Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1888, p. 1

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VVIITBYl Wlth calm Priifled werdS,' great thoughtet and rlg u4u . le ý- yrogx Vu~1Êtfrfl. B~o1b~hOO4. ~ri~ ~h, iN~J. ~ ) A 'MIT APV -f27 1888. -..-~-v~T nxT7 A RIO. VULI. I.L log, one he as ti-ix0o coing WIth theme logessy 'ail or tp- oDiPI1y teamers psss Whitbi &19 hnsa )a oreidd e sOy I >,Prtes aendlng fez thon!fi en il b IlofleatresdaiC 't G. ree OIela itl ea bai RPf)PS 1 ilsstrsdndUS'0BasROR TIOACTsalowesrate ~~~,~ogartIsDU FeSA--Tickets bal& alohe nemBiU LIER ndSAESTABLES$ IT A v uIe,- LU' AgentndExpreSS Offie, ~erS* ~~'res BOnt w Eu~y an Qmla . m i ~. eO % lof.£ T m=g 5 O i gay the MUNGO! ý5c. Cigar, and the J H? IiA0 ~XIIlit!IQIihO, atewith tanaY LangieY & BurkeySM K Ecstablished 1856. A RCH IT ECT. The gresl nhe LeadinqweekIï i nIntacuptji Deî1 ta buchb Vllsan C SUBSCRIPTION RATES. remodeling existing structures. 8-1 per sanum* in advance-$l.SO other. OppvcE-F1T5t flat ever Eowsq's Drug wiB@e SubscriPîîons are always payable at Store. ~ ~ ~ 22 ETT hao office of publication. P.__0._ - -x 0,W T3T Steaxu equipment and bast furniahled Onaicpbee zelin i seBok and Job printiiig plant iii ES.terfl FA R F SA LE ! M A D E work frem the large pester te, the amalicat- handbilU. Spaciai mention is made of the A Beautifniiy utuated tarm, in the ansurpassed proes tacilitias 0otl'un CIMON- N 0 NH TB .Thea , i IE with its ceiebrated N. Y. Gottreil TOWN OF W I BY cylinder proes and ôthar modern conveni- o nces. Every order recaivas prompt, care- f ui attention. The undersigned offers for sale hie f arn of 49J acres, being situated on the east sidae TERMS 0F kDVERTISING. of Brook street and north et the Grand Trunk rai1way in the Town of Whtby. This first insertion, per Lina, 10 cents ; each farm is as goed a piacaet land as can be subaequeiit insertion, 5 cents. tourid in the country ,has a splendid s .itua- Dleplayed Advertisements are xneasurad tien for a tewn park or driving park, ie in by a scale et solid Noripareil, and charged as geod a istate et cultivat.ion as any man CHEMis acordingy. could wisb, is fAnced eritiraly withbebard AdveirtisOrentesosnt wîthout written .acs, léar et aIl bad waad e or othar eh- l n.structions B eerted until forbidden, and jectioris et that nature, ha@ a stream ofet oharRed fer full tinie. watar runnîng through oeacerner which Orde rs fer d iBcontiingri advertilemfents neyer t ai la. Th barri and other eutbuilid muet ha in writing, ethorwise the pubiiah- inge are et the best quality s.nd alniest new; Pr'cT' the ges wiii net be reeponeible. the bouge is a neariy naw ona-etoey build- A liberal discount for oontract advertîse- ing and cari te raised ea torey with ne great mente by the year. Copy fer changes et axpense. Thare is a geed weli et pure oontract adveriisemerits shouid ha handed water. Thora is a yeung orchard ei stand- in net later than Wednasday; and notine ard fruit treas, juat commaicrig te bear et anyinteflded changes sbould ba giveli fruit. 