jovelty Coli $OLI-D GOLD BÂNGLES Set witb Diamonds and Peais. SOLID GOLO SAFETY PINS1 Set with Pearle. j0k. and 15k. ind Fur Trina. Ladies' Per. s-i Ladies' S. Seail Otter GOLO ALBERTI and Fob Chuins for (,Ladlies use. COLLAR BUTTONS Made) wtbout Solder ýor joint, of one pleCo of (bld, Silver or Gold Plate. BA R NA-RD'8, Watchmaker and:Jeweller BROOK ST., WHRITBY. 6Qhie w AF OLUM-N. 're Worth and Pl iug 1- strayîng, rpose lu, rtb aud wln. ler-goîug, onu; 0 blowing, yto dûwn. iooting, ýoop lier seceotng tLh aud win. imter, ,3 trîfe, e aLttr hie. de, level, Il sud Win 1 ,fl maight add as You Go." aniy the qlart. n. - stores ; it is euby sel) more cheap.- reg selliig SH OES- 1 fayvor than 4üd tl4ey are IzelUeut judgao ?PECIAL T/ES ýOWIN PRICH ontreal sud UKISTI )Râ Lu NfilS qinws.M hb DECEMBER 9th, 1887. LOCAL...LACONICSI WHAT 18 GOING ON IN ANO (ROUND TOWN--A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS A cuelaj amsug yu, takin ntii An' fth bell pi-ut IL. t (obourg had a $2000 fire Monday Dight. Osbawa's maguificent skating sud curling rink je getting along nic.Iy. According le announçements the new paper, tb. Empire ii ill b. due noei veek. Wu beg t0 tender or eyrpathy te Mn. sud Mns. Robert Miller, of Pioker. img in their saad affiction caused by lbe loue cf their ouly daogbber. Tu& recout skating peied coul bye young men their live sta Uxbridge, sud tborougbly docked couples ut Port ,é erry and Bowrnvile. The Pickering New8 bas chaugedl bande, Mr. L. S. Ackerrnan baviug sold ouI on uccount cf failing health sud gene to California. Mt. &le%. Richard- éon, Toro#to, i le.hepurcbaser. 1uaBowmanvile, StateuIWS*sy& th.y have amre Young ladie inl that town whe corne np te Bisbop Cleur's standard idea cf -Ioud taîkeni sud high kiekers. These girls attend the, army. Wu learu thal Mns., the Syrian lady Wbo aete have given an addrass hore tandem lbe auspices of tbe Womea's Foreign Masionvà ry Society cf St. Androe' ohoreh, canuol corne till oprlng. Tbo limate cf Canaida ie toc severe ton ber te travel. Ii cor advertisinit columus sud by posterA il l hoc eeu that the butchena ot lhe towu have d ecided te do saslna.lght suela business after Christmas. Not being used te snob luzurisesIbis don'i offeet us us a bit, uer osu unyoue laim cur shortuge cf fonds cao.ed theb btcb e ors tsrike. Mn. Dick H3obbs, buteher, Osaa& lest Ibree hors.. logethor vith harneu sud rige in a fire wbieb bumut bis stable on Monday night. Hobis ie voll knovu bore on aceuntcf bi#s pauini througb bore te Toronltoe Il mark.t commodities almoat every veek lu the yo.r. Ho hmd some insurance, but nol enough 10 covor hi. boss. ONE neover a gang cf idlers stand. iug arund the streot corners cf WhiI. by tovu. Whonover a yung follIo finde bimîsif eutnt oploymont and can'tesocre anolbor job hyo mv. oui and alwuys doe vo»tsomowbor. GisE This scoounts for WhilbY baving nc idiens sud for the foot tbaà t se Mani Whisby bops bavedou elo» .lswhore. ITmay b.etofadvanlage ai Ihis ow» son of14h. yw rte bave roiod ta min a a tovei pipo, the vapors pduood ourý ing o0 thbe sot by deempotitos cf Ith J5Osiwbo baveodlsllw 1= 4*tiûs AM wvère distu po1 thoir maent.snp.r e Ipouitbeus, by tui in&giloguppesfor lb. PurPOss0f, dosa là gn:r.torii;g them t otur prepu peeltiosiu. vil bwa i c ftormition i i *o of LU Tim:-ropl A. Stfaiforui tb. Psei tom»pou-am .tiupge1M0 une. mne teté. Ibo . IZ av vus btriod ai Portfge La'Pun, y« the Masons eô( vhieh . oity h. vMa botored maMbor. WHEK f ladrutakom Muin b seen in Oillia ho is ueidibob. an advooate of prohibition, becaus useing.sob s peeta. clos is always the atrougesî possible argument for prohibition and causes a majority of people 10 vote for il. -64Tu(ixsB-rail or ocean." Buy &Il railwuy or ocean tickets, local or foreRun, from E. Stephenson, uptown ticket and telegraph office, Whitbyv. Guaranteed ai official "rock - bottom rates." Choice of railways a na royal mail ocean sleamehip linos. A fiuming dodo was seen in town Wedneday-one with a pen-stalk cane about a foot long, eye-glaes, silver- mounted cuffe clear to the elbowe, and &Il the other dode paruphernalia. Ho seemed to be eeeklng in vain for hit relatives. Taz part cf the V!artin Sadfflery' e Hardware oompany's buildings usaI s the engin. bouse bas been completed b by Mr. Wesîlake and Mr. Deveril isJei gottiug weill&long with lbe large l1 molding ehop ut the west end cf the o promises. Ail the buildià gs are sub- e stantially bul of brick and atone. a The Osbawa tovu council i. reading ut a by-law le bâild a railway from the 1, towu te the Grand Trunk station sud t from there te the Oshawa barber. They i are te give $25,000 to a company as ay bonus te buîkýd it. Oshawa viiibave0 te b. pot in the ssylum if il don't dropa thege mad rallway echernes.