*81u-Tie lai. epidumieof diphtheria ha8,' Ahort lime min~ce lu wkiuaUu .Tte sec. 84 of cap. 107 of 1 think, demonstrateai to the town of Whit- fort ofig b okué~<kavue by the neoqsfty of havig nome sutable po utd earth, the fiteneli from lo, w.È,i O5 WiD ena gi a bii o hoftpital provided for the town.- almoot unbearabl.. Be c Urios> Institution, properly equipped, been easily the vfl and found tbat i hadits or a in avaiablea frieta outbreak of this dread.apit, à d iLs outit in a w0% c~ dstne Dn IT TC T ed disesse, muoh suffering and distresa might between whach wus about 140 f..t. Inf iae t ATT o!WDtydeeue, b haebe rvne.0ftL er o-Ia5aM the liquid imaLter fr-om.be pli a <t died on 1h. 301h day ofOotober, A. D., 1887, mon prejudice in regard to hospitals h4s d~filedthe eath for several feet in afii diree- rereneted ta seuilM.M..Bok didout, viz : That they are alone intend'. tions. Physicians aud Sanitary EDikIOO er 1.03 Bd oltO r, WhMb.,An Ror eci for the poor. It le now a faut that iu our holdi that imupure water ila,Lhe cause ofuiany bo . O I ON day of Jauua y, 188,a oie large citiea the rich reeort Le these ifletita* :)f aur contagions diseaes, and I wonld noteoete8d dyo agr, » tt.- : meut -et helr names, aud addresses and fiilXE E A Il 0R tiang in cases of grave icknessasanWeil as be surjrisedo if the late epidemic bad îLe I thosle podssesed(if tes means. It is a matter origun in a vell contaminated frose a neigh. iuld by Oftheïram e u d atalerib. said Of safetY to the disieaed persan, as weill-as boring "cesapit." asin Jaiiay heE;eandtous wllI reed -i ta the Public, that afflict.ed persans should Fiaving Pointed out the evil of thie systerin> dltVin.la ssth Bects il doeed be emvedtaplaeswhee hey my e l ow Suggest s rernedy. To my mind 'mon£ the parties eutitied thereto, regard ceive proper caro and skili ni treatment- the Water-carriag&8* systein afford, e the disa iihno places where the whole contrivance bas iu 1eaest and beet methad of getting rid of Our 111as abovegrthnired. A.nd W UT'.Do tice M be flot tnababe four . Asd vîew the bealing af sioku. Thousande o bodwaste,but owing to the expensieoaitheet r r ntt e befor hea . >1 :j1A peapie8, bth rich and&par, die for the want 1construction it s ot of Our power ta think neso ny part thereof ta any persn or u . , what a benefit they are. a tawn lke ours Lb."I Dry earth" syeteso ien ail»all ht ave been reoeived tLb. time of The part af the question reîating ta the the inoat enitable. IL in a cleanly, innoffen. G yrw w snbdtiuio. ltdyaDee-I neoessity of baving an haspital I leave to sive and fram a heatb paint Of vlew all that adiriuti is your intelligent reader,, ta argue out for cari ho dosired. There is no epensive beA.D., 1887. hsle ayofDcen Lbemnselves,whiîo I go on ta:state my suggea- apparatus ta provide and keep lu nxodezr,M.A OC' tioe. aîcnt uilingthe saine ont-building could be ntilized, a tls super Rzeuni roe umilos iC xenoe Therei% a icantbuildng.inM.wnHOUirKshalHavbo thisce weekenreplenisheduU theirHve Sts wk sbyaaTho. orsorne in namr hlo o arcive the