'The garden je as goed as can ba bafere Tuesday noon. Othar advertiee- fourid. The fan jes convefient to echoosTo t meants receivad np to Thursday noen. and churches. Titla geod. Liberai terits Business notices in local er naws celumnus will be slloed ta the purchaser. " o t Five cents Per lina weakly. Locals, 10 ts. Apply to preprietol' on promises Pçnrres'pondencaeeoilcited troni ail parts 46-12in. GJEO. 1HICRINGBOTHAM, o. t.he CeuntY or neighhernfg townships. Whitby P. O.H c3orrespendents are requasted te sand ini Whitby, Oct. 20tb, 1837. 1thair communiicatbens e asprexnptly as- I14n)ERSON & GRAHAM, DoraiflioflLinOot Royal Mil Proprietoref JORN STANtrON,18. T AB'.1U Supt Mechatiic&l Dep't.187 STA B I . 18. -- WINTER SERVICE. S&illuge between HALIFAX anid LIVER-To t POFortaightiy, via MOVILL.E. y) (J, ounty Crewfl Attorney, Promu Baltimoe ARRISE. j 44Aciai 13 and county Solicitor. Office,- Suth Sarnia...,... .., 4. d 7. AnaUo wing Cort Buge Whib'y-48 Oregon .......... ls wlgCortHese WityVancou ver......... " Feb. I4th. Toilet, JAMUS RUTILEDE, 'Prom Hulilam Sarna- " Jan. Liet. B RISTER, &ô. -01OfelOrlY ee- Oregon .......... . StudY fth. Oupied by Farewell & uutîedge, naît Vancouver, .P...b. 4îy," 8h. W o oa lotl, Brook St.,Whitby.RTE0FP SG. DAVID ORBIISTON, B.A., CabinRttefrom Baltimoere exi Halfax, Cha ATTORN-ATLAW, SOLICITOR IN 160, $60, 466 and $75 ; accoerding te position A.Chanoery, Convayafleer, &c. ef Ststeroefl, wîth equal saloon priviiceges. OrrîcE-Ir the Office senth et the Pest DAVID TORRANCB & 00., Office, in MoMiilaRi's Block, Brook Street, Genaral Agentsa, Mentreal. Whitby- ______________B. ST1BEENSON, SMIT, LL. B, legraph offiee, G. YOUNG UT3LL.B- Local Agent, Whltby. ARRISTrER, &o., &.-Money te Lean > ate !arriage Licansai. eilizSîhisBok i) t fMarket, T Ià ~ Brook St., Whitby.7f L JOHNBALLDOW, Royal Mail Steamers. H ARRIST&RWAT.LAW. BOLIOLTOR H Bin ohancery, Convyance&. ~LIVERPOOL, Ofitby. rf'e B oc , B oo tr e ,L O N D O N D E R R Y , MONET TO LlPND-Prvate 1tMndS, GLASGOW. n surn. up te $8000, at a iow rate et1in- terest. (7'2 WINTEB ARBÂGEBNTS& Soap8, nher Articles 11 are kopt in go 3mst and lYrug aoiR ~Qi Inlotate oui inlRe. si IHEMIST AI fhltesrnith Si& Qu oneO SeTrD What we weuld like te know :-Isouradepty rèeve, visie Whitiy thig ILf ER.IJ Wii "geing in for11" l iyweek te ttend thie (3ountyConi. doin« everything ini Ernest?. Whe;n Wb're ne deubt he wil give- a good ao- bapmeRIe. Ii ext, ehieken is gong te be reastedceut e hmrlf au I. etpreserves brought for- The sleigbing is nw excellent and* war{ 'f hy wIll kindly let me we e*pect aà,large crowd te the Sire ,0Ie btw-, knov will wMtry ana be present that is to e eeld this (Frid4Y) evening Mn Mr.' hparrived iDin ît wM net incolveXeflce them. Kerr'o Hall. j& Bt -a)%Uok OfA grand tea %Wiflbe provided aftr- I~ Qu .e efclun h which an interesting -addbes will be,,. W e annoflfce in yo i our v r Too- [eÊardTh te £)j~'P Ai" etatMe. G 4econ l hère, er Hili.1lint we.ek. iex God pO- Les Wenedayevemga trge"'----The - e,. Members are at liberty ~~ ~ ahston teone'c i fineasml y11D.Hrc la te ho a soimee at the. Presby- iEmq., te pertaeocf tha igeod cheer pro- mng. Ho je 1< church Columbus&. next Tuesday vided by that gentleman, about 9 A iihn -Anuxnber ef youug ladies o'clock some sixty guests qat down te fnjend near igte take tha advantage of a supper whioh would muake the heart night anaha ea nd are almeady looking up cf an epicure rejeice. Ail the delicacies