«1 A dark cernplexioued man on, Wed. a uesday was seon canvassing, the mer- t cbsut'e places from door te door osten- 1 sibly looking for a boardiug place. Iu E oue place he iBnquirod where the bank( clerke lodged. as appeared te some mer chantsetW be playing off a 111110 toc green in baving se little ides of how to fiudt board aud was eyed with considorable suspicion. Don't read Ibis for every one that1 reade ilthinke thst they woold like 10 have Iheir photo taken se as le buve themn before Christrnas and W. J. Underwood'a le juettlb. place to gel first clame pictorep, gallory vill b. open every Saturday evening for tbe public te inopeot or work, and &ac the stock1 of rames kept on baud. Ail photos1 taken by the new olectrîc procces. W. J. Undenwood Photographer. Taic large hoiler cf 1h. Atlas Woclleu Mille was brougbt np tb'*the buildings sud placed on. Weduesday. The coin- pauy expeotte o able te ask for ils bonus by the fifteent,&nd Mn. Major HLarper is appointed valpî*tor for th. town to estimule the worth cf their plant. Iti. necèsssry for the company le, kave $8,000 woth of machinery placed before the boan c6n ho demanded. This value le to hobe rtained by arbitration. MR. D. F. Buaxa, cf Boirmanville, lb. gentleman who rau againet Dawson iu. Algoma laut spriug, and vho vas M P. day about with Daweon for a while called uo e usut Saurday. Iu an ammuig manner, and witbout any dis- play et 111 tempe!, ho relitu -Mauy lu- oldents cof Ibai campaigu te shov boy tbe Tories oulvitted hi. party in the contest, though only by a majority et elevon. Durlng Ibis fine fall voather Mr. Burke writee sud 1.1ka a great deal aibout Commercial Union, vhieh ho Lgrestly favori. Me- O'BRuw, President et the socioly cf Canadian Artiste, vu sta thb.Ontario Ladies College on Monday sud display- ed a number cf hi. drawings and paint- ingi for tho odificulion cf th. pupils aud their friende. In tb. .vening bo gave a lecture on cruayon vork sud illustrât- Sed h-ie remarke by drawing th. oullines- c f a mouatain icene sud deffly filling ituinas bis remarks proeeded. . Ravina te, lesve onthelb rir-bis lecture vwu cut aomewhaî ehert, but vo understund bis admirers boe are te b. afforded many 4other opportunities ef bening Mn. 4 O'Brien. s 1 t e t v ci t o y I. d 's Lt I. 't n A lay missing. A tov niglils ug Mm. Wuln ellcd ut the police he»d- qurrsuad reported that bis vif. vas Mming. 8h. had Ieft lb. bouse lu thb. morning, sbating te. ould ho gene an heur but st eibl o'o"k bu tb. ,veningwvs. still absut.Mr. W. had hoon t -tb. bouses cf a» hi. Moueds but oould net bear of ber whereabouts sud finally app.abed te tbe polie vho accempanied him buok 'te bis berne. Upon thb.urnivul Iboy vono surieed te ses Uri. Winters valking tbrough tbe doonvuy, loaded dovu vitb .bar. galaine h eaish.bdbought ai lb. ,store cf Audr.w M. es be.1h bâ.d spent tb. day. Tho husband's de.; vt us greaion meeting the pulrén 01*à ims snd troubls and vas u*uob Pnw novev.are S.:poed 16W' vatehmakers, Odd Pellova Blck. -Wu heur mot a woid abouat the comîng munio .pal eleelion-., Thinge will Most likely go as they have for years pa. 1 « About two hundred levera of musie ktended th. organ recitul in th. laber. aulo on Wednesday night. To those )oà sessed of first-class musical training ýrof. Harrieion's seleotions prov. ýd highly interestieg and ho wau rap. erously applauded. The sacred solos mndered by Miss French and Mie [tch seoored for eaoh a splendid reosil, nd each responded. Theo oir sang a âne anthein. The ontertainment throughout was of a very bigla order. *TYLoNrre i. a new material which ha& been recently used in the manufac- our. of light and very durable oye glass trames. They are fitted with cork blades, aleo a novslty, and steel or gold hpringo andi are muoh more coinfort- able in use Ihan any other glass sold. Mr. Barnard jcwellcr uses Dr. Buck- [i'a Opîhalmosicopie test in fitting the lensesud bis ostomere eau feel sure ,getting spectacles or oye glassee fitt. ed 10 their, sight witb sciontific accuracy. INi returning thanks for the veéry