excreta, and homes for moeti a quarter a es.enur, .M. .HouC;KIFeuo abiyadated or ome uchpurpseandanother box for the ashes an earth in ail that Ll sed bYte United 855cm oes 0 n~ which I know can tme prhae for bos8 woiib horequired extra. IL wauld ueed aLews Honk wiU Ieth.eail ad seOfe, a than the actual cost of the materiai originl-.. ittle more attention in supplyti e , h.Mo netdteEtt ftelt eénce sud grondei in the north ward now ail. Certainly naL a veny bard tank. Witb BOld onily in Ca=a. belongiug ta Mr. -S. J. Haldon. I consider aIl the good qualities that the Bazrth Classi Rmooe BAXMI> tlP0W,>ihs hise proporty la muet beautifuliy situated bas ta recornnend iLs use, I wiiI venture ta <'PqKO 8ES O LE and ada pteL or Lbe purpose, and iLs occupa. *ay Lilat there ame uaL twenLy iu Lb. tawîî. > CniAG.LET tian as a public institution wauld add ever I do not wish your neadens ta Lhink that thia 80 mucb ta the tawn's crodit instead of its tawn le behind its nol bLore in regard ta cr n i omCmsI 'U diacrenit as at preBont. if the bail woe sanitarY matters, fan I know that it le far D A lScr n eor h omCm started railing iL would not ho long until iL aheoed ai rrany sud -behind none. StijI YL-LWlty nStrNv2tl 8BefOur D ress G o s a e t e C e p s stitution. I am byno moans awPalthymma ai ;'statonary. atunly tby le a88jGo.B Ylagd8.yr$ woud athr p nouh o qui tis in tis ainar aually bcb Wo intbyaffmd 18,Ge.B u. Se 0yasTOREY AND A HALF BRICK, 8. W,. in the M larket, nd i a lCo rsW sud bave made what I have by bard work, heaithy town, lot us Pee that iL remanesego Dk»son.-At Clanrnmont. on the 29th canner Dunidas sud Henry Ste., 100 roorne. but I wll not hesitate ta corne f orward with I anm not aware that aur Leglslators bve Navember, Henry French. fourtil son 91j grate iu panrsdonberom elr h w a fair sum itho town will take anything dn ntigtwrsati thloadoebdromçelly bie ateerai ad in. nuisance or rather evi, if uaL it in ime they Baptit, f gd thee years sd four menthe. lwu, h aO.c fruit. W arm, comfortable ehave many worthy; woalthy people in did. WVe bave lawe ta provent the tzpread _____ hanse lu best iocality and very couvenion t2 this town who have nover had an oppor- Of noxious wetdt3, ai internporance etc., but Fo De oL Public Sohools, Institut. sand Chunches@ a tO e c li-d tunity Of showing their genorosmity by assiit- uaL one ta provont that which I con8ideoFo r OlOAl en's Lng Bism e s wble ail aLliermente87doesird bytaodnt ipme an ings, O e 11g9ta endow a -public institution, and o hicyigoisoltedyludwihm e' netti fisî. uesw sevralhav d~d oaminglago staes h<the cause ai many aud terrible contagions ThitetLna cdIcaelht wauidgiladiy have wi-itten thoir cames u'bon diiease$. Teltn odn cna u t A LStHE ,the walls ai benevoience Ly bequeathing I bcd 'ntencled ta have noticod aur drain- af Mn. Borlise, -?4. P., who bas issu sudcaywTEB -RooMEDHOUSE, enug Burns Of maney ta goad institutions. Mr. age (or I shouid rather Ray, want of drari- nuinied by th. eztaruions ofa is es. ad o, iceilan good wrater aud large N ew vM illine y ju ti .i u i ue f Editan, I shouid like La see sorne ai aur age) sYstemn, but thi8 lotter bas aiready ho- Conghs and Cqde-If t lu nil - mgarden ilanly La manket. woltbY citizons ernulate, even if on a much Coulîe teoo iengthy, se will wait tllI another aaiycrd fatwe acniu iire- domaldoorn o, h n exripie $ai ,000 . J ta e Mac- Lime. suit in incurable causumption. AM ê' a Wiitby, Nov. 11h, '87. donal, ai oront, ingavln ~iooo t Lue oistu nug llaieam bas the conildeuce sud Taranto generailias8pital as a meriiorial tA A a?. spor fth eacnfcnts d i hie deceased daughter. So large a donation A .PST urtecitmeudo d al wo racusl n could scarcely ho laoked for iroin, any aneceomntib ,1Woa cutue citizen aI W'hitby, but, sir, I could naine Our Town. witb iLs Tintue. Beveai ho oul eaily iVe$,ýM ech n 1Bisbop Cleary. in bis fanewell a<bdreas on not ho Lb. leasetincanvenîonce<i by Lbe peL. Edieor CHRONICLE Pbio icool, )s a gdioceee. rth I caun nmo twice a many who could spare g()1ngi111*ýF N I $1 000 8500, and srnUrsilrume. St- n elp ePrute e 0acol 1bsdoe Ãt ' lmetalefat tatof&i cmmt Sra-Imyper a e h erite Choea faDutninWhen the pcar lutie hla lmnal ac hta hthe large comit awpra fe Irpe«ssons tbiit 1baby wekes yon up inthe L. udd l ai b ' éstates whîchî bave gone ta probate bore brief 1 isI Y il Meghler aaway tram phooy siiaosd f eu dnriug my residenceoa i flteen yesrsaro Last pears whiie livin. uLuoEgln o dnlgt wy feel thYat aedeprien andt a ~ m a u f er fa erapP n ofsin as,"I Q e a e a idto koa'o~ tale@ nbint or pr o n csi s. u fe 0 nsplnmn uCaaI éar eo.m ansd ail pour cheriah. P.PUl . table, iinthropic p urpoge. tran e e ize MonaYungEnglishmen oWyédplneaveblp a yn he 1 en evof o l oe d tint o or ph i a t r e-d, b eîn ie «n o ttlu11Y P a s fruittrated, Qie fl .V!X7L r1d- .I + ocy.j Ia n o w h a i n on e o ai o ta su h i s itu . colony th&t w e Il fe l se Proudt ao i ga tomle besti V I) IJA 5J J5~ sudtht l l.ngant. adsnc a in'mu-and yet kuno elitti. abo t, I ornxe, td Dvis' Pain Kîier.. sud you havesa remedy &c, opatZitQ ein Tk a.avcsroby er nksy e , ante w l ion 2been eituaLed bore, don't y,'u Lhink, BapemIrg te . luTaratei~~Lb t b aud ou cri s.iei rel upo aL.Dd I ,/) sir, that donation would bave gone ta I' hp ath e ysn&ts en.fied h alnglOeau e iymp rta. u po uty.O1/ / L sulv ad maryoi swol lbv eft 5.11e 'O0d Caultr about fOve years Dot. usguet aiponthw a nob catieq. Claind he xmlewbvede wtetbut 1I us duomed ta d1appalumeut,.,h ad flneo Nrhegtrnh ctl ot be unders ld ba yby7 W f ol o w d L . x a m le w b o b a e ie d w i h o u I ft m i tey Li e. O n fo u r p a rs a6 0 . I w a v és a rr iv e d e t L iv e rp o o l, G la s g o w s ud l 8a v ever. my viaît proyed ta me one of t1e aSBîti It may b. srgned by @oreethat thisLvr lerSUOI5Léa iaoen<Brifiede Asorl. f r mihs( r 1-st eG O D h S LastUrahfor -sncb an institution Not ai thon-s, sud lrtrduoed my» n d t d ey Wormdoseyor wo r. mié, si ermaveish ve t e aèt a&.ILos)pitalsaren Dow freeiy patronizocj tn.sté<ime vitù that trJ haspfteabty f Mr aievanne r hldormedui, wsud nemove- .