Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1887, p. 7

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5 . Y'Provaptly For Soilî 'Vhitby. ENTS voI<f the U grahe e te onD cf Id seae- 0 wat e rsI OFtrsIZR Sùaned, 'L. Fair- h lOnger ioen taheu ioa ant. .ine. i~ E'Sewang 'endors. recoin. t e the se. olesdiug the site $bis gmt mass wasl ~. ~ ~ mya sfound in the, s9R. * xuthoit oi eu make qetî BSaya the PhilldelpliiaRoe:.-h& ment1id Éï miv.nft al hâ La& 'pi fid Pol cet Ij ~i a! t'J w s' fi s 9MIe;went op ireelt tfl"d thbe mm insu l he illooking for sîarted for ÂIaskb lest evening tor s soerivs- I. Soe e yars &go, as a punimeut by r.y feue. sud veut te uiiop- I TeSioOM DMPr 9 for certain politicai offenees, s Tibehan ied been reedlug list litll le t i uosa esaer etr lama was isforniad b>' lbe Emperor cf ws'nt mucli of! e S, sud i t@gbt 'Ip N.vF'rcnchthealdani China liaI after his d eali bis seul would if i couid peur seme oold, vsler dcownu-There are a number of vanltels !cioc cu h be prmilhsd 10 rovisilthie wvend. hie opine on hbis backsua ulýake lnlùu HdUDwVsO'uCern Cure viiinetore say But on the lamas doti, recunti>', .is gober, il wWd zmake iî moreésoanfori->' te at'ione ndnP1~ 0 pupila beeoughî the Emponor te viti. able forb hie f, asud b square thlbaIll 5 O e Sdnew tlus inlendict. Yiclg le their ail soud.Se I -pood a. & .î oke Liii .tage o the aaireLc=Tto solicitaîloo, th. seul bas been elowed ;Prwi, waterdaowa3John Bmith opQi en adajulo lt pr OQi to reappean lu tie pensent o! a baby, o! hi s*o.' If JQa h e O0*Ieù"lootu Baba Tue Manchu rmoments cf Tibet now &Wglltlte l %é seOur ,isitor pe@.bue at emce aet.fleu~ugss appoal on bebsîf cf Ibis infant fer the e,"daid IÀ mate hlm seber?" Our A, locxoom 'ol,*Ur .apIQded et 8o ~restîtution cf al the decoeaed seint'e iitrtoksfirm hold on the 5og'oki, o nhe Intleri>o4"iIa YesteaIaY-'kU poesbumous houons. sud relffd, WWihiOrO55Sdeiono.O li 1 - W. are lhrealeed vili e uew craze. "Juil go. <I suppose i*cIld mute bShloxujPIà ,UBD. Na eon Bird is aslouiis hle North gober as0, J049geiu Iss ui6mw *hr Y Pt">i fort perfonwance.Ls -ve ii nae hlm gmd. t ae lilb ua arliet'p1ayed et Stockport for lilnty-ux md>utus.Iev eo, , .24OfUW lpgS$PUO sud a quarter heurs witbontl shoppag John Setlihi e bigr MMe theïeiy beat 4bi wnts iudsto # u by eon a aqatrhui I ter.,~b~i, hhopgbnxuchI-o4t68e4byl 'iug i e lest ouror vb.tOli hciWe finielred very IkI,gSd wouad up b$ PS0 ho le t 1i-b. * p~tIg"RBniaua=c" tq,,is owu fina I. ever 8."- lI)êb&ChPeUl UiSai eveut for me me er7he t iron usas4 , esthuaiud ta *Oiy uaeari four touu ,In thé ,OOUrt. yardof te01ytobhn*um, vhlih e f o to e . ow o 4 Otegmaaseue of the t- euuouiIes lb.*Y.Il vas bolievel r ua g 0,srland jOllfleyti, and tibl 51 nt 1 e zluluçOflU u iue--oati suad wiiI Dotl De DeOS eeaore ê»P hI bey ofteo 'l te ewatcr te est Meesd i.î~PeIIR1~ ~ teie,18.- the.4e chanicel devices has served te neutrel. ~ ehre.ize the prester cosl of deep mining. are ar upposed tobeb.60 China. Eveëry year aisothie cosl cf transportas ,eyMa uson oeit oja New York ,nerried to white or lion ie being lcsseoed. With the u" vseanM w NvUt growomeu aud three hundred babies cf heavier rels, better englues sud The reeson that cverybody likes nov- saMd to have laiton citer their larger cars Moal le being moved froan oli l, that everybody jenanore or losa lheu. -he mines ho lthe market eh lergely r.- novelilut Lu'sdditiou le the praoical A total of 154,867 Italiens havc land- duced expeuse. But whlie the coolIf ht o n oenlsOD ,* the port o! New York <turing te ticc i rdulhnbc iceed ltlaI insusud emeu obsucou-e , ten years. Tii. stimated immi- This is uoutrageons invention cf lie sfaty eed as itjerbyobstrucWive agofl cf Italiaets ayear is ctimat- inteut of lhe State, whici cbarlered ril fte ,ei.sinlrier 11f. wMOOhl 35~,000. ils corporations on tie pies cf public 1h.