Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1888, p. 1

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NuL EiTB - nomu JONIC ccIS WIIh calm prtnted words, groat thoughts, anid otistf1-Cg induet L.XXXII. WHIITBY, ONTAIRIO, J Peace, Progreus, Knowledge BrotherhoOd. NO.5 -ArLL- ODS. a at Csto s'?' Under" Factory d Wools Regard- co. FtSoic rgest stock of 7 Cy -Go ods, tock Of )YSTESý id Saucers, $1.25 I» roduce. -A, T STOE, r8 ?TERS. au len,5lot of Select youi. Giftt litchehs, ID GCA R DS. ctjon of l3ookB, .prýzes ; also Of Xma8 as &*a LcWIIITBY. XMitbP ÇII1ronic 1 Established 1856. hbc Leadiog WeekIï lu Ontauio CouMïty S'UBSCRIPTION RATES. $1 par annum in advanc"-1.50 othar- luae.- Subsrptioni are alwaya payable at is office of puiblication.1 Stoam equipment and beat furnisbed ýook and Job printing plant in Eastern Inta.rio, capable of executing aU lasses of ,ork f rom the large poster te the amallest adbill. Spec;Lal mention is made of the aiurpassed prou facilitlas eftlTmm Cuuo- LE,, with its celebrated N. Y. Cottrel Fllnder press and other modern convezl. acon. Every ordor receives prompt, cars. al attention. TIERMS OF AUVERTISINO. Viret insortion, per Uine, 10 conta; each ombaoquent .insertion, 5 cents. DisplaYed Advortisements are rneaaured by a sosie et aelid Nouparoil, and charged acoordingly. A.dvertiiements sent without written instruct.ions lnserted until forbiddon, and ehargod for full timno. Ordera for discontiuning advertisameuls muaI bo in wr1ting, etherwiso the publish- ers will net ho responsiblo. A liberal discount for contract advertiso- monte by the year. Copy for changes of cont.ract adrertisomnts should ho handed iu not lator than Wsdnesday , and notice et anyintended changea should ho givon b.f oro Tuesday noon. Other advertise. monts roceived up to Thursgday noon. Business notices in local or nOe columns Five conta per lice weekly. Locals,îu o ta. -per lino weekly. Corre8pondoucO solicltod f rom alp rts ol tho Cou nty or noaghhoring towushiips. ýCorrospondentât are roquostod te seud lu thair communications as premptly as possible, EENDERSON & GRAHAM, Proprieters JOHN STANTON, Sup't Mecbanicai Dep't. DAVID- O&RNISTON, LB. ., TRTRY. nTy A W, SLICtor ny ancerny So ncor e,Sout AFYISE-l &. Office oh ofly.o ce ii Hôtel 's lot., iBok tre G. ONG SITH , LICLTOB., A.BRISTRR, &o., &o.-Monoy 10 LOU lasuer of arriagO Liconises. ,iwc-Smith'5i Block, south of Market ock St., Whtby. ý.22,1878. et!. JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTR-AT-LAW, SOLIOlTO' in Chanoery, Cenvayancer, &o. Offie-Deveri's Block, Brock Strsi Wlntby. MONEY TO LEND-Prvate Funa,- a sumo up te $800, at a low rate of t terest. (ly- LYIMÂN ENGLISH, L Le Big ARRITBRAT LAWt SOICOITOR]1 000 Street, Oshawa. £Uébiccd. R.B.MULDBTJiM, MB. (TOBRONr ./Univortsity,) L.R.0.P. andLà.M.(Bd burghi, &o. Office heurs, 8 to 10 &.m, lào ud 7 to 9P.5i. Ne. 8, THE IlTBR]aACE," BYBON-fi WRITBY. SR. C. CRÂIUORTUmf aMe Di tage rem O1 stel F4 -&- A. -IPOST. ewith Langiey, Langley & Burke$ Toronto,) ARCHITECT. esigns for Churches, Villas and Coi- esa specialty. Drawinge prepared for nodeling existing structures. vuxio-Flrst fiat ovar Hows. Drug Mo. p.O0. B oz 202,Wm"Rv. 48M FOR? SALEI A Besutlfully itustea fam n thelb TOWN 0F WHITBY. The undersigned effara for sle hie farm cf 49J acres, being aituated on th.esut side