~±'n.J uaL only by indigents but by tbe well-tip-do. whÃŽb Lb. BC&adie.nsaie cstar, »d.fo &I WrmsCITTrn pfolJflT an .zcl e iL being of late years iom dta Lete T le t ret OrsI a asTh&nksgîvigday. In La beahth. For biiusuese n udgetioe 0, 0 -t ,Lb - dt&th ra temarnIng we vent La Lb. Prémbytenîsu t bas no eq'îI. AUl drag oiuisdieeati.nge nie',ttlano m uch better as ta ho aut oai ailcmrusu1e 'ler acbe emn rc.2 et ar ei ak o ter vR,, e'> camparieon withbhomne srrsugements. sud cButLI reua vasresrvdfo haeenng M.garâtreegsio orQee's, . dý0. for mnauy aLler obvions reasons. buWh en et ta ...KeBryd e rmoPih-5cnt.e oJ aenooh 1 am creditab y lnformed, regardinga Ca" daii4htfuliîy cOufortable cl1urch perrhps *B-0 in deftntieIy anucd .1reSCet Occurrence, Lilat tbe father sud 1 lte. cui b.ds.Ikutin nc oroelb ant CI / E Lb. childeen bad diphtlmeria wbile Lb. vifs je *heu Ltu e ye. j. lF. Getn tasa ha c sdp e n 1tons 'rain bgmp An invalid. Al l ived in ane moom, it being I feel sure <et be a favorite &Mons .t p b h aile outret u _ _ _ _ _ _à O KT ther pac fo liin, etin, oakng ndwhale of bhi gnegation, rose sadaddreesed imitations of aur Murray &Laninn' b o t e r , b u w amd ath eu g y b l e e v e n i n g . l e h a d v î h L . w r . " a s a ' e P i, e bet gneinofa couple e te thee scù b qlgWwh tewod u naa, &Kmp qe oitbel away b deat ag nie iabohrand Lb. terrible ho e 'rty. &y th&t aI" ou bel at York,' p er ypie lten ien aîa grie .O n. P r tbight l tt gr a s ute ebva t (îue neorc nrgal nîe Paidto»0a atr, a e pal e rWed p a i. o ' eldb teu a grif a Lb retebecme ttakedb a it~e asyta eethat Mn. Farewell le ofa '~o!the littJe pamphlet -isnbîéd up te b oIil byfainà detieet affiction whte caueed ber death. 0HW hulnorous trr fmid. Bis Presence vould light;asd vilenever Flonia Water il Oezé.. WEU diff rent woîmd have ben thee po r p épies en ure a i 1ly levenng anyywbox. ed fo sale vnsped lu a pamphlet tbat does S m ith See forT tha t e ar nda Propose fan their relef. itok a great desai Cckney u Ofe acunt on eiLis a uterfeifuorsud m inanld foherele tatw a0Iif ot hiS - flie interview wvift'te tee ingtle aewna uTTO'Tth(1 F TiNOy yourstveinealng Cockey Glsswae an imiir cergymena sd psy their churcb ex- Tho ReviB. S. Rave vima by thé vay, IW n c hmi-s ] b penses vitbout resorting toa aU kinde ai heard vas a Wiitby boy aI one lime, bac!a j Cateaod ic Block -catch-penny ontertainments, sud witb Lthe style Of hie oavu lu spéakug tbaI aunpasedj belp ai charity entertaiun enti% sudmounies au) teing 1 have Over 1heard ltar eloquénce sud Deverll'sBloomBrdkeS., W itby Ont f reely given an baspitai bore could hoeasmly Beoîug very baud ai contemplatig sublimé maintaiued. scenos, snch oas s un-set lu Mld-ocesn, tene- Ipurpose vniting another letter next week t-ru home Qif fablug vesss an a sciu CloAokTAeCaAnd La eu4gfat another mucb-needed institution Sutumurtu eveuln,sa graup ai stsntled deer, toe, lck an w er ,&bd eîpecially su> if we are ta bocomne ausdb otlt nsi.moni oetad W ratd amnufacturing tawu sud au intelligeut i.,aufirs' College th1e next monung. Tva lionsRrard The