The Ami; andCutters te tke the young cf the seasen weme previded in ahuri. tieir barraéi JGGIST over. dance chief lu favor ameng which was nght * JO, Prebyti'1.fl hae sered a the lucions bivalve, thet wus 'omopared bytcf meetings un the baemelit cf lu such a manner as te daeligIi prsnthe pis ceh. They will be conducted thC>ni wli had previeflsly been in "" )0~i by the pester and if continu- IriOeterate enemfies, After supper x Rev., Mr.1 er, soeoa ide help ie expeet- cllent music otil vocal and insLt '- Iy past1r cf hre je consideable interest be- mental wu~ rendered by tha hastlias lied a ve au in the meetings. ekdiled musicians present whila othars cf bis wfe.- wli atendd r. ainbel~5ware engaged in varions gemes. Fun mucli thoug onFrda ngh wrehhy de- and merrillfnt were evemywhame rife dawoet cItFridyngtereighandin-tiu a laté heur wlien the pamty dispers- uear cf the - Ltwesintrasingand ed ail deliglited witli the profit and an- , The Elgi tcyounga.nd eld. Lt was a me ether nigbt lied net been jeyment cf the evening. Your cerres- night for t as there were sa meuy enter poýndent since learned that Mir. Brown îbaud wl]1 i utsbiled or hateveng- gave the echeol children au cyster erowd shei supper on Thursday night et whichtliey ice rink li >Os , s , John Trigg of Dunville. Califer- lied an object lesn on the cyster-its in tewu, 'w 'visfitiug frieads in this viei.nitY- grewth, form sud uses. Wa might in- god recres beeu eut thora four years and sinuate tliet ils uses are et presentbe- te the inb mmehl taken rip with the country fore their mmndi. Tliey spent the As tbe1 ibe prospects fer young men.-fHe evaniug lu au enjoyable meuner aud oetw ek in about tan daYs ftcoOlf set their eIders a good exemple by roins. Iby Mr. Thos. Brummell wlio returning home 05i!y. efford tw ler fumes , ainsec eo afortune. M A homae been #o l a tBatstwall ettend eaare plema lto welcôine hm eas è¶enng lu"à elùteld r Wm. Lawrence ef Goodwoed. Ho have been a s occupied by John Dry- sem elsaife ih i c" ndterSh .P. P. The pester Re'V. J. F. seports ell sthifgied ihie ecl eddiuec and Bey. Mm. Anrliur deiivered rprs5eylinaeuguc .Mr. IL paeaddresses. The Wh3itby Mr. S. Mackey is etteuding the ls 'wspresent and gave soeaflue eeunty couneil at Whitby dhis week. spent s eeeasrtZ te ceus. "lLitt'e F1orsnee" or botter uns. S.m.ckey pald Toronto a fty- n xo Wu Mi.loreaÙce Bntland et ing ýviat but hasmturnDe. s d >od vaniety by &êlihgbM thosa prent witli a Sevealsiyeung people cf ibis neigli- M. u t O& f comiO8solos.She singe well borhOOd epent a very plesant eutnin'g wMt perfect confidence witlieut affecta- lut Saturay, ai Mn. Levi Maokey's, lte ea [VrXTS '. ion, M. Dryden, Mmii. Jos. Roman Greenwoed. Hie goed humer, musicalteic J Miss Pearsen ênd Mies Dryden aise talents, and cheerffll countonence, te- was nt a i t he programme. Tes wus gather with die hostes' kinduese and das4 served lu dia hasement cf the churcli tempting edibles, enabled their gueste Vi hl gisi, Whutby. during intermisslefl. te spend e veyjôlly turne. huileft Visitors cf dia vicinity : Mr. and hu, boal Mr. Ja. Baird, tha enterprisilg Mme. F. A. Jones, Enniskillen; uis careu agent home having purchased that neat Bev Joua,4Balsam ; uliss la Muakie ri ________ tile residence