of Brook street and north ef the Grand Trunk railway inith. Town ef Whitby. This farm isas goed a pifeeof land sas can be found in the country bhas a splendid sitna-. tion for a tewn park or driving park, is li as goed a state ef cultivation as any Mau oould wish, in fenced ontiroly withbeard fences, in clear ef ail bad waads or other ob- jections et that nature, ha$ a Stream of water running through oe e crner which nover fails. The barn and other outbuild- inga are of the best quahity and aircost now; the bouse is a uoarly neW oea terey build- ingz and can lho raisedl a st.erey with ne great exponse. Thora in a good well o! pure water. There in a yonng orchard et stand- &rd fruit trees, juat commencing te boar fruit. The gardon is as good as; can ho fouud. The farm la couvenient to schools and churches. Titi. goed. Liberal termes will be allowed. te the purchaser. Apply te proprietor ou premisos 46-12in. GEO. HICKINGBOTHAM, Whitby P. O. Dominion LiiIé oI Royal Mail 1887. BTECANZHIL. 1888. WINTEB SERVICE. I I a 'I I si 0 nq tp , GraduaIs of th. Ontario eiunmy iel0- loge, Toreonto. Otders by mail or -40109MPIX proMPty attended to. . OI DOeà ai readence o! G. lyres, oppsite D oganlm, Donda street, Wbfty . SEBUTEO. LIYERY and SALE 8TABLES,1 ~uo~z ETR~ET, WEITBY. G.od Zigs aad G.o& ~orsss. T.S ecaabls. 19 93~9? 8P.O8 a aliigs between HALIFAX sud LIVER POOL, Fortnightly, via MOVILLE. SAILING DATES. Froni B&Jtime si l7th. " eb. leIl. '~ Jani. LiI. "t Feb. 4th. turdsv. «I18th. amnis .... ...... ýregon ............ mris ......... )regon .........** aneouver....sa RATES OF PASSAGE. Cabin Rates trom Baltimoreoze Halifax &0, $60, $65 and $75 ; acoording to pouitioi 4 tateroozn, with equal saloon privileces DAVID TORRANCE &*00., Genoral Agents, Kontreal. BSTZERENSOIN, Tolograpli Offce, Local Agent. Whitby. rffl..an bine Royal Mail Steamers LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRYO GLASGOW~ WINTEB ARRANGE&MENTS. DATHS 0F SAILINGS. From Portland. From Halifax. Parisian.. ..Dee. 15th Dec. 17th. Caupian.. D. 29th " I 1st. Ps.isa.. .......... Jn. lith. Nons of the abovo steamers c arr s1 sheep or pige. RATES O0F PASSAGE PROU WHITBY te Liverpool or Lonidonderry vias]Portlanid. Cabin, $6110,3$76.10 and $8610, accord- ing te position of stateroni. Intermedat $88. 40. te .g 240. Wýhitby leeLiverpeeBl or Londondemry via Halifax. Cabin,$*12.5, $77.85, $8715, se. cordlnslto si of fstaterccll. iuter$88.P40. SteeragN #$MA4. Titerme4lste pa.mengers bookea te or trous Glssom m rate » LhvrpýOc. eorago pasuengors booked te or from EFlsgow, Belfasi, Queenotevwn, or Lond, »ame' rate ae Liverpool. Bristol axa CardiffP.00 extra Pasengers and their baggage are pub on board lb. Oean Steamahipe !r o1 aul ex- Theblet train couneting vlth tliaW steamers pmwas'Whîtby8Û:0;Thursay WOKE the MUNGO! The great 5o. Cigar, and th. I~&DI?~BJ, CADRE rm EHIY7O The great 10c. Cigare La 10E!, CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, >cfre them direct fram the Manufacturers. S, I i1~ Prc F. 