>' iagie i chf o senimnt, hlyan btnefit sud wti e view tote ipublic asire ates.I&eim ned existence osreful elsatiosic. in E ngiend and adysutage. Tihe unecessary &advances SpXtops. Lu iii. iegee ite ne ales show tualt thelargest proportion lu tb. price.of coci whîii have been peole srenghtbe hmeies wth £1ew criminels le ho b. touind between thhemade as ceid wealier epprocehes arefasslins, sexait tie eelve wih Mâ_of 20 aud 25. Five iumee as mauy asore triaile lbthepublic patience. ~ sron bmsvswh iiasare cornmitted in the fivc ___________ ew companione, devote theanseiveis te girs btwecn lies liuits as in the Donw objecte. Tbey are richer, hend- 0 er;bctween the ages of 50 and An Enqu.rigý Subacriber. somer, braver, wltlr, nobler, more -- dieinterested, more adventuroue, more A MAN VISITS THE EDITOR TO FINI) "WHO efficient, tien they are -f their actuel ho Parie correspondent of a Lond.Q-p WROTE THAT PIECC." personelitles and mode cf living. Tbey Lpr 6ays ie remeruhere seeing et ea- coustruct long atories, long as their owu lie in thc Ring boulevard an aroh-Ele came lu witii an interrolion iu lives, cf whicb lie>' are tie berces or ak, a foreigu lady cf higb degree, a oue eye, and with e stick ln eue baud. icroine; and tie novels th.y boit like >jter aund two actresses Bupping on one oye wes covercd witii a hsndker- t.> read are lieue wboee scenes and ýikied oit-noso, coid potatces, sau8age chief and oee rm was lu e liiug. Hie charectere beet fit mb t th novel thoy- na obee6e, wâshed do wn with boer. bearing WaslliaItOf s ana withh emOI are liemeelves iucossently weavlng. sa prpose in view. The nnivorsafity cf solf-esteem la D.oayed oranges have been found ti -"Lt wes te sec." eaid he, "the Mn proably due lethie faut liai people con- awortb something lu California, and thie puts hhinge mbibt is paper"" fuse lb. posqubilies of thbir existence uîtesd cf tbirowing away part of the W. luhlmated liaI several cf us ara-wlth iIs actualities. Ea&Ch being 'the upg *U& "~lami %San Francisio, il cd e frugal liveiihoodlunlii Way, bero cf "My Novel," gaines splf.lmport- as resdily disposed cf t a orange grow. "W811, L wenh le se thienauwbieh ence iu virtue cf that; and while exter- Mu in the sotieru Part Of thû State.et crue hhlnge out cf ocher papere. Tii. naily cisssed withithe "iaQbodies," le iv dollars per barrel. It was theoin- feiiow Who writee mcstly witli eheers, internell>' conecione cf ranklng with ontien Lu uethe oranges for seed. youundersîand." tic "somebedies." Barn cul cf asmn, When we look aI the garments tiaI We explaîned ho hlm liaItiere .were indeed, everything ele-senso, sensi- lucese the limube of tie bronze or cloue seasone wheu lie gifted among usO, bii and eonseence-yon will .1111 Ifgiee cf groaI mon that we ereot iu driven le frenzy by lie soarcit>' cf ideas findclive ln bigs aheseà tle seIf-conceit public places, says The Boston Po.st and oyante, sand by the. clamorons de- and e, tile imagination. ,Elow much ge are improseed witb lie thougit cf mande cf an insatiable' public, in imc. de yen weigi?"o a man wcs saked. ùhat am&isfortune il le Ibet none of meute cf cmotiobai inseniîy plunged dWeil," hie replild, "Iordinary, ouly a thue siinent citizene ever owncd a the glitteaing sheers mb oOur exciienges. hundred and îweuty pounde; but When rouseSstretcher or liai liat useful Ile wenl on celuily,but in e ,Acice rm mail, I weigb c hon 1'" But tie srticlei est lu the. scuipler's stock cf Iremulous withi suppreesed i l1u9, greel increase cf weighl arises wben e 100l8. and indielinetthirougihoh loua cf haïl person ie kindted with a conception ef Thegod mne ofAutraieconin ea dozen or se cf hie front heolb. wihtih bas a posiiÎity cf becoming. The oidmins c Autraie ontnue "Just 80. 