eust of the P. 0. bas and hem cousin Miss HLunter, of Mus- Jen moved into his new home. kee; is a.Fees, Parkhifl ;Mm. by ClOU M. We. Lamiblias takan te hlmI- Win. Lawence0, Geodwood;su &nayri seu a wife, lu, the person cf Mies Wil- Gold, Whitby. nighi. son, daughter cf Ohed 'Wi]so s&,ohoolm Prosect Th hepy cupl wO0iXII: Mn. NeUes Maddin c01?Pmnce Albert, ried on lust Xmsday. ne tiew teaching the . pblic sehoel hoe. Mm BAIUMMm. B Radsa&Master Wilfre& dia ps The Jones' BroS., ara gomg lunto th. ware visiting fniends lu Whievge a"- est~ p fLi&j~baaket businew if we mey udgaemwek <JUL ie hywr d zgln Mm.Wm. AlUn lia beau sik for Wni. The teachar bas not seured a bouse $soe ldyist u ssel mrV e yet. Tee haad tekeep tlÉe vofnnWRît. 11ing.s< inwgos long. Cannot soinebody build Messrs. Yrauk AllUn and John Hem p, I QI) a fahofr himu? a9 bock for their lioliays vith e mIn au what i hediarowd doing in'Baliains f <ftheir youtb. e.i Lt ay nd igh? htley coma frein Bas. Mm. Additon, f tTxbidge,, c-. puréb&t.ars.le s eu e b ang »îains eStè tre f ecupiêd the Pui e ber. lately m uebt w Wm. »Urg«- te sadystaga of- bu ýheamers.ý it .iBich sud Bob mt 'iti a uavere loisM n g. Tho&a. oggrtln thevateran suda - ariiigth eblepp aving ha su«l .haro Of MaY a StMugglG i'-ili fé bas -rau This bas difflurffed thoxn'justaOOýverea .freina - most-sej-.reanau soinawýý ehat sud day eY l:rying - rd m tnco U U . if the- hbor ,it ta haesiiit frbs rbbtsbut L otbeeu askina, an& hiigS; ND un~~~te ttmuiy" 6* cmkesp is ova s<>i av ee88da,- i. m ore .kflela tihedimasss , Mi A=" Ward4, Who-b wUos **iÉu&e S hl . b -e Bacem atrivoa home Columbia, Saturay even- [,eking well. - Sparty went eut te visit a Gmeenbank last friday aaa very enjeyable time. vy had large meetings ai ,ke on 8aturday ana Sunday mathan andati5avid -.were oshowa wonderful ekill in meo. Bishop, ef Toronto, former- Uxbridge Methediet-ehurch 'ry severe legs by the death MrL and Mme. Biehop were ght o! home, andarnasure town m axceedingly sormy te esad news. in Park 'ice -mb opens te-' tho fret- ibis -season. The be in attendance. A 1a9ge yald be present, becaan;,, is been the wiéh cf evemyoue fhe enjeys an heur or tVo atien. &. bus wi] n down kevemy half heur. new High Sohool, je net yet, ,o of the teachera have. no it is a goed ihing that we cmn vo reserve teachers. They aneeded Iately, neverthéles Mmmse Gilebrist ana W"Is n ill andnot able- t enatdo Lerane W the 0. P. 'B. wait, Ïace for a uae ÈBeWes was on thbe Esick-iEt * frein the effects of faung ou,, at Port Perry, cf curqDavia at the skating rink, but feU On- >walk. isve been infommedt 1 rooim bthe BIw Boastore iwhere )W Bn emly&a k.,-but v e thatthÎebusns b. 891 ton. gie Brown 5 til'a n t î l1 ithe moniga R ail roada are quitefbo kes even fojrsoôa - « ..Edw(oue)' latéIy bronçht renaimc i b shi b2ab e' léison etÈ MiseLaura Par. iirclè offisuda 'lire, 1~ '.Ifezze¶*o6,5s 1i,?n:uhàd5YM brought aIqiig a11 .. se antèa:D e m.. ol~ ýanging Lamps! -hangingL w .R. tr-r VVIT bo arcl o1 )"r'e f la great loc. Cigw ST and DRù eunt for Whitb idirect fren the B rush es, fair Brus Gorn 171 1109 rr5, 1 t c for WUtby. INAU, A -NOTT À IR.-Y -27. 1888, WIELIT-B Y 9 VIN JL 1 *_ ,.M- li - 1, 9 orse

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