'a Le, (b (b -t (b :E 0 cp li 0 CD 9 ni LJ 1gmi WS LTTERS. Tic high-... cheol opened vith l a large Cerx~spcndnee. attendauce on Monday, sud tii. pros- peas ro favorable, for a goed -trr's Snim, Ëniltllaarond '1nwn an. of "ttle fiol~er "ouha hasbeeti a4. ai. H n b .grlÀ 1, hoasFotc. gel ofal teMlir. day wbe la- ig . bfaud theigth.In ay hl lay-sh stru a anleig sudbnokeaffemail bous er rnose. Lit, in li cf al had that sell fo.. LU a( dt di ti ti fi ýn conucotion with the Presby- turcli will hold a social at thp D of Mr. A. Ketolien on Friday 131 test. The invitation is 1b aoIL re asked to publicli the follow' i my friands and others I wish that the reports which arc in on about me arc entirely false. aferencc te the deficiency fund satraster's accounte of $213.88, lace. An explanatien can ho pplying te me. 2nd, the man rted the report that I keep or or telle a deliberate falsehcod, f il2 Oth peane ouse in the idùntry, tbough frmwat i can learn a good many of our hotel-keapers in Ibis couuty are emnlating the Hon. Ben's etample, as their testimony at Whitby lat week shows they do- net sel anything intoxi- cating. A banquet should be given tliem ail, aud I shonild be invited. i arn accuseedcf bcing an eucmy to Port Perry, but nevertheless one hun- dred CHRRONICLES would flot have snp- plicd the demand here last week. Men ini numbere met the morning train, others beseiged the bock-stores, wvhilst others stli went te the post office and aaked for the papers coming to regular subscribers, and kept them, toc. In the course cf time Port Perry people' will see that I arn the best- friend they have. Nothing istifies immorality ex- cept by exposing it. No person in the world is more willing te bestow praise on a good action than I arn. êA ÂLD.-IED.-) walked into the spacîcus and comfort c master has gel himself into able methodist chuirch on Snnday after- orne ifculty with the post office noon and thora feuud threc hundrcd le ent. By sooee mesus li men engaged in religions servie. It e t cesideabl su cf nony was a great surprise party te me'- * Le t a ose esuefded nutil t h is lown. Rev.1Mr. Sohiverea vas mfi i lea p etition, signded uni te reaching 10, men only, aud net only yif o s * a nded, a epoitn g corfi. towu but trom miles sud miles )yn 9 a udrequ xpesig shat ie round tliey had gatbered lu to hear ny retandued aupstrngat, whatever it vas bliat voman migbtZnt neeu 110te sPostastGer al.liston te. Mr. Behiveras lu a fie, Ïén piantheonsmanstufna manly-looking feilow, sensible, a good Efobxii de ont r tsua i xelled thinker sud fluent taiker. He took for I i e- - likely b. another sqiabble bis subjeot, 6801Mwinudreapiug,sud oré v~o u h a h ent into lthe subjeot to show bliat h. wiesvi b sccs1)l whatever is sown, goor bad, is liable ~. ~ ~ , ~ te bring forth abhuudred fold. If that f lb.use c inbofethe Fh3.aid0b ment cf the C. M. churcil Tuesday visted a man ou Saturday vie va' lu aftemnoon. Thora vas a good reprasen- dl.lerinms, wbo saw suakas and owls "aton frombthe various parts cf lhe sud devils out cf bel, sud Ibis, Sunday, riding. A gocd spirit premaed throngi rorning b. said xmen ver. eeuonduni tb. meeting and a good deal cf impor-in tluhb. treets cf Port FPerry. Ou Sun- tanit business vas atteu4od 10. A de day mrnring 1 Tis infortmation crea- putation wua pponteda te vait on lb. ed no~ sensation or even surprise, in lb.6 county eouncil at ils January ession congrogation, as thora bas net beon a tourge upon ilt tc necessity of providing Bunday lu fifteen years vithout tho ample funde se as to socurs thie botter spectacle of!&adrunken mam being Seu enforcernent cf the Act. A deputatien arund these àtrete.