1L presume 090. I don'h -From --In Dicitena land." bv Edwin ta b. very productive. Scme of tiiem îuow muai about tues busines, but I Perey Wbipple, in Scribner'8 Magazine are more than 2,000 feet in depti sud wanl to ses s man, thie Mau wio pinl- for December. min>' -wil b. enut oves lower tien ed thit ltile picce about potirlg wcter tht in the. near future. Thisiscootrary dowu a dmnten man'esopine of ie------ to the predictions cf oid rmining experts baee and me.tlng him isstanhly sober. TgiE "RoY&L' FLavonlng EXTRACT9 ar Who seud many yease&go liaI ne geid If yen please I wcub ho se. thal man, net only ru. ho their naines, but arc pre- wonld ever be fonud in Australie et e 1 would lite ho taIt wlîh hlm." p ared !rom frumits cf the beau quality. depth gre4er tiehn a iuudred feet. Tien i. leeued is stick againah Our 1h ine aid 'Lbt Mmrers. T. M. Heîiey, à, few yeure ago s pions o chi mcm- dest, and spil ouis serviceeble baud Michael Davitt and Dennihy wilI be arresi- ber iu the. western parI cf New Yerk snd resucned hie hoid ou lie stick, ed- Stats &rose inlu o enue meeting and sei; hougi hie was weiorhiug it. After Tex PzROrLE's Beul friend is Ferry Davis' gave s review cf is lf.. Wheu studyingthie stick, s minute, lhe cdded Pain-Killer, because il le ever ready ho lieo came to the declsret.lon, '"I lu a somewiat louder hoe:-, alleviate suif erîng. litank (led I ewe f o man snything," e "iMioher, I cerne her. to Rse.tiat 'ore Thon. was ne attempi ah a demosstretiofl quiet man in a idmote corner jnmped man. I wsnt to see.hlm bad." by tho London Socialiste s unday. n p and Baia, "I have a littie s&Mount W. bold hlm liaI particiisr man a!'W5 No Menz PuL.-Carmpbel'a (Caths.rtie ageinet you, brother, liaI yen muet Doh lu. Oenipeund ine pecially prepared te take have forgtton." "Ahb, bidier 0.," "4JusI se. I presurne se. Ti.y hold the place et bbc.. nauseous Pis. 1 sid the speaker unenoutly, etlhsI deit me before I came tual the mati I want- Speciai ccii. despe*tch seliles the dispute 1wae outlawed a good whillc &go." desa Be, wocLndn'l be anywione ; llce te the nature cf the verdict luthie Privy Thw e 1ChredAfirsa ei wait for him. I live up north, and Couneil case cf the Grand Junction agaimul The elgn Carg dAfaira s Pein'y. waiked savon miles te converse Petesrboroutgh. The appeal cf the. railve>"s reports that thE usie cf the diamond is wiîî that man. I gnu" 'Il gît down Wue diesised with coste. ,astlb uukncwu an China, where jewels and wal." . " «ýMsUi S." CoRwmon Powdz is a cap- \ýàre worn lneu xncul stale. Thon. 1a0 lcuat down by the door, and nofleet. ial thlng te mix lu food for Ponlir>'. , tDso1u&ely 09 Q týic~0Oi 'M1 ,imoi v ely .peuded the fleor with bis stik, ¶Typb»U4 l s ijev in itluOttawa- lu ~.e - Uaeee Pirae sud "à@ ouly butli#s feelings would net sllow hlm A Boquet cf enchanting eveetuese- deadfor these stoneil 15 emong the ho keep stili. "Lotus cf the Nil." Pertaime. Enrepean coiouy aethie f ree orteh5 'Isuppose noue cf yen didn'h or yee lteAbasdo o rac which cf course le very îriffing. TheLrc eos lt AbssderfFrnm ýcourt cf Japan bas adopted the custoan peur ranch coid weo down 5e>' le aea. ; f wearng dîsmoods lu foul ollet, drunten man's beektol mate hlm i.Aau- ozo»«ps but this practice is sîil nuknowu in etaultly ober, periapie?" AIl1 oakeeS None cf ns in lie offic had ever tried Mr@, Robert Williamsou, o! Glenn&s Patiy k he or f hnt e eprmn.Sound, Ont,. sar." ould net keep hone cour ofChi6. ie