu ita For atevr posA. 'id o- t w'ng ero. -'ttle o ýWjJSIJIJP OF W-01 TU É;G, Uroel 19