liberal support accorded me iu Wbitby seg to informu the public that I have re- mnoved te new and larger premiseg, where I shah b. pleaeed teo e every- mep wbo vaut. anything in fine watohes,] clocks, jewelry, spectacles, and silver- ware, patent eye glasses te fil any shupod nos. sud-will not curn or piuch the nose everytbing first.class and ut prices to suit the times. Repairing a speciality in every kind cf intricate aud complicated warceo, cdocks, musical boxes, jewelry,- silverware etc., don'l rorget th. place, P. Taylor the watch- tualir, Odd Fellows Block. SALVATIoN army Cadet Stahl band- Bd in the followiing :-The marvellous musical malvation quintette, onder ceom- mand ocf the Welsh Minstrel and Prof. Wiggins, will hold a grand musical Salvation meeting ut the aroey barracks on Mouday eîening ucit. Programme comprises songe, solos, duette, original pieces cornposed tor the tour, brase and strng band@, organe, fiddlet', cornets, graudpa base, ballilujab gatling guns aud reinforcemnute. Grand musical parade befoýre the meeting. Admission 10 cents. They will commence about 8 P. M. A great tres. We learu' with pleasure lh. Royal -Templars of Ibis town have .nga&Rod Dr. Fairfield cf BattIs Creek, Michigan te deliver a tbnillig, artistie, entertaining and highly instructive lecture or 'èChalk Ttalk," on "The in tht rmm mukes," in tb. momie hall on Monday svoning tb. 19tb Dec. To give old and ycung,' rich and poolé an opportunity of getting 9 roui treat, tickets yull b. isued at 15 cIe., Reserved soute 25a. at which rates the hall should b. crowded from front te rear. Dont forgel the da&te, and seums tickets in good lime. More particulare nezxt week. Bs -&ure ncot te forget the Saserw i- conneotion èith the.Ladies Aid Sodoly of St. Andrew's cburoh te b. hold in the coun-cil obamber on Thur.dy and Fniday the 16 and 16. The ladies are determined te make tbis the grandest affair cf the simien. - A greut number cf useful articles wMLadies' and ebildren'. weariug rapparol wifl be oifered fer sale also many fancy articles cf groat beauty. The young ladies dreîssed . in funey Costumes vili ho prepared te ev lunch, cystetrs, tea and eoeil.. t ail heurs. The SLset meeting of the W. C. 1. Literar Bociet vue hLd Wdne2a 'u. rov.'se mployoe u atheon bu been .ng ualdair unblng emong Ithe obarr.d tibers sud hoape ofet aduém u &a A st "-recvd the, ui~aîibol rs~r&of thnir lubous, lWi lmh"o.ming loe ma ae b' 887. JD. Vare again in the front with new Styles. We- show the fines .t assôrtment in* Winter Dresei Goode in"-Il Colore. New German Plaids, Costume ClIoths, ounna Cloth, Princess Cord, etc. New Plushes, New Velveteens, New Braida, and ]New Trimmings MANTLE CLOTHES AND Fa11aii,ý Yi- 1JLSTERINGSO ivery choice assortment ordered Mantles and Jackets, better garnients entirely tailor- mnade, correctly eut and finished, assuring an appearance not approaclied by any other tailoring establishment in, MILINT EJI0 W are now showing the Leading and eau Styles in Hatsi Correct Englis h and Bonnets, etc. Frenchi and Ameri CF M 1T, s'y &n un Iimited choice of designs and patterns ln Tweeds and cloths, a:ford thé greatest satisfaction in securing stylish garments, perfect fit and stylielicut guaranteed. WVe excel in Nobby Overcoa>tings, Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings, and Styliali Pants. Gï EXNIIIT S FiUlIZ NI New Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Shirts and S 1-1 MTG-S. Underclothiug. STEW N~o. 1,' DE-VERELL'S BLOCK, 'RETIRING FROM cJ-LASG-OW BIG SALE BROCK STIREET, WHITBY. BUSINESS "wA]pvmIIOUS:E2 NOW GOING ON AT For the next 10 days lie will seli at Sacrifice Prices. Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Grey Flan- nels,. Blankets, Carpets, Floor Oit Cloths. Men's. Over- Coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Lambs' wool Shirts and Drawers. In ail wool Tweeds we hold a large variety of Pat- terns which must be sold at some price. DDn't Buy a Dollars' worth until you look at -our Stock and' get our Prices. Farm Produce taken in Exchange., DO NOT WAJIT Until the chilly blas of Winter have frozen, the marrow in you boues. NOW S THE TIME TO BUY VOURi WARM ER OLOTHING.' corne and see- our unrivalled Stock of, Wiutl Overcoating, IF= Caps, Uuderwe&r, &ce, &o. It à e the largest audmat Varied, Stock anywherema ..TNEi PRIC~S Com~titon K- s- 'r b 1, il bWikszici '03r a li 0 rr 1-11 IIT CFV 0 ý me 1