xpeimeit.without Hagyard'is Yellow Oil et baud.1 Several ysane ago watormelous wore "1Just se. I hbouigh juil ae like as hâve used il in my femlly for croup, mon almost unknowu in Califoruis. An old nohyou bad not. Well, Mister, I have. throit. aud a cnt foot and eau bigl Missourian, who owned fort>' acres uer I trled il yeshertiay, 'and I have come recommend il te everybody. Lodi, and who haài raised the fruit in savon miles ou footlle sec tic Mau liaI Hon. Frank Saiti ase resigned bis seai the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -l isui lue i il o rse iipe. lwsn ac fluet-eDomiion Cbie.. at e. 4-- oer tos NOW-I TET:M>E TO 8EOU2ýB A.à GOOD TWEED ,SUIT A. k' & A AT PRICES NEVER BEPORBBAED IN TEE TRÂDE. Good 'Suit made to- Order for- $12-00. luge stock of Scotch, English sud Canadian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from. Special line of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per'yard, suitable for Business Suite or Boys' wear. FUILL STOCK 0F QROCEIRIES ÂLWÂYS ON RAND.- Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. WIiitby' Woollcn MIli, Mfidway between J3rooklin'and Colismbus, on the 7th OConce88ion. We are now prepared to make ail kiuds of Wooilen Goods, such as Tweeds, Ful Oloth, Union FIa.nnels, Sheeting, Shirtin@s, AI1-wool bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, and Yarns in - ail varieties and ail kinds of Knitted Goods kept ini stock for the accommodation of I I wu Dyeing in ail colors done to order. Highest priée paid for alny quantity of Wool. Ail ordors promptly fled. aDe Bo WER A N à 80N P ARCADE, TORONTO. A Bchool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. y it Send- for Circular. Âddresa. C.O'DEÂ, Secret ary. Jaomeg B. Day, Eeg., Accauniant, Toronto. simo. 11.4man>' opportunitieç o! proving, both as s bischer sud aescamembîhr !cite B~ cf Examineoo!publia ocheci tomeafofr lie Conty cf Durhamn, the grecbenefit sud' value Aerived from your instruction sud experieuce uansuAccounnicut, I have mach- loé u ineu puiicly testifying tà lie uperior advanlages eliered by youu Business loge su lure.mnaendng l t li penoofan' ho =ay deuireoô= c oureo tr aunc Inorfor busin purp he paorfornnelknglecageo i Cmec Dtaniguethen o bein ons urpzels o n et ihel hrofs ud puble clso Ontario. (Signed g 4 4 min tat nlght-WOrse ny "N ýe 5iblS ---- distreslug. lt j e1d te continue tmore ferin wb <4ftbleed and ulcerate, becomIig vez3 qSWAYNEIB OIIITMEIÎT saâM uceration, su d . <manq CmCeSoE 'e MANHOODI How Lost!1 How Restored 1 The.C41 Att St.,EI*ev Poot Office ]Box M5. DR. DORENWE.NI Matemtialand Commea Master, Port Hope Hlqh School, and 3oratary of Boaul ot Exmmi4 ra, 0.!Durbam. 19 NGIMU STABLE 18 CON9WERED) - gl 108 g W8A-er% a Umm COMPLETS WITS01UT ý . mu atrons. BROOKLIN, ONT. 1.' r a on the. radical ceeof 8PMRXToEBÂloeor nopci nduced by exoe or early imdii- The oelebrated author, in this &dmIr,ý ble esaay, clerlY demonutralce - r»= tbirty yen"s suceseul yataoe9 thàt the &larming cors9equnefOçi5oeerly e rrer May b. raaiesUy curcd; polnting oui a mode of onze st once mimple, certain, smaofectual, by meau o!f'which every sufferers-no -meht- tur what hie condition meay be,m*y cre himeel! cheply, "ivteiy, and a iJîý . M- 1u11à lecture ehoula be in the- hands o! every youth ana c'very Mau inthe . Imau sent under seai, ini a plain cunvelepe, te Mny &arcus vsd-paid,"o eoit. o! four cents, or twopsigstm .Âdea BOOIK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ÂR1THMETIC, COMMERCIAL LÂWe BHORTHÂND AND TYPE-WRITING PRÂOTICÂLLY TÂUGHT. FINESI ROOMS IN CANADA. - 1 1 1 ý 1 1 1 ry re ly just published, a new eaition of

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