- vas aisa inted te meet vith lie I bave again beeti trying wymyi et proviuc Sacetoarrange 10 pres * i fa dtrs e b upon lb. governaent lb. necessity o! O w ri i«a btotan et weksiai oyhé arnondiabutuutg lb. Ahiaed. Rmepornthe A. rclvdfmPoietrials, safollows-MMan tie malignaut Magistaw e Homed nspecPoriFerg- lespoiera ef noblo blusinessenterplisa Magîrate Iffrne nd nspetor emu ra« on their cursed vwarpati,; again-the. son sbowing good work doue. The In- séerice of th. vorse thain zaidnighl spector reportod over $4,000 -eollecled ass.ssn, t'ho lo-, degraded, .snesking, in ouh Ooo l o e. snce Feb. las. -yn rth favukyinformer, Themeeinglu hovenng as resd-bau h..d bis execrable services caile& ed over by le Rev. S. 00 PilI ana mb rquisition ,8fl iýinutOa-u- addremsd b y Mr. Jne, Dryden rnJ. gwôÈh3upholdmr of al liait is true! P., Mr. Derby, Mr. McTaggart sudthie asud goodihave been, hotmded down ana Bey. Mr. eun. The. meeting vas net dragge'n-batom an unholYtribuna1l tÃ"an- 'y large owing 10 lhe stormy nibt évr the charge cf carryl g uarostroý bet al prese; apardvol aabsfe able business, but ap buerPZo- wilbtxûrk.jTi. hoir enliven- êd.& bie ietin by a few choiSe th. bmmagitat~aes, oonnty attomneys COn' stables, ana; othexrs, vice. uieuviàblî COeM IR J0tbusiness A is 111 dinister abominable Ourarnoncerenlt about lb. Mer 1ev ana jusiedeb ea b, o ek to u npo9rvictime sadn&lat over the;ni beinreayfororkvas m~eveektoo ixpoupor uib er 0 ur Mïoi ,the -lme, - b iti î trpisugnau4 ibre PORT PERtT. the clectors on their goQd judgmcnt lu iselccling suchl a man as Mr. Boweff for their municipal head. Lookeut for th. conecrt'to be -given by the- Literary -Soiety on; the evening of Tuesday, Jany. 24111. Allbhe beat.ý local talent and soma frcm B distance, lias bee n engaged. Il will ndoubtedly, be the concert «-~the scason.- For par- ticulm ssee postersaud programms.. Aehbrn an,ý vicntyto prbsiep goods. Mesrs, T. & CJ. have a large- and wdll aesortcd stock, aud ane Mn a position to supply theneode fail their p atrons Don't fail 10 attend these sles!. Mfr. John Duif ezhibited some fine specimens cf fowls at bbc Bowmanviile pultry show last week sud was ue- ceseful in seouriug a number cf firsî p izs i fine par cf Toulouse gese, was theq principal attraction cf th. ex- hibition, a gain lu B. this week. M. Jas. S. MoCal left last week for* Bristol, England, where ho visite bis brother. Rev. D. 0. Johson, cf* 011 Springs Ont., wae inducted pastor <if;K'oz' churob on Tuccday, the lOth inet. Gec. Drake jr., cf that fasb grwin 14suburb" f Beaverton vis -rae ville bas slarted on a journey 10 hht River, Dakota. Wheler b. ever getos. there or net we are unabue te say. M. Wn. Anson sold hie fanions sbal- lion for lbhebandome mum of 41,00- As that herse was net bmaded off fora' dog lb. owner uow daily takesbis.~ family ot for a drive. The protrated meetLigshave closed for a whlie,-but iW 4ulb. some-timi e-' fore t heir good work wvu be forgottelli The. L ime Kiln Ch monay4venng at o'lc.Objeo-TI Hors3ý. radnà for a ae Hutilsn' Rýob. l W. ho Sn vo on, o de l-Ianging Lumps! Odcmtrv eau ebtai P .for Tickets .d aU .ti fipply to w.ou :Ls. Srt' :nv.~1u~bî~ in ail tNl Si:) don, the~~ sTtl~$Ims ~' e JANUARY 13, 1888. H I fl-I o z m c G> c,, H o 'J m 1 1 1 Knowledge, Brotherhooa. %itby, Oct. 20th, 1887. r. Ij zi 1

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