largoe t ad£ns soti People. vere gusnding théeéurance, sud thé only Yonrs etc, surprise ta me was tLiat the y did.nt lusLantly,~ AEL OWruFur P, 19 upan me fan dang rua penetrals e snrJR.NT- tel saucred ediice. Itle beautlfly sluated, TOYS A NMDN Y O D lh irengit bauld bide cammaudlng a ma"nf J ~ ~eia A&bct Drainage, cout l vev af Lb.lake sud, thre reLaiftthe buîld- PeOtioi !4aw Qa M édhes aordth ing Overlookîng apen,unudulatlng country. port' Bdit0r CusaONcb:- tunya O ernainlug longer in t.hls pretty sd--- Sin,-Nw that the excitement atteding fo n."iy'trgtn on eb late epidemia bas subsided sud tbe -0. HI. TUoR=suair pepi av eti ome4 cowu ta thir ir nana etate of mind, vould IL u obewelI to have a talk aven Lb, ssuitar-y condition ai aur MTifl.8IhCIl id'00D tovun, I thluk that iL is thé duty ai every citizen, visa bas Lb, vehiane af the w/co Office of Wkftby ÇC: toa st aI eant ta aid inu utnesrthiug Lbecause Wib#Dc of the attack, sud then ho abie ta prevent W ibDc ile ne'eurreno., forn tiLte .opinion afemmlu ont 8anitanisus that those diseases, i/. IITY AR6i moe o f wIh eem lways pres;Z ndn ~i Wls....... nyadg ta gerina te w/.nsesr proper co0%. SpringWba...,,. &HomQftcomi .»are preveutible sud can be Goos ie î.... ....a 4«lnt i h !îoc, o e ob Bre...a.ed: n h .As Dr. Eastwoodsys, Fleur, per owt. aa Witb that objeol lu view I wuîd eU the peu, atteutlen'of aur laced Board o/ Héali sud Pe*5, ak-sy......... itizeimgnelly taan u "ltilaînmede a, n Pes...... remedy, if vwo would havea a deman sdOU......... beitby twn vîz -tje «ap,.r.ofd(posis ay...... *xcept lu aur barge cities,it ile )luâtIoZds. Red Clomu ve4 .a0 aal a genenal unie, ta tbl'imv verythiig into AP 'aspit, " wbich le igbtIy uamed. , 1 plspeh...~ nat uudenstand wby iL le, Iat, lu this Ourn t >s' per **a 0 baaeted sgdaf01progrese sud civilitation, veWCi an. satisfied with guol a primitive- system; tà , a systeni whieh wxmpels -us to boarud l.the ,ê. vist refuge aI ,onr.fam!ies betide ounr u nmerciat 'I JORN STANTON, gup' et hn llDe] JAMES- RU'[J J)upied ýbYFre e Royal.Holuel, Brook 8 DAVID Oiim A TT0P.ÉBY-ATýLK~ £1 hanoéry, Couve Omnez-Iu the offiu Offce, lunMMifllaWi'a Wiýtby. G.YOUJNG- SM Zan. 22,1878.. JOHNfBAI WMiby. MdE-TO LB1P nsiWi4up to4 leBeet. Ch oo EnLG VOL. -XX E9stablished 1 StIBSOBIPTION 1Per aunnm lusavane SWB.SubscriPtians are al'a Steani equipmeni sud- l ook sud Job priniing pli 0ntszïiai capable ai executis ýhnbf1 peial mention ,,mg=paaiea-presfacihities XC P ith iLs cehebuated .ylld.ress sudaother *ncs.very aider redeivE TERMS OF ADVEJ piret insertioù' peu Une, lubsequefit insertion-ô cez Dleplayed AdvextlUten by a sosie a1 solid Naupaz seoordiuglY. Advrtieemeuts sent lnitruaonlfs inserled n (,ehr:er rdiuntd muet be lu writing, Other ers vii! not hé respansibli A liberal diecaunt for c mente by the year- Cop contract advertisomontss iu nat Ister than Wsdnes ai anyiuiended cilanges bélore' Tuesday noon. mente ruecéived a p ta Tht. Business notices in lacs. ]!ive cents PerUne wee4I C o r a n e i ýIpe rU b n e w e ek ly . i l et îletuL unih JORJI( B.